Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 496

Hearing Keno's angry voice from the communicator, Suzaku faintly replied.He didn't say that it was just to save Keno. At this moment, his attention was all on the Guren II.

"At this distance, she and the Knightmare must have been prepared for a long time, so if it's just a shell, it should be fine."

"But what if I hit Avalon, Nana...No, the Governor is still inside!"

"Relax, my position is just right."

The height of Lancelot floating in the air just overlaps with the heavy Avalon of his own battleship. Of course, he can easily catch the red lotus on the same level of the deck.In this way, even if it does not hit the red lotus, it will not cause major damage to the ship.

Suzaku moved his finger to the weapon control button.Immediately, Lancelot's back slowly raised a huge frame to cover the previous long-range VARIS gun.One year has passed since the Black Rebellion. This is Lloyd’s newly developed weapon-VARIS Hadron Shockwave.Although the power of this shell cannot be compared with the heavy and strong particle cannon equipped by Aania's Modred, the characteristic of this shell is that it is concentrated in one point, so its destructive power is higher than that of ordinary VARIS.

"what is that!"

Of course, Karen clearly saw the changes in his body.

"Sniping from a distance?"

"Red Moon! Hurry up and hide!"

Chiba, who was hidden behind the bunker armor, reminded him anxiously.

"If you enter the ship!"

"It doesn't matter, prepare to retreat according to the plan, let him see the real power of the king's army!"

Karen stood proudly on the spot and gave Chiba the order to retreat.The other party just learned of the king's army just now, and he doesn't even know what the meaning of the king's army is.Moreover, the reason why she drove the Red Lotus II to carry out a surprise attack this time was mainly to commemorate the last battle.

It is the last battle of the red lotus style, after which the red lotus will be reborn from the ashes.

"Come on, Suzaku!"

Lancelot once again aimed at Gulian, launching a VARIS·Hadron shock wave.The flash was more than ten times stronger than the previous VARIS bomb, which instantly penetrated the air and blasted towards Gulian.Karen unfolded the radiation wave with all his strength, forming a protective shield.But this time it was obvious that the light shield on her right hand gradually dimmed.

"Is that the end? Guren!"

The shock wave broke through the protection, and the interacting energy formed a fierce spark. At the moment when he lost his balance, Honglian's right hand was hit and twisted, and the huge heat immediately melted the armor.

Chi Chi... Boom!

After a rubbing sound, Gulian's right wrist exploded violently.

"Red Moon!"

Chiba hissed.On her screen, you can clearly see the Red Lotus II, who lost her right arm and was overturned to the ground by the impact of the explosion.

"Use the escape device immediately! Red Moon!"

"No, just let me... accompany Honglian for the last part of the journey!"

Hearing Karen's answer, Chiba's expression suddenly solidified.

"……I know!"

She nodded slowly, and at this moment, in front of her exposed figure, a huge arm appeared and blocked her sight.Dark purple body.The sixth knight, Mordred of Ania Alstolayim, grabbed the head of the moon in one hand.


Chiba subconsciously swung the Japanese sword in his hand with all his strength, and slashed towards Mordred's chest.But except for a spark, there was no trace left.

"The game of catching hideout is over!"

Aniana's clear and sweet voice came from Mordred's cockpit, and the body, which was hugely different from the pilot's body, easily crushed Moon's head.That incredible arm strength smashed the entire moon unit.

The Lunar Security System, which had detected the hazard of the aircraft in advance, immediately forcibly activated the escape device.All this was seen by Karen who fell to the ground.Afterwards, the red lotus II, which fell to the ground, made a violent metal crash, then rolled down the deck, and finally fell to the sea.

However, the real war has only begun now.

The Red Lotus Type II that fell into the air slowly opened the cockpit behind.Under the unbelievable gazes of the three Knights of the Round Table in the sky, Karen, wearing Guren's unique driving suit, stood on top of the head of the already completely lost Guren II, looking up at the three Knights of the Round Table in the sky.

There was a mocking smile on Karen's face.

"what happened?"

In addition to Ania, Suzaku and Keno had a bad feeling in their hearts.At the same time, the two of them narrowed the distance of the screen, and saw Kallen's pretty face facing the wind.There was no trace of failure on her face.

Some are just mocking the weak.

At this moment, the communicator that had been staying next to Karen's ear rang.After the red signal light flashed, there was a sound that shouldn't have appeared on this occasion.

"Are you ready, Karen!"

"No problem, Lakshata, surprise our Lords of the Round Table!"

Karen held down the communicator next to her ear, took a deep look at the red lotus pose at her feet, and nodded slowly.

"I know, it's time to change clothes, be careful not to run out."

There was a bright and hearty laugh from the other end of the communicator, and then, the calm sea suddenly raised waves.Densely dense, close to three-digit black shadows, emerging from the originally quiet sea surface, the rolled up waves have completely turned the radius of the book into a boiling furnace.

Chapter 414 Seraph-Michael

"That is……"


Looking at the black sharks densely covering the entire sea below, Suzaku and Keno were completely sluggish.Never thought that under the calm sea, the Black Knights still ambush such a huge submarine force.

The number is probably close to three digits.A quarter of the submarines of the Chinese Federation are probably all here.However, the submarine is only on the bottom of the sea and has a huge deterrent against the navy. For the three Knights of the Round Table flying in the sky, it is basically a non-interference situation.

"To be precise, it is the ocean-going strategic submarine of the Chinese Federation. The only strategic weapon that can threaten the Imperial aircraft carrier is also the greatest threat to the Imperial Pacific Fleet. However, this number..."

Ania enlarged the scanned submarine pattern and compared it with the submarine force of the Chinese Federation obtained from the intelligence, and recognized the true identity and model of the other party.

"We are not the navy. What use is there for the Chinese Federation to send so many strategic submarines to help the Black Knights, is it possible..."

Keno, who landed beside the Avalon wing, had a bad feeling in his heart, especially at this time, the flame-like girl standing above the falling Red Lotus Form II gently lifted up. The right hand, and then towards them, as if a general commanding thousands of troops, swung down forcefully.

Then, the hatch above the nearly one hundred giant submarines slowly opened, and the hatches opened layer by layer, and the Knightmare painted in black emerged from the hatches of the submarine.

This type of Knightmare, they have fought with it countless times.


The dedicated aircraft of the Judgment Legion, alongside the Gundam of the Chinese Federation and the Royal Knights of Bunitania, are the only Knightmare units that can fight in the air.

However, the Judgment Corps only had more than two dozen people right, but now there were close to one hundred people in front of them.

"Hey, why did the Judgment Corps appear here, and... what's the matter with this number?"

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