Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 518

The tense body under the skillful caress of Lelouch began to instinctively relax and become softer and softer, but this is not what Rommel is most afraid of.What she was afraid of was that the hands that Lelouch stroked on her lower abdomen and chest seemed to possess some kind of magical power, carrying a heat that could not be described in words, and buried her in the depths of her body for thirty years. Emotions aroused.

That kind of feeling scared her, made her scared, but at the same time, it made her body extremely eager.

The contradiction between the body and the mind violently clashes in the brain. The recuperation that she has cultivated over the past ten years of work can suppress the surging feelings, but she can only keep her body from being degraded by those magic hands.

However, this kind of resistance made Lulu Xiu even more excited.

While Rommel was fully resisting the attacker’s own attack, Lelouch’s fingers were no longer satisfied with stroking Rommell’s body through his clothes. The heat underneath him was in the center of Rommell’s plump buttocks. Gently rubbing between the buttocks, so that the sensitive parts of the lady can fully feel her own heat.

Rommel's body trembled sensitively, and this interesting reaction made Lelouch more delighted.

Being able to keep oneself pure and stick to one's heart is a different kind of reservedness!


Lelouch lowered his head and kissed Rommel's white neck forcefully. After leaving a bright hickey, he reluctantly left the lady who had lost all strength.

"Just let you go tonight, I don't have a bad habit of taking advantage of others!"


Hearing Lelouch's words, Rommel hadn't fully recovered for a while, and he was stunned for about four or five seconds before he realized what Lelouch had said and let out an unbelievable scream.


As if his cheeks were burning, Rommel pushed Anna away and immediately rushed out.

Just now, after understanding what Lulu Xiu said, she actually felt a little bit of dismay and regret!Because he was too shy, this was the culprit that caused Rommel to escape.

"Next time I meet, Ms. Rommel should surrender to your crotch!"

Anna looked at the back of Ms. Rommel, who was fleeing in a panic, then closed the door and knelt in front of Lelouch again, embracing the hot rod below him.

Chapter 441 The Migration of the Japanese

The Japanese began a large-scale movement.

The destination is located in the slum area of ​​Shizuoka, no, it should be the venue of the inauguration ceremony of the administrative special zone and Japan.However, this time it was far less powerful than during the Black Rebellion.During the Black Rebellion, a total of more than ten million Japanese responded to the call of ZERO to participate in the struggle against Bunitania.The number of people participating in this big move is less than one million.

Of course, in just a few days, one million Japanese were mobilized, which undoubtedly proves the status of ZERO and the Black Knights among the Japanese people.But on the other hand, it also shows that most Japanese people are still hesitating between trust in ZERO and suspicion of Bunitania.

Although ZERO said that, but in case it is calculated by Bunitania again, after all, the pivotal Suzaku who has a series of nicknames such as the fallen knight, betrayer, and scum sparrow is the adjutant who assisted in the establishment of the special zone , And also the Knights of the Round Table.Therefore, such doubts swept the entire Eleven District.Moreover, none of the Japanese who have acquired the honorary Bunitan status joined this big move.

In their view, now that they have got their status.With a relatively stable life and work, there is no need to join the Special Economic Zone and Japan, and I will never forget the name "Japanese".In their view, being a slave in Bunitania is much better than a Japanese who has the name of freedom but is precarious.

Having said that, the actual number is still very large.As the saying goes, there are tens of thousands of people, boundless, and the number of people in front of them has reached one million.The crowd was crowded, and the temporarily prepared ceremony venue obviously could not accommodate so many people.

"You can only change the ceremony venue."

The above-mentioned speech was made in the conference room of the government hall of the 11th district governor's house. It was a civilian named Fredericus.He is the accompanying civil servant who was personally assigned to Nanali by Genivel. It should be mentioned that, apart from Ms. Rommel and the Knights of the Round Table, most of the accompanying civil servants are carefully selected by Genivel, and they leave the palace for Aries They must have absolute loyalty, at the same time their ability is not weak, and their personality must be very gentle before they will be sent to the 11th district together.As a civil servant accompanying Nanali, she was dispatched to the 11th district.

