Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 3173: What are your rights to manage?

Chapter 3173 What are your rights?

Then, when you go to the auction, you can bid directly.

So, early in the morning, many people arrived at the auction site in advance.

And because Xiao Xiaoyao knows if there is any jade, as long as he touches it, he is not in a hurry. Most of them have already gone to the auction site. They are still eating breakfast slowly.

However, Mu Yiyang is not there, because he has not dealt with things yet, waiting for him to handle his own affairs, and then contact them.

"Me! It is not a selfish person, so! If there are more jade wools in a while, I will tell you that you also patted and photographed yourself to pay for yourself." Leng Xiaoyao said.

"Really!" Wen Yan, Si Yizhen is a hi, but I feel that there are some guilty feelings, and asked: "Whether this is not good! You have taken it, you have not earned it." ?"

"I want to make money, some are opportunities to earn, not bad for these jade money." Leng Xiaoyao said without care: "Of course, I also know that you do not lack this point to earn money, that is, since everyone came out together, and still rushed With this gambling stone, so participate in the participation, the main picture is happy! Isn't it?" Leng Xiaoyao said.

"It’s also said that the news is heard, and Si Yizhen also agrees, and I don’t feel that accepting the cold Xiao Yao’s kindness is so uncomfortable.

As Leng Xiaoyao said, they really do not lack this point to earn money, but since they are out, they participate in the competition and they are happy.

Therefore, why do they know that there are jadeites in their wools, and they will be so excited when they solve the jadeite! This is a process of enjoyment.

"That is, you don't think that I have to give you the jade of the jade to make this act is self-satisfying!" Leng Xiaoyao said.

"How is it possible, we are not such a person!" Wen Yan, Si Yizhen immediately retorted that he did not feel that cold Xiaoyao had the jade wool to give them a self-indulgent behavior.

"I know, just talk about it." Leng Xiaoyao smiled and said, of course, knowing that they are not such people, they will give them so easily, she will not do anything that is unpleasant!

"Thank you, Miss Ms. Cold, if you want to come to me in the future, if you come to me, I will not deny it." Si Yizhen said, he is not the only one who asks for it. I don’t know who is returning, so I made a promise here.

Si Yizhen accepted it, and Li Mozhen did not refuse. If he refused, wouldn’t it seem that the Secretary is special?

"Well, if there is any need to come to us in the future, just look for us." Li Mo said, he knows that cold Xiaoyao is powerful, and many things can be solved by himself, but even so, it is not something that can be solved, or it is easy to solve. It is.

Therefore, sometimes it is more appropriate and convenient for some things to come out.

"That is a must, so I will not be polite with you at that time."

As Li Mozhen thinks, although she is really powerful, there are many things that can be handled by herself, but there are many things that she can't handle. I can't rely on force alone!

She is not afraid of revenge, but she still has family!

After Xiao Xiaoyao had a good breakfast, they had nothing to do, so they went to the auction venue.

When they arrived, it was almost nine o'clock.

Although there are a lot of people in the exhibition hall, it is because they are all invited by the invitation letter, so there are only a lot of restrictions, and it will not be confusing.

After arriving, Leng Xiaoyao and others went in.

Because they are all handsome men and women, wherever they go, they have become the focus of attention.

Even if there are women directly to talk with a few men of Li Mozhen, Li Mozhen is not directly speaking, and Si Yizhen is also a cold attitude, regardless of it, Jiang Han and Mu Fan are coping.

Of course, they did not give a good face to those who came to talk, it was directly cold and expelled.

It made the women feel embarrassed and angry, but they did not dare to worry.

First, there is no need to make troubles for this matter. Second, they don't look like ordinary people. If they really get into trouble, they are afraid that they will suffer.

However, they secretly vomited them, saying that they were cold and said that they could not afford anything.

However, they did not feel that their own practices were a little bit wrong. They took the initiative to talk, and did not say whether they were right or wrong, but people have the right to ignore them!

They didn't have a point to ask the other person to pay attention to them.

However, there are two women who are courageous and have a big temper. When they are blocked by Jiang Han and Mu Fan, they are not allowed to get close to Li Mozhen and Si Yizhen.

"Give me all the time, what are you doing!" A woman angered and yelled, the condescending posture is not ordinary arrogance.

This swearing, immediately attracted a lot of people to watch.

Everyone has already been surprised by the conflicts in the public, but the Chinese people seem to have always loved to join in the fun, so when they heard the movement, they came round.

However, there are also many people who know these two women. The two women are not small, but they are also very pretty, and most people dare not provoke them.

Therefore, they all feel that they are being stared at by these two women, and these people are afraid of being unlucky.

Jiang Han and Mu Fan looked coldly at the two women, and Mu Fan said coldly: "What we count is our business, you have no rights and qualifications."

Although I saw the cold Jiang Han and Mu Fan, the two women could not help but feel oppressed, but they were not afraid of them.

After all, in this city, they have not been afraid of who!

"Then I talk to them, what are your rights?" The woman said, looking at Li Mozhen and Si Yizhen, of course, also looked cold and Xiaoyao, just watching cold Xiaoyao, that eye However, it is revealed that it is obvious to them, and they also admit that the value of Leng Xiaoyao is higher than them, so they will give birth.

If the value of Leng Xiaoyao is not as high as they are, they look at the look of Leng Xiaoyao, and they only disdain.

"But we are not willing to talk to you! So, please ask the two ladies to let go." Si Yizhen said, this is not a polite thing.

"You······" The two women heard the words, and suddenly they got angry, but they didn’t let it go because of Si Yizhen’s words, because they felt that they were rejected, and they really had no face.

(End of this chapter)

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