Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 484

Two silver lights collided fiercely in mid-air, and the sunlight reflected from the clashing blade, emitting a dazzling light.

The overflowing light fragments are like meteors produced between vindictive energy and vindictive energy, and the dance of swords condensed in an instant seems to be an art in itself.The audience around them all watched fascinated and couldn't help themselves. They held their breath and watched the duel of these two peerless swordsmen.

One is Li Xingke, the head of the male military attachés of the Chinese Federation known as Kirin'er, and the other is a Japanese Suzaku who has taken refuge in destroying his country and is called the noble knight.

This is the battle between Kylin and Suzaku!

The 400th chapter Qilin abuses Suzaku (Part 2)

So strong!

After subtly resolving the three stabbings, Suzaku whispered in his heart.

From the beginning of the battle, Li Xingke's knife hit him like flowing water, and the blade that struck at the shortest distance aimed at his neck almost made his back freeze.Of course, considering the conditions put forward by the other party just now, he should have no intention of taking his life.However, the murderous spirit is genuine.

Just like what he said, if his strength is not enough, he can only blame himself for his incompetence if he dies in his hands.

But, to be honest, Suzaku has never seen such a sophisticated and powerful swordsman.Even if it was Fujido, Fujido Kyoshiro, who was his master in the past, even if he was serious in a battle, he didn't know if he could do that.

No, it is absolutely impossible.Only Lelouch's personal knight, a girl named Tolia, had the skill to surpass the military officer in front of her.

But at this moment, the star carving of the trial has been completed, and the blade in his hand at the moment of cutting the air, not only did not retract it, but reversed the blade, picking up his chin from the bottom up.

Suzaku twisted around and barely escaped from the orbit of the opponent's long sword, but the sharp blade still brushed slightly over his head.A small piece of skin and flesh was cut off in an instant, and blood immediately oozes out.

The head happened to be the only flesh and blood of Suzaku. Fortunately, it was just a skin injury and no treatment was needed.

Suzaku corrected the position of his feet and set up the middle frame again.In this regard, Xingke didn't pursue it unreasonably, but also set up his own unique frame and slightly bent down.It seems that there are flaws everywhere, but every flaw is a fatal trap.Because the opponent's body does not move at all, it seems that it will be easily flashed no matter where it is hit, and then the counterattack blade will follow.


Aniya, who was watching the battle far away from the two who stopped moving, said in a low voice, Keno who was beside her shook his head and replied in a low voice.

"No, it's evenly matched. Suzaku is faster in terms of offensive!"

"But it was perfectly resolved."

"I'm used to it. He is this style. However, it is not a perfect solution. He will not make the opponent perfect. Therefore, Suzaku's strategy should be to defensively counterattack and let the opponent take the initiative to expose the flaws."

"The chance is small!"

"But this method can only be used at the moment. This guy named Li Xingke is probably not under the first knight. I am afraid that only you can win him!"

Sure enough, seeing Suzaku gave up the initiative to attack, Xingke did not wait any longer, and initiated an attack for the first time.The squally rain, the attacks were so dense that there were no gaps, and it was difficult to enter by splashing water, which perfectly demonstrated the sword skills of the heavens.

Suzaku covered left and right, exhausted, and even added a few wounds again.However, there was no bleeding.

"Doesn't it matter if you don't stop them?"

"Do you have a position to say this..."

"I didn't expect them to be so serious."

Aniya said irresponsibly that her position should be the same as that of Cao Feng on the tower.

Knowing that Ania had no affection for Suzaku, Keno shrugged helplessly.At this moment, Suzaku used the body that could completely ignore the damage and blocked Xingke several times, finally retreating beyond the opponent's attack range.Subsequently, he changed his posture.Lower the tip of the tool and become the lower stage.No, the waist should be lower, the feet should be spaced more apart, and the right hand holding the knife should be stretched back. It is a posture that is about to launch a stab.

The brows of Xing Ke on the opposite side trembled lightly. He had already seen clearly that under the skin he had cut, Suzaku's body was made of metal.

Is it the head?

Seeing Suzaku's blood dripping head, Xingke once again assumed an attacking posture.At this moment, Suzaku's right foot kicked the ground.Stepped into the best attack distance at a speed like a gust of wind, and repeatedly stabbed.



The star carve easily and with the smallest necessary movement to flash all the stabs, and in turn stab the Suzaku's abdomen with the door wide open from the side.The sharply sharpened blade pierced the skin and penetrated one of the circuits.

With the flickering electric spark, Keno let out an "ah" sound.However, Suzaku suddenly exerted force, bent his left foot, and sandwiched the opponent's long knife that pierced into the abdomen between his knee and left elbow. The knife snapped.


Even if it was Xingke, he couldn't help being taken aback, and quickly wanted to retreat. Suzaku was about to take the lead and cut his retreat with a knife.But the pierced lower abdomen, the circuit connecting the lower body has been cut off.Therefore, the Suzaku, whose upper body rushed forward, fell straight down like that.Then, the tripped Xing Ke sat on the back of the head of Suzaku who fell to the ground.


A gust of wind quickly passed around, and there was a sound of fracture.

When the wind was blowing completely, the two people over there still maintained that strange posture.Suzaku lying on the hard ground like a toad, and Li Xingke sitting on his head.


The star carved his hands on the ground, a backflip, and steadily landed on the ground behind, looking at the Suzaku on the ground.

"To turn his body into a machine, Shuquemu Suzaku is really a messy man. Unfortunately, Cheng Ye Xiao He defeated Xiao He, I cut the circuit connecting the lower body, and your plan of relying on the machine body to fight back became you. The foreshadowing of failure!"


Keno returned to his senses and stepped forward to help the Suzaku on the ground.At this moment, Suzaku’s face was melted by blood, and there was a burnt mark on the circuit of the forehead. The bridge of the nose was smashed because of the nose hitting the solid ground. The blood flowed and dyed his white knight. clothes.

The medical staff behind immediately stepped forward, bandaged the wounds for Suzaku, sutured the skin that had been cut by star carving, and reinstalled the spare circuit in his lower abdomen.

"So, it's too messy."

Keno watched his embarrassed friend mutter from the bottom of his heart, Xingke smiled again, and then suddenly turned around.

"Suzaku, remember your promise!"

"Hey, you just left!"

Seeing Xingke turning around and preparing to leave, Keno shouted.Suzaku immediately took his hand, shook his head, and smiled bitterly.

"Keno, I lost!"

"The winner gets everything, and the loser loses everything. I said it a long time ago! But I can still give you an explanation. Our country did allow your country’s fugitives to stay in the pavilion. We admit that. But if you ask me If ZERO's figure has been there, the answer is probably no."

"What about that speech?"

Keno interrupted and asked from the side.

"No matter how you look at it, it's a signal from the consulate general."

"There is a person wearing a mask."

Xingke said calmly.

"However, we cannot judge whether it is a real ZERO. If I were to say this person's opinion, the probability is probably 50% to 50%. At least, I personally have some doubts."

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