Chapter 3137 is an enemy or a friend

But even if Xiao Xiaoyao really owes himself anything in his life, he can't ask her to return, because it is a matter of the last life, and he still cares about doing so much in this life.

Therefore, cold Xiao Yao gave him a cure, he will be grateful to her, will repay her.

"Whatever the last life is, no one knows, so for me, whether it is there or not, it does not exist. So, you are treating me now, it is kindness to me, so if you have any need When I came to my place, I said to me, I can never do anything," Li Mozhen said.

"Okay! Then owe it first! When you need to arrive, tell you again." Leng Xiaoyao said, and did not refuse, after all, she owes him something, only she knows, so let nothing know Li Mo's heart is safe to accept her unconditional help, then he will not be reassured, and will not accept it.

People have their own dignity.

After the treatment of Leng Xiaoyao, the wounds of Li Mozhen no longer need to be bandaged.

"Remember that I said before that I dreamed that you are going crazy today! I don't know why you are going crazy, and you will not go to inquire, unless you trust me, take the initiative to tell me, of course, waiting for you to believe me, not now. I am not sure that I will be able to help you, but I also feel that I may help you and really want to help you. So, if there is any condition in the body, if you trust me, you can call me, I will As soon as possible, rush to your side. Of course, if you want to give it a try, but also worry about the accident, you can leave a side that you trust more, but if there is no accident, you must be guaranteed, can keep me for me. Secret," said Cold Xiaoyao.

Although Li Mozhen is an acquaintance to her, but for Li Mozhen, she is just a person who knows soon, so it is impossible to believe that she will be handed over to her.

Therefore, Li Moxun believes that she, when she gave him treatment, arranged a person to be around, cold Xiaoyao can fully accept, and there is no trace of dissatisfaction.

Her purpose is to deal with the problem with Limo.

Before she knew what the body of Li Mozhen was, she didn't know if she could cure it. It was impossible to ask Li Mozhen directly, so she could only find out by treating Li Mozhen.

Leng Xiaoyao’s remarks were plain and not sensational, but Li Mozhen listened, but felt incomparably complicated, and this complex was not touched.

He can feel that Xiao Xiaoyao’s words are true. If he feels wrong, he can only explain that Xiao Xiaoyao is hiding too deep, but he still does not think of anyone close to him. So bad.

To question a person who is really good to himself, that is disrespectful to the other party.

Why is it going crazy, Li Mozhen knows it, but he can't talk to Leng Xiaoyao, but! Leng Xiaoyao said that he might be able to help him, but he wanted to give it a try.

Because this problem has been tormenting him, he is helpless, does not know the specific reasons, and does not know whether there is danger of life, so he has been worried.

No one is not afraid of death, but the degree of fear of death is different, and can live, who wants to die!

Therefore, what he always wanted to solve most is his physical problems.

Since Xiao Xiaoyao said that he might be able to help, then she has a way, but she has not tried it, so she is not sure whether she can.

"I believe you, you don't need to arrange people to guard." Li Mo said.

Although he was very weak when he was mad, but he was not weak enough to be slaughtered, even if he couldn’t help him, he thought that the ability to escape was still there.

"Get your trust, I am very happy, then I will say so, if your body has a situation, immediately call me." Leng Xiaoyao said, because of Li Mozhen's trust, let her be happy from the bottom of my heart.

Li Mozhen felt that Xiao Xiaoyao was happy from the bottom of her heart, so she couldn’t help but feel a little happy.

"Good" Li Mozhen should answer.

"Okay, then I will go down first." Leng Xiaoyao said that it was not long before the banquet began, so it was not good for her to leave for too long, mainly because she did not talk to Leng Changyuan when she left.

If Li Mozhen had an attack when she had not left, she would make an excuse to leave early.

"Good" Li Mozhen responded, then Leng Xiaoyao got up and left, Li Mozhen sent her out the door.

After Mo Jin spun out of the private room, he went to a corner of the hall and sat down for the position. Although they were very curious, Xiao Xiaoyao said something to Li Mozhen, but they did not talk about it.

After all, here is the outside, there are people around! If they talk about it, it makes people feel bad.

However, a few people in Mo Jinxuan really asked Si Yizhen to inquire about the cold Xiao Yao, and asked how Xiao Xiaoyao and Li Mozhen knew each other. Do they really have no unusual relationship?

In this regard, Si Yizhen also has nothing to hide, and he will tell them what they know.

When Xiao Yuzhe knows that Xiao Xiaoyao and Li Mozhen are racing, and at the same time, they reach the end point... and Li Mohan fights, only 20 minutes down the wind in the 20 minutes...····································································· After the fire rescued the video, they were all shocked...·····

Unexpectedly, this cold Xiaoyao is so powerful, so powerful that it is almost like Li Mozhen, even they are afraid to compare.

"My Scorpio! This cold Xiaoyao is too powerful!" Xiao Yuzhe could not help but marvel, their ability is not a simple existence, but this cold Xiaoyao, but even more simple than them.

"Looking at her age is not big, but she has such a strong ability..." Yunyun felt unbelievable.

"Yes! Is she really just a cold family?" Mo Jinxuan expressed doubts that Leng Xiaoyao is not like a giant, but rather a killer who has been trained since childhood.

"More than that, her hacking skills are not bad, even Mo Yan said that in his case, there is nothing more than it! At present she has acquired a bankrupt technology company, intends to do it themselves!" Lu Ke said.


Wen Yan, Xiao Yuzhe, several people were surprised again, cold Xiaoyao's hacking technology, even their bosses feel that there is more than enough, but also acquired a bankrupt technology company, intends to do it themselves ······

This girl is really not simple!

"I suddenly worried, cold Xiaoyao is an enemy or a friend." Xiao Yuzhe suddenly worried.

It is said that several people have also raised concerns at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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