Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1641: Take advantage of your illness

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After Xiao Nai got the shards of the scroll, he was somewhat surprised along the way.

It has to be said that neither the ancestors of the Hong family and the Wuhe Tianzun, neither of them are below themselves in terms of realm and strength.

And Huang Lin and Bai inorganic are even more unparalleled characters, standing above the most powerful position in the world.

None of these characters got the ‘Sky of Heaven ’s Sky’, but instead they got it by themselves.

"However, although the fragments of this scroll are somewhat spiritual, and all of them have been obtained by me, can they be restored? This is still a second word. It is not advisable to be too optimistic now. Save the legacy of Wen Shi first and then talk about it."

Between the words, Xiao Naiho's body seemed to be swept away by the breeze, and he moved directly to the back.

Among the ruins, the entire holy place suddenly oscillated, and the seawater was tumbling, as if the entire space was to be destroyed.

It seems that after the battle between Huang Lin and Bai inorganic, the entire ruin has completely lost its ability to support.

But also, both of them are masters of masters. Although they only suppress the power in their bodies, they will have a great impact under this kind of confrontation.

"Wen Shiyi!"

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved, and the spirit of Wen Shiyu was still outside. Fortunately, after the two people left, they did not fight against Wen Shiyi.

Although Wen Shiyi is a descendant of the Wu clan, in the eyes of Huang Lin and Bai Baai, such masters, it is nothing.

The spirit state of Wen Shiyu has been somewhat weakened, presumably because his own spirit state has been exposed to the void for too long.

If Xiao Naihe came out a little later, Wen Shiyi's entire soul would definitely be wiped out.


As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Nai's five-finger midpoint shot a hint of golden light.

These lights are very warm, as if a warm flame is burning, covering it, wrapping the body of Wen Shiyi together.

Soon, the spirit of Wen Shiyi was pulled from midair by Xiao Naihe.

Then, from Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, a trace of divine thoughts emerged, and a breath of life came out of these divine thoughts, which is the vitality of everything.

Almost all of the abilities to produce rice with everything have the ability to regenerate from death. This breath is condensed and injected into the spirits of Wen Shiyi.

"Unfortunately, the body of Wen Shi's legacy is now gone. Presumably, when he fought inside, it caused a huge seabed collapse and caused the body to be washed away."

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Just now, Huang Lin still had the kind of conflicts of Bai inorganic, even if Wen Shiyi had reached the four levels of supremacy, and one flower and one world could not be stopped.

However, Xiao Naihe now has too many magic weapons and natural materials in his hands. It is not difficult to re-create a body for Wen Shi.

After receiving the soul of Wen Shiyi into his own inner world, he also showed a colorful glazed light, wrapped in flesh, and the whole person was held up and flew away.

When Xiao Naiho drilled out of the bottom of the sea, there was a sudden noise from the bottom of the sea, and the entire ruin collapsed at this time.

A series of tsunamis emerged, and almost a thousand-foot high sea curtain spread directly.

"There are such secret areas in the seabed, whether it is the boundary river or the sea, which is far wider than the land. From ancient times to the present, I do n’t know how many secret areas and ruins have sunk into the bottom of the sea. When I came out, I was afraid that the accumulation in the future would be far more than anyone. "

Xiao Nai can come up with it. If he can find out all the relics and secrets that have sunk in the sea and the river, what kind of realm will Xiao Naihe accumulate, which is hard to even think of Xiao Naihe .

But what is certain is that by then Xiao Nai's accumulation can definitely be compared with such masters as Bai inorganic and Huang Lin.

However, it is almost impossible to find out the secret realm in the boundary river and the sea. If it can be found out, then everyone will find it.

To know that a cultivation reaches the realm of the creator, his divine thoughts penetrate into it, and can spread to millions of miles in a day.

But entering the sea and the boundary river is so large, if you want to find the remains of the secret realm in it, it is equivalent to the look of a needle in the sea.

"It's useless to think about these things. Now I will go back to Yantian Pavilion and restore the spirit of Wen Shiyi as soon as possible."

