Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 562

"It's too late. When'I' wants to give warmth and pursue warmth through myself instead of Geass, it's too late. So, I don't know when to start, the truth for'I' is left. She-a person."

"She...oh, the nun who made a contract with you."

"Because Geass doesn't work for her, only she is not because of Geass's power, but directly facing the real'me'. She has been with'me' all the time, reprimanding the'me' who indulged in the game. No, Because of this, I believe she loves me. But..."

The scene again turned to the church where the girl and the nun originally contracted.The girl was naked for some reason, and there was a red bird spreading its wings in her eyes.It is the mark of Geass, and it appears not only in one eye, but in both eyes.This proved without a doubt that her Geass had become so strong that she was out of control.

The nun standing in front of the girl still looked at the girl in front of her with loving eyes.A tired smile appeared on the girl's face. She pouted her cute little mouth and complained playfully.

"Okay, okay, I've followed what you told the nun. I returned everything I received. But, there is no way, it's all because of Geass's fault. Although I am very grateful to you, nun, but to be honest , I am also very troubled. Gifts, marriage proposals, annoying, even the person who called me the leader came out!"

In the Middle Ages, the leader was the spokesperson of the gods in the human world, and his status was higher than that of the king. This shows how much CC was liked by people at that time.

"Then let everything end."

Suddenly, the nun interrupted the girl.The girl showed a surprised expression.


"In order for my eternity to end, I must find someone to replace me, someone with a certain level of Geass ability."

The nun ignored the girl's confusion and continued in a calm tone.

"Do you know how painful I am, this eternal hell... I'm the only one!"

"That one……"

The girl asked suspiciously.

"what are you talking about?"

In an instant, the nun standing in front of the girl suddenly changed her expression completely.The corners of her mouth were raised to the sides, and the love in her eyes disappeared. Instead, there was only a cold smile, as if looking at the stupidest creature in the world.She burst into a harsh giggle like a broken radio.Then, a bright CODE mark appeared on her forehead.

"What a pity! You were deceived!"


The girl's expression stiffened, and she hurriedly wanted to escape.But at this moment, the light of CODE on the nun's forehead spread out her wings.The light leaped into the girl's eyes first, followed by the nun who flew towards the girl.

Her slender fingers held a large dagger, a saber.The girl tried to escape, but the nun suddenly suppressed her thin body.The smile on her face revealed ecstasy, full of evil feelings.She raised her dagger and pierced it into the girl's chest. The girl let out a scream of pain, but the nun ignored it.She seemed to feel that one stabbing was not enough, so she stabbed the dagger into the same place again and again, as if to gouge something solid.Then she cut open the girl's chest, pierced a hole in the heart, and carved a huge cross.

At this time, something incredible happened.The girl who was riding on the girl wielding a dagger was obviously a nun.However, whenever she stabbed a dagger, a large amount of blood spurted from her own chest until she dyed her clothes red.The girl kept uttering a scream, and the nun couldn't stop laughing wildly.

I don't know how long it has passed, and there is no one in the church anymore.

The nun fell on the cold stone slab, a lot of blood flowing from her chest, staining the floor red.The ominous mark on her forehead-the mark of CODE disappeared.

The girl leaned weakly in front of the church's statue of the Virgin, looking at the ceiling.There was no Geass mark in his hollow eyes.But the same pattern appeared on her forehead, clearly emitting an extremely ominous red light.

The young girl with blood on her chest slowly raised her hand and stretched out to the sky.However, nothing was caught.A clear tear shed from the girl's eyes that lost focus, and slid down her blood-stained cheeks.

This is the birth of the cursed undead witch, the beginning of the millennium journey.

Chapter 494: A Broken World

Consciousness sank into darkness again, and then, the world that appeared in front of Lelouch was no longer the place like a library, but a place like an art gallery with pictures on the walls.

Lelouch stood blankly. Next to him was a huge portrait. On the screen was an ancient church, in which a girl with long hair covered in blood was sitting.

"This is the beginning of everything!"

Suddenly, a voice rang from behind him.Lelouch turned slowly, and saw the woman standing behind him.She has a face exactly like CC.And even the clothes are the same as those worn by CC in this world, a special dress similar to a black robe with slits.She did not look at Lelouch, but at the portrait on the wall in front of her.

"The story of a dying girl who got Geass, got the immortal CODE and realized immortality. Okay, here's the key to you. This is a story about undead time and endless curses..."

"no need!"

Lelouch frowned slightly and shook his head.

Seeing the sorrow on Lulu Xiu's face when she was speaking, the corners of the girl's mouth were slightly raised.

"Is that story enough?"

"No, I've seen the next thing!"

Yes, when he first became one with CC, he had personally experienced the pain and sadness, despair and indifference she had experienced.Moreover, he didn't want to look at that guy's appearance!

Because it is so heartbreaking, heartbreaking, heartbreaking, and painful.

"Unfortunately, I can't do what you want."

That woman still has to look back at Lelouch.

"You are already here. Now that you are here, you must accept the key. If you don't want to look at it, you can remain silent, you can plug your ears, but you must accept the key."

"Don't want to die" and "eternal life" are the long-cherished wishes of many people!The eternal life of one person is lonely, and the eternal life of two people, even if it is an enemy, can get the motivation to live.Love and hate are the two strongest human emotions, unforgettable.

As if she could see through Lulu Xiu's thoughts, the woman said.

"It seems that you really love'I', otherwise you won't be so painful and so sad because of the experience of seeing'I'!"

Lelouch's eyes never left the opponent's body, and his voice was more serious than ever.

"Of course, because I love you more than anyone else, not because of GEASS, but because of my own will. Although you are a pizza girl with a poisonous tongue and a black belly, I love you so much. You, like you, can't tolerate you being hurt, it's more painful than stabbing my heart with a knife!"

"Really, you deserve to be liked by'I'. I probably know the reason that guy made you go to this place."

Don't say the woman deeply, Lelouch frowned.

"Really unclear words! But..."

The reason is no longer necessary!

Lelouch avoided the sight of the woman before him and looked up at the window behind her.Clenched his fists.Then he whispered.

"Key or something, I don't need it at all. I don't want to uncover the scars of that bad guy again and again. Because her future is created by me."

The woman was puzzled again, and stared at Lelouch's face.

"what are you saying?"

"I said, you underestimated me. I am feeling extremely angry right now. If even my own woman cannot be redeemed, is there any value in being a man?"

Despite the heavy words, Lelouch's tone was unusually flat.

"Don't look at me like this, my personality is very awkward. Especially can't tolerate being at the mercy of others without my knowledge."

After speaking, Lulu Xiu suddenly turned around and turned his back to the woman.The other party still looked at his back in doubt, and soon she regained her original look and said.

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