Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 539


Seeing that Lulu Xiu stopped working but remained silent, CC continued.

"Since Ania has been handed over by normal means, in terms of high-end combat power, there should be no one who can hinder you! If you continue to wait like this, the man, Chalulu, will probably react and return. Isn’t Zell already preparing for the war? Are you going to wait until they turn the eleventh district into a fortress and then engage in a decisive battle there?"


"I seem to have asked before... Can you fight Nanali?"

CC asked, Lelouch squeezed the empty lunch box with his hands and threw it to the nearby trash can.However, the packaging bag was not thrown into the trash can, but fell to the ground after hitting the edge.

"That sucks!"

"Shut up, Pizza Girl!"

Lelouch stood up as he said, picked up the packaging bag on the ground and threw it into the trash can.In this respect, he wonderfully has a serious character.

"You should know that Mariana is planning to use our daughter as a shield to delay time! Yufei and I are ready, and the IS of Kagura's Seraph and those little girls who were deceived by you are also under development. Time It is estimated that half a month will be enough! But now you are still playing with those little ghosts here!"

CC stood up from the sofa, came behind Lu Luxiu who was standing on the spot, and hugged his body from behind.Lelouch turned his head slightly, looked at CC's face with a clear expression on my face, and answered with a smirk.

"The MS forces of the Chinese Federation, the AS forces of the EU, and then the IS forces of the Knights, plus your Seraphs, even if they are ready, they should not cause a big obstacle. Or, CC, you are afraid I lost to the queen mother and Nanali!"

"Hmph, I will lose to that woman, don't underestimate my witch, Lelouch! I just don't want our daughter to be used by that bad woman!"

CC's face changed drastically. When she talked about her former friend and current competitor Marianna, she immediately lost her composure.

Chapter 469: Afternoon in the Command Room

"Is it angry?"

Lu Lu Xiu sneered, then turned around and hugged CC.

Only then did he have time to look at CC. At this moment, she was wearing an indoor attire, a white vest and thin shorts that could clearly see the inner thighs.Because the fabric is very high-quality, not only can you see the delicate skin inside, it is also very smooth to the touch.

Lelouch sat back in his chair again with CC in his arms, walking with his hands on the beautiful body of the witch, his hot lips also gently held the blush, savoring the fragrance and sweetness.

As for the so-called work, Lu Lu Xiu has long been thrown out of the sky!

In the independent commander's office of Penglai Island, which dominates the entire Japanese people, the repertoire is being staged as "the spring night will rise in a short period of time, and the king will not reign soon."

While kissing CC's sexy red lips, Lelouch's fingers slid down the curve of CC's back and gently pulled down her shorts.The fingers directly pushed away the two white buttocks, and the middle finger was inserted into the two smooth labia.


The lewd sound of water sounded, and the woman CC seemed to have been expecting Lelouch's entry. The narrow flower path was very moist, and it was completely accessible.Lelouch did not live up to CC's expectation, took off his pants, and CC who could not wait for a long time took out his cock directly, and then pointed at the entrance of his navel that Lelouch's fingers had opened, and sat down. .


The hot meat stick squeezed CC's labia forcibly and broke into the narrow vagina. Under CC's own weight, it drove straight in and directly touched the deepest part of her heart.


"You sex girl, it's already so wet inside!"

Lelouch teased, and his butt on the stool moved slightly, making CC's body rise and fall. He didn't want to give the initiative to CC.

However, CC is not to be outdone, the original posture of female upper and lower male is more powerful for the female side.Her lips crazily kissed Lelouch’s cheek, but the buttocks sitting on his thighs twisted vigorously, like a beautiful snake, shaking her waist crazily, and at the same time the uterus that wrapped Lelouch’s penis was also Tightened fiercely, the warm vagina seemed to have its own consciousness, squirming his cock toward the depths.In the deepest part, the mucosa of the CC uterus also seemed to have countless small mouths, kissing the glans of Lulu Xiu's stick.