Just when Xiao Naihe had a thought, suddenly, there seemed to be layers of thoughts fluctuating in his spiritual thoughts, constantly converging to the front and floating.

At the same time, Xiao Nai was at the same time, his body moved, and once again turned into a meson form.

At this time, a ray of light appeared from the sea, and there was a strong blood in this ray of light.

When the blood was tumbling, it suddenly broke out and escaped into the air.

Then a figure appeared at once.

This person is no one else. It was the North Songyang who was photographed by Huang Lin abruptly not long ago.

Beisongyang's body was rickety, and there was a sign of weakness in the spirit's breath. It can be seen that whether Beisongyang's flesh or spirits put their passwords, they suffered a lot.

Beisongyang is a half-step passive state. Is there anyone in the world who can hurt him?

Xiao Nai He was slightly surprised.

"This North Songyang will appear here, it seems that it should have come for this ruin? But also, North Songyang itself is a character who cultivates the Wu people's Avenue, and he has reached a half-step passive state, even me I can sense it, not to mention him? It's just how he is like this? His vitality and physical vitality are actually weakened to such a point that it is almost no more than the level of the Nineth Peak. "

Xiao Nai He raised a brow, and the meson form he transformed into was still floating in mid-air.

Then the whole person's body shook and scattered all the sea water on his body.

A heat flowed from his body, and finally he evaporated all the water from his body.

"Dan Ting God, Dan Ting God. Today's shame, I North Songyang remember."

Bei Songyang's heart-breaking voice spread out continuously.

"It's actually Huang Lin. How did Huang Lin take Bei Songyang? This is a bit worth beating. But with Huang Lin's strength, even a character as strong as Bei Songyang should be deadly. Bei Songyang is now undoubtedly dead. It's just that he was seriously injured, it seems that Huang Lin didn't play hard. "

The thought moved slightly, and suddenly, Xiao Naiho seemed to think of something, and an idea slowly formed in his mind.

A smile appeared afterwards, his eyes, as if staring at the fierce beast, slightly released the light.

The spirit and flesh of Beisongyang are now weak to such a degree that Xiao Naihe's other thought immediately emerged.

"Not at this time, but when to wait."

From the central continent, Xiao Naihe had already had a life-and-death feud with Bei Songyang, and the two had reached the situation where life and death must be divided.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Nai suddenly collapsed.

"Destroy you while you are sick!"

Xiao Naihe has never been absolutely a gentleman, and being a gentleman is too tiring.

To deal with the enemy, he never scruples about any means.

A master like Beisongyang, if he is allowed to recover, is absolutely dangerous for Xiao Naihe.

"Just let me take you down."

The form of meson that Xiao Nai turned into was less than a breath away from making this decision, and immediately flew out.

Bei Songyang had just struggled out of the bottom of the sea. Suddenly he moved, feeling something. The next time he swept out with his consciousness.

In the moment when the consciousness swept out, the spirit of Beisongyang seemed to have been stabbed fiercely by something.

The three-foot polished light released in the void seemed to be a sharp sword as soon as it came out.

"Do not move like a mountain!"

When the sound came from above, there was a sudden thunder.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

When the violent Leiyin landed over the sky, he directly hit the front and landed in front of Beisongyang.

Soon, when this thunder sound came, the seawater on the entire sponge actually formed a huge vortex, just like the vortex of the soul. It was necessary to separate the soul of the North Songyang and the flesh.

"Xiao Naihe!"

Bei Songyang's voice was shocked and frightened. What surprised him was that Xiao Nai actually appeared at this time.

The fear is that his current physical condition is already extremely weak, and Xiao Nai appeared here undoubtedly brought a very bad hunch to himself.

Sure enough, when this huge vortex climbed up, it fell directly in front of him. Bei Songyang only felt that the soul was like this in the huge vortex, and he had to be pulled out.

"Xiao Naihe, do you want to calculate me too?"

Bei Songyang screamed coldly, hurrying to stabilize himself, and came down.

Afterwards, with both hands urged, it seemed to be grabbing out, the endless black gas spreading, the turbulence was violent, and actually wrapped the entire vortex, not to let this vortex envelope it.

