Students who were interested in business all ached to join the Chamber of Commerce, because it was a good place to build connections. However, only those who owned a successful business would be accepted.

In addition, the Chamber of Commerce wasn’t only open to new faces, but was also willing to accept senior students, because some students started up a business during their study in the university. Therefore, among the 5 new members, 2 were senior students, while 3 were new faces.

After all, freshmen were mostly between 17 to 19. Only a few of them had a start-up, and even fewer of them could be successful.

In fact, very few of them established a new company on their own. Most of them relied on their families’ support to become successful.

Anyway, they had some skills.

Once Gu Ning walked inside, she became the focus of everyone’s attention. They all had heard of Gu Ning, but not many of them had seen her. They were aware that she was pretty, but was still stunned by her outstanding appearance when they saw her in real life.

Afterwards, several people looked at her unkindly. Two were girls, and the other was a boy.

Gu Ning was already used to unreasonable hostility, so she stayed calm.

“Hi, Gu Ning, have a seat!” Nie Chenyang gave Gu Ning a gentle smile.

“Hi, President Nie.” Gu Ning gave him a nod, then walked to the sofa. However, right after she had a few steps, a girl aggressively walked over to block Gu Ning’s way.

“President Nie, how come I don’t know Gu Ning is one of our new members? Her name isn’t on the list.” Yuan Yilin questioned.

Yuan Yilin was the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. She was also Yuan Shuyan’s older cousin. However, they weren’t closely related, because their grandfathers were biological brothers, but their fathers were cousins.

Hearing that, Nie Chenyang frowned in displeasure. “This must be the fault of our staff. They lost Gu Ning’s information chart, but I told Gu Ning to send me a new one, so her name should be on the list.”

In fact, Nie Chenyang had the suspicion that someone deliberately dumped Gu Ning’s information chart.

After all, members of the Chamber of Commerce weren’t on the same boat. There were people of the dominant families drawing others over to their own side. They were always secretly competing against one another.

If someone dumped Gu Ning’s information chart on purpose, who could that person be?

Nie Chenyang thought of Yuan Yilin at first, because Gu Ning didn’t get along with Yuan Shuyan, and that wasn’t a secret. Yuan Yilin was Yuan Shuyan’s older cousin, so it was reasonable if she did that for Yuan Shuyan.

However, it was just a suspicion and he didn’t have any evidence, so he didn’t say it aloud. If he did, it would only make the situation worse.

Hearing that, Yuan Yilin looked annoyed. To her surprise, Nie Chenyang already found out and fixed it.

Because of that, Yuan Yilin had to close her mouth.

Compared with Yuan Shuyan, Yuan Yilin was much better at socializing. She knew when to stop and shut her mouth. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to own a successful company at such a young age and become the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce.

After that, they began to have the meeting.

It was just an introduction meeting where new members got to know old members, so it wasn’t formal. Therefore, it didn’t last long and was over in half an hour.

The president and two vice presidents gave a speech first, then they began to introduce themselves.

In the end, Nie Chenyang said, “Today’s just an introduction meeting. The National Day holiday will begin tomorrow. I wish you all a happy holiday, and we’ll have a formal meeting after the holiday is over.”

Our regular meeting is normally on Saturday, so we need to occupy some of your free time, but we won’t have it every week. Normally it’s held once a month, and a larger one every season, or when it’s necessary.”

The small meetings are simply a gathering of all the members in our school. Members outside will be invited for the large meetings. They’re mostly successful entrepreneurs with a high status.”

Although we won’t force you to be present, we do hope you can be present as long as you have time, because it’s good for everyone.”

Nobody was forced to come, but no one was willing to be absent for no reason.

“Alright, you can leave now.”

The meeting was over, and people left one after another.

Right after Gu Ning walked out of the teaching building, Yuan Yilin stopped her by calling her from behind.

“Vice President Yuan, may I help?” asked Gu Ning.

“Nothing special. As a senior, I just want to remind you to keep a low profile. There are countless people with power in the capital. If you offend someone you shouldn’t annoy by accident, your future might be affected, which won’t do you any good,” said Yuan Yilin.

Hearing that, Gu Ning had a frown. She understood what Yuan Yilin was implying. In fact, after learning her name, Gu Ning guessed that she could be a member of the Yuan family.

Given Yuan Yilin’s aggressive attitude towards her at their first meeting, Gu Ning was sure Yuan Yilin disliked her.

Yuan Yilin was either jealous of her or afraid she might steal the man she admired away. If not, there was only one possibility that it had something to do with Yuan Shuyan.

If Yuan Yilin was a member of the Yuan family, she and Yuan Shuyan should be cousins. In that case, it was reasonable that she hated her.

Besides, Yuan Yilin now talked to her in a threatening way, so Gu Ning was more sure that she was a member of the Yuan family.

Knowing that, Gu Ning thought of the fact that her information chart had been deliberately removed. It might have something to do with Yuan Yilin too.

Gu Ning was unwilling to think of her as a bad person, but it was possible given Yuan Yilin’s unkind attitude towards her today.

Either way, Gu Ning didn’t bother to pay more attention to it, because it didn’t cause any harm.

“Am I a high-profile person?” Gu Ning blinked at Yuan Yilin with an innocent expression, as if she had no idea that she kept a high profile.

Hearing that, Yuan Yilin was mad. She could see that Gu Ning was playing dumb with her. “Gu Ning, rumors about you are everywhere in our school recently. Isn’t that enough to prove your high profile?”

“Oh!” Gu Ning sighed in a resigned tone, “I can’t help it. Perhaps because I’m too outstanding, there are always people who are jealous of me. They keep making things difficult for me, but I’ve never ever caused trouble for anyone of my own accord.”

“You…” To Yuan Yilin’s surprise, Gu Ning was so confident in herself. All of a sudden, she didn’t know what to say. However, Gu Ning was right, because she indeed hadn’t heard of rumors that Gu Ning had caused trouble for anyone. Instead, she seemed to be the victim.

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