Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 1875: Just like this woman, I want to mix in the entertainment circle?

Chapter 1875, about this kind of woman, also want to mix in the entertainment circle?

"I said, what about you and the artist of "Pegasus Entertainment"? I am not afraid, then forced to force, I am careful to throw you out directly." And Ge Jiaying is stunned again.

"You······" Ge Jiaying gas knot, he moved out of "Pegasus Entertainment", this woman even dared to talk to herself, how dare she?

It seems that Ge Jiaying is really taking himself too seriously, or taking "Pegasus Entertainment" too seriously, even if he is arrogant and feels that he is an artist of "Pegasus Entertainment", no one dares not to give face. It is.

Although "Pegasus Entertainment" can not be underestimated in the entertainment industry, but there are many entertainment companies larger than "Pegasus Entertainment", and for the business world, "Pegasus Entertainment" is more general.

Of course, for the lower class of "Pegasus Entertainment", "Pegasus Entertainment" is a very powerful existence.

But just because Ge Jiaying is wrong.

"Miss Ge, in view of "The Color Studio" and your character are not in harmony, please also leave quickly! As for what you said on Weibo, we said that we "bullish studio" bullying people...······ Miss is a public figure. We should maintain our own image. We have monitoring in our workroom. What is the truth? I think the eyes of the masses are also **** and can be distinguished," said the studio manager.

Threat? Who won't! It just needs to be obtained, but this Ge Jiaying is simply a shameless face.

"You······" Ge Jiaying suddenly changed his face, damn, the person in charge of this "color studio" threatened her? This is where her face is going!

Ge Jiaying wants to say something, but he hasn't said anything yet, but he was interrupted by the assistant: "Jia Yingjie, if you want to change another one, if you make things big, Kun Ge is not easy to explain, and we also There is not much time...·····

The assistant is very afraid that Ge Jiaying will make things big. In this case, it will only be of no benefit to Ge Jiaying. It is mainly because Ge Jiaying is making troubles. She will also be held accountable and cannot be accounted for by the agent.

As soon as the agent was mentioned, Ge Jiaying’s angry flame suddenly eased more than half, because Ge Jiaying was still somewhat afraid of his agent.

However, being reminded by his assistant, Ge Jiaying felt very faceless, so he suddenly slammed at her and scared the assistant's neck to shrink, and dared not speak again.

However, it is not too early to think of it. At 6 o'clock, I still have to attend the banquet. Therefore, Ge Jiaying is not willing to be entangled.

"Hey! I won't know you today. You "The Studio", Miss Miss still looks down! Let's go." Ge Jiaying said disdainfully, it seems that she can't look at "The Color Studio", not "The Color Studio" rushed out in general.

After all, Ge Jiaying took the assistant away.

"On this kind of woman, I also want to mix in the entertainment circle? Also popular actor!" After Ge Jiaying left, Chu Peihan spit out, for Ge Jiaying, it is very disdainful.

“Ge Jiaying is indeed the latest popular actor in Hong Kong, and he has only shot two plays, one is the female number three, the other is the female number two, and then it is on fire. In fact, the people in the entertainment circle are either Relying on strength, either relying on speculation, and Ge Jiaying relies on speculation, which is operated by their company. Ge Jiaying sells pure people, but it is obvious that she is not suitable, so if she can not Controlling your own words will indeed be ruined sooner or later." Suno said, this is also in front of Gu Ning and Chu Peihan, so to say that if they are in front of outsiders, these words can not be said.

"How about her acting?" asked Chu Peihan.

"The truth, in general." Suo Nuo said.

"So, the strength is general, and it can be packaged by the company. It must be depended on the relationship or the unspoken rules." Chu Peihan disdainfully smiled, her most inconspicuous is that there is no strength, but by relationship and Unspoken rules, hype.

Although there are many such people in the entertainment industry.

Although she also has a relationship, she will not have hidden rules and will not speculate, and the so-called relationship is based on the premise of strength.

At 4:30, all three were done, so they left all the way, but Chu Peihan took the car of Gu Ning, and Suo Nuo took his own car.

At 5:30 pm, "The Emperor Hotel."

Although "Fenghua Entertainment" has produced a finished work of "Infinite Thrill", but the reputation of "Fenghua Entertainment" has been very hot, that is, "The Emperor", has been unrelenting.

Therefore, today's "The Emperor's Guardian" banquet, a large wave of entertainment reporters come here, there are some directors and product people who have made good friends with Lu Zhan. The whole banquet is very lively.

The banquet started at six o'clock, but at half past five, many people have already arrived, and only a little more than a little coffee, but in general, it will not be late.

In fact, there are not many big coffees, which is the starring of "The Emperor".

A few people from Gu Ning arrived at about 5:50, and as soon as they entered the banquet hall, there were countless spotlights calling them.

However, it is unfortunate that Ge Jiaying also came to the banquet of "The Emperor's Emperor" today, just in front of Gu Ning and others, only a few seconds.

Therefore, when Ge Jiaying got off the bus, Gu Ning saw it. Although it was only a back view, Gu Ning recognized it.

Ge Jiaying came to participate in the banquet of "The Emperor's Emperor", but it made Gu Ning a little surprised.

But today, Gu Ning is not going to pursue it, but if Ge Jiaying dares to make trouble on her site, then she will be rude.

Chu Peihan and Su Nuo also saw the back of Ge Jiaying, but did not recognize her.

Although Ge Jiaying is an entertainer of "Pegasus Entertainment", it does not mean that he can not participate in the banquet of "Fenghua Entertainment". Although the peers are competitive, they are also the main cooperative relationship.

Because artists can't just take pictures of their own company, but no matter which company shoots the movie, as long as it is appropriate, they will compete for the role and take the stage.

This time, Ge Jiaying came mainly to Lu Zhan.

Lu Zhan is a famous guide. His TV dramas and movies have achieved good results, and the actors have also followed the popularity. Therefore, many actors want to get to know Lu Zhan, hoping to make a good impression on him, and then hope to shoot his play.

Ge Jiaying was able to come because her agent was just familiar with Lu Zhan and received an invitation from Lu Zhan.

However, Ge Jiaying's agent originally wanted to bring another artist, but Na Gejiaying had a very close relationship with a director of "Pegasus Entertainment", so he asked Ge Jiaying to come.

(End of this chapter)

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