Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 552

"That's why you said it was VV's private action!"

CC calmly affirmed.

"But I was different from the current leader VV at that time. It was just a vase. I was selected simply because I was able to give them the ability to Geass. Although there were some people who followed my orders, they were all just researchers. What a real power!"

"Are there no substantive activities?"

"Because the purpose of the cult and I are different. The other party just needs my knowledge of Geass and the abilities that I have given me. It seems that there is no more expectation. It was originally that way, but then I met VV and Chaluru. The Order has also incorporated some political factors from a neutral research organization. Since then, I have no interest in the activities of the Order."

CC said this, sighing as if spit out something that had accumulated for a long time.

"So what's the current situation in the Order, I honestly don't know. Since you want to get it, you can confirm it with your own eyes after you get it. All I can say is that. And, I am You know, besides Jeremya and Lolo, you must have your own people in the Order, right!"

After CC finished speaking, he looked at Lelouch with an expression that you knew well.

Although there is a sea across, CC's vision is as real as it is, making him look away a little embarrassingly.

The clear night sky was covered by clouds, and it looked a little bleak, and the color of the scenery reflected by the faint moonlight was also a little bleak and lonely.If it was before, at this moment Lu Lu Xiu should have embraced CC, enjoying the happiness of the soul and soul.

But now, the two are separated and can only communicate through electronic signals.

"CC, I miss you!"

After a long silence, Lelouch said abruptly, causing a rare expression of astonishment on CC's face across the screen.

"Well, I miss you too, Lelouch!"

The demon king and the witch smiled at each other, and the embarrassment and silence since the "Night of Dreams" finally disappeared completely.

"I will go to your place now! In order to completely solve the hidden dangers of the cult!"

"Well, the cult may indeed be within the territory of the Chinese Federation, but as soon as someone finds it there, it will immediately change its position. As I said earlier, there are ruins like Shengen Island all over the world. And as long as the ruins exist The cult can move arbitrarily."

Seeing Lulu Xiu's look that he couldn't wait to see him, CC smiled triumphantly, and deliberately raised an objection.

Is this... acting like a baby?

Lelouch would not give up so easily.

"I have a way, even if it is a religious group, after all, it is the existence of human activities in a group manner. The flow of materials, the flow of funds, the flow of people-as long as enough personnel and organization search, you will definitely find traces."

"That's it!"

The witch who exuded a coquettish aura smiled happily.

"Using the power of the country to investigate the traces of the'flow direction' meticulously? Come here, I will stare at you in vain!"

Since it is going to come overnight, it is naturally impossible to find the cult immediately.This evening, the answer is self-evident on how to spend a couple of lovers who have been apart for more than a week.

Chapter 484 First Seeing VV

"Evil Eye"-EVIL·EYE, this legend has appeared in nationalities and religions all over the world, and the types are also quite rich.However, its concept is not systematic, and similarities and differences are mixed in various legends.Generally speaking, it is mostly divided into two types: voluntary winners and involuntary winners.The latter has multiple results such as the elimination of the ability, the loss of control, and the overcoming of the ability.On the other hand, the ending of the former is mostly tragic.However, there should be room for debate on whether the tragedy in the eyes of others is also a tragedy for the parties involved.

"Can it be used as a reference?"

The turbulent flow of emotions slowly subsided. After the passion, CC lay quietly in Lelouch's arms, lazy like a kitten just fed, full of attachment to the owner who fed him.

"If it's not a reference, it's a lie!"

Lulu Xiu, who had never looked away from CC's face, lowered his face and gently kissed the woman's forehead in his arms.

"Let's use our eyes to confirm personally, tomorrow... it will be a good weather!"

"Well, it will be a good weather!"

CC's cheek gently nudged Lulu Xiu's solid chest, and his eyes slowly closed.Since the night when she was peeped into her dreams a week, she can finally get a good night's sleep.

Tonight, maybe I will have a good dream!

The next day, combined with the information given by Jeremyar, Lelouch had roughly confirmed the location of the Order.However, before that, in order to avoid being stunned and let his uncle transfer ahead of time, Lulu Xiu had to delay a little bit.

