Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 429

"Then tell me, where is ZERO?"

"The arrogant little girl, don't look around when fighting with me!"

At the top of the building in front, a golden Knightmare suddenly jumped out, and the huge knight's gun slammed into the head of Guren II.


Karen manipulated the red lotus type II to avoid it in time. The place where she had fought before was immediately smashed into a huge depression by the knight's gun. Then, the cracked roof slowly spread, and there was an unpleasant crackling sound. In the middle, the top floor of the building under their feet collapsed instantly.

The three of them jumped to the clearing below in time. At this time, Suzaku also saw the dazzling pink machine that was pressing the two Knights of the Round Table.

The model exactly the same as yourself-Lancelot complete type!

Suddenly, Suzaku's target was transferred to the pink Lancelot, or to be precise, the pink queen sitting in the cockpit.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia!"

Suzaku stared at the pink Lancelot blankly, standing still.At this moment, Dorothea's voice came.

"Are you a tree sparrow? As Lloyd said, you are really good. This red Knightmare is handed over to me. You go and help Chrissy and the others against Your Royal Highness Euphemia. Be careful, this empress is now The character is not very good!"

"Yes, My Lord!"

Suzaku awakened from the absence, his face turned straight, and returned loudly.After that, he speeded up and rushed towards his lord in the distance.

Seeing Suzaku leaving, Karen just wanted to chase, Dorothea blocked her again.

"Little girl, your opponent is me!"

"Damn, I hate tangled guys!"

The two powerful female knights fought fiercely again.On the other side, Yuffi, who once again left a wound on the imperial vampire Bradley's body, swiftly avoided the clasp from the side of Krissy, and then was about to fight back.

At this moment, Suzaku arrived from behind.

"Your Royal Highness Euphemia, you were deceived by the man ZERO, he..."

"Did you ant come and die again? The last time I let you escape, this time I will definitely kill you!"

"Suzaku, it's useless, Your Royal Highness Euphemia won't listen to you, she's like another person now!"

Dorothea in front, now Krissy, the words of the two round tables, once again verified the news that Suzaku heard from VV.You can't go wrong, Your Highness Euphemia was controlled by ZERO with the power of GEASS, so he was completely changed.

Now is the time for the knight to show his loyalty, Your Highness Euphemia, rest assured, I will save you from the control of ZERO's GEASS.So now, please forgive my rudeness.

Thinking of this, Suzaku finally waved the long sword in his hand and stabbed Yuffi's energy pack.It's a pity that he was scrupulous about how he might hurt the superior Yuffi.

"A scum sparrow in a mere paltry wants to resist my noble empress and send you to hell!"

A sword shook Suzaku's left sword away. At the moment when he didn't react at all, Yuffi's other hand severely slashed at Lancelot's waist, cutting him in two.

Chapter 340 The Monster Queen

At this time, the daytime scene of "heroes saving the beauty" reappeared again. Bradley at the tenth round table aimed at Yuffi’s back and launched a missile that had not been used. At the same time, the claw of his right hand quickly rotated and changed. It became a sharp drill, and the body instantly accelerated and slammed into Yuffi's head recognizer.

"Don't forget me, you monster queen!"

He had completely forgotten Clixi's warning-don't kill His Royal Highness Euphemia.

However, the current situation is that it is impossible to be merciful. Euphemia's powerful strength completely exceeds everyone's expectations. Facing the three round tables, they all occupy an overwhelming advantage. No matter how cruel, they will die. .

"It's you again, get out of me!"

With a sword smashing the missile, Yuffi rushed out of the dust raised by the explosion and accelerated to meet Bradley. At the moment when he could not react to the sudden shortening of the distance, he flew a sword from below and slashed at the rapid speed. Rotating claw.

Chi Chi Chi...

The harsh friction sound followed the electric sparks flying around, the laser oscillation sword blocked Bradley's right hand, and then suddenly appeared in front of him, a kick flew like lightning, and the sharp toes kicked fiercely. Under his body's jaw, a huge force kicked Knightmare into the air.

Seeing the end of the imperial vampire, Krissy, who was also planning to support, stopped in an instant and swallowed hard.

There is no doubt that the gentle and natural third Euphemia is indeed a well-deserved "monster queen" now!It was really terrifying. He kept the limit operation and his body hasn't collapsed even now.

Seeing Euphemia, two other people appeared in his mind unknowingly!

The sixth round table knight Ania Alstolayim and the twelfth round table knight Monica Kurudevsky!The youngest of the two knights of the round table is a monster considered unfathomable by the first knight of the round table Bismarck Waldstein and the second knight of the round table Bertoris Franks.The performance of the Knights of the Round Table could not let their strength reach the limit.

Among the Knightmare pilots, there is a unique set of criteria for dividing strength.

