Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 3164: Do not recognize Shen Yamei

Chapter 3164 does not recognize Shen Yamei

The more Shen Yamei did not speak, the more angry Shen Shen was, and he felt that Shen Yamei did something wrong, but there was no one who admits the wrong consciousness and attitude.

"When you started with Xiyin, did you plan to sever the relationship with Shen's family, huh?" Shen’s father asked coldly, or she thought that they would look at her face as a family member. Will the network open? Is it too underestimating their temper!

"Not..." Shen Yamei replied subconsciously, how could she plan to sever the relationship with Shen? In this case, their family lost the big backing of the Shen family, and they could no longer get the help of Shen Jia...·····

"Then you think, you hurt Xiyin, will Shen family still treat you as a family member?" Shen Fu asked, simply to be laughed at by her answer.

"······" Shen Yamei is speechless. Of course she knows that if Shen knows that she hurts Shen Xiyin, she will definitely not treat her as a family member, but she never thought about Shen Jiahui!

However, now the cold family knows what should she do? How to do it!

"I have always respected my aunt, but my aunt has harmed me for my cousin's lust. My aunt, I am so chilling! This makes me doubt that what you have done to me before, is it true or false? This makes me unable to do it in the future. Then treat you as a family member. Now this aunt is also the last to call you." Shen Xiyin said, it is really completely harmed to the heart, this will be the eternal eternal.

"I······" Shen Yamei wants to say something, but she does not know what to say, because she did hurt Shen Xiyin.

"Shen Yamei, you did something that hurts Xiyin. Isn't there even an apology? We said so much, you didn't say anything at all, did your heart be eaten by the dog? If it wasn't for the luck, it was My friend discovered earlier that Xiyin was abolished by you in this life..." Shen Shen was very angry. He saw that Shen Yamei had not apologized and was even more angry.

Upon hearing the words of Shen Fu, Shen Yamei immediately realized, and immediately apologized: "Xiyin, sorry, my aunt knows wrong, my aunt regrets, you forgive my aunt this time?"

Shen Yamei really regrets it, but this is because she is regretted when she is discovered. If she is not discovered, she will not regret it.

People are like this. They all know that they have lost, or they have been exposed. If they have to pay a price, they will regret what they have done, and these things will only be regretted because they do not want to pay the price.

Because they basically thought about regretting before they did bad things, what would happen if they were discovered, but they still did.

"Forgive? Sorry, I can't do it, don't call the police, don't send you to jail, even if it's enough," Shen Xiyin said.

Her heart is not so big, she is hurt and restored. If she changes to someone else, they must let the person who hurts her go to jail.

But because Shen Yamei is a Shen family, and Shen Xiyin did not have an accident at the end, they can do it without legal investigation.

Shen Yamei was relieved to hear that Shen Xiyin said that she would not be sent to prison. However, she also hoped to get forgiveness from Shen’s family. She did not want to have a relationship with Shen’s family!

"Brother, I know it is wrong, I really know it wrong..." Shen Yamei immediately admitted to Shen's father, tears, hope to get the forgiveness of Shen Shen, do not stop her as a family It is.

"Do you know that this is your fault, not that you know that you are wrong, that you can do it as if it has not happened, and that you are not sufficiently proficient in pursuing it. I have not told you and this thing about this matter. Xunzi, I won’t say it in the future, but from now on, I will be when I don’t have your sister. Hope and Heyin don’t have your aunt. Don’t contact your nephew anymore, your family’s business, I don’t. Will help again. Mom, or your mother, but if you want to see Mom, you can still go to Shenjia, but in the end when we are not there, because we do not want to see you." Shen Fu said absolutely.

"No, brother, I know it is wrong, forgive me, good, don't break my relationship with me?" Shen Yamei pleaded with sorrow, she knew that they didn't have the help of Shen's family. If they couldn't meet anything again, The difficulty of solving it, then it will not be dead.

"If you change me to your daughter, would you forgive me?" Shen Fu asked coldly.

"I······" Shen Yamei couldn't answer, because she was not forgiven because she changed her.

"So, why do you think I will forgive it? Hope, Hey, let's go." Shen Fu said, then he turned and left, and Shen Xiyi and Shen Xiyin immediately followed.

Shen Yamei fell to the ground directly. After squatting for a while, she suddenly remembered something, then took out her mobile phone and called Lu Laosan, because she felt that Shen Yaping knew this and was related to Lu Laosan.

If he didn't record his call to Shen Yaping, how could Shen Yaping know it?

And I can't think of it, Lu Laosan actually recorded their call.

Lv Laosan was unable to pick up Shen Yamei’s phone because she was seriously injured. In this way, Shen Yamei was even more determined that Shen Yaping knew this thing, and it was related to Lu Laosan, and then did not dare to pick up her phone.

However, after thinking about it, Lu Laosan may not be afraid to pick up her phone, but she could not pick it up.

Shen Yaping saw that she was not Shen's family, but Lu Laosan is not! So, is Lu Laosan already having an accident?

Although Shen Yaping moved to Lu Laosan, he did not go to the trouble of his troubles, because she knew that Lu Laosan did not voluntarily provide her, and it was decided to be confessed after Shen Yaping discovered it.

And this thing is also she went to find Lu Laosan, Lu Laosan accident, is also related to her, so she has no reason to find Lu Laosan trouble.

Just now, what should I do?

She knows the temper of her brother. If she says it, she will do it. Therefore, she feels regretful now, desperate, and she does not know what to do.

And things are also clever, Shen Yaping and Shen Yamei said that their family's affairs he no longer cares about, Shen Yamei's husband there is a problem.

Then when Shen Yaping just returned home, Shen Yamei’s husband called.

Shen Yaping saw that Shen Yamei’s husband had called, and Shen Yaping did not pick it up. Whether he knew that Shen Yamei had hurt Shen Xiyin, or if he had anything to do with his help, he did not care.

He has always had no feelings about Shen Yamei, his husband, his abilities are not enough, his ambition is not small, and his work is completely small and clever, so he has made a lot of help to help him.

(End of this chapter)

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