Chapter 3132 Threats

When you saw that Mr. Mo was so polite to Li Mozhen, he was all curious about the identity of Li Mozhen, but he was curious and didn't know what the other person was. He only knew that the other party was not small.

Chu Jianan knows that Xiao Xiaoyao and Li Mozhen know each other, and also feels that the other party's coming is not small, but when he sees that Mo's attitude toward the other party is so polite, he knows that he underestimated the identity of Li Mozhen.

Leng Changyuan and Leng Yucheng knew that Li Mozhen was the one who saved Lu Changwei with Leng Xiaoyao, but did not know what his identity was, so he was surprised to see Mo’s attitude toward him. The more they let them find out, the people who know Xiao Xiaoyao are simply more powerful than one.

"Mo is very polite" Li Mo said.

Mo Jia is not the force of Li Mozhen, but he has received a lot of help from Li Mozhen, and Mo Jinxuan is still a man of Li Mozhen, so Mo Laozi is naturally respectful to Li Mozhen.

However, Mo Jinxuan followed what Li Mozhen did, and Mo’s father did not know. He was not clear about Li Mozhen’s identity. He only knew that Li Mozhen was very powerful.

Although he was also curious about Li Mozhen's identity, he never explored it because he knew that some things could not be explored.

Then, Li Mozhen took out a wooden box of seven or eight inches and a height of ten centimeters. He handed it to Mo Laozi and said, "This is a certain care of Li, I wish Mo Lao good health and longevity."

"Thank you for being less loyal" Mo’s father did not refuse the gift of Li Mozhen, thanked him and accepted it.

With it, Si Yizhen and Lu Ke also gave a gift to Master Mo, and the old man also thanked him for accepting it, and then let Mo Jinxuan personally entertain them.

Then, Mo Jinxuan went to the side with a few people, but he did not go far, just beside it.

Because the banquet started right away, Li Mozhen did not go to find Xiao Xiaoyao for a while, and Xiao Xiaoyao did not come.

Then, it was the old man who spoke, and everyone was surrounded.

Mr. Mo first thanked everyone for attending his birthday party, and then hoped that everyone would eat well, and then everyone began to eat and drink and continue to talk.

After Xiao Xiaoyao and Ling Tianqi and others greeted each other, they went to Li Mozhen.

Because Li Mozhen and his party can be said to be the biggest focus of this banquet, so many people’s eyes are on them. Not only those ladies and gentlemen, but also businessmen and officials, they all want to talk to Li Mozhen and others, but they are Tangled.

So, when the cold Xiaoyao went to the Li Mozhen several people, everyone saw it, and then they all stared at the cold Xiaoyao.

Some people are curious that Li Mozhen and others will not care about Xiao Xiaoyao. Some people think that Xiao Xiaoyao is too ignorant of the sky, and thinks that he can get them up...·····

However, those who saw cold Xiaoyao and Mo Jinxuan and other people did not think so, because they were originally aware, so there is no connection.

So just envious of Xiao Xiaoyao and they met.

"Mei Gege, Mr. Si, Mr. Lu." Leng Xiaoyao came to Li Mozhen several people, and said hello.

Hearing the name of Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaozhe, the more people feel that the relationship between Leng Xiaoyao and Li Mozhen is not simple.

"Xiao Yao" Li Mozhen responded that the attitude is moderate.

"Miss Leng, you made me feel amazing again. Today, this dress is so good." Si Yizhen praised, it was really amazing.

"Thank you Mr. Si praised" cold Xiao Yaodao thanked, since people praise her, she naturally would not thank you.

"This is Mo Jinxuan, Mo Parent Sun, this is Xiao Yuzhe, this is Yunyun." Li Mozhen introduced to the cold Xiao Yao and other humanities.

"Mo Shao, Xiao Shao, Xiao Shao, you are good." Leng Xiaoyao's mouth is slightly raised, and he looks at them with a meaningful meaning and says hello.

Seeing Xiao Xiaoyao’s meaningful smile, Mo Jinxuan couldn’t help but feel a little guilty, but there was some worry, and Xiao Xiaoyao told Li Mozhen what happened just now.

"Miss Leng, hello." Mo Jinxuan also responded politely to Xiao Xiaoyao.

"Ink, can you talk in one step?" cold Xiao Yao asked, his eyes first fell on his abdomen, and then he looked at him. The meaning of taking a step to speak is already clear. It is a matter of asking him about his injury. It is.

When Li Mozhen saw the cold Xiaoyao’s gaze, he also knew that Xiao Xiaoyao wanted to ask something, so he said, “I’m fine, I’ve been hurt, I’ve already dealt with it.”

Li Mozhen directly said that because other people also know that he is injured, so there is no mystery.

When I heard that Xiao Xiaoyao and Li Mozhen said that they would borrow a step, Mo Jinxuan originally thought that Xiao Xiaoyao was going to talk to Li Mozhen just now! However, when I heard Li Mozhen’s response, I realized that it was not.

"If the ink brother does not agree, I have to pull people directly." Cold Xiao Yao threatened the tough.

Li Mozhen's injury is not big, you don't have to worry, but you know, tonight, Li Mozhen is not as simple as an injury, it is going crazy.

Although Xiao Xiaoyao did not know what caused Li Mozhen to go mad, he did not know when to go crazy, but in order to prevent accidents, things that could be dealt with in advance would have to be disposed of.

Once Li Mozhen is mad, it will affect the wound at that time, and then the injury will become heavier and heavier.

Wen Yan, Mo Jin Xuan was surprised first, surprised that Xiao Xiaoyao is too courageous! Even dare to risk their boss... But they are curious, curious about the threat of cold Xiaoyao, Li Mozhen will react.

For the words of Xiao Xiaoyao, Li Mozhen did not have a bit of anger, but felt a little helpless: "If I and you are left alone in this way, it is not suitable, it will breed a lot of gossip."

Li Mozhen does not care, but for a girl who is cold Xiao Yao, it is not good.

What kind of person is Li Mozhen, cold Xiaoyao still knows, so he knows that he is caring about himself.

Leng Xiaoyao does not care, but still needs to leave some face for the cold home.

"That's good, after ten minutes, we will see the restaurant at the top of the building." Leng Xiaoyao said.

"Good" cold Xiaoyao has regressed, and Li Mozhen has not refused any more. Although he can refuse it, but he is not kind to cold Xiaoyao, he does not want to refuse.

"Then I will go first," Xiao Xiaoyao, then left, went to find An Chen Meng.

When Xiao Xiaoyao left, Mo Jinxuan eagerly asked: "Boss, what is your relationship with that cold Xiaoyao!"

"It doesn't matter," Li Mo said, they seem to be even a friend!

(End of this chapter)

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