Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 543

"Flash? It feels like a hero, I don't like it very much."

"The enemy gave this fake hero a new nickname. Don't be surprised if you hear it. It's an immortal witch."

"a ha ha ha……"

The girl's laughter was endless.

"Yes! I like it, CC, and I gratefully accept this nickname."

"Are you going to replace me?"

"It would be great if you can live forever. If you live forever, you can do what you want, because you don't have to worry about dying, you can eat to your heart's content, play to your heart's content, fulfill your dreams, and then keep searching for your heart's goal. ,Until the end of the world!"

"Marianna, you like to be serious. What a dream that is not considered ambitious!"

"I'm very serious at all times, haven't I said before, CC is so cute that I want to swallow it in one bite!"

"I hope you are not serious!"

"It's so cold, but this is what makes you cute, CC!"

"hope so……"

Happy memories, unfortunate memories.However, subjective likes and dislikes are meaningless.The important thing is.This is also a kind of accumulation, just a recorded event.Temporary pleasure and pain will eventually lose their brilliance in the long river of time and become a tasteless and dry record.

In this way, the story was sealed into the bottomless abyss of my mind, sleeping deep in memory.

This is the memory of Elizabeth and the queen!

Lelouch left CC's forehead and looked down at her cheek.At this time, the sadness on her face has disappeared, replaced by a warm smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Is that the bond between you and the queen? It's a makes people jealous!"

Lelouch leaned his head against CC and closed his eyes gently.

Chapter 473 Quiet Morning

The next morning, the warm sunlight shone directly on Lelouch's face from the window, stimulating him to wake up from his sleep.Opening his eyes, Lelouch hugged a soft body as he used to.

However, just as this slightly cold body was embraced in his arms, the memories of last night began to emerge in his mind.


Lelouch clearly felt that the body in his arms was different from what he had imagined. CC's body had to be more mature, and the person in his arms was very flat, and he could fully penetrate into his arms, like a Just like a newborn kitten.

Looking down, sure enough, Aniamu's expressionless face entered Lelouch's field of vision, causing a trace of loss in his heart.I only saw such a dream last night, but when I woke up in the morning, I didn't see the person's face. This is indeed a pity for Lu Lu Xiu who saw CC's weak posture for the first time.But of course Lelouch could not express this expression in front of Ania.

"What about CC?"

After looking around the room, he still didn't see CC, Lelouch asked subconsciously.There are only two people in the room, one is him and the other is Ania in his arms.So it is possible that she is the only one who knows the whereabouts of CC.

Without disappointing Lelouch, Ania answered the lord's question in a very calm tone.

"CC left in the morning and said that he had no interest in seeing the face of'voyeur'!"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Ania's effort to relay CC's words without any emotion, Lu Lu Xiu showed a helpless wry smile.

Sure enough, the peeping of CC dreams was discovered last night.However, Lulu Xiu never expected that CC would leave without saying goodbye.That twisted woman, only at this time, would she become so unfrank.However, it is also possible that he does not want to show him his own female side.

For that arrogant witch.


Seeing the bitter smile on Lelouch's face, Ania tilted her cute little head and repeated it.


Lelouch lightly patted Ania's cheek, dropped a kiss on her lovely lips, and then got up and started to change clothes.Karen went back to the dormitory with Xia Li last night, and today he is the only one who takes Ania to school.

After washing, Lelouch left the bedroom with Ania who had been put on school uniform.Outside the room, Lolo was already waiting there.

"Brother, good morning!"

Ania, who was holding hands, put on a female junior high school uniform with the same style as Nanali, which looked very cute, but Lolo, who was upright in his adolescence, did not see Ania who was pecked with jade. Only his brother, Lelouch, was in his eyes.

Lulu Xiu was taking care of Ania's clothes just like when he took Nanaly out a year ago, trying his best to make every detail perfect.After hearing Lolo's greetings, he took his right hand away from Ania's pink hair and looked at his brother.

"Well, Lolo, good morning!"

Lelouch who responded quickly noticed Luo Luo's slightly wrinkled collar and the crooked buttons on his chest.I definitely wanted to see my brother in a hurry, so after waking up, I changed clothes in a hurry, washed up, and waited at the door.

Lelouch let go of Ania's little hand with a slight sigh.

"Lolo, look at you, the clothes are too untidy! I have said that several times, pay attention to your appearance in the morning, I will not disappear, why do you make the same mistake every time!"

While uttering reproach in a gentle tone, Lelouch walked up to his younger brother, stretched out his hand to help him rearrange his crown, fastened the buttons and collar, and finally straightened the school uniform on his shoulders.

"That's it, Luo Luo, you must pay attention in the future! I can't stay by your side forever, you will grow up after all!"

Touched the head of Luo Luo who was smirking because he had arranged his clothes for him, Lu Lu Xiu smiled dozingly.At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind them.

"Find a girlfriend for Lolo!"

Lelouch and the others looked back. It was Mi Lei who rushed back to the 11th district last night. Behind her, followed by Keno, who is like a good baby, and student council secretary Livar Klaudingmand. Xia Li seems to have not Come, probably stay with Karen.

And of course Mi Lei made the prank suggestion just now.

"This growth rate is a bit too much! Mi Lei!"

Lu Lu Xiu, who understood Mi Lei's irresponsible speech, directly rejected the suggestion.

Finding a girlfriend is a direct step from a child to an adult. Even if Lolo's age has reached, with his previous experience, it will take a lot of time to be away from normal people.

After Lelouch finished speaking, Keno from behind immediately stepped forward and introduced himself in a very civilian tone in accordance with the teaching obtained from Livar just now.

"It's the vice president of the Student Union, Senior Lulouch!, I am Kino Beinberuk who is studying at Ashford Academy from today. Please give me your advice!"

Keno, who had been warned by Mi Lei, obviously knew that Lelouch's prince identity could not be revealed in the academy, plus his own character, so it was natural to say hello to Lelouch.


"Master Keno, the third knight? I would like to ask you for your advice. But what's the matter with your claim?"

Lelouch nodded calmly, then asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

He was referring to the fact that Keno changed his self-proclaimed "I" to "I".

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