Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 425

Lulu Xiu also stared at the three unharmed Knights of the Round Table in front of him, and nearly one third of the Knights who remained standing, muttering to himself.Later, he opened the common channel and issued combat orders.

"Fujitang, start fighting!"

"To understanding!"

The commander-in-chief of the Black Knights, Kyoshiro Fujido, after hearing the order given by Lelouch, waved his right hand and led the various teams to launch an attack on the Tokyo concession that had become a ruin.

"The whole army assault! The third squad to report the agency, the sixth squad to the Ministry of Public Security, the special squad to suppress the lower level, after completing the set goal, the whole army merges with the governor's house! The rest of the troops will follow me to attack from the front and encircle the Round Table Our knights! Pay attention to collecting information on the remaining forces of the enemy at any time!"

The golden giant knight's gun hit the ground heavily, smashing a deep hole in the hard concrete.Nuo or Dorothea looked at the miserable condition of her body. In the collapse just now, almost all the armored vehicles and heavy weapons were lost. The Knightmare of the Knights also suffered heavy losses, losing at least one third of the members, and the rest Most of them were injured.

"Damn bastard, dare to play this kind of trajectory, all the people who have lost their combat effectiveness retreat, and the others block in place, organize the defensive circle and slowly retreat, don't fight with these untouchables!"

If it was Cornelia, he would definitely order all his subordinates to retreat to the Governor's Mansion, and then let the fresh troops behind to block the enemy's attack.But now he is commanding Dorothea, the fourth knight of the round table, who is also known for being militant.So she just made the people who lost their combat power retreat, while the rest of them organized a defensive circle to block the enemy's attack, planning to use those time to defeat the invading enemy with the absolute power of the Knights of the Round Table.

ZERO and their bodies do have a certain threat, but the three Knights of the Round Table believe in their own strength. In a one-on-one situation, the opponent is definitely not their opponent.

As long as the three people are defeated, the remaining ELEVEN is simply a group of miscellaneous fish without the slightest fighting power.

"Yes, My Lord!"

"Discover the Knights of the Round Table!"

The Fujitang who rushed into the ruins first found Dorothea, who was giving orders, but did not see the other two round tables. It is estimated that it should be in his own knight order to revive the army.

Can't let them regroup!

He didn't care about the reputation of the opponent's Knights of the Round Table, it is better to say that Fujitang still rushed up with the excitement of the challenge. That is the Knights of the Round Table, and Dragon Knight is listed as the symbol of the world's strongest force.As a soldier, but also a pilot, no one wants to fight against such an opponent to prove their strength.

The speed of the driving gear reached its limit, and the huge katana immediately stabs Dorothea behind Dorothea as it charges at full speed under the moon.

"Huh, an ELEVEN!"

Dorothea, who was conveying orders to the knights under her, had noticed Fujitang's appearance a long time ago, but it was not until the opponent assaulted behind her that she waved the knight's gun in her hand like lightning, and the golden tapered spear head swept across. A golden glow happened to hit the side knife of the katana.The irresistible force knocked heavily on it, and through the back of the manipulator, Fujidō, who was charging at full speed, instantly lost its center of gravity, and the katana almost couldn't grasp it, and was shot by the knight that was swinging.

It was just a meeting, and Fujitang realized the terrifying power of the female round table in front of him.

Taking advantage of his strength to turn around, Fujido turned in the direction where the katana was knocked off, and then dexterously jumped to a high ground, staring vigilantly at Dorothea who knocked him back with a single blow.

"Is this the Knights of the Round Table? It really deserves its reputation!"

In the cockpit under the moon, Fujitang looked at Dorothea, who was slowly turning around, and wiped the sweat from her head.

If the Knights of the Round Table are such monsters, then he thoroughly understands why every Knight of the Round Table has the power to change a battle.The twelve men standing at the apex of the invincible Bunitanian army are more powerful than the rumored ones.

