Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 457

Until Veretta's footsteps faded away, the shy Luo Luo raised his head and looked at his brother. The color of longing in his eyes made Lelouch more sure about tame the dangerous and simple young eagle Up.

"Well, in the student union room, the celebration is ready, now we wait for our two protagonists to play, let's go!"

"That... brother, I don't want to go!"

Lolo, who was held by her hand, hesitated after hearing what Lelouch said, but finally shook her head.Just like Mi Lei and the others said, because of his childhood life, Lolo's personality was relatively withdrawn, so although he has lived for a year, he really likes the members of the student union in his heart.However, just after attending the secret meeting against Lelouch, he went to the celebration survival party that everyone prepared for him and Lelouch at this moment, and he really couldn't do it with a thin face.

"What are you talking about, Lolo, we are family members, let alone Lival, Mi Lei and Xia Li will be your sister. If you don't get along right now, you want me to leave them a dislike brother Bad impression, then throw me away?"

Lulu Xiu put on an expression of pain that Lolo can't afford, he will become heinous, and then be thrown away by Mi Lei and Xia Li.

"In that case, maybe I won't be able to have a girlfriend with my brother in the future. No one will like someone who can't even take care of my brother! Don't forget, Lolo!"

Lelouch was talking, clenching Luoluo's hands with both hands, and then staring at his purple pupils with blue, unlocking the huge spiritual power of the King's Brand, covering Luo Luo's whole body, every word. Said.

"You are my important family!"

Chapter 368 Taming Lolo (3)

"Gentleness" is a very powerful emotional weapon, especially when the sensibility is buried by reason, and when you experience some precious feelings, it is even more unfavorable.

For example, people who have defects in their hearts.Although this kind of person is often called neuropathy, and the personality is paranoid and tough.Suzaku is a proof. Yu Fei showed a little gentleness and hooked his little fingers. This man with a strength comparable to a round table wags his tail like a dog.Even if he knew that he was abandoned and betrayed, even if he found countless other excuses, he still stubbornly believed that Yuffi was the original Yuffi.

The family, to Lolo, who has been living in the Intelligence Bureau, a secret agency that is only used as a tool, is the only tenderness.

Although he has decided to use his family to "pinch him" to tame Lolo, the current intelligence is still slightly insufficient.Therefore, after attending the celebration party, while Lolo helped Mi Lei and the others clean up the tableware, Lelouch turned on the computer in the student union room, opened the photo album stored in it, and searched for what he needed.

"Nina is not here. It seems that I escaped because of the riot. But it doesn't matter. With that man's caution, she will never let her speak out about my identity. But that guy's body is not bad. Come as a tool for venting excess energy!"

Looking through most of the photos, as well as the student book of Ashford Academy, except for the members of the student council, almost all of the students from a year ago were repatriated to Bunitania.Inside, Lelouch didn't find Nina.

She, Nanali, and Suzaku, the three of them were the only ones who left the student union.

Lelouch didn't pay much attention to Nina's departure. Although it was heard that she was studying a powerful weapon, she could just pay attention to it in the future.After all, she was her own, and Lulu Xiu wouldn't let her escape easily.

However, Nina left, and he also lost a random toy. It seems that he will find a few of the new students later.Lulu Xiu said to himself while thinking.

"Well, that kind of thing, you can find as much as you want in this academy. Except for the student union, everyone seems to have been repatriated. But if you return to the Aries Palace, the result is acceptable. Just not Knowing how much power the queen mother will give to Nanali, if it is just a nominal leader, even that man would not dare to touch Nanali easily!"

"With the power that Nanali can call in name at present, even Shunezer would be fidgety. However, that person will not shrink at this level, so it is more appropriate to secretly give it to the queen. If it's the mother queen, even I am not an opponent, let alone Shunizeer!"

"However, you can't let your mind go. Although Nanali's strength is strong, she may not be able to escape in the face of thousands of enemies. No, with Nanali's character, she can never do the kind of cruel killing Action. So that's it, is Nanali also a tool for the man to trade with the queen? It is used to contain CC and me, but what is his purpose? To buy time, or..."

