Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1626: Doubtful

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"It seems that there must be some great chance in this Xiao Naihe. According to legend, there is a way to deal with the five declines of heaven and man among the Wu people. This time this kid also appeared here. Isn't it impossible? The opportunity snatched by Yong Ye took thousands of years to crack, how could this kid know? "As soon as the words fell, the ancestor of the Hong family suddenly disappeared.

"I didn't expect to let this old guy escape. This person has hurt a lot of energy now, so I don't need to pay attention for the time being. But after all, he is close to a half-step passive master. Although I was robbed twice of the heritage, I am sure There are still some means. Now that he and I are already life-and-death enemies, see you in the future, and we will definitely have a life and death. "

Xiao Nai said in a sigh of relief in his heart.

There was a burst of white smoke on his forehead. This was because he and the Hong family's ancestors spent too much energy, which caused a `` tired '' thought on his body.

This kind of thought is not real fatigue, but Xiao Naihe's spirit was born and spread to the flesh.

One of the pinnacle masters of the Hong family ancestors is difficult to deal with. Xiao Nai He Rao is the ninth peak, with the foundation of the four repair roads. It took a lot of time to deal with this old guy.

In the end, he did not hesitate to use the magical powers of immortality and vajra, and he took the risk of letting the ancestors of the Hong family.

If the ancestors of the Hong family were like Hua Xiang, the punch just now smashed Xiao Naihe ’s soul into powder, which would also cause great damage to Xiao Naihe.

"My magical spirit is immortal, and the diamond is not bad. It is a life-saving trick. It can only be shown when it is the most dangerous. The ancestor of the Hong family has seen it once and has the bottom of my heart. I will deal with it next time. Old man, I'm afraid it's just a matter of action. "

Turning around, Xiao Nai had some ideas.

The ancestor of the Hong family appeared here at this time, and the seven people who first attacked the fire carriage should have something to do with the ancestor of the Hong family.

But Xiao Nai could see that the seven people attacked not his own, but the Bailibing around him.

If these seven people have some relationship with Hong's ancestors, it is worth scrutinizing.

"Bai Libing is just a dual-level cultivator, it is easy to explain, although Yuezong is good, but in the eyes of the masters like the Hong family ancestors, it is a Sanliuzong door. Why did he come to attack Bailibing? ? "

Mingyuezong's current sect is like the Yantian Pavilion before Xiao Naihe's help was placed in the 3,300 world. At most it is a mainstream sect, not a top class.

Otherwise, when a demon star came up, the entire Mingyue Sect was engaged in jigging.

And the ancestors of the Hong family should have sensed what they flew from, and his original intention was to kill Bailibing.

A master of the nineth peak, in order to kill a cultivator with two levels of supremacy, actually moved such a large array, could not help Xiao Naihe felt a strong doubt in his heart.

"Unfortunately, the man ’s soul was smashed by the ancestor of the Hong family just now, otherwise I can use the" Soul Search Dafa "to scrape the memory of the other party. But now, I have to ask Bailibing to see See if she knows anything else! "

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Nai turned over, and a burst of blue smoke swept out, suddenly covering the front, revealing the figure of Bai Libing.

Bai Libing was put into one of her inner worlds by Xiao Naihe. It was not the space-time world, but a very ordinary space world, but the inside is the same as the outside, with air, water flow, and houses. Resident.

After Bai Libing's figure appeared, a trace of surprise suddenly appeared on his face, looking at Xiao Naihe, holding back the doubt in his heart.

"Do you have anything to ask me?"

Where did Xiao Nai fail to see Bai Libing's thoughts and suddenly opened his mouth.

"Senior Xiao really is a prophet, Bai Libing is really a bit puzzled, and I hope that Senior can answer."

"It's really a coincidence, I want to ask you something."

"whats the matter?"

When Bailibing heard it, he was stunned.

Instead, Xiao Nai waved his hand and said lightly: "If you don't say this first, do you have anything to ask?"

"Those who came to attack us just now, do seniors know who they are?"

Xiao Na couldn't help but laugh: "I also want to ask you about it. It's not me who killed you, but you. Can't you see that, are those people actually coming to deal with you?"

"What? Is it to deal with me? Impossible, I'm just a small supreme realm of dualism. Three of the seven people are masters of the five worlds who spend their time in a different world, and the remaining four are created by the void. Six masters, only one of them, can bring us the destruction of Mingyue Sect, how can they deal with me? "

Bai Libing also feels ridiculous. Although she thinks that she has a good talent, she also knows that she is definitely not a so-called big figure, and can actually cause such seven people to deal with herself.

But masters like Xiao Naihe will definitely not deceive themselves. Baili Bing suddenly pondered, not knowing what she was thinking.

"You don't know? They should have laid eyes and ears from the Mingyuezong side, that is to say, when we came out of the Mingyuezong, they probably got the news. And along the way, they originally laid chess pieces. That is to say, from the beginning, they are likely to deal with Ming Yuezong instead of dealing with you alone. "

Xiao Nai turned his eyes and said immediately.

"How is this possible? Any one of them, my Mingyue Sect is not an opponent, I can order to drive these seven masters, I am afraid that even the creator can't do it, we Mingyue Zong can't get into the creator. A world-class master. "

"The creator wants to drive seven such masters. It is indeed a little bit more difficult. The other party is at least the existence of the eightfold realm, and even the number of one yuan, stepping into the ninth innate master."

Hearing here, Bai Libing took a breath. His face changed when he brushed it. When he looked at Xiao Naihe, he could not see that Xiao Nai was joking, that is to say, what Xiao Naihe said might be true .

