Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 966: African Star, King of Diamonds

Chapter 966 African Star, King of Diamonds

Therefore, their fears are superfluous.

At 7:20, Gu Manhua had a good makeup, and then changed the wedding dress. However, because there is no one in the Tang family, Gu Man has to stay in the bedroom.

Gu Ning took cold and low to see Gu Man, and Leng Shaoxi blessed: "Gu Yu, I wish you a happy wedding, this is a wedding gift for you, I hope you can like it."

Said, Leng Shaohao handed the paper bag to Gu Man.

"Like, you sent it, of course I like it, thank you! Lieutenant." Gu Man was very happy to accept it, and I know that this gift is very expensive, but since it is a wedding gift, it represents this happy blessing, naturally Accepted.

Moreover, Leng Shaolu is Gu Ning's boyfriend, if it is not expensive, but it sweeps the other's face.

"Mom, open it and see, what is it?" Gu Ning said curiously, she did not look at it, because it did not respect the gift.

"Good" Gu Man was somewhat embarrassed to open in the face of cold and small, but since Gu Ning asked, then she opened.

In the box, there is a necklace, a pointed-shaped pendant with a weight of about ten carats.

"It's so beautiful!" Gu Ning couldn't help but marvel, although Gu Ning doesn't know what diamond it is, but it looks like it is much better than the average diamond.

"Yeah! So beautiful!" Gu Man looked at it and liked it.

"What kind of diamond is this! It looks different from the average diamond." Gu Ning asked.

"African star, the king of diamonds." Cold Shaohao said.

African star, the king of diamonds?

Although Gu Ning did not recognize it, but it was heard that the species is not only rare, but also expensive, one carat will be five or six million!

Then this one that looks like ten carats is fifty or six million, and this is just the price of the raw material itself.

Such a precious diamond must be from the hands of a famous teacher, and the manual cost is also tens of millions, so this pendant is about 70 million.

"It's expensive!"

Although Gu Man does not know what the African star is, the name of the king of diamonds is not light.

Cold Shaohao is not intending to say the price, but Gu Ning said, because she wants to establish a better image for Gu Xiaoxin in the heart of Gu Man: "Of course, the African star is about five or six million. This seems to have about ten carats, so how should it be 67 million, this is still a conservative price! Such a precious diamond, certainly from the hands of famous teachers, plus its history, the lowest and the lowest, this diamond It must be about 70 million or more."

"What? This item will cost 70 million. This is too expensive!" Gu Man was scared. She knew that the cold delivery was very expensive, but she didn't think about it. It will be more than 10 million, but I can't think of it, it is as high as 70 million.

"Not expensive, like is the most important thing." Leng Shaolu immediately said, that sincere look, for fear of not accepting the general.

Yes, 70 million is not a big deal for him. The most important thing is that Gu Man likes it.

"Like, of course I like it." Gu Man may not like it! I like this beautiful diamond, I like the cold and sorrowful mind, that is, this thing is too expensive, let her hold some soft hands, for fear of breaking, for fear of losing.

Knowing that if I return it because of my valuableness, it will hurt the heart of cold and cold, so this thought was born and she was suppressed.

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Gu Mandao thanked.

"You are welcome."

At 7:30, Hao Ran and his party came, and they came to Gu Ning.

After hearing their voices, Gu Ning went downstairs, let Gu Qing and Wen Yulan go to accompany Gu Man to talk, lest she be bored, and distract her attention, lest she be nervous.

On the side of the Tang family, because of the traffic jam on the road, the car team has already set off early.

Twelve tens of millions of luxury car teams, when they set off, received the attention of everyone, stunning people.

Although this is not the most luxurious wedding car team, there are many tens of millions of luxury cars as the team, because nowadays people are a little bit of money, they like to force, and renting a team can not afford much money. Tens of thousands of pieces will be fixed.

Just a lot, not everyone can see it every time. I don’t think there are too many strange things I have seen. I don’t see it, I feel very strange.

Although Tang Yunfan wanted to give Gu Man a grand grand wedding, Gu Man always stressed that everything is simple, so they have been as simple as possible.

Although Gu Man is the first to marry, she also dreams of a romantic, grand wedding, but in the end she is not too young, so she will have her own embarrassment.

Moreover, they are married, they are happy and happy, do not need to compare, do not need to force.

And what kind of luxury wedding can be done in Tang Dynasty! It’s just that Gu Man feels that there is no such necessity.

It’s just simple for him, but for the outsiders, it’s still very luxurious, because Tang Yunfan doesn’t want Gu Man to be wronged. He doesn’t want to have any gossip about her, saying that the wedding is not grand, it’s not Pay attention to these.

Tang Yunfan was also excited to sleep well in the night. In the morning, his face was slightly awkward, but the spirit was refreshed.

At 7:50, the Tang family's welcome car team arrived.

The people who came were the groom Tang Yunfan, Tang Yunhang, Cao Ruihua, Cao Wenjun, Tang Jiayang Tang Jiaxuan brothers, and others, all of whom are friends and friends, and they are all men, because they have always been men.

Jiang Lihua waited for the son-in-law to do the work at home, because not everything can be used for artificial hands, and Cao Wenxin is also in the Tang family.

Because Xingbei and Cao Wenxin are still only lovers, they are still guests, so they will not appear in the morning, and will appear when they go to the hotel for dinner in the afternoon.

Tang Haifeng, who is an elder, is naturally impossible to come, waiting for the newcomer to go back and give him tea.

When I saw the Tang Jialai team, everyone was shocked.

This Tang family is really rich! Come to pick up, are luxury cars!

However, they also knew that the Tang family had money, so after they were surprised, they quickly accepted and digested.

"Hey! How do I feel that this groom officer is familiar?" When An Yi saw Tang Yunfan, he felt that the other side was familiar, but he couldn't remember why he felt familiar.

Hao Ran heard a few words, and also looked at Tang Yunfan. Soon, Chu Peihan came to the conclusion: "The groom and our boss have a lot of looks, and naturally they will feel familiar."

I heard that everyone is clear, An Yi faintly feels that this is not the case, but I can't think of what it is, so I agree with Chu Peihan.

(End of this chapter)

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