Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 478

Time was running out, Lelouch didn't hesitate anymore, let go of his tenderly treated left breast, all the way down, buried his head on the sex organs of Ania's lower body, and lowered his head to kiss the pink labia.


The sweet love liquid was swept away by the thirsty tongue, Lelouch separated Ania’s smaller legs, held his cock, aimed at the honey crack entrance that was soaked in love liquid and his saliva, and gently submerged it. After a few strokes, it reached the entrance of the hole, and the huge glans, which was inaccessible in comparison, forced the tender flesh on both sides to open up the tight vagina.


The huge cock that was almost unbearable forcibly broke into the tender vagina, Ania let out a seductive gasp, and his body became tight.

Lelouch struggled to break through the folds of Ania's vagina, and most of the meat stick was inserted into Ania's petite vagina, reaching the end of the uterus.Ania's lower abdomen, which was filled with Lelouch's penis, bulged slightly. For her, Lelouch's penis was really too big.

"It's so tight, Ania!"

Lelouch, who reached the deepest point, let out a contented sigh, then slowly pumped it up.The cock that was about to be severed rubbed against Ania's vagina, and the intense pleasure sent him almost immediately made him launch.


Soon, Ania’s vagina and uterus secreted more love fluid, and Lulu Xiu’s meat stick itself carried semen and CC love fluid, so she quickly made a lewd rubbing sound.

The white turbid foam overflowed from the place where the two of them were tightly bound together, and it looked abnormally sharp.

Lelouch pushed faster and faster, and his mouth frantically sucked on Ania’s lips, watching the blush on her expressionless face, and the joy that was not flashing in her eyes, and her heart throbbed. .

This afternoon, he would leave all his time to the smaller knight.

Time soon ushered in the evening, and the bonfire ball officially began.Unlike last year, today's "School Festival" was held very smoothly, and Mi Lei finally avenged last year's revenge.After making the world's No. 1 pizza, Lelouch asked Mi Lei to arrange for Suzaku to meet with guests from outsiders, and he took nearly one third of the world's No. 1 pizza and sent it to the agency responsible for monitoring him. CC and Karen in the underground base of the Intelligence Bureau.

At this moment, the pizza witch can finally stop, and Lelouch himself feels a little relieved.

To be honest, he has tasted this so-called world’s No. 1 pizza. Apart from being too huge, the other flavors are not as good as those pizzas that CC had previously ordered for him.Of course, for CCs who are obsessed with pizza, or those who are addicted to pizza, the world's No. 1 pizza brings not only taste, but also psychological factors.

And when it comes to eating, psychological factors still occupy a larger part.Just like a hungry person, when they are extremely hungry, no matter what they eat, even the most annoying food in ordinary times, they will taste like delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

Returning to Lu Lu Xiu at the school campfire party, the dance party has already begun.

Lelouch caught the hand of Mi Lei, who had been waiting there long ago, and entered the dancing crowd with her.Although the joining of the two did not cause any disturbances, their beautiful images and graceful dancing still made them the focus of the party.After a dance for three minutes, Mi Lei left with the dance of her lover.Lu Lu Xiu came to Xia Li, knelt down on one knee, stretched out his right hand and made an invitation gesture.

Amid the blessed laughter of everyone, Xia Li stretched out her right hand shyly, and was immediately pulled into her arms by Lelouch, and joined the dancing crowd again.

Xia Li's dancing posture is naturally not as good as Mi Lei, who is the eldest daughter of the Duke, or even as ordinary students.But Lelouch guided this lovely lady very well, matching her steps, teaching Xia Li to dance little by little.Although she made frequent mistakes, Xia Li received more applause and laughter than Mi Lei.Three minutes later, Xia Li ran away immediately as if three years had passed.This time, Lelouch invited Veretta. As the first woman among Ashford Academy teachers who wanted to be lovers, Veretta also drew cheers.

After Veretta, it was Sophie and Mia from the Student Union. In the end, Lelouch, under countless surprised eyes, invited Ania, who was like a girl in junior high school, into this bonfire ball.

Today, although everyone has been alone for a period of time, but also completed the set tasks.But they have physical contact every day, but it is a dance party like this kind of bonfire party.

Women are all sentimental creatures, living in the Bunitan Empire, dancing is a romantic activity that women most yearn for.

However, this kind of romance is for the girls in front of them. The three-no-loli like Ania, romance or something, are absolutely 100% insulated from her.But dancing, she doesn't hate it, she should be able to lean in the arms of the person she likes intimately and be moved by him. This feeling is the best.

