Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 534

Shunezer had a consistent smile on his face, and he couldn't see the real emotion, but he also moved the king's chess piece in his hand, which aroused the amazement of the onlookers.

(What is this sense of sight? This familiar chess approach, the familiar feeling of danger, and... the walking king! Yes, I will not forget. This is the only chess player in this world. Go on the chess path used by the person who beat me! In that sky garden, in that pavilion, in that person's hand... But, I am not who I was ten years ago!)

"This...Which side has the upper hand?"

"Of course it's Master ZERO, but I'm very surprised. His Royal Highness Xiunazer deserves the title of'White Prince', and he can persist to this point!"

Because of Lelouch's preferences, Kagura also knows a lot about chess, plus the qualities that he improved after becoming a hero, so you can clearly observe the situation of the game.Only the power of parry remained, Shunizeer was almost on the brink of desperation after Lelouch started the king.However, this also shows that his genius can make Lelouch use the king within three minutes. Of course, he also uses the king with him, which is also a wonderful move.

Unfortunately, the result has been foreseen, and it is impossible for Shunizeer to win!

"The duel of will, fighting with each other, but Shunizeer suffers a bit!"

Royd, who also knew the face under the black mask, said to himself, he also knew that Shunezer might be defeated.The other party not only knew the bottom line about him, but was also the only one who had defeated him. In the impression of Shunizeer, ZERO was a very strange person.

From the beginning, this game was unfair!


"I surrender!"

To everyone's surprise, after the king of ZERO led his men to break through the line of defense, Shunizeer, known as the "White Prince", unexpectedly surrendered.The situation on the chessboard is very obvious. The white chess pieces that have been compressed to the position have no way out, but the front...

In the front is the sword headed by the Black King, which firmly seals every gap.And the only white king who can move, step forward, will be immediately eaten by the opponent's black king, and there is no chance of redemption.

This game of chess is almost a recurrence of his first chess game with that genius emperor brother.

"Why, aren't there still a lot of chess pieces?"

The ignorant Piggy asked a question of ignorance, and was given an ignorant contempt by all the bystanders.The kind Lloyd leaned to Piggy's ear and explained in a low voice.

"Oh, there are indeed a lot of chess pieces, but no matter which step you take, it will cause the whole game to collapse. Rather than playing to death like a mouse caught by a cat, it is better to surrender at a point. If it is normal, His Highness Shunizeer can Fight, but now he represents the face of the empire. Once he loses too badly, the result is..."

After listening to Lloyd's explanation, Piggy realized it, and understood why those people looked at themselves like ignorant idiots.

"Since I have won, then Ania, I will unceremoniously accept it!"

Lelouch stood up from his seat and walked to Ania who was reading the mobile blog.

"From now on, you belong to me! Ania Alstolayim!"

Under the unbelievable gazes of everyone, ZERO's hand gently stroked the expressionless Ania's cheek, as if petting a kitten, rubbing her delicate and lovely chin.

What is even more surprising is that Arnia, who was so frivolous of the round table knight, did not even resist, as if he had really lost to ZERO, the most hated terrorist in the empire, following the defeat of Shunezer.

"Emperor Xiunazer, just let Alstoleyim Qing hand over to ZERO?"

His Royal Highness the First Prince Odysseus, who had never thought that his brother would lose, saw this, and finally couldn't help standing up from his seat, coming to the bitter-faced Xiunazer, and whispering softly.

The Knights of the Round Table are the emperor's knights and the strongest sword and shield in the empire. It is incredible to lose to the enemies of the empire.

"Don't worry, I will take the initiative to explain to the Emperor!"

After hearing Odysseus's words, the bitterness on Shunezer's face had disappeared.Now, he is almost 100% sure that the ZERO in front of him is probably his imperial brother Lulu Xiu VI Bunitania, who has been separated for nine years.

That's why Euphemia chose to stand on the side of the Black Knights. Ania probably knew this too, so he didn't resist!And Suzaku, he should also know, but the attitudes of Cornelia and Nanali are a little strange...

Not long ago, I learned from Suzaku that Lelouch had appeared in the eleventh district, and with his assistance, he expelled ZERO and the Black Knights, and established a polarized system.This kind of method that can eliminate hidden dangers of the empire can only be imagined by this man with wisdom beyond his own.Moreover, ZERO's series of "miracles" seem to have found an explanation.

