Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 509

"Is it really good to do this kind of thing behind the Governor?"

Today, I talked to Lelouch on the phone during the day. Although Keno is only an outsider, he should understand the consequences of doing so.But what is strange is that Ania did not expressly object to it.

"It's easier to talk like this!"

Rommel, who had been watching this farce coldly, responded coldly.

"Anyway, the Governor is still young after all. If you talk to the other party rashly and are deceived by the other party's rhetoric, it is likely to put us in a disadvantageous situation. In order to prevent the other party from catching the handle, this is the best. s Choice."

Aniya glanced at Suzaku secretly.

"Is it really?"

"I will report to her afterwards."

Suzaku responded like this and immediately closed his eyes.Keno standing on the side also scratched his head:

"Well, Ania, after all, the other party is the ZERO. This is also for the sake of Governor Nanali, so I had to do this."

Before he could say anything, Lloyd interrupted suddenly.


"ZERO's communication is here, Cecil, when you are going to be depressed, prepare to detect it in reverse."

"Yes Yes."

The screen with the gray line flickered and switched immediately.Appearing in the center of the screen is a dark mask.


Suzaku clenched his fists subconsciously.

The reverberant voice from the voice-changing microphone rang:

"Oh, what a surprise!"

The surface of the mask was shiny with black light, and the background...only a red curtain.

"The three knights of the round table are all here. But...the most important governor doesn't seem to be here?"

"This is just a transactional dialogue."

Suzaku replied firmly.Sitting across from Suzaku, Lloyd smiled with interest and leaned forward.

"I said, can you ask a question?"

"what's up?"

"Are you the same person as the previous ZERO? Or..."

In an instant, the audience was silent.Afterwards, the voice of ZERO on the screen sounded again.

"ZERO's authenticity is not judged by who the person in this suit is, but by the person's behavior! It must be judged by his actions."


Lloyd smiled softly.

"It's really philosophical!"

During the conversation, suddenly a note passed to Suzaku's hand.See the handwriting that Cecil wrote hastily.Suzaku was careful not to be seen by ZERO, while hiding behind the sofa to confirm the contents of the note.

Is it really at sea?

Although the communication line has been encrypted, as long as the conversation continues, you should be able to get the detailed position of the ZERO that appears on the screen.

This meeting was initiated by the ZERO party.The purpose is to discuss in detail the matters related to the Black Knights joining the SAR and Japan.This incident did not inform Nanali.Once the conversation broke down, Suzaku would immediately dispatch an army ready to go.

Although the Bunitanian side suffered heavy losses in the previous Pacific Governor’s attack and the Ogasawara naval battle, the military strength of the Eleventh District itself is still very important. This right still has the right to mobilize the colony's garrison as a Knight of the Round Table.Because of last year’s black rebellion, the military and administration in the 11th district have been completely separated. In addition to the five legions originally stationed in the 11th district, three more troops transferred from Bunitania have been added.

The loss of a small fleet is still affordable for the current eleven districts.What's more, because of Lu Lu Xiu's mercy, those warships were only overturned, and the loss was not very great.

The 430th chapter secret meeting surprise change (middle)

"I said……"

Keno interrupted the conversation between ZERO and Lloyd from behind the sofa where Suzaku was sitting.

"Has the internal opinions of the Black Knights been unified? Regarding what you said about joining the administrative region Japan!"

We must first disarm and be responsible for the previous killing of Governor Gallares.If ZERO does not accept the above conditions, Bunitania will never allow ZERO to join the special zone and Japan.

But in the face of Keno's provocative inquiry, ZERO tilted his head in disdain and laughed.

"Compared to guys are really working hard. So far, it seems that no Japanese has made it clear that they want to join the special zone and Japan."

This is a fact. In fact, even the entire SAR declaration was suddenly added to the manuscript of the Governor's inauguration press conference, and she was not prepared for it.Perhaps this is where Nanali is not mature enough as a governor.However, after the declaration was issued, government agencies from all over the country set up registration offices in a timely manner, and Shinjuku's special zone was established very quickly.But it is a pity that so far, no Japanese has come to register.

Although two choices were given, the Japanese and the honorary Bunitanians, if there were no so-called pioneers, the Japanese who had already experienced a massacre would not easily make the choice.

One is to see the leader of the honorary Bunitanians, the seventh round table knight, Suzaku, and the other is to see the actions of the Black Knights.But just today, there was another battle between the two sides in the outer waters, which made ELEVEN, who was hesitant, more puzzled.

This is the sorrow of the weak, they can only use humble prayers to survive, unable to work hard, and unable to move forward.

"Don't divert the subject."

Suzaku replied without changing his face.

"Today's topic is ZERO-the declaration you made earlier."

"Aren't I talking about this, Shumuqing, we have prepared a million Japanese people."

"one million!?"

Cecil couldn't help screaming, but Suzaku remained unmoved and shook his head solemnly.

"Stop the topic, ZERO. We don't want to hear you show off how many believers you have. The problem is that if you and the Black Knights want to join SAR Japan, you have to fully admit your past sins and change your mind. First, disarm..."

Suzaku was about to continue, but ZERO suddenly laughed.The laughter was full of pity for the ignorant opponent.

"You would be wrong, the seventh knight, Suzaku Qing Shumu."


"It seems that you still don't understand what I mean. By the way, after the Black Rebellion a year ago, the main cadres of our Black Knights should have been sentenced to death by your Bunitania."


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