Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 487

Cecil's voice came from the screen again.

"Suzaku-kun and everyone who are also the knights of the round table can drive the Lancelot body normally."

"This can also be regarded as going around the corner and scolding Suzaku-jun and the Knights of the Round Table as a monster group! If you say that, so are you, Cecil!"

"I'm aiming at the value of the universality of weapons, and don't involve me too!"

It is still unclear whether the relationship between these two people is good or bad.

After the incomprehensible professional argument lasted for a while, Lloyd on the screen said to Suzaku again.

"In short, that's the case, don't worry. Governor Nanali's ship has also changed its course. Maybe it will be over before you arrive!"

But just as Lloyd spoke, other windows suddenly popped up on the screen of the telegraph, showing an intellectual face.

"No, things don't seem to be that simple."

"Secretary Guildford!"

"Is it Shumuqing?"

Guilford, shown on the screen, is wearing a different type of glasses from Lloyd. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said to Suzaku in a very calm tone.

"There is bad news. According to the report of the reconnaissance plane of our troops, there is no shadow of the Black Knights in the airspace you indicated."

"what did you say!?"

"In my opinion, the information should have been leaked. This should be a serial plan of ZERO. I immediately changed my plan to chase Governor Nanali's Avalon. You also take the best action you think, in this case. It's a bit bad."

Suzaku stared blankly at Guildford's face, and then suddenly recovered.

"Oh...Is that the case? Keno! Ania!"

"That's it, Suzaku!"

In the rogue's cockpit, Lulu Xiu, who hadn't put on the ZERO mask, smiled very calmly. In his arms, a disheveled pink girl was snuggling on his chest, sitting in a noble posture. On his thigh, he twisted gently, and there was a seductive moan and a vague breath in his mouth.

I'm not optimistic enough to think that the Black Knights can keep hiding from you before starting their operations.Even if it is Star Carving, that man secretly has always had strong dissatisfaction with so many women after I have Lihua, so he may hint at your and my plans.

Therefore, the information leakage has already been expected, and how the other party will act afterwards is also the same.The airspace currently headed by the Black Knights’ aviation forces is not the expected combat airspace T-2031 that Suzaku and Keno thought, but more south, where Nanali’s Avalon will pass after changing its course.

Nanali's escort fleet deviated from the original scheduled route at the replenishment point, so the safety level was lower, and there was no air base around it that could respond to the change.If you don't engage in extra tricks, you will proceed along the safest route from the beginning, instead of entering the trap set by Lulu Xiu.

In other words, Suzaku's behavior was fundamentally clever but was mistaken by cleverness.Not only him, but even Li Xingke's reaction was clearly calculated by Lu Lu Xiu.That man, although known as a unicorn, was just an ordinary human being, and the limit he could think was at most the same level as Shunizeer.

"With this kind of tactics, it is impossible for you to defeat me!"

Lelouch pinched the pink girl's chin in his arms, kissed her attractive red lips forcefully, and then rolled over and rode her under her body, shaking her body vigorously.

The girl let out a more seductive moan, stretched her body to the limit, letting the other party freely graze and gallop on her body.Lelouch lowered his head, hungryly holding the round and delicate breasts of this beautiful girl who was enough to upset all living beings, and underneath it rushed into the soft and gentle piece of the opponent's body like a pile.Then, after the opposing party uttered a scream of joy that was suppressed to the extreme, the vigorous essence of life was poured on the opposing party's warm fertile soil.

After a long time, the pink girl who had recovered from the peak of bliss, drew a circle on Lulu Xiu's chest and said suddenly.

"Brother emperor, when you pick up Nanali back, Suzaku, leave it to me!"

"Of course, you can play as you want, even if you kill him directly, as long as you like it!"

Lelouch gently played with the girl's perfect breasts, his lips rained down on the opponent's forehead and cheeks, and he replied dozingly.

"No, death is a relief to that garbage. I want him to live all the time. Only by living can he endure endless pain and sorrow, despair and regret!"

The girl shook her head gently, and silently recited words that were enough to scare the other party.

