Chapter 1081 Jade Auction

After sending the wool to the warehouse, Gu Ning and Leng Shao waited for ten minutes to leave, go to dinner first, and then go back to Myanmar.

At the public meeting venue, only the results of Gu Ning and Leng Shaoxuan were delayed for a long time, because they wanted more, while others, but only a few dozen, so the speed of publication is fast.

But it’s fast, it’s also an individual, and there are hundreds of people bidding, so it’s only one o'clock to announce it.

The Zhang family voted for forty titles, and twenty of them were in the middle, including several of Gu Ning’s orders.

The Lu family has voted for 50 marks, and there are also 20 of them. However, there are emeralds, but only a few, and they are still ordinary jade.

Zhang Jia and Lu Jia came to participate in the jade public market, but they only had a lot of fun, want to know more jewelers and increase their own customers. Because they have Maoshan Mountain at home, there is no shortage of this wool, but if they solve the jadeite, they will be happy to see it.

Zhao Yuefeng also voted for 40 marks, and there were ten or so, of which four or five had jadeites. However, except for the one reminded by Gu Ning, the others are all ordinary jade.

They don't need to be on the spot, so they all receive the wool directly, send them back, and they continue to stay in the country until tomorrow's auction.

At two o'clock, it was the stone on the spot. There were quite a few people who solved the stone, but there were not many people who solved the jade.

When someone solved a top-grade violet jade, it suddenly caused a snapped bid.

Originally, Beibei Ying only watched the excitement, but when she saw that Sakai Baihui was also bidding, she couldn’t sit still and went to bid.

But for this violet bidder, there is also Oriental Ziyu.

The top grade of violets is very rich in aura, but they can't be like Gu Ning. As long as they look at the jade, they can absorb the aura. Instead, they need to absorb the aura in the jade when they meditate, so they must buy the jade. go back.

When the aura is absorbed, the jade can be used again to create jewelry and sell it.

This violet emerald is half as big as a football. At the beginning, someone started a million dollars, and a million dollars is equivalent to RMB six or seven million.

"One hundred and fifty thousand dollars" Sakai shouted.

"One hundred and six hundred thousand dollars," Yu Yingying shouted.

"1.7 million US dollars" Oriental Ziyu shouted.


Among them, there is a lot of bidding for this violet emerald, but as the price increases, some people gradually give up.

At the end of the day, only Sakai Baihui, Yu Beiying and Oriental Ziyu were shouting.

"Five million dollars" Sakai Baihui shouted, five million dollars, which is equivalent to about 30 million yuan.

30 million, although not the highest price of this violet, but it is almost the same, then shouted, to 40 million, then this violet will not make any money.

"55.1 million US dollars" 訾bei Ying shouted, his eyes have been provocatively watching Sakai Baihui, angry with Sakai Baihui straight jumped on the foot, on the heart, Sakai Baihui is more ups and downs, so it will be so easy It was smothered by mussels.

The anger of Sakai Baihui is seen in the eyes of Mubei Ying. It is a kind of enjoyment. She loves to watch the enemy jump up, but she can't take what she wants.

Anyway, she is not bad money, she will continue to call if she has the ability.

Of course, she will not be a big man. If she dares to be high, she will give in.

The "$5.2 million" Oriental Ziyu shouted.

Sakai Baihui and Yu Beiying are deliberately competing, while Oriental Ziyu is really wanting.

Oriental Ziyu has long seen that these two people are deliberately competing, and their hearts are extremely angry. These two women are simply too odious, but they cannot stop it.

“$5.3 million” Sakai shouted.

"5,400,000 US dollars," Yu Yingying shouted.

This time, the Oriental Ziyu did not follow, but she did not give up, but she wanted to see how much they wanted to call.

Her bottom line is no more than RMB 50 million. Even if she wants Reiki, she can't waste money. It can only be more expensive than ordinary people.

“$5.5 million” Sakai shouted.

"Five 5.6 million US dollars" 訾bei Ying shouted.


"Five million dollars" Sakai shouted.

"6,200,000 US dollars" shouted.

"Seven million dollars" Sakai Baihui was in a hurry and directly increased by 800,000 US dollars.

"Hey! It’s really a lot of money, I’m stupid, forget it, I’m tired of playing, don’t shout, play slowly!” 訾贝莹 doesn’t follow, but doesn’t feel any shame, spend so much money. Buying a jade that is not worth so much money, it is shameful!

訾贝莹 originally did not know how much the value of this jadeite, but during the bidding period, I heard people around me say that this jade is generally between RMB 30 million and 35 million, more than 35 million, some Not worth it. When it reaches 50 million, it is almost a loss.

Sakai Baihui shouted seven million dollars, which is about RMB 42 million, which means that it is not worth much.

"You······" was stupid, Sakai Baihui was angry, but he was proud of winning Yu Beiying, and he said: "Hey! I can’t afford to play, I can’t afford it. Pack it!"

Having said that, she also knows that it is indeed high to buy this jadeite for seven million dollars, but what about it, she does not lack this money.

"$7.2 million", but here is, the Oriental Ziyu is out.

Yan Beiying heard a glimpse of her eyes and looked at the oriental purple jade, some surprised.

I still thought that Sakai Baihui was stupid, but I couldn’t think of a more stupid one. However, Oriental Ziyu didn’t feel stupid because this violet jade was useful to her.

“$7.3 million” Sakai Baihui couldn’t think of anyone else, and shouted subconsciously.

"The 7.4 million US dollars" Oriental Ziyu then shouted, a look that must be obtained, so that Sakai Baihui opened his mouth, but did not shout it out.

Because she knows, if I call it again, it will be lost.

She will compete with Yu Yingying, not like this jade, she prefers diamonds than jade. At the beginning, she was only called for Nanye Xiu, because Nanye Xiu came to participate in the public market, it was to buy jade.

Before that, Nan Ye Xiuyi told her that the jadeite had more than six million dollars and gave up. The reason why she continued to scream was because she and she did not obey Bei Ying and competed with her.

In this regard, Nan Yexiu did not stop her, because it also came up with a breath.

But now that Beiying has given up, Sakai Baihui feels that there is no need to fight again.

Sakai Baihui looked to Nanye Xiuyi and asked him how to do it with his eyes. Nanye Xiu shook his head and said that he gave up, so Sakai Baihui did not ask for another price.

(End of this chapter)

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