Of course, this is also bad luck for Fujido. Although Dorothea is a female and ranked fourth, her strength is no less than that of Bismarck, the first round table knight.Fighting against her was like fighting against the first knight of the Bunitania Empire. With the difference in the body, it was not surprising that Fujitang was defeated by a single blow.

It just hurts self-esteem a little bit.

"Oh, are you Fujido? Known as the'Miracle of Itsukushima', the only one who defeated the army of our empire seven years ago!


The sound of the machine's movement came, and Dorothea straightened her posture, facing Fujitang.

"A dead spirit who dares to appear in front of me! Die!"

The golden Knightmare's feet spit out a large white wave of air, and the originally still body accelerated to its extreme in an instant. The huge knight's gun slammed into the Fujitang as lightning. Chest.

So fast!

His eyes flashed, and the screen had been submerged by the golden gun head. Fujitang, who could not be identified with the naked eye, squatted down subconsciously by relying on his body's instinct.In the next second, the armor on his left shoulder was penetrated by the sharp spear head.

Not only that, Fujitang, who had just escaped the fatal thorn of the blow, once again flashed in front of his eyes, and his white metal knee was heavily knocked on his falling chest.


A huge force was instantly transmitted to Fujitang in the cockpit through the armor on his chest, making him feel vomiting blood. The huge moon flew out on the top of his knee and hit the ruins behind.

Before he could get acquainted with the speed and rhythm of the opponent's body, Fujido was hit hard again.

It seemed that Tengtang had already known this result, and Fujitang, who had crashed into the ruins, was just preparing to regroup and was waiting. Dorothea's landline had already opened the muzzle on her chest and shot an ominous red streamer towards him.

"Damn it, it's a strong particle cannon!"

Karen's voice came from behind, and behind Fujido, who suffered a miserable defeat in two rounds because of carelessness, Karen, who was able to fight the Knights of the Round Table, finally rushed over.As soon as she did not lose to Dorothea, she flashed in front of Fujitang, and the silver claws of her right hand opened sharply, releasing a red light, just in time to stop the terrifying stream of red particles.


The radiation fluctuations and the power of the strong particle cannon canceled each other out, and the eyes of the two female knights intertwined in mid-air, colliding with fierce sparks.

"Oh, good job!"

The strong particle cannon in her chest turned off again, and Dorothea looked at the red Knightmare on the screen, and intelligence about the Black Knights came to mind.

Red Lotus II and Red Moon Karen, the ace of the Black Knights, once rivaled the Suzaku, and Lloyd believed that they possessed as powerful pilots as the Knights of the Round Table.Because the other party was also a girl, Dorothea remembered it clearly.

"Mr. Fujido, please leave, leave this knight of the round table to me!"

Karen took a half-step forward and assumed an attacking posture at any time, but this was just to prevent Fujitang and the others from launching an attack when they retreated.

The legendary Knight of the Round Table is not only Fujitang, but also the ace pilot of the Black Knights, Karen also wants to fight with him to verify his strength.

"Be careful, Karen, the other party is even more powerful than the rumors!"

Fujitang knew that if he stayed here, he would only become a burden to Karen. He cautiously reminded him, turned around and led others around the battlefield, chasing the knights that retreated while organizing defensive positions.

Chapter 327: Compressing the Round Table

"You are Karen Karen, the trump card of the Black Knights, I hope you don't die too fast, let me play a good fight!"

Huh... Clang!

The huge knight's gun was in a sprinting posture. Dorothea stared at the red body in front of him excitedly. As a person who had reached the pinnacle of pilots, she hadn't encountered and He is quite an opponent.

Facing Karen, her blood was boiling.

"You are the Knight of the Round Table, don't disappoint me!"

Karen replied not to be outdone.

"Fight (*2)!"


Dorothea and Karen shouted loudly at the same time, and rushed towards each other instantly.However, at the moment when the two of them were about to fight, the ruins on the side suddenly exploded, and two loud noises were heard, and then two huge black figures accompanied the broken concrete fragments Flying past their eyes, they had to stop in time.

what happened?

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