Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 547

Xia Li and Suzaku thought of a possibility at the same time, and rushed towards the subway station together.However, the goals of the two were completely different. The Suzaku, far beyond the limit of human physical fitness, broke the world record for the 100-meter sprint, and appeared at the entrance of the subway station in almost ten seconds.However, the two strange guards guarding the entrance, instead of looking at the riots, stood there as if guarding something.

"I am the seventh knight, Suzaku!"

Suzaku stopped, took out his military ID, and gave orders.

"This matter may have something to do with ZERO. From now on, the surrounding fire and police are under my command!"

However, facing the orders of the Knights of the Round Table of the Empire, the reaction of the two policemen was completely different from Suzaku's expectations. They took out the pistols from their waists almost at the same time and were about to attack him.

"Is it controlled by GEASS? Sure enough, what conspiracy is Lulu Xiu doing here!"

Seeing the reaction of the two policemen, Suzaku instantly understood that they had been controlled by Lelouch's absolute order GEASS.No longer hesitating, his fist decisively hit the lower abdomen of the two policemen, and the appropriate force immediately knocked them out.

At this moment, a pretty figure sprang out from behind him and rushed into the subway station where there was heavy smoke.

"Xia Li!"

Suzaku, who was holding the two fainted police officers, saw the figure and shouted in surprise, immediately put the two people on his fists down and rushed in.

Although the smoke billowed in the passage, there was not much smoke in the spacious waiting room. Obviously, the explosion was just a simple product to disperse passersby.But at this moment, it was not empty. The first thing Suzaku rushed in was two figures fighting fiercely.The crackling blows showed how fierce the battle was.

Two figures are very obvious, one is Xia Li with a fluttering long skirt and an elegant and slender figure.Another thing that Suzaku could not believe was that it was the ORANGE who blocked the block a year ago, Jeremy Gottwald.

How did the two of them fight?

Suzaku stopped and looked at the two fighting in front, her eyes full of confusion and perplexity.What makes him even more strange is that Jeremy Yaqing at this moment is very strange, his left eye is inlaid with a golden wing, the pupil on it is flashing with electricity, and he is shocked by his agility.

After just a few glances, Suzaku understood that Jeremya seemed to have been transformed into a cyborg just like herself.No, he was more than himself, because he even seemed to have his brain modified.As for the short sword that emerged from his arm, and his unharmed body no matter how it was hit, it is conceivable that he received a more comprehensive and detailed transformation than his experimental product.

This is not difficult to understand, after all, one year has passed, and with his experimental product, the subsequent transformation is of course more advanced.

If Jeremia gave him the feeling of shock, then the girl Xia Li, who had a gentle and delicate face not long ago, made him feel incredible at this moment.Facing the inhuman Jeremiah, Xia Li's movements were more sensitive, and her body almost brought a phantom, dazzling.Jeremyia's body was smashed.If it weren't for her seemingly untrained combat system, Jeremia would have been repelled long ago.

But even so, relying on the speed and strength far surpassing Jeremia, after gradually getting acquainted with the battle, she still took a flying kick in the air, and the huge force directly kicked off Jeremia's emergence from the sleeves. The short sword kicked his chest fiercely, kicked him out, and crashed into a row of chairs behind him.


Seeing that Jeremya was kicked into the air, Suzaku finally gave up his identity as an audience and quickly stepped forward to check Jeremya's situation.

"Oh, it's Shumuqing!"

Except for the slightly embarrassed clothes, Jeremia did not seem to be injured when he stood up.He looked at Suzaku, then looked solemnly at the girl with long orange hair standing at the elevator entrance to the second floor.

"Are you also an associate of ZERO?"

Xia Li smiled noncommitantly, patted the clothes that were a little messy because of the fight just now, and then looked at Jeremia and the gloomy Suzaku with contempt.

"I can't let you bother Lulu!"

"Xia Li, do you know what you are doing?"

