Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 599

Starting from the Zhu Forbidden City of the Commonwealth of China, passing through Tokyo villas in Japan, then to Hawaiian resorts, Pandora Palace in Bunitania, Versailles Palace in EU, and then to Zhu Forbidden City, it is going around the world.

As for the palaces of other continents and countries, they will wait until the world situation gradually stabilizes before they are built.

However, just as the huge God City Eden came to the 11th district, on the bottom of the Northern Mariana Islands and Pajaros Island, the sky fortress Damocles also started in the deep sea, rushing into the sky.

Then, right after, the two brothers met through the communication panel.

The first person who spoke was the brother.

"Is it pleasant to let others obey, Lelouch?"


The expression of Lelouch in the picture is very calm, or indifferent.For Schonizel, he didn't care at all.The other party thought he would not be able to find him hiding in the bottom of the sea. It was a big joke.

Lelouch had been allowing the remnants of Schonizer and the Knights of the Round Table to accumulate strength in secret, only playing him as a pure after show.All the men of the Bunitania royal family have disappeared, and currently only Schonizer is left.Moreover, his ability and prestige are second only to his existence, so simply killing him is really boring.

"Of course it is very happy, this world, moving forward with my will, I am the god who lives on, Shunizel, are you here to surrender to me and ask me to forgive your crimes?"

In the inner courtyard of the floating sky fortress Damocles, Shunezer, who was on the side of the communicator, seemed to have a foreboding of Lelouch's reaction, and said calmly.

"I have recycled all Freyja!"

"Oh, do you want to fight against the emperor of Bunitania?"

The sneer on Lelouch's face became stronger, and Freyja had no effect on him before he got the root, let alone absorbed the root.This is probably the biggest difference between them and Schonizel.

What Shunizeer valued was the power of the world, even if he knew Emperor Charuru's plan, he had always ignored it.In his research and intelligence, GEASS is just a superpower that can affect the mental side.In the current age of mechatronics, there are many ways to defend against this force.What's more, for the owners of GEASS, only one bullet is needed, and they can also kill them.

Otherwise, the Order will not be able to use GEASS owners to conduct various human experiments.

In Schonezer's vision, the so-called heroic spirits should also be similar products.Moreover, the heroic spirit should be the finished product of the GEASS order. Unfortunately, His Majesty and the order did not succeed in the study, but Lu Lu Xiu had already taken a step ahead of them and mastered this power.

Well, just kill the source of GEASS, use Freyja!

Therefore, in the face of the king who has been recognized by the world, Schneizel denied his identity.

"Unfortunately, I don't recognize that you are the emperor of Bunitania, let alone the king of human coexistence."

"That's it."

Lu Lu Xiu muttered, snorting his nose.

"Do you want to say that you are suitable to be emperor?"

"is it not OK?"

Shunizeer shook his head noncommittal.

"At least, people can get real freedom and live according to their own will!"

"So that's the case, but it's a pity that you never defeated me once, whether it was before, now, or in the future... No, after this battle, you have no future!"

On the screen, the image began to stretch, exposing the surroundings and the situation behind Lulu Xiu on the screen, which included nearly hundreds of emperors and concubines.The beauties of all ages formed a beautiful harem picture scroll behind Lulu Xiu.The so-called three thousand beauties in the harem is probably the case.The king's army, which had just reached a thousand soldiers, broke through to five thousand in just a few months.

Speaking of speaking, Lelouch is very grateful to Chalulu for leaving him such a wonderful legacy, based on the excellent genes of his parents, among the emperors and concubines, there is almost no ugly look.Moreover, even the concubines who are a few years younger with Chalulu, because of the well-maintained relationship, seem to be around 30 years old, and after being transformed into heroic spirits, even if only the lower heroic spirits, their time, appearance, etc. It stopped completely.

It can be said that the most beautiful age groups of women are gathered among this group of women.Hundreds of concubines, except for the part that was conquered by Lulu Xiu a long time ago, she has one or two daughters, plus the noble ladies of the empire, they have formed such a huge harem group, and the number is also in one fell swoop. It broke through to four digits.