With the same Knightmare, novices can exert 10% of its power. At this level, just being able to fight is only an introduction.And next, you can complete simple operations and actions, and use weapons, etc., can play the performance of the body to more than 20%, and be regarded as an official driver.It can be operated for its own use, and can perform various actions like humans. Fighting and shooting can reach half of the attack effect, and it can be regarded as a real Knightmare driver.

This is the standard of the military, and the performance of the airframe can be used to 50%.

On top of this, 50% to 70% are excellent, 70% to 90% are elites, more than 90%, and close to 100% are considered as good. trump card.

However, there is a special situation, or to be precise, the coordination rate between the body and the driver.If the individual's quality is too strong, but the body is too weak, it is like an adult holding a child's weapon, not only cannot perform, but even the operation is very difficult.The body's performance and operating system are slower and slower than the driver's consciousness. It can't keep up with the body's rhythm and reaction at all. It's like being restrained by something and unable to act according to one's intentions.

Ace pilots need a trump card body to give full play to their strength.At the same time, the performance of the airframe must be consistent with the driver’s physical fitness and personality. People with strong shooting ability drive long-range combat airframes, those who like hand-to-hand combat drive melee combat airframes, and those with steady and calm handling have strong defenses and vitality. .Those who are athletic and like to fight will drive a body with strong assault capabilities...

At this time, the ace pilot's strength cost also returned to the normal Knightmare pilot strength cost standard.

As the Knights of the Round Table, the minimum requirement is to maximize the performance of the body under normal circumstances, which is the same as when a human is to maximize its own strength.

And when needed, the body's performance can be exerted to more than 100% in an explosive form.It’s just that this will bring a great burden to your body, the mind will be tense, the ability to maintain keen response and concentration, the body will also withstand the pressure beyond the limit, to obtain strong speed, sharp feelings, and brain Computing power to defeat powerful enemies.

It is said that the performance of the body is exerted to more than 100%. It is better to say that it is to release the real strength of the body and let your body and spirit forcibly adapt to the body's improved sports performance.

With the strength of Chrissy and Bradley, it only met the minimum requirements of the Knights of the Round Table, and at the same time broke out 120% of the strength.And it can only last about ten minutes.If they go on, not only will their spirits not be able to bear such a heavy load, but their bodies will also be hurt by the powerful pressure brought by the performance-enhancing body.

The Knightmare R&D organization of the Empire has made some advanced monster bodies, and used current technology to maximize the performance of Knightmare, and named it the strongest "Knight of the Lake" among the twelve knights of the round table-Lancelot.

This is the real first Lancelot.At that time, the player in charge of the test was a trump card who had just joined the Knights of the Round Table. It is said that his strength was extraordinary. Unfortunately, he was too proud. Just after starting, the speed of the machine was activated to the limit.

Then, the tragedy appeared!

The body of this knight of the round table, at the moment Knightmare was activated, died on the spot because his body could not withstand the tremendous pressure.This terrifying machine smashed through the walls of the base without being controlled, and exploded instantly.When the scene was cleaned up after the incident, everyone found that the knight of the round table inside had become a pool of flesh.

He was crushed by the pressure the moment his body was activated.

Because of this, when Lloyd, who had participated in the design of Knightmare of the Knights of the Round Table, planned to develop a copy of the damaged machine, it was obviously the seventh generation of Knightmare, but it did not get the support of the Imperial Knightmare R&D department. .It was just that the first prince at the time kindly arranged the wreckage of the machine and gave it to Lloyd.Then Lloyd’s good friend, the second prince Schneizer, also seemed to see the prospect of this seventh-generation Knightmare, which directly crossed the sixth generation, and created a special mission to develop this one for Lloyd who had killed one. The monster body of the Knights of the Round Table.

Unfortunately, even the copycat version of Lancelot, its performance seems to be too powerful, and it also needs people with a comparable synchronization rate.Lloyd searched for a few years, only to find a person with a synchronization rate of more than 90%.

That is the Suzaku that he picked up from the battlefield in Shinjuku. For the first time he drove Lancelot, not only the synchronization rate reached a terrifying 97%, but the actual combat data also brought the body's performance to full play. Over ninety.

The pink Lancelot that Euphemia is now driving was made by Lloyd on the basis of the Suzaku, using data from the previous monster Lancelot.Even in a normal state, its performance is 1.5 times more than that of the white Lancelot of Suzaku.In other words, the Lancelot driven by Yuffi under normal conditions is 1.5 times that of Suzaku, and also 1.5 times that of the Knights of the Round Table.It's no wonder that the two round tables of Crecy and Bradley were easily suppressed in a two-to-one situation.

As one of the three roundtables who is good at analysis, Krissy naturally discovered this fact at this time.

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