Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 1777: Who is the courage to give her?

Who is the courage to give her in Chapter 1777?

Yesterday evening, Yu Mixi packed all the things. The next morning, several people set off.

After eating breakfast at the "Shengshi Hotel", I went to the school of Mich and Muko.

Inside and outside the school, there are many people in the car, all of whom are students who come to report, and parents who send students to report.

Now the conditions are good, most of the families have cars, so these two days, the capital has poured into a number of cars with foreign license plates, so that the capital city that was originally crowded has become more crowded.

Because there are a lot of good cars, so the million horses that Gu Ning opened are not so noticeable.

Of course, there will still be people who look at it a bit more, because Hummer is more aggressive, eye-catching, and not cheap.

Although there are a lot of millions of cars in the capital, there are not many cars that can afford them. The cars that can afford millions of cars are still a minority. The most common ones are two or three. 100,000 cars.

It’s hard to get a few people in Gu Ning to find a parking space to park, then get off the bus and drag the baggage directly into the school.

Originally, everyone saw that there was not much feeling in the luxury car, but it turned out to be a little girl driving, which caused many people's thoughts. Some are envious, others are jealous, or hate.

If you can afford such a good car, the conditions at home are naturally good, and some people will naturally envy the hatred.

Can be rich, who does not want to! It’s the first time to be a man, but the fate is so big.

It's really unfair to say it, but no one can change it. Everything depends on fate.

The so-called ugly ugly, some people admire Gu Ning has a wealthy family, can afford such a good car at a young age, but some people go to maliciously splashing dirty water, saying that Gu Ning is a small packaged, raised Three.

However, for these arguments, Gu Ning can't hear it. If he hears it, he will naturally not tolerate it.

Mu Ke and Yu Mixi’s report went smoothly. After reporting, Gu Ning and Chu Peihan accompanied Mi Xi to take things back to the bedroom, and Mu Ke’s words went alone.

Both Mihi and Mu Ke lived in high-class dormitories. In the case of senior dormitories, there are four people. There are toilets, balconies, and spacious, and the decoration is better.

Because it was earlier in Michal, there was no one in the dormitory. Mihi could choose a bed.

Yu Mixi didn't like to get out of bed, so she chose to go to bed.

If you have luggage, you can simply clean up it. Anyway, I haven’t lived in it yet, because I will go to her school report tomorrow, so I’m still going back to live in Ning and go back to school tomorrow.

After a simple cleaning, it was also lunch time. After Gu Ning left, he went directly to Chu Peihan’s school to find a place to eat.

The afternoon report started at two o'clock, but now it is half past twelve, so in order to facilitate their sedentary, they found a restaurant.

Because they are near the film school, and the first day of the story is reported today, most of the restaurants and restaurants are freshmen and their parents.

It is said that the beauty and handsome guys of the Film Academy are the most, and they are not fake at all. Because the mix of the art circles is not only for acting, but also for those who are more attractive, more talented people are more likely to make a comeback.

Therefore, in the Jane restaurant, looking at the boys and girls who are similar to their age, most of them are not bad.

However, after Gu Ning and others came in, those people were eclipsed, and several people in Gu Ning also caused a lot of attention and discussion.

"The faces of those people are too high!"

"Yeah! Especially the white clothes and red clothes, although the film school's handsome guys and many girls, today also saw a lot of handsome guys, but like such amazing people, really did not see a few!"

The white dress is Gu Ning, and the red dress is Chu Peihan.

Yu Mi Xi is not looking good, she is also a beauty, but there is still a gap between Gu Ning and Pei Han.

"Yeah! They should also be freshmen in our school. They can be admitted to the film school. It is naturally a bit of a skill, so I have a hunch. If they enter the entertainment circle, it will be a matter of time."

"Yes, even if they have a flat performance, they will be fired by the value of the face."


When I heard these compliments, Gu Ning did not feel anything and was used to it.

However, some people said that they were not convinced, and then they rang with a dissonant female voice: "Hey! Where are you so exaggerated! My daughter is much more beautiful than them, and my daughter has already participated in two The TV series, the fire is the morning and evening!"

It is a middle-aged woman who speaks. In her eyes, her daughter is always the best, so she can't listen to others saying that others are good in front of her. Her daughter has not been praised. How can others get it?

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at the middle-aged women. There were three people on their table. One was the middle-aged woman, the other was a middle-aged man, and the other was a 17-year-old girl.

And that girl is undoubtedly the daughter of this middle-aged woman.

The girl is very good looking, but not stunning and outstanding. In the film school, it is a general existence.

And the girl's appearance is clear, and she clearly agrees with what her mother said.

It seems that it is a narcissistic person who does not know how many pounds he or she has.

Everyone in the eyes of the eyes showed disdain, this color, dare to compare with the girl in white clothes and red clothes? In the end, there is no more self-knowledge!

As for the woman, the girl participated in two plays, it should be the role of soy sauce!

And the girl’s father apparently disagreed with what the woman said, and looked at the woman, then yelled at the woman’s words: “What nonsense! Not afraid of shame.”

"Is there anything wrong with what I said?" The woman still doesn't feel that she is wrong, and she is not convinced.

"Oh! Then your daughter's art score is a few! And how many cultural points into the Beijing Film Academy!" Someone could not understand the woman, asked.

The art test is divided into three levels: A, B, and C. A is excellent, B is good, and C is passing.

"My daughter's B, etc., the cultural score is 468." The woman said, proud.


It is said that many people can't help but laugh, including Chu Peihan.

The score of Chu Pei Han art is A, and the culture is 653. I don't think I am amazing! Although, her cultural score is extremely high for the Beijing Film Academy, because more than six hundred are not so good.

However, this person's daughter is not five percent, so it is so mad, who is the courage to give her!

(End of this chapter)

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