Chapter 393 The Conversation with Nanali (Part 1)

After finishing the weird and warm dance with Aniya, Luloxiu did not invite anyone, nor did he accept others’ invitations. Instead, he came to the rooftop of the teaching building and quietly watched the continuing bonfire dance below. , Enjoying the rare tranquility.

The beautiful and peaceful college life is almost there, now it is time to think about business.

The conditions have been gathered, and the next step is to wait for Nanali's return.No matter what her choice is, Lelouch will satisfy her.After all, he didn't want his sister, daughter and lover to become like Yuffi.After learning from CC that in order to help herself, Yufemia, who was originally kind and innocent, had developed a second dark personality, Lelouch felt a super-level twist in his heart.

Although Yuffi did that because he loved himself too much and wanted to help himself too much, but after listening to the glorious record of Yufei introduced by CC, whether it was the crazy fighting style, the arrogant queen character, or even the terrifying tongue, he even I can't even think about it.

Because I couldn't imagine that the gentle and kind Yuffi would become another kind of extreme personality.


Just as Lelouch was having a headache about how to face the blackened Yuffi, Suzaku's cry came from behind him.


Lu Lu Xiu looked back, Suzaku was walking towards him, Lu Lu Xiu shrugged and said with a smile.

"The protagonist should stay on the main stage! Otherwise, Mi Lei should trouble you again!"

"No, everyone seems to be enjoying it, so I won't bother!"

Suzaku came to Luluxiu, also standing by the fence, looking down at the dancing crowd below, a bitter smile flashed across his face.Don't say he can't dance, even if he can dance, he can't do it with his current body.

After a little quiet, it seemed that a certain atmosphere was brewing, and Suzaku suddenly spoke.

"Besides, I have something to say to you!"


Lelouch glanced at Suzaku unexpectedly, and Suzaku replied with a serious expression.

"I want to be the first knight."

The smile on the face of the originally smiling Suzaku gradually disappeared and turned into a stern expression. He calmly narrated his ideals.

"Hey! Hey! That's the highest knight among the knights of the empire round table..."

Hearing Suzaku's ideals, Lulu Xiu's expression was exaggerated, and he looked into Suzaku's eyes with a look of fantasy.He hadn't finished speaking yet, Suzaku had interrupted him and continued speaking.

"The highest knight of Bunitania, the first knight has been given various privileges, and the biggest privilege is the ability to own a colony as his territory. I plan to have this eleven district... Japan! "

Hearing this, Lelouch, who was lying on the fence, finally stood up and calmly looked at the solemn Suzaku on the opposite side.

(So, is this the motivation for you to continue to survive? Even if you are abandoned by Yuffi, you will live in this world like a mangy dog. Very good, this is interesting, Suzaku, I think now, let you Surviving may be the right thing to do. As a side show, when subverting and destroying everything that man has!)

Suzaku, who was talking to herself, or doing some kind of confession, was completely unaware that the person opposite had already determined his extremely tragic fate in the future, and was still talking to herself.

"I, lost an important friend, and an irreplaceable girl. Therefore, in order not to lose anyone in the future, I have to gain strength. Therefore, for the Japanese, ZERO is completely unnecessary!"

"Oh, indirect rule? It is a good idea to aim at becoming a captive. However, although a little sorry, you are now hated by almost all Japanese because you betrayed Her Royal Highness Euphemia and Japan. The behavior. Although this is to help Japan indirectly, they may not appreciate it!"

Lelouch looked at Suzaku worriedly. As a friend, this was the most normal reaction.However, he knew that these words were not what Suzaku said to his childhood friend named Lelouch Lampelloki, but rather to Lelouch VI Bunitania who was ZERO.

"I know, but I have already decided!"

Suzaku stared closely at the expression on Lulu Xiu's face without seeing any flaws.However, the suspicion in his heart has not been eliminated.This is probably his own intuition, whether it is psychological warfare or formation of troops, Suzaku has not only lost to Lu Lu Xiu, it should be second, third... and even far away.

However, in this case, it cannot be said that Suzaku is too slow. No one can think that Lulu Xiu, who has retrieved his memory, will not only find the loopholes in his surveillance network one by one, but he will even be responsible. The Intelligence Bureau, the secret agency that monitored him, became his own subordinate, which was beyond common sense.

So now, Suzaku can only use this stupid method similar to gambling to confirm whether Lelouch has really recovered his memory.

"I hope your answer can be told to this person!"

Suzaku said, took out a special communicator and dialed a certain contact.


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