Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 461

Xia Li nodded in agreement with Lu Lu Xiu's decision, Lu Lu Xiu lightly nodded on Xia Li's face, and then the two got up together, recruited the waiter to their side, and followed him to the couple's suite.

"Hey, they went into the couple's suite, could it be..."

"It's very possible that Lulu Xiu really likes Xia Li, and don't even let this time go, let's go, let's follow! Even in school, outside, they must not be so enviable... Ah no, something shameful!"


The three people who had been labeled as stalkers tiptoed up, and the waiter was about to step forward to stop him. After Mi Lei said a few words, he let him leave.Then they immediately went to the couple's room of Lulu Xiu and Xia Li and hid outside the door to listen to the movement inside.

Then, there was a sound of chair movement from time to time, but there was no voice.Of course the only person inside is Xia Li. Although Lelouch asked her to make some noise at will, Xia Li, a simple girl, can’t think of any complicated methods, so she can only move gently like a child. table.Outside, Mi Lei and Livar didn't realize anything, but Lolo, who had been trained since he was a child, noticed the abnormality. After only a minute or so, he stood up from the back, and then kicked and kicked away. The door to the couple's private room.


The door that was kicked open made a loud noise, and Xia Li jumped down, who was moving a chair inside.

"Ah! Lolo, what are you doing?"

"I'm the one to ask, what about brother?"

Luo Luo rushed into the room and looked around. He didn't find Lulu Xiu's figure, but saw the hidden side door. Without asking Xia Li, he rushed over and disappeared into the side door.

"Ah! Exposed!"

Mi Lei and Xia Li, who walked in, looked at each other and said at the same time, one said that they had been traced and the other was naturally saying that the prank had failed.However, the important thing now is not their regrets, but the other side.

"Is it really ZERO, brother... the memory has been awakened! No, I don’t want to, in that case, according to the task, I must kill my brother! No, absolutely not, memory or something, absolutely cannot wake up, absolutely cannot change Become Zero! Brother..."

Luo Luo, who looks unusually delicate, swiftly shuttles and jumps in the backyard of the coffee shop. According to his experience, the only place where Lelouch can avoid his sight is the back door of the coffee shop. The time is only one minute because of the other side. It didn't cause a commotion, it should be walking at the speed of a normal person, plus confirming the structure of the building, so he had time to catch up.

After asking several waiters who met on the road, Lolo confirmed the time and direction of Lulu Xiu's disappearance, and chased him out from the back door of the cafe.Then, tracking all the way to an empty alley.

no one!

Seeing the end of the empty alley, Luo Luo saw the footprints of the underground that had not completely disappeared, and hurried over.However, as he walked to the end of the alley and was about to continue tracking, a hard and cold object came from the back of his head and stopped him.

Lolo's occupation clearly told him that the back of his head was a muffler pistol with special personnel configuration of the Imperial Army.

"Do you really miss my brother? Lolo!"

The one who appeared behind Luo Luo was naturally the disappeared Lu Lu Xiu.Although it was a bit rushed, when shopping, somehow it was arranged.After receiving the signal that the plan was ready, Lelouch immediately arranged such a one-hour play, and Luo Luo, as expected, caught up.

"Sure enough, you have recovered your memory!"

Turning his face to the side, Lolo looked at Lu Lu Xiu, who was standing behind him, pointing a gun to his head, a trace of despair and sorrow flashed in his eyes, not because his life fell into Lu Lu Xiu’s grasp, but because With Lulu Xiu's memory awakening, he will no longer be his brother.

"Yes, you should know that my GEASS is an absolute order. The school garden like a birdcage, as well as the surveillance personnel nearby, have become my slaves. From now on, the entire 11th district will also Will become my free castle!"

Chapter 374 Taming Lolo (9)

"I couldn't remember how many people I killed before."


"It's like no one will count how many times they have brushed their teeth or how many meals have been eaten."

"My Geass is suitable for assassination."

"They say that, that's why I kill repeatedly..."

"Anyway, I have no other place to go..."

"Sneak into work and play the role of the younger brother? Can I do it?"

"I don't know anything about my parents and brothers."

"However, if the order is so, my brother is Lelouch Lampelloki."

"So, brother, don't force me to kill you!"

Looking squint at Lulu Xiu with a gun against his head behind him, Luo Luo recalled the records before accepting the task and clenched his fists hard.But what he didn't know was that Lelouch, who was pointing a gun at his head, also recalled the information about Lolo he had received from Veretta.Inside, is the video record of Lolo accepting this mission.

"Lolo, become my chess piece obediently..."

There was a trance, as if everything was stagnant. When the consciousness returned to the body, everything in front of him had changed.Luo Luo, who had been pointed at the back of his head with a gun, had disappeared, together with the gun in his right hand, and behind his head, he was topped with a hard and cold muzzle.


Lelouch turned his face slightly, repeating what Luo Luo did when he was staring at his head with a gun.

"That's it, the last time you were at Babel Tower, you used this to defeat my men! No wonder they would say that you would move instantly!"

In order to fully feel the power of GEASS where Luo Luo's body sense time ceases, Lelouch suppressed his own fluctuations and maintained the level of ordinary people.If Lolo's GEASS ability does not reach the level that Lelouch is satisfied with, even with Veretta's suggestion, he will choose to kill Lolo.

After all, taking the place of Nanali is an unforgivable sin.However, Lolo's performance did not disappoint him after all.Not only the terrifying skill, but also the power of GEASS that stops the sense of time.

Very useful, he can become a great pawn!

"It's not an instant movement, it's stopping time. Is your GEASS the GEASS of stopping time?"

Although I have heard of it, the actual feeling is really different. If it hadn't been for Lulu Xiu's preparation, I am afraid that it would be time to stop.However, even Lihua can't control the time. Can a mere Lolo do it with the power of Geass?


"I didn't answer your reason. The mission given to me is...Once Lelouch Lampelloki's memory is restored, ZERO, kill him!"

Luo Luo's expression remained unchanged, and he watched Lu Lu Xiu's every move coldly, seeming to be wary, but Lu Lu Xiu clearly scanned the phone that he was holding on to his other hand.On the phone, there is a shaky heart pendant.

Lelouch knew very well that in the pendant, it was a photo of him and Lolo.Retracting the light from the corner of his eye, Lulu Xiu looked at the big clock on a building opposite at the end of the alley and began to count.

"16, 17, 18, 19..."

"What are you counting?"

"Since you appeared, I counted in my heart!"

Lelouch replied, pointing his finger at the big clock on the top floor of the building across the street at the end of the alley.

"But, now that second is no longer right!"

"so what!"

Luo Luo's face sank, and he pulled the trigger slightly.

"Why do you think?"

Lelouch asked, before Luo Luo could answer, he explained to himself.

"Don’t answer? Let me explain, Lolo, it’s not physical time for you to stop, but my somatosensory time. Ten meters away, the previous kitten is no longer there, so the range is estimated to be Within ten meters!"

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