Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 3095: Can you not be so scary?

Chapter 3095 Can you not be so scary?

"Xiao Yaomeizi, can you not be so scary! You want to start a business, you want to enter the network technology? So, you are also very good at Internet technology?" Mu Yiyang asked, really the ability to cold Xiaoyao Digestion is not coming, cold Xiaoyao knows too much.

"Yes!" Cold Xiaoyao said, it is not modest.

"Do you know about the market?" Si Yizheng asked, although he felt that Xiao Xiaoyao was not a casual person, but he also doubted and worried that Xiao Xiaoyao did not do his homework.

"Of course, I still have confidence in myself, or else I will not take it seriously, but the result is only known when I do it." Leng Xiaoyao said that he would not be conceited to say that he would succeed. But confidence is a must.

If you don't even have the confidence to do this, isn't that a joke?

"Her hacking ability is too much for me." Li Mozhen said that he did not care about letting them know that Xiao Xiaoyao's hacking ability is better than himself.


After hearing the news, a few people were surprised, because they are still clear about the hacking ability of Li Mozhen. They feel that few people can compare with Li Mozhen, but Li Mozhen said that compared with him, Leng Xiaoyao has nothing more than him. And, as a result, the hacking ability of Leng Xiaoyao is extremely powerful.

"I don't think I have to eat because I already feel that I have indigestion." Mu Yiyang said, this is no exaggeration.

"Yeah! How do you know so much!" Secretary also shouted, but also felt indigestion.

"My mind is good!" Leng Xiaoyao said, a narcissistic attitude, but no one thought she was narcissistic, because for them, this is the truth.

"I don't know what the company of Miss Cold is called!" Lu Ke asked.

"Happy Technology", happy and happy, but has not yet started business, only to maintain the business of the previous company cooperation. Now research and development projects, wait two or three months, and then solemnly launch the company. "Leng Xiaoyao said.

As for what projects are being researched and developed, Leng Xiaoyao will not say it, and others have not asked, because this is a matter within the company and it is not suitable for speaking.

"Then I would like to invite Miss Cool's company to come out. When the press conference is over, if Miss Cold doesn't mind, I can send me an invitation. As long as I have time, I will definitely present to congratulate Miss Xiao." Lu Ke Said, after learning that there are so many abilities in Leng Xiaoyao, he is presupposed that this "Happy Technology" will not be simple.

"Of course I don't mind, there is a total presence of Lu, which will definitely make my company more splendid!" said Xiao Xiaoyao.

"Yu Feng Technology" is the technology of Changzhou City, Lu Ke is also, so when the "Yu Feng Technology" and Lu Ke's congratulations, will make "Happy Technology" add a style.

"This kind of thing, of course, is indispensable to me, Xiao Yao sister can not forget me!" Si Yizhen said.

"And me!" Mu Yiyang also said.

"There are so many big people to join, I am happy to see it! If it is time for Mokko to have time, come on!" Leng Xiaoyao said.

"Yeah!" Li Mozhen answered.

After the meal ended, Li Mozhen took the initiative to send Xiao Xiaoyao back, and Xiao Xiaoyao naturally refused.

And since Li Mozhen took the initiative, others would like to send, and they will not be able to.

On the way back, Leng Xiaoyao reminded Li Mo to say: "Mei Ge, you have to pay attention to these few days."

Because the banquet was on this Wednesday, so the time is a few days away from the last time.

"Well! I will." Li Mozhen said, although the suspicion of Leng Xiaoyao has not completely eluted, but before he has confirmed that there is a problem with Xiao Xiaoyao, he will be grateful for her reminder. .

Then the atmosphere fell silent.

After a few minutes, Li Mozhen suddenly said: "Yes, if you just said what Mu Yiyang said, don't mind."

"Well! What?" Cold Xiao Yao is a little embarrassed, do not know what Li Mozhen is referring to.

When I heard the answer from Leng Xiaoyao, Li Mozhen knew that she did not put the words of Mu Yiyang on her mind. It is obvious that this is the purpose of him and Leng Xiaoyao, but it makes people feel that it is not a taste.

"Mu Yiyang said that you and me, he is a person who loves to talk." Li Mozhen said.

"In fact, Mu Shao said so, it is justifiable! After all, I do not treat you differently from them, and you have always been cold, especially for women, I can’t wait for them to be far away from you, but I am sitting at you. Next, you are not feeling unhappy, which makes them not difficult to misunderstand!" Leng Xiaoyao said, do not deny that their relationship is indeed different.

When I heard the words of Xiao Xiaoyao, Li Mozhen suddenly felt that his irregular beats, and there was a kind of cold Xiao Yao who knew his feelings very well.

Moreover, she said that she did not treat him differently from him. What does this mean?

Is it true that, as Mu Yiyang said, Leng Xiaoyao likes himself?

However, they just got to know it, like it, will it be exaggerated, not true!

"Ink hasn't forgotten what I said before, I think I will have constant involvement with you, even dreaming that you have dangerous things, so some things can't be explained now. I always doubt We have had a lifetime! And what I have felt is what happened in my life!" Leng Xiaoyao said, but these are not doubts, but real, that happened in the last life.

When I heard the words of Xiao Xiaoyao, Li Mozhen suddenly thought of the words that suddenly flashed in her mind that day, and the person who looked exactly the same as Leng Xiaoyao pointed at what he said with anger.

Is there really such a thing in my life?

This kind of thing clearly sounds ridiculous, but Li Mozhen has inexplicably guessed and suspected, and even wants to explore, is this really true?

"I know that these things are very mysterious to you, but the world is big, there is no such thing as it is, so I would rather be credible, not credible, so I will encounter something that is really different in the future, and it is easy to accept some!" "Leng Xiaoyao said, the tone is very serious, because this is a deliberate reminder of Li Mozhen, I hope that Li Mozhen has a psychological preparation for this world to have some mysterious and spiritual things.

Otherwise, it is more unacceptable when he really encounters such things as monsters and ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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