Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1475: Advent

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"It's terrible. This one is too powerful. I'm afraid that only the nine masters in the world will be able to check and balance him."

"Do n’t talk about Jiuzhong masters, I ’m afraid he can get the mysterious baby. After refining, he can directly become Jiuzhong masters, and he is still a character like San Xiu Sheng, Taigu Sheng. Unity is no surprise. "

Zhu Feixiong and Ren Shennian all changed their faces, pale and extremely white. They quickly tore the space and fled towards the boundary river 30,000 miles away.

"Sin Demon Monument, suppress me!"

Xiao Nai burst into tears.

The spirituality on the Sin Demon Stele suddenly condensed into a figure, which has no facial features, but the magical energy on the body is endless, like a troll who has reached the nineth level.

The breath of the demon, the monstrous power suddenly crushed.

Just after opening the space, Zhu Feixiong and Ren Shennian were about to flee, and were suddenly ingested by this evil spirit.

When these two people dealt with Xiao Naihe, there was not much Jingyuanshen thought, and Xiao Naihe was in a state of culmination after integrating the rosary beads, without any trace of fatigue.

This year, Zhu Feixiong and Ren Shennian were suppressed, and they were tied tightly to the magic tablet.

There are also Yuhuqing and Muhan. The two were also ingested by another magic energy, and they directly received income on the magic tablet.

The figure formed by the magic tablet, a change, suddenly formed a huge vortex, imprisoning the soul and flesh of these four people in it.

"Xiao Shengzi, don't kill us. There are 30 million disciples in my Taoism, which can provide you with the power of faith. The orthodox Buddhism you cultivate requires the belief in incense. With the power of this 30 million faith, you can quickly Step into the Ninth Realm. "

Zhu Feixiong was caught by Xiao Naihe. After feeling a threat of death, he immediately screamed.

Ren Shennian also nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, I also have 10 million disciples in the Taoist gate, and the belief in incense is endless ..."

"True noise, since you have the idea of ​​snatching my rosary, you must have the idea of ​​being killed. There is no such good thing in the world."

Xiao Nai He ordered, the magic energy in the sin demon monument suddenly burst out, as if the gods of the heavens devoured Zhu Feixiong and Ren Shennian.

At this time, after the thoughts of these two people were swallowed up, all the power was instantly transformed into nothingness.

"Do the two of you have anything to say?"

Xiao Nai looked indifferent, looking at Mu Han and Yu Huqing.

Mu Han and Yu Huqing looked at each other, shook their heads, and their faces were pale: "Succeeding in defeating the king, I did not expect to fall into today's world because of a baby. I have nothing to say."

"If you want to kill, kill me. There are a lot of people killing me. At least 100,000 lives. Anyway, I die in the hands of the three repairing sons like you. I will not be wronged."

Jade Hu shook his head, but also smirked.

"it is good."

Xiao Nai was not hypocritical, his spirit thoughts turned into a sword, and the spirit of the sword swiftly shuttled past, directly breaking the two people ’s inner world. At this time, countless mind thoughts were also revealed, and Xiao Nai He was directly Ingest.

Up to now, Xiao Naihe has absorbed millions of creator thoughts, as well as the mind thoughts of the masters of the Eightfold Realm. Now if he is allowed to refine it directly, I am afraid that he can directly refine a ninth grade Taoist weapon.

This is almost 30% of the top masters in the 3,300 world. Now they are all killed by Xiao Naihe to extract the mind. This kind of heritage is not even masters like Wu Shenyi and Zhengjunzi.

"You haven't shot it after watching it for so long?"

Xiao Nai grabbed the sin demon monument, and suddenly it turned into a small shadow, which appeared in the void.

And his eyes seemed to be like lightning, directly shuttled into the void, staring at a figure in the void.

This figure is faint and faint, in the dark desert, after the dust has faded, it shows up to come over.

The woman was wearing a green-green bamboo-leaf satin-faced cardigan, lingering on the honey-colored bottom, and a flower-dressed skirt, and wearing a dark blue flat embroidered tulle.

A black silk with shining luster, a chic and elegant chiffon bun bun, and a gently curled cloud temple with silver tendril ruby ​​inserted.

The skin-like hand is wearing a coral hand mascara, the waist is red and green and the double ring is a four-fold Ruyi palace satin, and there is a sachet of honey and folding flowers on it.

Wearing two-color hibiscus shoes embroidered with double-layered lotus flowers and golden silk threads on the bottom of the feet, the whole person is all over the country.

And her body showed a kind of aura, as if to gather the whole world into it.

Between the fine flashes in his eyes, all the breath condensed to the extreme at this time.

"Pan Lingzi."

Xiao Nai's faint voice spread.

"Do you know who I am?"

Pan Lingzi smiled slightly and was surprised in his voice. When he looked at Xiao Naihe, he said in a very surprised tone.

Not only that, the top of her head seemed to condense into a huge divine moon, shining out the divine light.

"I naturally know who you are. You are here now. If I guessed right, was it for the rosary on me?"

"Yes, but I look like you, it seems to know the origin of this rosary?"

Pan Lingzi slowly walked over. Hundreds of cultivators who had been suppressed by Xiao Naihe, in fact, all the blood was filled in the void.

But Pan Lingzi seemed to go deep into the no-man's land, and he didn't care.

At the level of Pan Lingzi, the practice is almost too forgetful. The life of ordinary practitioners is not important to her at all.

Pan Lingzi has been practicing for tens of thousands of years. From ancient times to the present, she has experienced countless battles, and she has killed many people in the Six World Holy War.

The people that Xiao Naiho is killing now seem to be nearly 30% sharp in the 3,300 world.

But Pan Lingzi has killed thousands of people, whether it is the creator or the cultivator of the Eightfold Realm, at least thousands.

Especially during the Holy War of the Six Realms, the number of creators killed in the Six Realms was as high as one hundred thousand. Compared with Xiao Nai, who killed hundreds of cultivators, it is a trivial matter.

"Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe! I heard you from Linglong's mouth. You got the demise of Miao Miao Shenkong, and now you are working for the Danting God competitor Liu Xiu?"

"Dan Shenpan Lingzi, who lives in the Nine Heavens Realm, is actually concerned about Danting's affairs."

Xiao Nai sighed, but he was vaguely guarded.

Now Pan Lingzi is not Pan Lingzi of that year, and Xiao Naihe is no longer the Beinanyi of that year.

In order to get the rosary, this disciculus deliberately went down and hurried over so quickly, showing how much the woman valued the six rosaries.

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