Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 2345: Go back and wait for news

Chapter 2345 goes back and waits for news

Soon, the hole was completely dug, and the person with the torch was advanced.

Although he is a little nervous and uneasy, but as a man, of course, can not let the boss advanced, after all, the existence of his hand is to protect the boss.

Moreover, he took the torch, and if he handed the torch to another person, it would be bad if he let the family go advanced, so he had to go ahead with the scalp.

The man with the torch carefully passed through the hole and came to the cave room inside. Although there were some snake worms in the inside, when they saw the torch, they all retreated and the men did not get any attack.

When the man saw it, he was relieved.

The outside person did not follow the man, but waited for him to come in and determined that there was no danger before he came in.

"Boss, there is no danger inside, you can come in, but there seems to be no exit, it is a closed cavern." The man looked around the cave and said.

When Ma Shizhen heard it, he did not act immediately. Instead, he looked at Gu Ning and asked her if she wanted to go in. After all, it was just a closed cavern.

After these few things, Ma Shizhen has subconsciously taken Gu Ning as the leader, and he has to listen to Gu Ning’s opinions.

"Advanced, go and see if there are any organs around, if there is nothing inside, then there should be no need to get a hole in the room, and use a thick wall to separate it." Gu Ning said: "Of course, I am only I think it might be there, but in any case, the hole has been dug up. If you don’t go in and see it, will you waste the time of burrowing?”

Because I haven't observed it yet, Gu Ning can't be sure.

Ma Shizhen heard the words and felt that, no matter what, the holes were dug up, and it was more reassuring to go in and see.

And through the isolation of the tomb and the cave, who knows the next door of the cave, is it a cave room!

Then, everyone climbed into the cave one by one.

After entering the cavern, I began to observe the situation inside the cavern.

The cavern is not too big, only about a square meter, four walls, and the caverns are brick-built, there is no special highlight.

Others can't see the situation, they all hope to put on Gu Ning, no, accurately, it should be placed on the fox demon.

The fox demon does not understand this, but listens to Gu Ning's words, and pretends to turn around a circle, as if watching something.

And Gu Ning directly looked around the cavern to see if there was a cavern outside the cavern.

Really, on the other side of the wall, there is really a cave room. Although there is still nothing in the tomb, there is a tomb leading to the front.

Where is the place where the tomb road leads, Gu Ning does not know, so I only know when I go in and see it.

"There should be another cave room over there," Gu Ning said.

"Digging" heard that Ma Shizhen did not question at all, and directly let his hands dig.

Because the three harvests of Ma Shizhen, one injured and one with a torch, they were dug by one.

Although it is a little harder, it is not very tired.

From the separation of Gu Ning and Tao Lin to the present, it has been almost an hour and a half, and Tao Lin also came to the "Huafu Landscape".

Before Tao Lin came to "Huafu Shanshui", Gong Bei and others had been waiting for a long time. However, they did not wait and felt impatient. They just worried that Tao Lin would have something going on halfway.

Gongbei recognized Gu Ning's car, so when the car approached, he recognized it.

Tao Lin can see that he is back here, and he proves that he is fine.

And Tao Lin also saw three people standing outside the gate of "Wafu Landscape", and also recognized that it was a few people in the north.

Tao Lin drove the car to the front of the gate of "Huafu Shanshui" and then got off the bus.

"Taolin, you are fine!"

Although I know that Tao Lin is fine, Gong Bei and others are still concerned about it.

"I am fine, I am worried about my nephew." Tao Lin said, my heart is embarrassing, after all, because of myself, Gu Ningcai went to the wilderness in the middle of the night, not only saved himself, but also traced the criminals.

Gu Ning is just a girl!

Although the cold and the young can let Gu Ning go, it shows that Gu Ning has this ability, but he still can't help but worry.

"Reassure, she won't have anything to do." Pingbei comforted, but also comforted themselves.

"When Gu Ning's sister arrived, what was the situation?" asked Ai Weiwei.

Because Gu Ning only said with the criminal North, Tao Lin found it, drove back, and she, to trace the criminals, and then did not know in detail.

"When the scorpion arrived, I was fainted in the car, and the criminals were gone. I heard that they found the tomb, so I went to the tomb. Then, after the savior saviored me, the car key made me When I came back, I went to follow the criminals. I didn't want to come back, but she took the boss and pressed me. I had no choice but to come back." Tao Lin said, his face was full of shackles.

"Well, you don't have to worry about it. The boss's decision, we can't defy it. Let's go back and wait for the news! The boss has already set off from there, but it will take several hours to arrive." Chu Bei said, take everyone Go to Cao Wenxin and have a rest.

This is just the agreement of Cao Wenxin. Otherwise, it is not good to go to other places.

Gu Ning here

This time the partition wall was half thinner than the previous one, so after a while, the hole was dug.

Because of the last time I was attacked by a bat, the man who digs the hole should be careful. Especially when digging through the hole, he immediately retreats to the side and fears that there will be something to attack first.

As soon as the man who digs the hole retreats, the man with the torch immediately puts the torch near the hole. After waiting for a while, the man who digs the hole continues to dig.

The hole in the accommodating man was dug out, and then the man with the torch was advanced.

After entering, the surroundings are still like snake worms and ants, and there is no attack.

"Boss, there is a passage inside." When he saw the passage, the man immediately said to Ma Shizhen.

Ma Shizhen heard the words, the look is revealing joy, I feel that following the passage, it is possible to find the tomb.

When I came to the cave, I really saw a tomb. Then, the group went to the tomb.

And Gu Ning is still at the forefront.

Gu Ning also didn't want a torch, because the night pearl is much more useful than the torch, and things like snake worms and ants don't dare to approach, unless the torch is used when burning.

(End of this chapter)

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