"I want to personally let that person live in purgatory forever, unable to survive or die."

Chapter 403 Assault on the Avalon Fleet

The huge spacecraft traveling on the clouds is usually called the heavy Avalon.It can also be said that it is a mass-produced aircraft of the aviation battleship Avalon that was put into actual combat in the Battle of Kyushu last year. As a special warship, it does not have the maneuverability of Avalon, but its weight is roughly three times that.It can load more soldiers and weapons, so the official name is the Rograce-class floating aircraft.

Around the heavy Avalon flying slowly in the center, there are several small spaceships of similar shape.These spacecraft are often called light Avalon.By the way, aside from the armor, its performance is about the same as the heavy Avalon.In fact, if you want to do it, almost any one of them has the combat power to destroy a town.However, these forces are certainly not meant to suppress a town somewhere.Although they are going to areas where the political situation is unstable and the situation is prone to danger, their purpose is not to suppress, but to protect.

Protecting the girl in the depths of the heavy Avalon, this fleet, in addition to the task of escorting, is the embodiment of the girl's noble status.

But at this moment, right in front of this huge escort fleet, suddenly a group of uninvited guests appeared from the clouds.The black transport plane, the huge humanoid weapon hanging below, fell from the sky, completely blocking the forward direction of the Avalon fleet.

"Black Knights!"

Inside the bridge of the heavy Avalon, General Atre, who was sitting in the position of the commander of the fleet, exclaimed as he looked at the picture that was scanned and displayed on the screen by the radar.

"I'll pick you up now, Nanali!"

In the Black Knights Knightmare carried by the transport plane-the rogue cockpit, Lelouch looked at the huge Avalon in the sky ahead, whispered and picked up the mask-a new ZERO mask that was different from the previous one. .

It is not time to confess thoroughly, I believe Nanali is too.So now the mask is necessary-no, now is not the time to stick to these little things.

"Wait a minute, bear with me, Nanali, I'll pick you up right away!"

Luluxiu used the knob on the side to adjust the position and put on the ZERO mask, and then turned on the external voice-changing microphone and communicator.

"Notice to all members of the Black Knights!"

This voice echoed in the communication space of the V-TOL transport aircraft flying above the sea at the maximum combat speed.This is the command of ZERO, the leader of the resurrected Black Knights.

"The purpose of this battle is to capture the new governor who is now heading to the 11th district! However, no matter what happens, never hurt the governor! I understand it or not, absolutely not! Never let Her Royal Highness Nanali, Become the second victim after Her Royal Highness Euphemia!"

"To understanding!"

The members of the Black Knight Order headed by Fujido replied in unison.Then, the attack began.

Ta ta ta...

The response of the Avalon escort fleet was also very rapid, not only suppressing the approach of the Black Knights with anti-aircraft fire, but also dispatched a large number of carrier-based aircraft to carry out assaults.The Knightmare unit, which was unable to fly and could only rely on a transport plane, was almost a living target. In the first wave of attacks, at least nearly ten Knightmare and transport planes were destroyed.

However, now the Black Knights, which has gathered all the combat power in the bright and dark places, has nearly a hundred Knightmare, plus the fighters responsible for cover, even if it is on the front, it has the ability to fight against the opponent's Avalon fleet. Combat power.

After raising soldiers for a thousand days and using soldiers for a while, the power that Lulu Xiu had mastered in the 11th district over the past few years finally broke out completely at this moment.

"Confirm the launch of the carrier aircraft on the aviation battleship. Don't be afraid of loss. Her Royal Highness Euphemia and I are looking at you. As long as we get close to Avalon, it is our victory!"


The Black Knights, who were originally afraid of the dense firepower net, once again carried out an assault regardless of the loss. After losing nearly ten Knightmares again, they finally approached the near-air area that Avalon's anti-aircraft fire could not reach.At this time, the only thing that needs to be faced is the opponent's carrier-based aircraft.

Looking at the number of carrier-based aircraft units that were not below his own, Lulu Xiu issued the order again.

"Okay, launch a scatter bomb! The machines disperse!"


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