Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 557

"You accepted your destiny, but I didn't. You must hate me, hate me as a traitor. But... I won't regret the decision I made, maybe I also want to thank you, VV!

"Immortal... Destiny... So, Charuru..."

When CC was about to pick up the conversation, he suddenly found that the other party's words were a little unconscious.What's wrong, VV's words are not for myself.

"This is... the oath..."

CC's face sank, he went from the front of VV to his back, and was shocked, finally realized what had happened to VV.

"Between us... don't lie..."

The boy turned to CC with blood on his face, there was no anger in his pupils.However, that bare-skinned arm stretched forward tremblingly, as if seeking redemption.

"Because... I am... Chalulu's brother..."

"VV, your CODE, is it..."

"A world without lies, this is a contract...our..."

The voice gradually became lower, and the right hand that was stretched forward fell weakly and hit the hard ground.CC slowly squatted down and sat on the ground, looking at VV who had lost his vital signs, supporting his chin with both hands.

"Chalulu, why do you want to seize the code name of VV? Why did you kill your so-loved brother? Is it to defeat Luloxiu? Unfortunately, even if you seize the code of VV, it is useless. That man, Lu Lu Xiu, is the only king recognized in the world. He is burdened with 10 billion human sins. Everything you do, from start to finish, is just a farce!"

Speaking of the back, CC's eyes glanced behind him.

"You say yes, Lelouch!"

"When did you discover it!"

Da Da Da!

From the shadows behind, a sound of footsteps gradually approached, and then, Lelouch's figure appeared in the reflected light of the dusk gate.He came here after VV.Because I saw Raphael of CC outside, I also jumped from the mirage and walked along the way CC to the gate of dusk.

Naturally, he also saw the VV who had lost his life before.However, compared to the death of VV who possessed the immortal body, Lelouch cared more about CC's self-talk.

"Beared the sins of ten billion humans!"

This incident, even Lelouch himself, was vaguely aware of the fact in countless dreams and longings.But CC revealed his biggest secret in one go.

"Not long ago!"

CC didn't turn his head, just looked at VV's body like that, looked at the door of twilight with the V-shaped CODE brand behind him, and whispered back.

"You have seen my past in my dreamland, and I have also seen your dreamland, what you are carrying!"

"That's it!"

Lelouch accepted this explanation. In fact, the king's brand didn't bring much information to him. Except for the mission of becoming a king and the infinitely enlarged desire, everything else was just fragments of longing.

Nodding his head, Lelouch crossed the CC and continued towards the gate.

CC raised his head, looked at Lulu Xiu's back and asked.

"Are you going? Lelouch!"

"Getting CODE and having an immortal life, that man must be very proud at this moment!"

Lulu Xiu stopped slightly and sneered back.

"My favorite thing to do is to drive the enemy into the abyss of despair when he is most proud!"

Sword of Akash!

Chapter 489: Arriving at the Root

"This is... C's world... the root... the end of reincarnation... Alaya!"

Lu Luxiu stared at the surrounding scenery quietly, muttering to himself.

The surrounding world seemed to be stained by the morning glow, although this was bizarre enough in time, but looking at the morning glow of his own foothold is even more problematic.Supporting the instep is the ground made of slabs.But the whole ground is round, with a certain place as the boundary, it is cut off.And there is only a sea of ​​clouds below the ground.In other words, including the stone steps extending from the ground, the floor itself is floating in the clouds.

At this moment, Lelouch was standing on the edge of this world, or at the entrance of the stone building.Behind him was a vast expanse of white air, and Lelouch's spiritual stance spread, but he did not find any entity.

The Gate of Twilight, the gate connecting the world and the C world.

This is not a dream, nor is it that the soul is out of the body, but that you can truly feel the existence of your body.A real world, a wonderful space where spirit and body can coexist.

"This is my final destination, my world!"

Lelouch opened his arms, as if to embrace the world in front of him, and muttered in a low voice.

It's too late to say, then fast.

"You are finally here, my son Lulu Xiu, long time no see!"

The sound has an overwhelming sense of majesty, as if the entire space has been shocked.Moreover, this sound that shakes the entire anomalous world is no stranger to Lelouch.Lulu Xiu was startled, and turned to the end of the stairs, where the voice came from.

A man wearing a luxurious cloak is standing there.

"This system is the sword of Akash, the world program that approaches the'god' and kills the'god'. It is the only and absolute, the hammer of sanctions far at the end of human desire!"

The white curly hair is facing the master's oldness, but the flesh does not feel the slightest aging, only showing the domineering, making him look extraordinarily tall.Looking down at sentient beings with sharp eyes like an eagle, they make them crawl under their feet.And what gleamed on the cloak was the coat of arms of the king that made everyone fearful.

The Ninety-eighth Emperor of the Holy Bunitanian Empire, Chalulu DI Bunitania.The overlord who reigns over the world, the emperor who dyes one third of the world into his own colors.

The overlord looked down condescendingly, and Lu Lu Xiu's figure was reflected in his pupils.

Similarly, Lu Lu Xiu, who looked up at his father, raised his chin and smiled proudly.

"Ah, my father, long time no see!"

In this world, CC turned his back to the door of dusk decorated with intricate patterns, and lowered himself in the middle of the stairs.

There was a corpse in front of CC bending over.It was the body of a young man with his back facing the sky and his hands folded on his chest.It was CC that helped him close his eyes and folded his hands.She didn't mean anything special, she just wanted to do it.

The expression on CC's face disappeared completely, and the figure of a teenager who seemed to be sleeping was reflected in the beautiful pupils.She has maintained this posture ever since Lelouch stepped through the gate.The person who had the same fate as her has died, and the death is extremely tragic.CC is mourning for the girl in front of her, although she is not qualified to mourn, although she is the real culprit who betrayed the boy in front of him and killed the boy.

"VV, I won't apologize. From the moment I met Lelouch, apologies or regrets have never appeared to me!"

It is impossible for the king to make mistakes, even if it is wrong, the wrong is the world, not the king!

As a queen, I am the same!

The air in the ruins is a bit muddy, like a breeze gently blowing over the small flowers on the grassland.The sound of the riot has gradually disappeared, and it seems that the clean-up work outside is nearing completion.

CC, who cast his gaze on VV, suddenly raised his head.Then he said so.

"you are……"

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