Chapter 2713 Ticket Change

So after that, Gu Ning would no longer pay attention to them, but looked at the two girls and said, "Let's go there and sit with us!"

Gu Ning also thought that because of this incident, the two girls were afraid of revenge from these men, and all of this was because their own appearance would seriously make things worse.

"Good" the two girls were really scared, so Gu Ning said that they agreed.

However, they are still somewhat entangled, whether they want to go to the city.

Therefore, a girl asked Gu Ningdao: "You think, we went to Oka City, will the three men find us trouble! After all, it is someone else's country, or else, my friend and I still don't go. , change somewhere to forget."

"Although I think the possibility is not big, but I am not sure, if you change places, I will come out with this ticket money! After all, it is because I am in the early stage, it will seriously make things worse." Gu Ning said, It is true that they are not sure whether they will find the troubles of these two girls. If they are not afraid of 10,000, they will be afraid of it.

Therefore, if the two girls want to change the ticket, she feels that it is necessary to make this money. After all, whether it is a refund or a change, it will lose most of the money.

"No, no, we don't have this meaning. You are also for us. We thank you for it! We can't understand the R people, they should be taught. So, if we change the ticket, we I bear it myself.” The girl immediately said that she is not a person who is not sensible. Of course, it is impossible to push the responsibility to Gu Ning. In this case, they are simply biting Lu Dongbin and not knowing the good heart.

"Then you decided to continue to go to the city, or change places!" Gu Ning asked.

The two girls looked at each other and asked each other's opinions. In the end, they decided to change places and not to R.

As for where to go, they have other places to go before deciding to go to Oka, so it is not difficult to decide.

"Let's go to Yizhou!" said a girl.

"Good" another girl should answer.

So they decided to go to Yizhou.

"Take me to change it!" Gu Ning said.

"Good" two girls responded, they immediately went to the service desk, Gu Ning also followed.

Although they refused her ticket change fee, Gu Ning will still pay them.

"You don't have to go with us, we just go there." The two girls saw Gu Ning and followed Gu Ning's intentions, so he said.

"Nothing, I will go over it." Gu Ning smiled and said.

"That, you really don't have to go with us, we will be fine in the past." The girl continued to refuse.

"I will look at it in the past," Gu Ning said.

The two girls did not believe it, and they felt helpless in their hearts, but when they saw Gu Ning insisted, they would not say anything better. They had to go and they had no right to stop it.

So, Gu Ning followed the two girls to the service desk and handled the change.

When paying, Gu Ning directly took the lead and they couldn’t stop it anyway.

In the end, there was only helplessness, and thanks.

"I wish you a pleasant trip, go out, remember to be careful." Gu Ning finally shouted.

"We will, thank you." The two girls thanked Gu Ning.

Gu Ning smiled and turned and left.

"Hey! Are you a friend of Miss Gu?" Gu Ning walked away, and a staff member at the service desk immediately asked, an excited look.

The two girls heard the words and said: "No!"

But seeing the excitement of the help desk staff, they gave birth to a hunch, that is, the identity of the girl just now should not be simple.

Therefore, I was also curious about the identity of Gu Ning.

"Look at your excitement, you should know who she is!" asked a girl.

"Yeah! Of course I know her. I am very hot. That, I am not good at telling you now. You can find out about her name on the Internet. She is Gu Ning, taking care of her, quiet. Ning." The help desk staff said that they didn't dare to gossip about them. If they were discovered by the leaders, or if they complained, it would be bad.

It was said that the two girls immediately checked the words Gu Ning on the mobile phone.

When I saw Gu Ning’s encyclopedia, I was also surprised.

They couldn’t think of it, Gu Ning turned out to be such a big person, not only to help them out, but also to help them pay the ticket change fee.·····

Scorpio! They simply left the dog, but they did not know each other, it was a remorse.

"I don't even know the existence of such a powerful person. It seems that this time is too busy. Weibo rarely sees it."

"Yeah! We are so lucky. If you know the identity of the other person, then you can ask for a photo!"

"No, I am so excited, I want to send a circle of friends."

"I want me to be...·····"

When the two said, they opened WeChat directly and edited the text to send a circle of friends.

The content means that he did not know the figure of Gu Ning. He met today and clashes with others. Gu Ning also solved the problem for them. Then they changed the ticket and Gu Ning helped them pay the money.

When friends circled, they received a lot of praises and comments, and they all expressed their envy.

Usually they send friends to the circle, and few people like it and comment. It is conceivable that Gu Ning’s influence is how big.

When Gu Ning returned to the position, he also started boarding, and then several people boarded the plane.

After Gu Ning came back, he always felt the bad eyes of the men of the two R countries, but did not care.

After they got on the plane, their position opened up and they no longer felt the bad looks of the three men.

There were still a few minutes at 8 o'clock, and the plane landed at the airport.

Because Gu Ning has storage space, everything is placed in the space, no need to carry luggage, after going out, go straight out of the pick-up.

Before they came, some people from the Red Flame team had picked them up at the airport, and the person who came to pick them up was Xu Jingyu.

However, when they walked out of the pick-up, they found that they were stared. Without guessing, Gu Ning knew that the two R-man men were masterpieces, but they didn't care.

After meeting Xu Jingyu, they left directly. Xu Jingxi was driving in the car, and the car was rented by them for convenience.

After Gu Ning’s departure, the people who stared at Gu Ning also followed.

Then, Xu Jingxi also discovered.

Because I didn't know that the other person was coming to Gu Ning, I thought I was discovered, so my face suddenly became bad.

(End of this chapter)

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