As for the Chinese Federation, it should have obtained many favorable conditions by supporting Lulu Xiu to fight for the imperial throne!

In just a few minutes, Shunizeer realized the truth of ZERO and inferred many puzzles before.Of course, there are still a lot of doubts, but it is no longer a blind person touching the elephant and knows nothing about ZERO.

If he had known that the other party was Lulu Xiu a long time ago, he would not accept this bet at all, it would only be humiliating himself.

The banquet continued again, and the atmosphere became more lively.Under the fierce after show just now, everyone seemed to let go a little bit, and the Dragoon generals gathered in twos and threes, next to the Bunitania ladies attending the banquet.The gentlemen who couldn't find a female companion also gathered together to comment on Yingying Yanyan at the banquet.

From appearance to figure, from clothing to identity!

If the top 100 beauties in this world are selected, those women may be selected in this banquet.His Majesty the emperor, the playful and lovely Majesty Kagura, the haughty first empress of Genavel, the goddess Euphemia, the lively and arrogant Majesty Karin, the outstanding figure, the sexy goddess of a group of women Miss Lei, the intellectual and beautiful Miss Cecil, the coexistence of ice and fire, the beautiful and heroic Miss Karen, the cold Samurai Knight of Aronia, and the soft but intellectually beautiful Miss Nina.

Qunfang fights for beauty, who is fighting!

Chapter 463: Nina's Hatred

The banquet came to a climax, and the host and the guest enjoyed themselves. In the gap that most people did not notice, a few figures of the girls who were originally eye-catching disappeared inadvertently.And many dragoon generals gathered at the door leading to the balcony, like guarding soldiers, surrounding them.

On the originally empty balcony, on the wooden fence full of simplicity and elegance, two figures appeared in sharp contrast with the surrounding environment.

It is two girls wearing beautiful western-style dresses. In this ancient oriental building, the clothes of these two girls are so eye-catching.But it will not give people a feeling of inappropriateness.

Because these two girls, no matter their temperament or looks, they are incomparable.Beauty knows no boundaries, cultures, and races.If this building contains historical precipitation and profound beauty, then these two beautiful girls are full of Western youth and unrestrained beauty.Beautiful things attract and merge with each other. Under this quiet night sky, they are more beautiful and form a perfect picture.

"The credits are close, why not graduate? Sister Mi Lei!"

Nina, who wore such a gorgeous dress for the first time, has slowly adapted to this dress.Especially in front of the sexy goddess who even she would be jealous of, Nina had to cheer up. Her self-esteem had been completely shattered by the devil, but in front of the devil's woman, she had to be strong.

"Ah, but if that's the case, you have to..."

Mi Lei, who covered the audience, wore the exposed open-chested dress, showing her proud and sexy figure to her heart. She faced the balcony and looked at the magnificent Zhu Forbidden City below, without noticing Nina’s abnormality. Still answer in the usual relaxed tone.

Before Mi Lei said the name, Nina suddenly interrupted her, seemingly taboo of that name.

"It's for that man, right! In order to be able to stay with that playboy, so I gave up graduation!"

"Well, you guessed it! Since I don't have to worry about my future life, of course I choose to stay with him as much as possible! You know, that guy always likes to provoke girls, if I don't care about him, even the Duke, I'm afraid I can't afford so many women!"

There was a happy helpless smile in Mi Lei's voice.Obviously, despite the arrangement on her lips, her heart is full of love from the heart for the playboy who provokes countless girls.

It seemed that the difference was such that her words were off topic, Mi Lei returned to Nina, and said with a calm expression.

"But having said that, it's great! It seems that Nina, you are also working hard, I don't know why, I feel relieved!"

In the second after the memory was modified, the power of the heroic spirit had already broken the seal of GEASS.However, in order to cooperate with Lelouch, both Mi Lei and Xia Li were unable to investigate positively. Therefore, they really did not know Nina's whereabouts. Until Cecil contacted, the two knew that Nina had become the next of Shunizeer's. Director of the research group.


Nina, who also looked at Zhu Forbidden City, clenched her fists fiercely, and replied softly with a tone similar to self-deprecating.Her fingers penetrated the white gloves and sank deeply into the flesh, but she didn't seem to feel the pain at all.

Mi Lei, who hadn't noticed it, continued to follow her own thoughts.

"Well, if there is anything, you can talk to me!"

"Please don't say that!"

Nina's fist slammed on the wooden fence, making a loud bang, but this voice was masked by her roar.


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