Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 438

But soon, all the princes and princes who were threatened by Lelouch's return were relieved.Because after a month, when the forces gathered around Lulu Xiu were almost exposed, His Majesty the Emperor immediately put him under house arrest in the name of protecting Lulu Xiu.The regrouped forces of the Aries family are also completely in the hands of His Majesty the Emperor, or more accurately, they have returned to the mysterious fifth knight of the round table-Marianna VI. Bunitania Hands.

Perhaps out of compensation to avoid the situation eight years ago, the second round table knight Bertoris Franks was appointed as the knight of Prince Lelouch, and the sixth round table knight Ania Ania ·Alstolayim became the exclusive knight of Her Royal Highness Nanali, the only two royal families who have the Knights of the Round Table as their exclusive knight.

As for the real inside story, probably only those few people know.

Time passed quietly, and in a blink of an eye, a year passed.Lelouch, who was under house arrest, had never been on the road, only Nanaly occasionally walked around in the palace, confirming that the brother and sister had indeed returned.

However, the real Lelouch lived a completely different life in another place.

A fictitious life.

Chapter 349 Campus Scenery

In May 2018, in the Ashford Academy, the largest aristocratic school in the place where Bunitania lives-Tokyo Concession.

A tall man in a black student uniform was walking down the long corridor. Where he passed, all the male students took the initiative to avoid, while the beautiful female students gathered in twos and threes and talked to their heart. Own admiration.Those who are a little bolder will also offer some sweet kisses.

In school, students should not be allowed to do this kind of thing, but when the teachers passing by saw it, they just smiled helplessly, leaving a sentence of "Don't go too far" or "Youth is so beautiful." Kind of words, and then walked away.

However, when this cold and beautiful boy passed a stair step, a mature and cold voice came from behind, which made him give up talking with the group of girls.


"Here again, you are really stubborn! Teacher Veretta!"

The young man known as Lelouch turned his head with a wry smile, and replied, looking at the mature woman who was standing at the entrance of the stairs wearing tight red OL clothes and a white short-sleeved jacket outside.

This woman in professional women's clothing has a very slender silver-gray long hair and a bun in the back of her head, looking very refreshing.Her skin is darker, just like the kind of people who live by the sea all year round, very healthy.This may be why she can serve as a physical education teacher and also a consultant for the swimming department.The tight-fitting clothes outlined her figure very hotly, whether it was her appearance or figure, she could hit more than ninety points.

Facing Lu Luxiu's answer, the mature and gorgeous beauty teacher smiled triumphantly.

"This time I won't be run away by you again!"

Without waiting for Veretta's words to finish, Lulu Xiu rushed out like an arrow from the string, completely ignoring the school rules that "cannot run in the corridor".Moreover, he himself is the vice president of the student union.

Lelouch who rushed out was very fast. He clearly looked like a very thin student, but his physical strength and speed were faster than Veretta, who was a physical education teacher.

"Ah, it's Master Lulu Xiu!"

"Master Lulu Xiu, come on! Don't be caught by that Obasan!"

On the corridor, all the female students along the way screamed loudly when they saw Lelouch who was running fast.Some are sharp, even adding a modification to Veretta who is chasing behind Lulu Xiu.

"Yes Yes!"

Lelouch ran gracefully on the corridor. After a relatively long distance, he suddenly stopped. The girl who was waiting for the girl by the corridor for a long time received a glass of milk that the other party had already drunk. After taking a bite, before Veretta catches up, sprint again.

This kind of thing has been repeated countless times.Obviously it was time for lunch at noon, but Lulu Xiu had already enjoyed a bunch of different kinds of lunch along the way.

"You little girls, who is Obasan! And that guy, forbidden to drink for that guy, nor bread!"

Veretta, who was chasing behind, warned the group of nympho girls angrily, but it was the same as before, completely useless.According to this trend, she will never catch up with the beautiful young boy who looks thin but in fact is like a perpetual motion machine.

But she is not without any chance, because those nympho girls occasionally do good things.For example, Lelouch is being held back by a girl who suffered the same treatment as her.

"Master Lulu Xiu, I clearly said that I would go to the movie with me last time, but I waited till the night and you didn't show up. This time, I must make up for it!"

Seizing this opportunity, Veretta quickened her pace and quickly caught up with Lu Lelouch.

Seeing Veretta chasing after him, Lelouch broke away from the girl's embrace with his backhand and escaped into the chemistry laboratory.Looking at Veretta who was stuck in the doorway, looking at Little Red Riding Hood like a big bad wolf, Lelouch retreated to the test bench and said with a wry smile.

"Too big a fuss, don't you just let you dove once! I will make up for it next time on the date, you let me go this time!"

"Next time, I've heard this excuse seven times. You have time to accompany those little girls out ghost shopping, but you can't even give me an hour. This doesn't make sense!"

Veretta squeezed her fists tightly, obviously intending to directly subdue Lelouch with violence, and then do something like this or that.

Of course, Lulu Xiu, who guessed Veretta's plan, would not sit still, his hand gently fiddled with the test tube on the test bench, distracting the other party's attention with words.

"It's all adults, just one night, don't be so serious!"

"Oh, isn't it! But when you were satisfied with me that night, you didn't say that! Why, I won't admit it after eating it all!"

Veretta stared at Lelouch fiercely, and stopped temporarily.At this moment, the prepared chemicals puffed in the glass bottle, bursting out a large cloud of pink mist, covering the entire room.

Lelouch immediately slipped out from behind.

"Don't worry, it's just a colored gas, not poisonous!"

"and many more!"

Veretta clutched her nose and mouth, and ran after him again.Unfortunately, the stairs are already in front.As soon as he turned the corner, Lelouch's figure disappeared in the corridor.Veretta quickened her pace and rushed over, just in time to see Mi Lei, the president of the Student Union, throwing a bag of bread to Lu Lu Xiu from the top of the stairs.

Not only that, she also encouraged.

"Come on, Lelouch!"

"Ah, thanks, Mi Lei!"

After receiving the lunch that Mi Lei threw down, Lulu Xiu flashed his body and disappeared on the stairs.

"Hey, do you count as the president of the student council?"

Veretta gave Mi Lei an angry look.

"Ah, sorry, accidentally..."

Mi Lei stuck out her tongue cutely and folded her hands to apologize.


It was not the first time that Veretta didn't waste time with Mi Lei.It should be said that the chasing game between her and Lelouch every day has become a special landscape of Ashford Academy.

She rushed directly to the window behind her, and she saw a familiar figure passing by below.With Veretta's professional characteristics, it is almost her instinct to predict the escape route of the "enemy" and pursue it.Without even thinking about it, she jumped down at the running figure.

Chapter 350: Brother's Teaching


The girl of heaven dropped her foot on the back of the student teenager, and the weight of her body combined with the acceleration of gravity directly caused her to lie on the ground fiercely.Judging from the reaction of this meat pad, Veretta instantly realized that the opponent was not Lelouch.

If it was Lelouch, it would be impossible to be trampled on the ground by her.Sure enough, the painful groaning meat cushion under his feet removed the wig from his head and turned his head back with a gloomy look.

"Teacher Veretta, I am not Lelouch, can I take your noble feet away from my back?"

There was still green grass on his face, which made the young man who had endured Veretta's trampling on behalf of Lulu Xiu look very embarrassed.

"Lival, it's you!"

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