Therefore, except for the heroes who went out to stabilize the situation in various parts of the world, run various governments, dissolve the army, and form a unified king's army, all other girls gathered in the Garden of Eden to serve the only king in the world. , Lelouch VI Bunitania.

"Sure enough, the rumor is true that you killed all the men of the royal family!"

Seeing the beautiful figures of countless women appearing on the screen, Xiunazer's face changed color for the first time.He didn't expect that Lulu Xiu actually did it.

This lunatic!

"Yes, so Shunizeer, you have only one result, and that is a dead end!"

Lelouch reached out and hugged a girl next to him, the fourth empress Karin, into his arms.

"I'm waiting for you in Tokyo, I hope you won't be late, Brother Emperor! Hahaha..."

Opposite the broken communication, only Lelouch's frantic laughter and the sound of his clothes being torn apart were left.Afterwards, the blackened screen reflected the gloomy expression of Xiunaizeer.

He was rejoicing. Fortunately, his mother's queen had passed away early, otherwise the figure of his mother's queen would be added to the group of concubines behind Luluxiu today.With the power of GEASS, his mother will also become a slave of Lelouch.

Do you have the courage to launch Freyja on your own queen?


Chapter 530 Crazy Family


The automatic door at the back was opened, and a man with slender facial features and a feminine appearance walked in.He is exactly the most trusted staff member of Schnauzer, Carnon.

"Your Highness, the First Knights are waiting for you!"

Obviously, when the sword of Damocles in the sky fortress rose from the bottom of the sea, Bismarck and the others already knew that Shunezer would definitely declare war on Lelouch.Because the world at this moment, and completely rendered into the colors of Lelouch, such a huge sky fortress, it is impossible to escape Lelouch's surveillance.

Of course, they didn't know. From the very beginning, Lelouch knew where they were, just to give them time to prepare, and then as a side show when he was crowned the crown of the king of the world.

Shunizeer didn't answer right away, but after about three minutes of silence, he got up from his seat, then turned around blankly and left the room that seemed a little dark.

Seeing Shunizeer, who behaved so abnormally, Kanon's eyebrows narrowed slightly.

(Just now in this room, in the communication between Shunizeer and Lelouch, what happened to make His Royal Highness such a gaffe!)

It was the first time he saw this gaffey expression on Xiunazel's face.Just as Marianna commented on Schonizel, this is a person who performs perfect for the people around him, but does not have a trace of himself.

To make such a person gloomy, one must touch the softest part of the other person's heart.

However, Shunezer, who has no "self", has any weaknesses?

Kanon shook his head and then left the room.It is a lie to say that he is not curious, but he is more self-aware. At this moment, Shunizeer is more terrifying than ever, because his heart has moved.

Outside, in Damocles’ meeting room, Keno, the third knight headed by the first knight Bismarck, the seventh knight Suzaku, and Monica, the twelfth knight who revealed his strength and faintly became the strongest knight of the round table, It's all here.They are also the strongest strength that Shunizeer has, second only to the sword of Damocles, although this strength cooperation is greater than obedience.There are several other people, and Fujitang, Asahina, Shanyao, and Yucheng who have defected from the Black Knights.

On the way to the meeting room, Shunizeer had adjusted his mentality, and his face returned to his usual calm and confidence.Seeing all the people in the room who stood up when they saw their arrival, Shunizeer waved his hands.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

Bismarck who stood up shook his head and asked.

"His Royal Highness Xiunazer, have you finished talking to the rebellious Lelouch?"

"Yes, I have communicated our decision to Lelouch. But that guy didn't seem to care about the Freyja in my hands, and he didn't seem to let go of our plans at all. I have confirmed that except for me, All the men in the Bunitania royal family have been beheaded by Lelouch, and all the women, including the concubines of the father's empress, have been put into their harem by Lelouch and imprisoned in the Garden of Eden!"

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