Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 466

Noting that the ten knights of the Royal Knights did not change, Guildford breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that these people would suddenly attack ZERO when they saw ZERO appear.

However, it now appears that the order they received was probably mainly to monitor themselves, and the issue of ZERO was all handed over to the intelligence bureau of the secret agency.

"Although it is rare that you are kindly invited, these are still avoided. For the past, I think I'd better use the Knightmare Frame to return you."

The relieved Guildford's attention returned to ZERO again, and he answered loudly.

"Huh, it's like what you said! Then I'll fix the rules!"

Lelouch, who entered the encirclement, controlled Sutherland to stop, and said.


"Of course it is the rule of a duel. It is reasonable to decide the outcome one-on-one!"

"Yes, I won't let people here take action, one to one!"

"As expected to be a knight of Queen Cornelia, she is really refreshing. As for the weapon, because of time, only one can be used. Yes!"


Guildford then threw away the rifle in his left hand, and at the same time released the spare weapons on his shoulders and legs, leaving only the golden knight's big gun, dancing in the air, majestic, as if galloping on the battlefield in the Middle Ages. Mighty knight.

"This is my weapon!"

"Then I will use that one!"

Lelouch's guard pointed to the explosion-proof shield carried by the policeman in charge of the security.

In order to prevent being attacked, Lelouch did not carry any weapons when he arrived in Sutherland.Of course, this matter was as early as he had expected. If he was armed with a powerful weapon, with ZERO’s horrible record in the past, he could fight Lancelot with a huge difference in body performance, not to mention his strength. Guildford of the round table.

Only defeating the enemy when impossible is the real miracle.

And ZERO is a person who relies on miracles to rise quickly.

"Question, Secretary Guildford! What would you do if there was evil that even justice could not defeat?"

After receiving the giant explosion-proof shield handed over by the policeman, Lulu Xiu erected it in front of him.


Guildford was silent. This was not planned, but Lelouch's words still made waves in his heart.

Don’t you believe me till now?His Royal Highness Prince Lulu Xiu!

He can only be so skeptical. Maybe in the eyes of others, the other party is just delaying time, but he knows the identity of ZERO very clearly, it is Lelouch who let him choose the position in the end.Is it to choose Cornelia or the country of Bunitania.

This is exactly what Lelouch wanted to ask, and it was what he wanted to do.

"Even if you get your hands dirty, do you want to bring down evil? Or do you want to let evil be done in order to carry out your justice?"

"For a long time, evil has existed. To eliminate evil completely, unless human beings are destroyed!"

Standing beside the golden Knightmare, CC heard Lelouch's voice from outside and murmured.

"Contradiction, do you want to play word games?"

Standing behind CC, Li Xing engraved after hearing Lu Lu Xiu's words, he heard the self-talk of CC in front of him, and said with a disdainful expression on his face.Since Lu Lu Xiu arrived in the Chinese Federation eight years ago and appeared in front of Li Xingke, he has been very uncomfortable with Lu Lu Xiu.

In his mind, Lu Lu Xiu was only using the Chinese Federation and Lord Emperor from beginning to end.But after knowing part of the inside story, although this idea disappeared, new dissatisfaction also rose.

With his bravery and resourcefulness, he could not enter that place unexpectedly.

However, Li Xingke, who later vented his dissatisfaction, had forgotten the situation at the moment. CC was still standing in front of him.


CC, who turned and leaped over in an instant, kicked Li Xingke's knee fiercely, and the son of the unicorn couldn't bear the pain of his heart. He couldn't help kneeling down on one knee and covering the kicked part with his hands.However, even though the pain was severe, he did not make any painful noises, just gritted his teeth and silently lowered his head.

"Li Xingke, remember your own identity, there is no place for you in the king's army, even if your ability is strong, after all... just a mortal!"

CC arrogantly looked down at Li Xingke, who was kneeling in front of him, with an extremely cold tone.

"A mere mortal, does he want to rebel against God?"

"Don't dare!"

As the only human being recognized by Lulu Xiu, Li Xingke knew part of the secrets of the king's army, and they had their plan.In the king's army, the first queen and the second queen occupy the dominant position, followed by the queen's concubines, the army, the knight king, the grand knight commander, the knight commander, and ordinary knights.

Every dragoon who can compete with him driving the god tiger is just an ordinary knight.And such people, there are nearly 300 people in the king's army.

The ruling legion headed by Cornelia, the trial legion headed by Euphemia, and the emperor guard of the Chinese Federation-Dragoon General.These three teams constitute the main force of the king's army.It is the main force against the millions of elites in Bunitania.

The one king and two queens standing at the top were Lulu Xiu, CC, the emperor.

Although the emperor has the strongest power, above her, there is the suppression of the demon king and the witch.Therefore, although Li Xingke wanted to help the emperor improve his position in the king's army, after all, the emperor's personality was too naive and simple.However, facing the witch CC who had lived for a thousand years, his tricks were instantly seen through.

The meaning in CC's words is very clear. As a mortal, he has no qualifications to join them.

When there was a commotion in the Chinese Consulate General, the two dueling knights outside were already ready to move.

"My justice is based on my princess, and the direction the princess is pointing is absolute justice!"

"Unfortunately, I thought so too!"

Lelouch was very satisfied with Guildford's answer, so he would use his own will and actions to answer Guildford.

The communication between men is to vent by fighting.

Chapter 380 Abrupt Execution (4)

After nine years, Lelouch and Guildford duel again.

However, the child who was only nine years old has grown into an adult at this moment, and the young knight has also become a wise and brave general.The reason for the fighting between the two sides still revolves around the same woman.

However, compared to the entanglement of the huge difference in body size of the year, the two driving the Knightmare Frame are more spectacular.

"It's a pity, Guildford, if it's normal, I really want to compete with you and see how much you have made in the past few years. However, this time is too tight. In order to avoid accidents, Please lose here!"

Chi Chi Chi...

The two Knightmare Frames sprinted towards each other with all their strength, just one holding a gun and the other holding a shield, which is in line with the idiom of the Chinese Federation—contradictory.

However, this collision is different from the self-contradictory situation.Ordinary explosion-proof shields can only withstand ordinary bullets, and how can they compete with the knight gun that can easily pierce even the alloy steel plate.


At the moment when the golden giant gun collided with the explosion-proof shield, it sounded as if the ball was punctured.Guildford's knight's gun directly penetrated the riot shield, because both of them were at full speed, and even the entire gun head was stuck in.And this is the opportunity that Lulu Xiu prepared.

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