"It turned out to be a half-step passive master, even if Huang Lin counted to this point, he could forcibly block my strength."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, but at the same moment, his body stepped out, and the golden light behind him formed a huge Buddha statue. After this Buddha statue was revealed, it even conveyed a powerful voice of thought.

"The supreme bodhi must be spoken, self-knowledge, self-knowledge, perpetual immortality, in all times, contemplation of self-seeking, all things are stagnation, everything is true, all realms are as easy as Such as the heart is true. "

"There are boundless ways, like handprints! Prajna Paramita!"

After the big Buddha behind Xiao Naihe was revealed, a hundred apertures gathered together, as if it could break the future.

At this time, Lianbei Songyang had a feeling of being transformed.

"This boy's cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism seems to have improved a lot."

Bei Songyang was taken aback.

At the time when he was on the central continent, Xiao Naihe was even forcibly chased by North Songyang. At that time, even though Xiao Naihe exhibited the state of Yang 960, he did not save the situation.

But now, the Great Buddha, summoned by the North Songyang, has infinite magical power. The hundred apertures above the flesh continue to surround, the fog is strong, and in an instant, the whole situation is controlled.

"It is prajna. It is prajna if you think it is stupid. It is prajna if you think it is wisdom.

"Establishment of ten thousand methods of self is gong. Mind and body separate from thought is virtue. It is virtue that does not depart from self. Self-staining is virtue, and the Vajra realm is free!

"Every law is ready. Everything is untouched. It is away from all the law. Nothing. The name is the best, the law defines the seal!"

Three seals in one, a big day like a handprint.

The moment when the huge handprint was taken out, it directly lifted the whole person of Beisongyang, and that great Buddha transformed that kind of thought of crossing the world and transforming it into an invincible battle to defeat the heart of the Buddha. Read.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

After successive explosions, Bei Songyang forcibly blocked the vortex in the void, but he couldn't block the terrible divine power of Xiao Naihe.

When the endless Buddhism and Taoism spread out, the vastness of the soup was amazing.

It seems that from the bottom of the sea, it can lead to nine days and open the world.

In order to deal with Beisongyang, Xiao Naihe did not leave any emotion.

Several trillions of spiritual powers within him suddenly formed another Buddha statue, which shrouded it.

"Jingyuan body, change my true body!"

At this moment of crisis, Bei Songyang gritted his teeth, and his face was pale. Some of the weak spirits had become tenacious.

"What kind of Taoism is this?"

After seeing Bei Songyang's Taoism, Xiao Naihe was also slightly surprised.

There are only three of them who practice Wuxian Taoism in the world, one is himself, the other is Wen Shiyi, and the last one is North Songyang.

Wen Shiyi should be an orthodox witch cultivator, but the only drawback is that Wen Shiyu's cultivation is too weak. Even if he is an orthodox witch descendant, he can't compare with the other two.

Beisongyang should be a person who cultivates Wu Dao, the most accomplished person in it.

However, although Xiao Naihe had great abilities, it was only the second time he played against Northern Songyang who practiced Wu Dao.

Regarding the records of Wu Dao, Xiao Naihe is not even clearer than Wen Shiyi and Bei Songyang.

When he saw the practice of Bei Songyang, Xiao Nai raised a brow and seemed to feel something.

Then, for a moment, Bei Songyang's body and soul were incomparably stronger, and a red light spread directly from his body.

"Fate locks!"

"Chain of Destiny!"

After the voice came out, two things appeared from the void.

The sky lock of golden light, and the chain of golden light.

When these two things flew out, they directly grabbed towards Xiao Naihe's flesh.

"What kind of weapon is this, so powerful, even my soul seems to be detained."

The moment Xiao Nai saw these two things, almost the whole person had to be taken away and looked like.

The chain that released the golden light, as if it were a divine dragon, rushed into the sky, and made a variety of strange postures. It was tied down towards Xiao Naihe. The way it came up.

"The Great God Wheel."

Xiao Naihe's body hurriedly detached a golden Buddha from his body.

When the huge sky lock flew over, it hit the Golden Buddha fiercely, and actually shattered the entire Golden Buddha into endless pieces of golden light.