"Nine heavy ... nine heavy ... One yuan, the legendary master. Don't say it's me, we all Mingyuezong, the other party can destroy us all with one hand, this master, the 3,300 world is also There are only a handful, how could it be difficult for our Mingyue Sect? "

"When did the Bailin Conference start? Have you ever done it before?"

"The Bailin Conference started seven days ago, and there was no such conference before, but because Han Siyuan, the sovereign of the Izumo Divine Kingdom, entered the Nine Heavens Realm, now this continent is made by the mysterious Tianzun, It is Wuhe Tianzun's control. This Bailin Conference was convened by Wuhe Tianzun. "

Wuhe Tianzun?

Xiao Nai murmured a few words. He had never heard of this character, but it is certainly not a simple character to be able to control such a continent.

The ancestors of the Hong family also seem to have something to do with this matter. How can the ancestors of the Hong family be involved in the conference of the 100 mainstream sects.

I am afraid that there is a connection between the ancestor of the Hong family and the Wuhe Tianzun, and if the Wuhe ancestor can actually maintain the relationship with the ancestor of the Hong family, then it means that this person is also not a simple existence. The late Jiuzhong, or the existence of the peak of Jiuzhong.

"I feel there must be something going on at this time, and the other party obviously didn't intend to kill you. They just didn't want us to go to the Bailin Conference. What was the matter that prevented us from entering the Bailin Conference, This is a bit interesting. But now it is useless, as long as you get there, everything will be known. "

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly and waved his hand, and suddenly a burst of light appeared on his forehead. After this burst of light flashed, a fierce carriage suddenly appeared.

This fierce horse-drawn carriage was the carriage that had been smashed by the seven masters not long ago. I did not expect that there was nothing, and Anhao was kept in the hands of Xiao Naihe.

As soon as Xiao Naihe's body was vertical, he immediately entered the carriage and pulled Bai Libing in.

Baili Bing suddenly felt that as long as he followed this senior Xiao, it seemed that there was nothing to worry about in the world. Even his father, Baili Super, did not give Bailibing such a safe feeling.

"This is the legendary master. This senior Senior Xiao, I ’m afraid it ’s not so easy to simply create the world leader. I ’m afraid that it ’s a master who has already achieved the Eightfold Realm, even the Ninefold Realm may be able to say a dollar Count, not even afraid of the Wuhe Tianzun under the voice, is he really a master of the nineth level? His father is now about to step into the fourth level, to enter the level of the elder He Tai, but Compared to this senior Xiao, it is nothing. "

Bai Libing secretly said that she looked at Xiao Naihe's young and terrible face, and she couldn't help but wonder how Xiao Naihe cultivated in such a young age.

When Xiao Naihe took Bailibing away from this place, from the other side, on a mysterious island, the sky was covered with mist and fog. These mists were not formed naturally, but were a mysterious magic circle.

Not only that, in addition to these fogs, there are also bursts of colorful glazed light, which constantly flashes, revealing a very unpredictable prohibition.

Across the island, I have at least more than three hundred different formations and prohibitions, not to mention humans, even if the flies haven't been able to fly in.

On the other side, on the island, a continuous palace stands, and in the center of the palace, there is a pagoda. This pagoda is as high as 700 floors, rushed into the sky, showing the momentum of Tianwei.

In the pagoda, there is a weird mysterious realm, and there are continuous flashes of eternal light in the entire mysterious realm, as if it is a master of the ancient things, and it changes into a world after death.

It was actually a young man sitting inside. The man closed his eyes, and he released a black air all over his body, wrapping his body.

The whole person seemed to be a black fire, showing a mysterious atmosphere.

"Black God Wheel."

In the end, the man opened his eyes, and suddenly a huge ** appeared behind his back. ** The movement illuminated a black light, the breath was thick, and it seemed like a mountain burst. Out, lock the entire space

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Violently, suddenly, the black gas in this space is wrapped around the man.

His ** is similar to Xiao Naihe's God Wheel, but the difference is that Xiao Naihe's God Wheel is full of all kinds of hegemony, able to control the gods and demons, and dominate the world.

On this **, there is a taste of life and death, as if all the breath in the entire **** is drawn out, and the entire world can be transformed into hell.

After turning, it made the sound of 噔 噔 噔 噔 噔 噔, as if it was the sound of stars squeezed and broken, very harsh.


After the man took a sigh of relief, after the ** behind turned, he suddenly became extremely calm and silent in the void.

"Huh? Ancestor Hong, you are finally here. You only came at this time. Did something happen?"

When the young man stood up, his gaze slightly shifted into the void.

Above the void, a crack appeared, and a figure that appeared in the crack was the ancestor of the Hong family who had played with Xiao Naihe before.

The ancestors of the Hong family now have a pale face, but when he looked at the young man, his tone gradually calmed down. He endured the pain on the body and the soul, opened his eyes, and a strong murderous intention erupted in the tone.

"Meeting a master, did not expect him to come here."

When the ancestors of the Hong family spoke, the dark air around them seemed to give a breath of death, which diffused, and suddenly wrapped the whole small thousand world, very terrifying.

"Huh? Master, you have the existence of the Ninth Peak Realm, which is no worse than me in terms of strength. What kind of master can actually cause you such a serious injury?"

When the young man looked at the ancestor of the Hong family, he also saw a weakening of the breath of life from the ancestor of the Hong family.

The world can cause such harm to Hong's ancestors, certainly not ordinary people, and could not help but make this young man curious.

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