Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 577

At the same time, he also led his own bodyguard, the first knight's large-scale special aircraft, Galahart, also set off from the G1 base vehicle.After they led the last elite troops to leave, the troops of the last two lines of defense began to evacuate, distributed to all corners of the concession, and began guerrilla warfare to delay time.

"Hahaha...This is so enjoyable, as a sacrifice for being killed!"

Bradley, who led his own guard, had just arrived at the destroyed defensive position on the coastline and had a fierce exchange of fire with the landing forward.With Parcival's outstanding assault power, facing a mobile suit comparable to Vincent, it was almost like entering an uninhabited land, easily disrupting the MS strike force that had not yet formed a firepower cluster.

However, even so, not many people really died in Bradley's hands.Because MS is big and thick in size and armor.

"Boom boom boom!"

The landing forces that followed them began to go ashore. The huge MS set foot on the coast. The first step was to build a firepower net in place, then set up rocket launchers and various long-range weapons, aiming at Bradley and the group behind him. Vincent's guards began to attack.

The terrifying firepower net covered the entire sky almost instantaneously. Vincent, who was unable to dodge, was smashed into a sieve by the volley almost instantaneously, and then exploded into a fierce fireball.Subsequently, the mountains and forests below, the messy fortress city, were also instantly bombarded into rubble.

"Oh, is this the power of the Chinese Federation Army? It's terrible!"

Bradley, who had retreated to safety just before the gunfire, said exaggerated words, but the two fighting parties were extremely surprised.He actually entangled a floating ship of his side with a hook, and then rushed towards the MS troops that had built a firepower net on the coast.

"Using his own fleet to carry out suicide attacks, he is indeed a vampire in Bunitania, he deserves his name!"

A blue meteor slammed across the sky. From the sky fortress that was slowly approaching, the platform of the Shenlong-class floater appeared on the sky of the coastline of the Kagoshima Concession, stopping in front of the MS troops below. .

"Oh, are you the commander of the enemy? Then die together!"

Bradley naturally spotted the tiger in front of him. After thinking about it, he guessed the identity of the person driving the plane.

"Unfortunately, you can't do it!"

Although it is not a Gundam, the Divine Tiger is an extreme machine made according to the eighth-generation Knightmare. Compared with the performance of the machine, it definitely surpasses Bradley's Parcival, and the driver's strength, not to mention.

"Then try it!"

Bradley, who laughed wildly, threw his flotation ship towards the god tiger below. At the same time, in order to avoid the enemy from dodge, the missiles on his shield and the strong particle cannon on his legs could also dodge towards the god tiger. The gap was launched.

However, his prediction was obviously misguided, and Li Xingke had never thought of running away.On the chest of the god tiger he was driving, a strong light began to condense.This is the "Tianshu" Overlord Heavy Particle Cannon modified by the strong particle cannon data sent by Cecil, and its power even surpasses that of Ania's Mordred.


When the huge floating ship descended to 100 meters, the energy of the "Tianzhu" Overlord's heavy particle cannon was also accumulated to the extreme, and then a strong beam of light burst out, which instantly penetrated the sinking floating ship.


The power of the Overlord Heavy Particle Cannon is not only that, after destroying the floating ship, the rest of the force also blasted towards the Parcival behind.

"You guy..."

Suddenly it was filled with the glare of the screen, and even Bradley did not react.At this moment, a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and a huge ship-cutting knife swung down, slashing fiercely in front of the particle cannon, smashing this powerful beam of energy into it. Two halves.

"Garahat, is it Waldstein?"

Bradley didn't feel any gratitude for being saved, but instead said politely.

"Don't interfere in my fight!"

"It's not the time to be arrogant, Qing Bradley, the enemy has already separated a Gundam team from the back, retreat temporarily, and organize defense behind!"

Bismarck didn't care about Bradley's faux pas. When bypassing the Gundam's attack route just now, he noticed that twenty giant Gundams had begun to return.Obviously, they got the surprise attack from the rear, intending to outflank them.

Once the two of them fell here, the land gate of the Tokyo Concession was completely opened to the Gundam and MS troops of the Chinese Federation.With the attack power of this unit, the entire Tokyo Concession would be completely destroyed in just a few rounds of shelling.

Chapter 509 The Second Tokyo Offensive and Defensive Battle

"Breakthrough is too strong! This is Gundam, whether it is action or attack, it is too strong."

Seeing the Gundam troops that seemed to be ravaged on the screen, annihilating their own troops, the Prime Minister of the Bunitanian Empire, Shunizel was completely shocked.No wonder the report said that at the moment of the encounter, the Eighth Knight was killed by Gundam.

After the Gundam and MS formed a group of firepower with attack power far surpassing Knightmare, they were even more invincible, destroying the Bunitanian army, which is known as the world's strongest army, as if destroying the Gula, even unable to escape.However, it is also fortunate that the first knight guarding there, with his strength, although unable to win, but can barely maintain the front line.