"This is ... the ninth-grade Taoist implement? No, it should be almost the passive level! But there seems to be something missing that makes this Taoist stay on the ninth-grade wait until the passive level. . "

Xiao Nai He was surprised.

Not only this day's lock, but also another chain, this is also the level of Taoism.

If these two Taoist implements meet any conditions, they can immediately become passive Taoist implements. At that time, Beisongyang, even facing the masters such as Huang Lin and Bai inorganic, even if they can't beat it, there will be a battle. Forceful.

"Since Beisongyang has such a Taoist weapon, why didn't he take it out against Huanglin? But it is also a master of Huanglin's realm. With these two Taoist instruments that have not been restored to the passive level, Certainly it is useless. If it is robbed by Huang Lin, it will not be cost-effective. "

How can Xiao Nai come up with it? Bei Songyang must have wanted to use these two Taoqi to deal with Huang Lin from the beginning.

But Huanglin is too powerful, either Beisongyang dared not use it easily, otherwise Huanglin would **** it, and that would be a big loss.

The other is that North Songyang has no time to use these two Taoist implements.

But no matter what kind, Xiao Nai can obviously feel a deep crisis now.

"The two pieces of Daoqi must be Beisongyang's means of pressing the box. Now that he uses it, he has nowhere to go."

Xiao Naihe's incomparable Xueliang connected the back and forth and carefully distinguished the results.

It has to be said that Bei Songyang is really powerful. After being seriously injured by Huang Lin, he was able to stay in his hands for a while.

"Life and Death Wheel, Heaven **, Great God Wheel, Qiankun Wheel, Dharma Wheel, Nirvana Wheel, Turn Wheel ..."

Around Xiao Naihe's body, various **** wheels continuously emerged. When these **** wheels turned, they immediately gathered all the spirits around them, and they were completely swallowed up.

"Xiao Naihe, you can see my two Taoist instruments, it is your blessing in heaven and earth. Even when the Danting God dealt with me, I did not use it."

Bei Songyang's face was slightly white, but the sneer appeared on his face, naked and full of murderous opportunity.

When the huge skylock flew up, it hit the top, smashing Xiao Nai and a "wheel of life and death".

"Really? What kind of character is Huang Lin? It already exists beyond the supreme realm. The unity of origin and the state of passiveness, let alone one of you, even if there are ten people like you, it is definitely not the opponent of Huang Lin. . You should be useless. "

Xiao Nai said lightly.

"How is it? Xiao Naihe, I didn't want to use this device originally, now you force me to use this device."

As soon as this sound fell, Xiao Nai felt that the glimmer of the sky had gathered together.

When this torrent came together, it suddenly wrapped the entire sky together. After brushing it, it appeared.

"Under fate, no one can escape. Xiao Naihe, you are also the fate of my arrest."

Bei Songyang grinned, and his pale face became extremely terrible.

The "Fate Lock" and "Fate Chain" flying in the void all **** dozens of **** wheels behind Xiao Naihe's body at once, and smashed everything with one effort.

Suddenly, Xiao Naihe felt that his body seemed to be picked out.

Xiao Naihe's heart is so bright, he is constantly thinking about whether there are things in his body that can deal with these two avenues, and the Taoist wares obtained from the Night King, the Immortal Elders, etc., although there are also nine high-grade ones Tao, but compared to these two Tao, it is much worse.

‘Fate Locks’ and ‘Chain of Fate’, if the cultivator ’s behavior is described, it should be a half-step passive level.

If these two pieces of Taoist implement meet any situation, they can immediately become passive-level Taoist implements.

With only these two Taoist devices now, Xiao Nai is no opponent.

"If the North Songyang used this device directly on the Central Continent, I was afraid that he would be captured by North Songyang immediately."

Xiao Naihe raised his brow, his expression changed slightly.

After that chain flew to Xiao Naihe's front, he saw Xiao Naihe slide slightly, and then a thousand and eighteen holes in his body suddenly burst into a terrifying divine power.

Throughout the sky, all forces gathered together to form a long river.

After this river was revealed, it actually formed a star.

