Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1601: Lead the snake out of the hole

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"It is worthy of the Lord of the Court, the master of the unity of origin. His formation is much more powerful than the ten-party Celestial Array that I set up when I became a Heavenly Demon."

Between the speeches, Xiao Naihe's five fingers were another one, showing a burst of halo, which seemed to be a wonderful form of formation, constantly evolving.

Xiao Naihe himself was a master of formation. When he was Beinanyi, he had studied various formation avenues.

It can be said that there is such a famous formation mage in the world.

However, in the face of the current large array, there was a faint idea of ​​helplessness.

Why not, the formation of Huang Lin is really wonderful, there are a total of 300,000 different changes, and each change will transform into another form in a blink of an eye.

That is to say, Xiao Naihe may instantly think of the method of breaking the formation, but if he hasn't had time to break the formation, the formation method will change into another kind of prohibition, so that Xiao Naihe can't guard against it.

"If I am also in the realm of unity of origin now, I can use the great magical powers in the heavenly demon scriptures to transform the world, and all the 300,000 kinds of changes in its formation will be cracked. But I am still ninefold At the peak, the physical strength is still insufficient. It is still not enough to have experience alone. "

Huang Lin set this formation and trapped himself in himself. Originally, Xiao Nai thought that he could really crack this formation within a certain period of time, when Huang Lin told himself the secret of his promotion to the unity of origin, Xiao Nai could also be prepared.

But now it seems that he doesn't even know how to crack this formation, let alone go out here within the prescribed time.

"If I try again, I can't just sit back and wait."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, the strength of his body was like a thunderbolt burst, his body straddled out slightly, and then he seemed to be thundering, hitting the sky in an instant, hitting the entire wall a little loose.

After the thunder struck the pillar of flames, it seemed that the light was released, but in a flash, it was restored to the darkness.

"Huh? Has it changed? This method? Isn't it the actual life gate, not on these flame pillars, but in another position?"

Xiao Naihe's face moved slightly, and he couldn't help but be curious.

For so long, he always thought that the lifeline of this formation was on nine different pillars of flame.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

No matter where the formation is played by anyone in the world, there is a destiny gate.

The lifeblood of a formation is weakness.

If you can find the lifeline of this formation, that is, the weakness of the formation, it is not without hope to infer the formation.

Now when Xiao Nai saw the changes in this formation, he immediately turned to look at the nine different pillars of flame, groaned slightly, and laughed: "I will try again."

Afterwards, the acupuncture points in Xiao Naihe's body were another blow, and the power of the mind that was revealed in each acupuncture point had a taste beyond time.


"If you come to a handprint, don't move like a mountain."

Like the sea and the prison, Shenwei is infinite.

Xiao Naihe, a huge handprint, just broke out in the sky, just like the devil, it was directly crushed, and it was knocked towards the sky.

哐 哐 哐 哐 ......

Then it struck the top of the flame column, and suddenly flickered. This huge flame array suddenly changed, and there was a loose look.

"Sure enough, it turns out that these nine flame pillars are not life gates. It seems that the hope of breaking the array is still there. As long as you try them one by one, there is no problem in breaking the ban."

Xiao Naihe's incomparable open mind, running the spiritual power of the mind, grabbed in midair, as if a stream of air flashed towards him, directly in his hand.

In the end, a great divine wheel was formed directly, turning bigger and bigger. An overwhelming force directly swept away, surrounded by upwards, and squeezed violently from the pillar, it would crush Yoko.

"It seems that even if you find out the life gate and want to completely destroy it, it will take a little time. However, after so long, Tianmen has no one to guard, and I don't know what is happening on the central continent. Will Liu Xiu have anything to do."

Xiao Nai said secretly.

Originally, Tianmen was entrusted to him, but then Huang Lin suddenly shot and brought himself here. Xiao Naihe also felt a little guilty in his heart.

One of his five fingers seemed to be calculated separately. He moved slightly in his heart and nodded and smiled: "It seems that Liu Xiu has nothing to do, and he seems to have gotten a lot of opportunities, compared to what he already realized. The rhythm of the avenue lies. "


At this time, in the fight between Xiao Naihe and Huang Lin, the other side, Liu Xiu already knew something from Mr. Long's mouth.

"What? Brothers and other people have fought against each other, although they beat each other away, but in the end there are strong men who can quietly take Brother away?"

Hearing here, Liu Xiu's face changed drastically: "It seems that Dafa King did not lie to me. Brother Shi really dealt with others, but Dafa Wang does not seem to know that Brother Shi was taken away."

Mr. Long nodded: "At that time, I felt Xiao Naihe's energy fluctuation, and he communicated with him with his consciousness. Finally, he didn't know who he was, and he was able to directly penetrate into the consciousness of the two of us. Come in and disconnect all of us! "

At that time, Mr. Long used Shennian to communicate with Xiao Naihe, but also communicated for a while, but he did not expect that at the end he would be stopped by someone, and some people could actually enter into the divine consciousness of both of them and forcefully interrupt.

"Brother Brother's current strength has reached a very powerful level. It is three points deeper than me, and I also know your magical skills, Mr. Long. This person can actually interrupt the communication of the two of you. , This kind of thing can be done in the world ... is it the master of the nineth peak. "

Thinking of this place, Liu Xiu's brows could not help but wrinkle tightly.

"Will it be the master behind the other six?"

Liu Xiu thought again and said again.

"It's not without this possibility, you know, the other six people's backers are all simple characters, and they are even more powerful than me. Three people, Pan Lingzi, Hua Xiang, and Jun Yongye, have long been famous. I believe that they are not their opponents. With their strength, they do have this ability, and they may forcefully interrupt all of Xiao Naihe's consciousness and me. "

"Then what should we do next? Are we going to Yantian Pavilion? Maybe Brother Shi is back in Yantian Pavilion."

