Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 531

She mustered up the courage to stand up the slightly bulging chest, Nina thanked.

"Cut, twisting, pretending to be pure!"

At the end is the fourth empress Karin, Cornelia, who was originally scheduled to come, cannot come because of the renewed fighting on the Alamein front.After knowing this news, Karen, who was also very clingy to Cornelia, was not in a good mood.

"Karin, I know that you are very unhappy that Cornelia is not here, but don't irritate your dissatisfaction to innocent people. As an emperor, it is impolite to do so!"

Xiunaizeer turned his head, a wry smile appeared on his face, and gave a soft reminder.

"Yes Yes!"

In fact, Karin was really angry that Nina, who was Lelouch's venting tool, went to help Shunizeer.Of course, these things cannot be said clearly, Karin still knows this point.

Chapter 458 Welcome Dinner (Part 2)

"Long time no see, His Majesty the Emperor has ordered, here we are under the command of His Highness Shunizeer!"

After the three round table knights gave a line of salute to the royal family, they finally returned to Xiunazer and Nina, knelt down on one knee, and headed by Keno to convey the instructions from His Majesty the Emperor.

Shunizeer, who put down Nina's right hand, took the red wine from the waiter and gestured with a smile.

"There are three knights of the round table, really reliable! But..."

"Is there a problem?"

Keno asked in amazement, and Shunezer on the opposite side gently shook the wine glass. The red liquid inside shook slightly, as bright as blood.

"This is a place for celebrations, it should be more relaxing!"

Obviously, Shunizeer didn't really care about the distinction between upper and lower. Even as the second prince and prime minister of the empire, this kind of affinity, like a gentle spring breeze, instantly touched everyone's hearts.

This humble demeanor contrasted sharply with Odysseus' gentleness, Ginevere's arrogance, and Karin's arrogance, and he was once again praised.

Of course, after hearing this piece of praise, Karin snorted again with disdain, and took the wine glass from the waiter, followed Ginevere, and walked to Mi Lei together.The other party is the same as her, but also Lulu Xiu's fiancée, so it is not bad for two or three to have a personal relationship.

"I know!"

Here Keno also smiled and accepted Shunazel's kindness, and stood up with Suzaku and Ania.The Knights of the Round Table are the strongest swords and shields of the Bunitanian Empire. This time, they have replaced the empire to show their national power. Among the royal family, Schonizer is naturally the best leader.

Nina, who was let go of her hand by Xiunazer, saw the familiar face among the three Knights of the Round Table, and her heart that had forced her to calm down finally calmed down and asked with joy.

"Suzaku, how are everyone in the academy?"

"Well, look, the president is here too!"

Suzaku smiled and nodded, then turned her head and gestured Mi Lei's direction.Millet, who was talking with Genavel and Karin, immediately met Nina's gaze, smiled and waved.

"Hi! Nina, it's been a long time!"

"Sister Mi Lei!"

Nina had a surprised expression on her face, but taking into account the two emperors standing next to Mi Lei, she suppressed the urge to walk over.

As if he knew Nina's scruples, Xiunazer took a few steps forward, lifted the wine glass gracefully, looked at Mi Lei in full costume with stunning eyes, and said with a smile.

"Oh, this beautiful lady is the third fiancée of Lelouch, Mi Lei, the eldest of the Ashford family? Unexpectedly, that little girl has grown into such a sexy and beautiful eldest today! "

"Yes, Your Highness Xiunizeer, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are getting wiser!"

Mi Lei lifted the corner of the dress and bowed slightly.

"Because Lelouch wants to accompany Nanali, he can't come, so I will attend this ceremony instead!"

"That's really a pity. I think Yuffi may have some regrets. But the emperor's order has been cancelled. After the ceremony, Yuffi can also return to District 11, when the three of them can reunite again!"

"Yes, I will also go to see Emperor Lulu Xiu then, that guy has been hiding in the 11th district without telling me this fiancee! Sister Mi Lei, too, be careful!"

Karin's tone is still so high, with a feeling of thorns.She did not wear that royal formal dress today, but a light and gorgeous long skirt. Although it is not a dress, it is undoubtedly a dress that only noble people can wear.Her hair was brushed meticulously, and her voice was childish.

Perhaps it was because she was the same age as Nanali, and she was only born a month earlier, so she was somewhat similar to Nanali in profile.Except for that fierce personality, it's the opposite of Nanali.

If they change into the same hairstyle and clothes and sit together quietly, they may be mistaken for twins.It is a pity that the inner one is gentle water and the other is violent fire.

"That's because you simply can't hide things in your heart, and Lulu Xiu is not playing there!"

From entering the banquet to the present, it was the first time Ginevere spoke, and her voice rushed into a sense of sternness. The arrogance seemed to have been incorporated into every part of her body, including the tone and demeanor of her speech.

Hearing the women talking about Lelouch, Xiunazer rarely joined the topic. He noticed that Nina, who had recovered her peace, began to tremble slightly after hearing the name of her emperor's brother. stand up.

She seemed very excited.

While Xiunazer was secretly speculating on the relationship between Nina and his emperor brother, the ceremonial officer’s announcement sounded again, but this time the sound came from not the entrance where Xiunazer and the others entered. It is the depths of the banquet, symbolizing the backyard of the host of the Chinese Federation.

"His Majesty the Supreme Son of the Chinese Federation is here, the Empress Euphemia is here, and the representative of the Japanese Royal Family, His Royal Highness Kaguraya, and the head of the Black Knights, Master ZERO, is here!"

Following the announcement of the etiquette officer, the whole venue began to violently commotion.Dragon Knight and the people of the Chinese Federation are excited about the arrival of the emperor and ZERO.And Bunitania, headed by Schonizel, was shocked that ZERO appeared with the emperor of the Chinese Federation.

Among the surprised crowd, there is one exception, and that is Suzaku.

"Kagura...could it be... how is this possible!"

The facts tell people that nothing in the world is impossible, only you can't think of it.In the eyes of everyone's attention, the door of the backyard was slowly pushed open, and the emperor Jiang Lihua, dressed in gorgeous and solemn armor, first entered the venue.

Her flawless cheeks are still immature, with a smile that is even simpler than that of Tianshan Snow Lotus, and her skin is almost broken by a bomb.But the most eye-catching thing is the gorgeous golden armor on her body and the bright silver and white armor, which seems to be a human-shaped throne.

"Long live the emperor long live long live long live..."

All the people of the Chinese Federation, kneeling on their knees, bowed to their emperor.The gathering voices of the heroic spirits almost shook the entire venue, and the cohesive momentum made all the people of the Bunitan Empire stagnated.

The self-confidence from the world's largest power seemed to be completely overwhelmed in the face of this cheering.

Chapter 459: Goodbye to Cousins

That is the emperor of the Chinese Federation, a person deified by half of the world.

so small!

This was the first impression of a person who saw the Son of Heaven in person for the first time, and after that, it was...

So majestic!

She clearly looked like an innocent and ignorant young girl, but under the set of armor, she was full of a different kind of oppression.As if facing not a person, but a high god.

This sense of oppression is a dual feeling of body and mind.

The expression on Xiunazer, who saw the emperor for the second time, was still very calm, but the originally upright waist was slightly bent.As for the others, except for the first glance, they immediately lowered their heads in awe, not daring to look again.

Compared with that domineering emperor of Bunitania, he seemed to be looking at the ant-like emperor, obviously more majestic.

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