"No, I can't think about those now. Nanaly's position in my mind is very clear to everyone who knows my identity. This time, Nanaly must not be used as a tool for that man. Then, the plan must be quickened. No! I cannot reveal my identity before exposing the Chinese Federation and EU."

The photos have changed drastically, and the information to find is almost the same.Lolo's situation is better than Veretta said. Lulo's confidence in tame Lolo without using GEASS reached more than 90%.

"Brother, what are you doing!"

When Lelouch looked at the photos that recorded his life this year and fell into contemplation, Lolo's voice came from behind.After helping Mi Lei tidy up the tableware, he hurried back immediately.

Sure enough, except for the task, Lolo is very attached to herself.

Lelouch turned his head slightly, and Luo Luo just walked behind him and saw the photo album on the computer screen.

"Oh, it's a photo! Why did I suddenly remember looking at this! This is a photo of the Marathon Ball of the Student Union!"

"Mi Lei's activity habit is really too strong, and I have a headache! I am thinking, if you really hate this person too much activity, don't do it in the future. After all, you are my most important thing. Brother, if it makes you feel in the way, then put the cart before the horse!"

Lelouch returned with a gentle smile.A slightly helpless answer, but the concern for Lolo was beyond words.

"No, I am not!"

Luo Luo, who heard what Lulu Xiu said, really became shy again, and Lu Lu Xiu launched an offensive again.

"However, looking at these photos, I decided to give up."


"These activities by Mi Lei are not without effect, look!"

As Lelouch said, he adjusted the photos from Lolo just becoming Lelouch's younger brother a year ago to today.

"In the past, your expression was jerky and stale, without a trace of anger at all, but with Mi Lei's activities, the smile on your face has also increased. If you can have this kind of heartfelt smile, I don’t think it’s bad. No matter how headache those activities are, I can’t keep up with your smile, Lolo!"


Luo Luo's voice trembled a little, those light purple pupils flashed with very complicated emotions, and he stopped talking.

"Ah, love-broken match!"

But Lulu Xiu, who noticed the struggling color in Luo Luo's eyes, gave up the opportunity to question Luo Luo.It was not enough, it was far from enough for Luo Luo to truly open up to himself and expose his weakness and helplessness.

Haste was not enough, Lelouch turned his face back to the computer screen, and began to turn pages of pictures.Seeing Lulu Xiu turned his head, the expression on Luo Luo's face became loose, but there was a sense of loss and loneliness in his eyes.

Lulu Xiu, who had already opened up his mental stand, naturally and clearly sensed the undulating psychological changes of Luo Luo behind him, with a faint smile on his mouth.

"It's really ironic. The person who awarded the first Livar trophy turned out to be Mi Lei. Although it was my girlfriend, it was to make Livar completely give up, but I am really sorry Livar!"

Lelouch smiled happily, pointing to a photo of Mi Lei presenting Livar with a trophy.

Chapter 369 Taming Lolo (4)

"So happy! At that time!"

Lu Lu Xiu smiled happily. With Lu Lu Xiu's mental power, even if the seal was lifted, the memory of this year would not be forgotten. The so-called GEASS sequelae was just a joke to him.

"By the way, brother, it's not easy for you to escape!"

Probably in order to get rid of the feeling of struggle, and the tenderness of the heartstrings revealed in Lu Lu Xiu's words, Luo Luo forcibly shifted his attention to other directions.

"Isn't it mentioned in the news! It is said that Babel Tower has been completely surrounded by the army, how did my brother break through the siege!"

The question is very acute, but this is precisely the performance of Lolo's weakness, he can only rely on the so-called task as an excuse.I have to say that Lolo is really naive, that poor emotional intelligence, and pure reason, makes Lulu Xiu sad to laugh.

Was it just adopted as a tool for murder?

"What are you talking about, Lolo!"

Lulu Xiu kept a gentle smile on his face, but there was concern in his voice.

"If you want to say it, you should say how you escaped from the terrorists!"


Sure enough, the unexplained Lolo was silent.

"There is an emergency passage! After I fell from the top, it happened to land on the soft cloth used to intercept the slippery person. Originally, I wanted to go up to find you, but the explosion blocked the stairs. I could only pass through the lower part. The underground emergency passage has left! I originally wanted to take you away through that road, but I didn’t expect to leave halfway! Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise I will regret it forever!"

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