The scorching sun is heading, and the yellow sand keeps going.In a corner of the desert sea, there is an ancient ruin like a small island.Headed by ZERO, the elite of the Black Knights-the zero division that has changed into Infinite Stratos is landing there one after another.Because the size and destructive power of Gundam and Knightmare Frame are too strong, and IS has been completed, this time except for Karen, Jeremia, and Vincent driven by Lolo, the rest are IS.

Compared with Gundam and Knightmare Frame, this IS is not like a humanoid robot at all, but more like an extended armor on the human body.

Except for the skeleton that allows people to ride on, the rest of the parts are covered with shoulder armor, waist armor, arm armor, hand armor, leggings and the like that are exactly the same as humans.Ninety percent of the body is exposed, but the key parts of the body are connected with the driver.The mechanical skeleton looks very simple, without a kinetic energy system, IS is driven entirely by the power of the heroes themselves.And weapons and the like, also rely on the pilot's own hobbies, strengthened into their own heroic weapons.

For example, those who like close combat will strengthen weapons such as swords and shields, those who prefer hand-to-hand combat will strengthen the overall solidity and assault ability, and those who prefer long-range combat will strengthen artillery.

Assault, assault, artillery, all-round, and extreme format bodies.

Yes, these Infinite Stratos, which cannot be piloted by humans, are all armed with heroic spirits, combat weapons born under the inspiration of Yuffi.

Stopped outside the small island of the ruins, the temporary bedroom was ready. After connecting the computer to the power supply, Lelouch asked Jeremy to call the regular contact with the Order.

The ruins extend in all directions underground.No, its scale is enough to be called a city.In fact.Because of the vents, even if the smoke billowed, the air showed no signs of turbidity.What would archaeologists think if they heard that this was something built thousands of years ago?Although there are different opinions, everyone will definitely agree that it is "impossible."Not only does it have an air-conditioning system comparable to modern building technology, but it also expands a limited space. It even has trenches for humans to live in. If you remove the ceilings buried by huge rock plates and yellow sand, this is undoubtedly a city.Central Asia, an ancient underground city extending under the desert.

From the overall structure, it looks like a bowl.The most spacious space is the first two floors below ground.In ancient times, while praising their "gods", ordinary believers settled in this space for food, clothing and shelter.Once you reach the fourth or fifth floors underground, the space will suddenly narrow and become a place exclusively for clergy.At that time, ordinary people were not allowed to approach here.

Yes, here is both a city and a temple.While worshipping the gods, it is also a dreamy place to approach the gods.

And in the deepest part of the ground, the nine floors.

Not only ordinary believers, but even lower-ranked priests are prohibited from entering.A small road leads straight ahead, with huge stone pillars standing on both sides.Although it looks like it was cut directly from a rock pan, it is not.It is through piling up pieces of finely processed stones to achieve this effect.Judging from the unnecessary decoration, we can know that this room is extremely special and important.

In fact, this place was originally not only the closest place to "God," it was also a space that was not allowed to approach.It is the leader of the leader-that is, the room of the undead who has the "Code" and is located at the root of the power of Geass.

Push open the left and right doors, and at the end of the big red carpet on the ground, there is a bigger door with complex geometric figures painted on the surface. The figure shape is exactly the same as the remains of Shengen Island where CC Zeng and Lu Luxiu died. .

In front of the stairs leading to the main entrance, there is a stepped step. In front of the main entrance is a stone-carved chair on which sits a slender young man with blond hair.He stretched out and wore a gown similar to a priest, with a gold ring on his head, his purple eyes exuding mystery, and a majestic breath radiated throughout his body.

He is the master of this ruin, the leader of the sect-VV.It is also the second CODE holder after CC, immortal existence.

At this moment, in front of him, were standing several people wearing dark sacrificial robes, all of them covered under the clothes, only one pair of eyes were exposed.One of the priests respectfully reported to their leader.

"VV leader, Jeremya sent a regular contact!"

"Really, come in!"

VV raised his head and looked at the huge screen above, but the next moment, the image that appeared on the screen made him stay for a while.

"Oh, when we first met, you are VV!"


VV just lost consciousness for less than a second, then recovered and calmly looked at that nephew's face on the screen.Compared to the calm VV, the priests in front of him were obviously surprised.

"Why would Jeremyar's communication be..."

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