"This number has far exceeded the containment limits of the existing facilities. Even if the parking lot outside the facility is added, it is only a drop in the bucket. I believe that the reclaimed land near Tianzili Port should be arranged as an open-air venue."

It is worth mentioning that Tianzili Port has been an important port for Sakuraishi before the war. That spacious and flat port has a record of loading and unloading millions of tons of materials, which is definitely enough to accommodate this million Japanese.

In the spacious meeting room, Keno, who was sitting in the seat, questioned.

"If the venue is temporarily changed now, will the equipment preparation be too late?"

"The podium for your Excellency the Governor and relevant people to deliver speeches should be secured. However, due to time constraints, improper arrangements are inevitable."

"As of this time, I have to pass it by."

The Governor's assistant Ms. Rommel interrupted. Although her voice was still cold, but I don't know if it was an illusion. Others always felt that Ms. Rommel's expression was much softer than before, and even her dress had a slight change.However, because Ms. Rommel's pressure is usually too heavy, even if she changes, she probably won't feel it.

Seeing that the gaze of others didn't stop on him, Rommel breathed a sigh of relief and declared.

"The venue that was originally scheduled didn't pay much attention to appearance. These are just trivial things. The problem is..."

"Guard system."

Sitting across from Keno, Ania said in front of Rommel.And her gaze without any expression is focusing on the screens on the table.What is displayed on the screen is the surrounding map of the candidate area of ​​the ceremony venue for discussion.

At this moment, she was viewing the map while turning on her mobile phone, habitually downloading the map to it, and then watching it.

"It's a bit too big here."

Obviously the screen of the mobile phone is much smaller, but Ania immediately released a strange place, a very spacious seaport.Before she finished her words, the civil and military officials at the meeting expressed their approval.

"Not only there is no clear regional boundary, but the distance to the sea and mountains is too close. In this way, the security team will be difficult to deploy."

"There are also difficulties in setting up interrogation stations. There are more than one million people in the Eleven Districts. If such a large number of people gather together in this vast area, only interrogation stations are set up on both sides of the road..."

"Is it unavoidable to omissions? If there are really criminals, I don't have to enter the venue from the main road."

"Because this area was formed by reclamation from the sea, there is an underground passage directly below the ground."

"Even if these are not considered, it will take a lot of time and manpower to verify the identity of the millions and check their belongings."

Most attendees were caught in a dilemma.

At this time, a staff officer suggested.

"It's better to let the people in the 11th district gather there, and Governor Nanaly will give a radio speech in the government hall. In this case, you don't need to spend so much attention on the venue."

Everyone agreed. The third knight, Keno, who was exceptionally dazzling in shape and appearance, nodded first.

"This proposal is good!"

"In that case, a similar approach was adopted at last year's SAR ceremony. However, at that time, only those who could not enter the 11th district set up a live TV sub-venue."

One of the non-commissioned officers who had experienced the establishment of Mount Fuji Administrative District Day in the past year recalled.

"And this time, we only need to extend this form to all the participants. The reclaimed land is only for the people of District Eleven participating in the meeting, and another place is provided for Governor Nanali."

"Well... this can indeed ensure the safety of the Governor. Even if the people in the 11th district in the venue make some trouble, just stop the live broadcast immediately and turn the focus on suppressing the insurgents."

Keno has accepted the proposal and issued the order.

"As long as the dignitaries are not present, there will be no worries for the army in its actions."

When the staff officer who made the proposal saw the proposal passed, a light flashed in his eyes, and then he explained with due diligence.

"Thinking about it carefully, Governor Nanali doesn't actually need to be there in person."

Chapter 442 The Empress Who Goes Into Battle

After unanimous opinions, the three round table knights-Suzaku, Kino Beinberuk, Ania Alstolayim, and Miss Rommel, the Governor’s Assistant Officer, temporarily left the hall and gave Nanali Walked to his office.Of course, this trip is to get the final permission of Governor Nanali.

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