Moreover, the Bunitanian army, which has a numerical advantage, can also delay the advance of the Chinese Federation through guerrilla warfare.

"In this way, even if we have an overwhelming numerical advantage, in terms of combat power, we are actually at an absolute disadvantage!"

It was still in the Governor's Mansion in the Tokyo Concession, but this time, there were a few more people in the group of Knights of the Round Table below.The voice I just spoke was very clear and sweet, but the content was questioning Bunitania's combat effectiveness.

However, none of the people present refuted, including Schonizel as the commander-in-chief.

Because this person’s identity is the fifth knight, Mariana Lampelloki, but the people who can be here can be said to be the absolute inner members of the Bunitan Empire, and there is also a vague part of her other identity. guess.

The mother of the former fifth princess, Lelouch and Nanali-Mariana VI Bunitania.

Except for insiders, as long as they are normal people, they will be in awe of things like resurrection from the dead.In addition, the first knight Bismarck once confessed that he was defeated horribly in the hands of Mariana, so among the Knights of the Round Table, she is currently headed by her.

Therefore, although Marianna confirmed the strength of the Dragoon General, although it looked a little weak, it was recognized by other Knights of the Round Table.

"In other words, we need to see these people as enemies that can match, or even surpass, the Knights of the Round Table."

"Hey, there are hundreds of enemies who have surpassed the Knights of the Round Table. No matter how you fight this battle, there is no chance of winning!"

The one who was talking was at the end of the Knights of the Round Table, dressed in a tender green cloak, with a dazzling beautiful long blonde hair, a girl who seemed innocent and pitiful, gentle and well-behaved.Her pitiful female knight is the last of the knights of the round table, the twelfth knight Monica Kruzhevsky.

If you look at it purely, it is estimated that she is most suitable for the image of aristocratic lady.The exquisite face is even more brilliant and beautiful with the slender figure.However, none of the people present were bewildered by her lovely appearance. This knight was the nickname of the empire and was "the black rose with thorns." He was obviously second to none in China, but he was always willing to be the knight of the round table. end.

However, she is also known as the person most unlikely to reach an understanding with Aries Leaving Palace, because according to rumors, her brother and father died at the hands of Lelouch.Even the Kurudevsky family retired from the ranks of the eight famous empires.Of course, since she recovered her reputation through her own efforts, as the youngest female Grand Duke of Kurudevsky, she has always maintained the identity of the Knights of the Round Table and is active on the battlefield.

"So what? Do you want us to surrender to ZERO?"

The cold words came from the opposite direction, the position of the head of the Knights of the Round Table.It was the "Knight of Ice" who was talking, the second knight Bertoris Franks.It was the peerless beauty who was second only to Marianna among the people present. Although the tone was cold and chilling, everyone couldn't help but keep their eyes on her for a few seconds.

"Oh, this should be what you think in your heart, if you pass now, that man's chest will definitely open to you!"

A flower-like smile bloomed on Monica's face, but the content of the words was tit-for-tat against Bertolis, without giving way.

Suddenly, the four eyes collided fiercely in the air in this hall, and a battle without gunpowder was going on between the two beautiful female knights.Afterwards, the "Knight of Fire" Nornet and the fourth knight Dorothea stood behind Bertolis and Monica, respectively, and expressed their positions.

"Okay! Now is not the time for us to be in a mess. We have the strength to fight. It's better to think about how to face the attacks from Shikoku and Tokyo Bay! Although we don't know the combat power of AS and IS, since we can Tied with Gundam, I'm afraid the strength is absolutely not bad, here will soon become a battlefield!"

Seeing the four knights of the round table arguing on their own, Mariana glared at both sides warningly and sternly.

In the stern voice of Marianna, the four Knights of the Round Table stopped confronting each other and returned to their positions.Seeing the four round tables retreating, Shunezer, who was reduced to a secondary role, gave Mariana a grateful look, and then looked at everyone present.

"Master Mariana is right. We have already verified the strength of Gundam. Now, from Shikoku Island and the sea, the enemy's AS and IS forces are about to arrive. The defense on the coastline has already been explained. , Facing the enemy’s main floating ship on the sea, we have no power to resist, so I decided to retreat to the Tokyo concession. This is the fortress city that we have built for a year. With the help of geographical advantages, we are not There is no hope of winning!"

Speaking of the hope of winning, Shunizeer paused, then took a deep breath before continuing.

"Even if the enemy is a full four hundred knights of the Round Table!"

The words of Schonizel were finalized and determined the uncompromising strategy of the Bunitanian Army.Everyone at the scene knew very well that the source of Shunezer's confidence was probably the strategic weapon he had that could completely change the course of war.

The next battle was the same as they predicted. Although the battle in the Kagoshima Concession continued, but the original EU Army that set off from Shikoku Island, that is, the AS troops carried by the Archangel battleship, easily defeated the cloth. Netanya deployed defenses on the coastline, then landed in central Japan and attacked toward the center of the eleventh district, the former Japanese capital Tokyo.

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