Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 506

Wearing a meticulous military uniform, Fujido took the lead to ask. He knew very well what Nanali meant to ZERO. As the governor of the 11th district, she gave the first order, which was more cruel than the decision made by Euphemia a year ago. .

There are no vacillating opportunities and well-defined polarization, or it is on the surface equal to Bunitania, but without all rights and guarantees, it is just an inferior people with the nominal name of the Japanese.One is to join the country of Bunitania and become an honorary Bunitanian. Although he is still discriminated against, he has many status and rights as a slave.

It is easy to understand the status of Japanese and honorary Bunitanians in the 11th district, which is more important.

Unless Japan is restored and completely freed from the rule of Bunitania, there will be no change except for the name and status of a Japanese.It's just a pariah who is lower than the slaves of Bunitania.

Fujido saw how much impact this decision would have on Japan, especially in the case of the massacre last year.Is it to become a Japanese who is precarious and may be slaughtered like bugs at any time, or is a Bunitan with a reputation for being discriminated against and oppressed, but who can live upright.This choice is actually not difficult.

Japan is a country that admires the strong. Since the fluke choice of the wall is eliminated, then most people can choose only one answer.

"I plan to join this Japanese administrative zone!"

Sitting on a piece of steel rail, Lulu Xiu's shocking decision came out from under the mask, restraining everyone present.

Except CC and Kagura!

Chapter 426: The Governor's Mighty (Part 1)

It's just that the changes in things don't seem to be changed because of Lelouch's decision, at least for now, his will cannot affect his enemies.Just when he just made the decision to join SAR Japan, and at the same time, he planned to leave this battlefield that will determine the future direction of the world in accordance with Marianna's idea.

Some unwilling guy jumped out again, and then he was severely taught again.

And now, it is time for him to take responsibility for his willfulness.


After a long silence, Nanali finally called out the name of the boy.She knew in her heart that it was really inappropriate to call the other person that way on this occasion.This is not private time.He is the governor, and the opponent is the knight directly under the emperor, the seventh knight, Shu Muqing.

However, everything must be divided into occasions.Sometimes, calling the name directly has a stronger impact on the honorific.

"Yes, Your Excellency."

The Suzaku Shuque standing across from the desk immediately replied respectfully.Nanali's eyes were closed, and Suzaku's appearance was naturally unknown.But she could feel from her breath alone that Suzaku was standing still in front of her.As for the expression-I am afraid it is also very serious.But it's no wonder that Suzaku was not originally asked to talk to each other today.

"Suzaku-san must already know what I want to say."

The other party was still playing officialdom, but Nanali still didn't change her tone of voice. She tapped her slender fingers on the table top of the desk, and a strange rhythm sounded, affecting Suzaku's extremely sharp brain waves.

The instruments that control body functions seemed to tremble regularly with the falling fingers.

"I have heard the details of the incident, so I don't need to say more about the details. There is only one thing I want to ask Suzaku-jun."


As expected by Nanali, the Suzaku, who had been standing upright, trembled momentarily.

The sacred Queen of the Bunitania Empire, Nanali VI. Bunita, as the former governor of Japan and now the governor of the 11th districts, has been in office for two weeks.

On the way to the post, I encountered an attack on the Pacific Ocean by ZERO and the Black Knights. Immediately after that, there was a press conference for the inauguration, a declaration of the rebuilding of the administrative zone and Japan, etc. After entering the government office, it was carried out with the assistance of the civilian officials. The rough handover of work, Nanali was really busy in these two weeks.

But when it comes to work, in fact, it's mainly listening to Marianna's suggestion, and then she will declare her own way.Anyway, with the exception of Ms. Rommel, most of the other people are inclined to Aries Leaving Palace, and the contacts left by Cornelia are still there.Therefore, her order can be given directly, and no one dares to stop it.Even Rommel, after Anna played Lelouch's card, also converged a lot.

However, on the other hand, just as Nanali issued various orders and resolutions according to Marianna's suggestion, several incidents that she did not know had already occurred in this 11th district.One of them is the Black Knights' capture operation in the waters of the Ogasawara Islands under the direct command of the emperor's knight, the seventh knight, Suzaku.

After the Governor’s attack on the Pacific Ocean, although the Black Knights’ submarine fleet disappeared without a trace, there was still a large-scale aircraft carrier disguised as a large cargo ship, lurking along the coast of Area 11.His whereabouts were discovered by the combined forces of the Seventh Knights' direct fleet and the 11th District Ruling Army led by Suzaku. After the investigation request and the notice of surrender were rejected one by one, the fleet and Suzaku dedicated Knightmare-Lancelot Conqueror For the purpose of capturing or annihilating the enemy, a general offensive was launched.

Of course, under the circumstances at the time, Suzaku's attempt to capture the Black Knights did not appear to be any problem in the legal level of Bunitania.The opponent was a terrorist named wanted by Bunitania, and the Knights of the Round Table had a high degree of autonomous decision-making power in leading the directly-affiliated troops to conduct military activities in addition to the emperor's personal order due to their special status.