Suzaku stretched his right hand into his arms, pulled out a pistol, and asked loudly.

"Of course I know what I'm doing? Suzaku, haven't I already said it! However, there are things I cannot forgive!"


"If someone wants to hurt Lulu, he must first interfere with what Lulu did. I will never forgive him! Suzaku, choose!"

Suzaku, who originally had a glimmer of hope for Xia Li, finally gave up on persuading the girl in front of him, opened the pistol insurance, and aimed at Xia Li in front of him.

Facing the black hole's muzzle, a sneer of contempt flashed across Xia Li's face.

"Does this thing work for me?"

"Sure enough, you, Your Highness Euphemia, and Ania, have the same power!"

Seeing the pistol ignoring him, Suzaku's face was so gloomy that he was about to bleed. Obviously, Xia Li's attitude reminded him of the other two inhuman existences.It was not transformed into cyborgs like him and Jeremia, but they had power far beyond them.

Arnia defeated him with a hand knife, and His Royal Highness Euphemia had even confronted the Knights of the Round Table driving the Knightmare with his bare hands.If Xia Li also has the same power as them, even if he and Jeremia join forces, it is absolutely impossible to be Xia Li's opponent.

But no matter what, you will know only if you try it!

"Xia Li, don't blame me!"


The trigger of the pistol was pulled!

The 479th chapter the arrival of the ice and fire knight.


Xia Li, who had been staring at the Suzaku ahead, was suddenly hit by a sharp object at the location of her temple. The penetrating power of the tip made her head tilted without the slightest preparation, and patted her right temple like a mosquito. .

"what is this?"

Xia Li, who didn't understand what was happening, held down the sharp object hitting her temple, then took it down and placed it in front of her eyes.

It's a silver bullet!

If Xia Li was a soldier, she would immediately recognize it. This is a special bullet specially used for sniper rifles. The combined warhead is enough to penetrate five millimeters of steel and penetrate solid walls.


Suzaku and Jeremy Ya clearly stood in front of her, but how could the bullet hit her in the head from the side.Xia Li, as well as Suzaku and Jeremia on the opposite side, both raised a suspicion.But soon, Suzaku and Jeremea realized what had happened just now.

No matter who fired the bullet, there is only one fact in front of him, that is, someone shot Xia Li with a sniper rifle, and the bullet accurately hit the most vulnerable temple of mankind.However, Xia Li in front of her was not injured, but she grabbed the bullet instead.

Suzaku and Jeremia could see very clearly that there was not even a white mark on Xia Li's temple.

Is she really human?

Obviously they have been transformed into cyborgs, but the two of them now have doubts about themselves and the girl in front of them.That kind of alloy sniper bullets, even their bodies, I am afraid they will have to be punched a big hole.

"Sneak up guy, die for me!"

When Suzaku and Jeremia were shocked by the fact that Xia Li was unscathed by a sniper gun, Xia Li also woke up and was hit by a sniper gun.Haven't eaten pork, have never seen a pig run.Xia Li, who had seen similar scenes in the movie, suddenly became furious and squeezed the bullet in the palm of her hand into a ball of iron mud.After that, she turned around and tore off the metal guardrail next to the elevator, pointed the one-meter-long iron rod at the position of the sniper that she sensed, and threw it forcefully.

call out!

The one-meter-long iron rod pierced the air in an instant, faster than the bullet that hit Xia Li, and instantly crossed a distance of 300 meters, piercing the sniper in the building opposite the subway station, and then cruelly Ruthlessly nailed into the wall.

The sound of the sniper rifle being crushed and the sniper's dying howl faintly awakened the sluggish Suzaku and Jeremia.

"Well, the eye-obtrusive flies have been resolved, now it's your turn!"

Xia Li turned her head, like a gangster who was about to violently break her fingers, making a creaking knuckle rubbing sound, causing Suzaku and Jeremia on the opposite side to drip a drop of sweat on their foreheads.

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