Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 574

"This is to welcome the war in the new era. If you win, you will get the whole world. How could I be missing! Ania, now is under the command of His Highness Schonizel, when we fight together, come back Right!"

Bismarck looked at the extremely petite Ania condescendingly, and unexpectedly invited her.

From what he said just now, he clearly knew the edict of the Emperor to Nanali.Now, the command of the eleventh district has been completely handed over to Schonizel, and it is under this situation that Bismarck, who is familiar with the strength of Ania, will come in person and invite her to return to the Knights of the Round Table.

"Ania, let's go!"

However, before Ania could answer, in the last wheelchair, Nanali who had turned the wheelchair over suddenly spoke.

"His Royal Highness, do you know what you are doing?"

Bismarck looked in the direction of the voice and said with a sad expression on his face.Seriously, he didn't want to be an enemy of Nanali, who was once regarded as a daughter by him.Looking at Nanali's familiar and unfamiliar face, he seemed to recall the figure of the little emperor who was crying in his arms.

"Uncle Bismarck, of course I know what I'm doing. What I don't know is yourself! The same thing, I have already told His Majesty the Emperor, you can't win. If this goes on, just send more innocent people. Into death!"

"His Royal!"

What else Bismarck wanted to say, Ania was already a little impatient, and she called Ania's name again.


"Yes, Your Highness!"

Ania nodded, and walked past Bismarck without any precaution, came to Nanali's wheelchair, and pushed her away toward the other side of the corridor.

Behind, seeing the two gentlemen leaving the two petite girls, Keno and Suzaku came up, neither of them had good expressions.

"Is it really irretrievable?"

"Well, we have to prepare to meet Ania on the battlefield. However, if the battle goes well, as long as the Black Knights attack is repelled on the sea, this result can be avoided!"

"The empire's most powerful force has been gathered here, and we can definitely win!"

"Well, definitely!"

Chapter 506 Strategic Weapon Maintenance

At dusk, a huge spacecraft appeared over the Tokyo Concession. This is the prototype of the Bunitanian Army's floating aviation ship Avalon and the original Avalon.

In the special hangar for the air combat Knightmare under the main zenith bridge, a beautiful woman is looking at the Knightmare overhead with a complicated expression.This woman with shoulder-length hair and a sassy military uniform is the deputy director of the Knightmare development team-"Camelot", Major Cecil Krumi.

At this moment, Cecil's fingers were falling on the keyboard that could directly control Knightmare, but there was no movement.She seemed to be or something. At this moment, a frivolous voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Has the maintenance of the balance of the Cannon missile and the body completed?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Cecil couldn't help turning his head.At the entrance to the cabin, a man in a white coat and glasses appeared, Count Lloyd Asbrud, the director of "Camelot".

At this time, Lloyd seemed to have just woke up, with a wry expression, while scratching his head, he walked here.However, this image does not seem very sloppy, perhaps because of habit.

Cecil nodded to him and replied.

"Well, it's done! However, in general, only special weapons require some special adjustments."

"Ah, that can't be helped..."

Lloyd answered indifferently, and yawned.

"It's just that the maneuverability drops again. The worse the type I like, the farther away it is. If Albion is completed, there may be some improvement."

"It's not about likes or dislikes now!"

Cecil sighed softly.

"Let me be responsible for the maintenance work for Lancelot. Is it really good to do this? Also, send me the image of that thing. If your Highness Shunizel knows, you may also be punished. !"

"It's okay, we are researchers, not soldiers. We are only responsible for making weapons. How to use these weapons is not something we can manage! Ah..."

Lloyd waved his hand casually, and after speaking, he gave a big yawn.Obviously, even if he was working overtime these few days, he still lacked some sleep.This kind of powerful life, in terms of his body, is indeed a little troublesome.

"Why don't you go to sleep for a while, just have me here!"

Seeing such a tired Lloyd, Cecil put down his keyboard and persuaded him.

"No need, no, ZERO and the Black Knights may attack at any time. I don't want to miss this big show. Besides, the protagonist who participated is something I made!"

But Lloyd shook his head and rejected the offer.He turned around and looked at the giant knight beside him.

The white knight was silently seated in front of the two people. The engine of the Knightmare dedicated to the seventh knight, the Lancelot t. Conqueror, was turned off, so there was no sound of the machine running.Only the voices of Cecil and Lloyd echoed in the warehouse.Cecil raised his head again to look at Lancelot, and then continued.

"However, Lancelot Conqueror may be able to contend with Gundam, AS, IS, but it is absolutely impossible to fight Seraphim. That kind of thing is beyond the scope that normal humans can understand!"

Cecil did not say one more thing, but she was afraid to say it, it would completely blow Lloyd's mood.

Although I have also wholeheartedly transformed Lancelot, but after all, it is a mortal machine, and it cannot be better than a heroic arm.

Maybe in the future, human technology may reach the level of gods, but the current technology will definitely not be able to do so.

"So, I suggest loading Freyja on Lancelot! Teacher Lloyd, do you think this is okay?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.Royd and Cecil looked back, Nina in smart work clothes, Keno and Suzaku in the costumes of the Knights of the Round Table walked in.

"What, put Freyja on Lancelot, are you serious? Miss Nina!"

"Should tactical weapons be equipped with strategic weapons?"

Lloyd also turned his head, and had already received news, but he still wanted to confirm this disciple.

"I have a reason to do this. Once a substance enters the suppression circle, it will be completely wiped out due to Freyja's disintegrating effect! Even if the opponent is a Seraphim, it should not be spared!"

When she stopped in front of Lloyd and Cecil, Nina explained calmly.

"Wait, do you want Suzaku to launch something like that?"

Cecil looked at Nina incredulously. Indeed, if it were Freyja, even a formal hero would not be spared under that kind of attack.That is basically a weapon used to destroy the world.

Even Cecil, who was an adversary, was so excited, let alone Keno, the simpler third knight among the Knights of the Round Table.

"To slaughter people of the same ethnic group as you, Miss Nina, I don't agree with your approach!"

He righteously expressed his opposition.

"But, even if you say so!"

Nina shrugged her shoulders slightly, and a hideous expression appeared on her intellectual face.

"But this is an instruction from His Highness Xiu Naijie, and the power is really amazing. Haven't you seen it? The images and data of the experiment."

"I said that because I saw it."

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