To put it bluntly, they belonged to a semi-independent army. As long as they did not violate the interests of Bunitania and the emperor's orders, not to mention the governor of the colony, even the imperial prime minister Xiu Nijie could not help them.

However, whether it was overconfidence or pride, the Seventh Knights of the Round Table seemed to have completely forgotten who his enemy was.An aircraft carrier not only has as much combat power as the local fleet, but also has one of the top commanders in the world.

Therefore, the result speaks for itself.

Therefore, after the defeat of Suzaku, Nanali immediately listened to the report of Miss Rommel, the Governor's Assistant Officer. She was startled first, and then felt angry.The reason is that Nanali’s remarks on the re-establishment of the administrative zone and Japan:

"Everyone of the Black Knights, please join this administrative zone, Japan."

"I tried to persuade you to surrender."

After a moment of silence, Suzaku's answer has returned to calm.The blind girl in front of her already possessed a strange coercion, which prevented him from using all the reasons he had prepared for excuse.

Suzaku had felt this feeling in Cornelia, Euphemia, and many other women who were related to Lelouch.It is different from the superior, but from the fear and threat of biological instinct.

Face the feeling of being unable to fight.

"The subordinates have given them enough time to reach a conclusion after the internal discussion of the organization. But instead of heeding the advice, they took the initiative to launch an attack. In this situation, the subordinates had no choice but to order the attack."

"Suzaku-san, it seems that you have made some mistakes!"

Nanaly's face in the wheelchair turned gloomy.

"The reason I said that was not to persuade everyone from the Black Knights to persuade you to surrender as soon as possible."

"They are dangerous."

Suzaku's voice grew stronger.

"In any case, if you want to join the Special Administrative Region and Japan, you must first lay down their weapons. If you can't do this, I can only judge that they have no sincerity to join the Special Administrative Region and Japan. At least, as a witness to the black rebellion. Think so."

"But that black rebellion, it seems that the real culprit, is precisely you who has been declared a fallen knight by Princess Euphemia-Suzaku! And... I don't want to ask about this. Whether it has been carried out or not. Persuading to surrender, whether the Black Knights followed the advice is not the crux of the problem."

The crux of the problem lies in the fact that Nanali has already named and approved the joining of the Black Knights in the Administrative Special Zone·Japan Declaration, but Suzaku’s behavior has completely wiped out her efforts.

Let's take a look at it from the perspective of a bystander.The new governor of the 11th district just took office announced that he hopes to get along with the largest anti-government organization in the 11th district-the Black Knights.But on the other hand, the Knights of the Round Table who came to the eleventh district to assist the Governor immediately carried out the combat operation to annihilate the Black Knights.

Chapter 427 The Governor's Mighty (Middle)

Two-sided, three-sided swordsman, one set on the surface, one set behind the back, might have such an impression of the new Governor Nanali!

What the governor who has just taken office needs most is the trust of the people. It took Euphemia three full months to truly gain the trust of ELEVEN in the 11th district, so when the Japanese administrative special zone was established, there would be so many. People participate.Nanaly became the governor's first order, and within a week, it was broken by the knights of the round table.

Therefore, although Suzaku's action is not wrong on the legal level, in terms of politics, it runs counter to the new governor Nanaly who advocates integration with the Japanese and takes a coordinated line. It is injustice to the new governor.That's why Nanali asked him why he did that kind of thing.Even if the negotiations with the Black Knights broke down, the victory could only be determined by force, but it would not be too late to wait until they clearly rejected Nanali's proposal.

If Nanali and Suzaku are in a real master-slave relationship, the governor-sir will surely be furious, and it is not impossible to swear at the knight who misunderstands his will.

But it is a pity that Suzaku is a knight directly under the emperor.His life and death power is entirely in the hands of Nanali's biological father, the Emperor Chaluru DI Bunitania of Bunitania.Even if it is not the case, Nanaly's character does not allow her to do so.

However, how to deal with this restless guy, Nanali has received a good advice from the mother Marianna.That was the official announcement that the attack on the Black Knights was only Suzaku's personal behavior.Just the image of Nanali, I am afraid that no one will call her cruel and ruthless.

Compared with Yu Fei, who is gentle and beautiful in appearance, Nana Li, whose first impression is cute and pitiful, is even more pitiful.

Euphemia's affinity is enough to contend with Lelouch's strategy, and even influence people's hearts in essence, attracting followers to go through fire and water.Similarly, Nanali’s weakness is also a terrifying weapon, especially for ELEVEN, who is also a weak person. As for the Bunitanians, this blind young governor is still regarded as Lulu. The representatives of the five deities of the Aries, the Virgin, the Lion, the Libra and the Cancer are headed by His Royal Highness Prince Xiu.

Even without a strong Cornelia, Nana's authority is not compromised.Therefore, after a while of silence, Nanali concluded.

"I will report this incident to my father... No, His Majesty the Emperor will report it."

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