The excitement beyond imagination made Lu Lu Xiu let out an extremely comfortable wolf howl, his back was numb, and the patience he had been patiently released, and a huge amount of semen burst out directly in the tightened uterus of CC.

Puff puff puff...

The sound of hot semen shooting on the CC endometrium is almost clearly heard outside.Victorious CC showed an intoxicated expression on her face, and her unconscious saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth, and she shouted "Ahhhhhh..."

Under the impact of Lelouch's semen, she also ushered in an unprecedented climax, pouring a large amount of vaginal semen on Lelouch's glans.The love liquids of the two are mixed together, regardless of each other.

For a long time, CC lay contentedly in Lelouch’s arms, holding up her long hair with her hands, and gently flicking the ends of the hair with her fingertips, her smooth and delicate skin rubbed against her lover’s chest. The softness and beauty caused the flames that had just subsided under Lulu Xiu to ignite again, and the part buried in the CC body instantly became larger, filling every inch of the witch's gap.

"Well, stop making trouble!"

Feeling the tight squeeze and gentle absorption of CC, Lelouch's body involuntarily became active again, and the hands tapping on the computer keyboard returned to CC's body, caressing this heavenly perfection masterpiece.

Although he said so, Lelouch's body still couldn't resist CC's attraction and temptation to him.I originally planned to spend half an hour inspecting the situation of the Japanese in Penglai Island, but it was completely spent on CC's body.The remaining half an hour to deal with affairs seemed to be drained by the insatiable witch of CC.

The distracting gasp sounded again in the command room. It was not until half an hour later that Karen and Ania, who felt something wrong, knocked on the door, and the two demon kings and witches who were completely immersed in the two-person world recovered. Sober.

However, just as Lelouch was about to separate from CC and clean up the messy battlefield, CC’s legs violently clamped his waist, and then separated his lips from his lover, towards the door. The direction shouted loudly.

"come in!"

Outside the door, Karen, who clearly knew what was happening in the command room, blushed, but did not dare to enter.Ania in the back walked to the front and said "Leave it to me." After placing her right hand on the code lock at the gate of the command room, her five slender fingers moved slightly.

After just a few beeps, the locked door from the inside opened immediately.

Ania pushed gently and walked into the command room.

"this is……"

Karen, who walked in behind him, looked at the undamaged combination lock, and looked at the expressionless Ania in confusion.

"A small technique for mental materialization, as long as you practice more, you can easily do it!"

Ania turned her head back and replied calmly, and then walked directly to the pair of men and women sitting together on the chair in front of the opposite desk with her mobile phone.While walking, habitually take pictures.


"There is no need to record this kind of thing!"

Lulu Xiu, who had completely handed over the initiative to CC, allowed the witch to swing her slender waist up and down, enjoying the happiest feeling in the world, while an unnatural blush appeared on her face.

In the end, using work as an excuse to leave, but actually fooling around with CC in the command room and being caught on the spot, even Lelouch would feel ashamed.

He usually looks like public and private, even when facing Karen.But once you get involved with CC, no matter how serious things are, they will become serious.

But this can't all be regarded as Lelouch's fault, it's just that as a ZERO, when he is alone with CC, he will unconsciously change back to Lelouch.

ZERO is the image of a wise leader, but Lulu the playboy who is merciful when he is alone with a peerless beauty and wants him to be a gentleman. Is this possible?

Moreover, because of the appearance of Karen and Ania, Lelouch's excitement seemed to rise again, and soon broke out again in the charming Taoyuan township of CC.CC himself trembled violently, reaching the climax with Lelouch.

After a long time, Lulu Xiu and CC, who finally calmed down, still maintained that posture, and began to continue the conversation just now.

"Nanali is not an analgesic, let alone a good medicine. The setting of Bunitania and the honorary Bunitan is itself a transitional deception. The mother just wants to temporarily stabilize the 11th district. For a period of time, in order to win the bet with you, if I launch a counterattack at this time, it may just destroy her actions. In this case, it would be too unfair to the mother and Nanali!"

Lelouch gently stroked CC's bright back, while kissing the cross wound on her left chest and the blush on the mountain peak.

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