"It should not be possible. If he really returned to Yantian Pavilion, he would not have informed me. Compared with what master took Xiao Naihe away, this person's strength is far stronger than Xiao Naihe. Helping Xiao Naihe is the only adult. "

When Liu Xiu heard it, he suddenly said, "Yes, only Senior Yu can find a brother. In this case, we are looking for Senior Yu to help."

"Hmm! Lord Nao seems to have something to do with Xiao Naiho, I believe he will help you."

Mr. Long waved his hand, the figure was scattered, like a stream of light, flying out of the sky at a speed.

In an instant, it disappeared.

When the two of them disappeared, a strange change suddenly appeared on the original position. A blue air burst out from the ground like a flame, and finally a bead was formed.


The bead flew a bit in the void, and finally stayed in the sky, spinning continuously and falling into the hands of a person in the distance.

This person is no one else, it is Tianshuiyi.

Tianshui is as beautiful as a flower, and her strength has reached the level of the mid-nineth layer. The stars in her eyes seem to be bursting into the sea of ​​stars, mysterious.

"My divine pearl of heaven and man was made by the master in painstaking efforts. It took 4,000 years of hard work. Unless it is a master of the nineth peak, no one in the world can find it. It escapes into the void and the soil. Inside, no one will find it silently. "

Tianshui smiled slightly and then put the beads away.

A point of light radiated from her beads, which was just the conversation between Liu Xiu and Mr. Long.

At this time, Wushen Yi, Tianshui Yi, and Linglong all saw the dialogue between the two men clearly.

"Sad Master, is it the legendary master of the demon world, is the demon killed?"

Linglong's expression changed. Hearing Liu Xiu's predecessor "Mr. Yu" suddenly thought of someone.

Wu Shen nodded his head, his face was very indifferent, and said in a very cold tone: "It should be him, and there is only a demon in the world, so there is a way for a cultivator who has just entered the late eighth stage, to step directly In the early days of the Ninth Chongzhong. I wondered why Liu Xiu suddenly caught up so suddenly, that there was a demon hanging behind his back. "

"I ’ve heard Master say that although Heavenly Demon is not as good as Heavenly Demon Beinanyi at that time, its strength has reached an unfathomable level, very powerful, this time with his help, Wu Shenyi , You have to be careful. "

"It's okay, I know the depth, not only that, except Liu Xiu, there are powerful people behind the other five people who are helping and supporting. If I'm afraid of this, then the first person to die is me. "

Wushen breathed a sigh of relief, and the blood within the entire body became very calm, without the powerful and moving form that came out before.

Tianshui Yi and Linglong Master looked at it and couldn't help but laugh: "That's good, I'm still worried that you're too worried, and it hurts your confidence. It's really bad for you to be a teacher at that time. Only you now are still really God of War I. "

The reason why Wushen Yi has always been able to gain the upper hand is because he has a strong and unmatched momentum. He has always been directly turned with an extremely domineering and confident momentum, which makes everyone feel pressure.

That's why Wushen was able to walk all the way and robbed the other six people.

If Wu Shenyi is too scrupulous, his momentum will be lost. At that time, his momentum will be lost, and Wu Shenyi's advantages will be crushed all at once.

"But I am confident, but I am not a reckless husband. Tian Yao Duo is indeed a powerful character. I have to be careful. I also heard just now, what is the relationship between Tian Yao Duo and Xiao Nai, if I can If Xiao Naihe is resolved, Liu Xiu will lose his left arm and right arm, and then I will see how he is against me. "

Wu Shen smiled coldly.

"Xiao Naihe? I know that Xiao Naihe is a master of Yantian Pavilion, and I heard that he offended Hua Xiang and was forced to run away by Hua Xiang. He is now living on a wild land."

"A barren continent? Now that Xiao Nai is not here, it is my best chance. I know Xiao Naihe has a Taoist companion, called Yun Weixue, who is also a peerless beauty. If I catch Xiao Naihe and his Taoist companions, Do n’t worry about why Xiao Nai would n’t catch it without a hand. "

Between the words, the energy of Wushen's body seemed to be constantly tumbling, very terrifying.

"However, this Yantian Pavilion was able to avoid the chase of Master Huaxiang. I was afraid that there would be something extraordinary. It was not easy to get into the Yantian Pavilion and bring Yun Weixue out."

Linglong shook her head.

"It's nothing. I have something that can lead a snake out of the hole. You don't have to worry about Yun Weixue not coming out at that time. You guys because I really don't have any preparations at all. Before long, I did a lot of preparations to inquire clearly. The news, I want to deal with a little woman, I still have absolute confidence. "

A glint of gleam flashed in Wushen's glance, and it was released slightly, then Tianshui Yi and Linglong were held, and the three people disappeared.

In the realm of Wushenyi, the power of the mid-nineth layer, the **** of heaven, within a hundred thousand miles in an instant, less than a cup of tea, from the central continent, into the wild continent.

When they stepped into the wild continent, a whole person of Wushen released a powerful consciousness.

"I want to see, where is Yantiange now?"

Wushen's aura is like the smoke of the sky, rushing into the sky, and the body's blood is turned, like a true dragon's air, and it is enveloped in the space of hundreds of thousands of squares.

Originally he realized the rhythm of Cangtian Avenue in the mysterious realm of Cangtian. Now it is extremely easy to search the location of Yantian Pavilion using his consciousness.

At the moment when his consciousness was released, he was constantly scanning the entire wild continent. Suddenly on top of the wild continent, a man was still cultivating, and suddenly opened his eyes, a dark breath flickered at once, and spit out slightly A breath.

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