On the top of Xiao Naihe's head, every bright spot seems to have changed into a star, very wide.

The moment when the light was shining, it was directly enveloped, and wrapped the whole person in Beisongyang.

"Fate locks, chains of fate? If fate can trap anyone, there will be no progress in the world. Those who practice Taoism are already competing with heaven and breaking fate. The word fate is only used to break. "

Xiao Naiho's voice flashed like a thunder, and every word seemed to contain a powerful and extreme mind.

Words are like beads.

In the radius, the entire sea surface, suddenly hundreds of millions of tons of seawater, at this time, all were evaporated.

In Xiao Naihe's acupuncture body, a long burst of blood and blood was released.

The infinite heat contained in the wolf smoke instantly forms the back of the dragon form.

This punch came in an instant.

"Dragon Fist!"

In Xiao Naihe's eyes, a burst of fine light suddenly burst out. In the fine light, it seemed to be another round star condensed.

Rumble, Rumble!




Xiao Naihe's punching power was fierce.

The acupuncture point in his body seemed to merge with the heavenly thunder and thunder, and gave out a kind of nourishing power.

When each current flows out, it forms the form of electric rings. After these electric rings are formed, the highest level is silent, turning into a trace of glory.

Inside these brilliances is Xiao Naihe's endless boxing.

In every boxing intent, there is an momentum that transcends everything, breaks the fate, and knocks the world down.

"Useless Xiao Naihe, even if you have cultivated three avenues, so what? Even the reincarnation of the Archaic Saints, under my" Destiny Lock "and" Fate Chain ", will definitely die.

The cold smile on Bei Songyang's face grew stronger and stronger. The light of divine thought drilled in his palm was similar to the electric light in Xiao Nai's fist.

"Crazy tone! Even Taigusheng is not your current opponent. If you can really defeat the Saint, how can you be forced by the Huanglin to the present level? You shouldn't blow too much water."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, the French seal pinched out in the void, and kept coming together, and then merged with his boxing intentions, and finally formed a strong shock flow, brushed, it was directly wrapped around ' "Destiny Lock" and "Fate Chain"!

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The two Taoist devices collided in the void, and Xiao Naihe only felt that his body and soul were shaken fiercely, almost unable to control himself.

At the moment when this force was revealed, Xiao Naihe suddenly felt that his mind seemed to be exploded, sending out a violent wave.

After surrounding the body of Xiao Naihe, the two avenues of fate suddenly formed a boxy cage.

The chain became a cage shape, while the sky lock became a large lock of the cage.

This form is like trying to punish Xiao Naihe, who opposed fate.

"Promise countercurrent."

Seeing here, Xiao Naihe did not hurry, but he exhibited the "Promise Countercurrent".

The power of the mind on his body turned out to be a strong flow of magic at this time.

When these streamers flowed, they shimmered and appeared very deep.

Afterwards, I only saw every acupuncture point on Xiao Naihe's flesh, which released a very strong essence.

Buzz buzz!

While he was performing ‘Promise Countercurrent’, he suddenly saw that these acupuncture points seemed to have sensed everything, and there was a burst of light in Xiao Naihe ’s mind.

When this light was surrounded, it actually spread to Xiao Naihe's front, completely surrounding Xiao Naihe's flesh.

After a while, the ‘Fate Locks’ and the ‘Fate Chains’ forming a cage in the void tremble at this time.

"What do you mean? What's going on? How do I feel that these two Taoist devices seem to be responding to each other in my body?"

Xiao Naihe was taken aback. The thoughts of the two pieces of Taoism came over one by one, and Xiao Naihe seemed to respond to each other.

After a closer look, Xiao Naihe's pupil suddenly shrank.

"It is the source of Wu Dao? These two Taoist weapons actually responded to my source of Wu Dao. What's the matter?"

This is beyond Xiao Naihe's expectations. The ideas spread by these two Taoist instruments seem to give Xiao Naihe a taste that is beyond his control.

However, the source of Wu Dao in his body seemed to communicate with two Dao Dao devices at this time.

Bang bang bang bang

Suddenly, the ‘Chain of Destiny’ and ‘Chain of Destiny’ both settled at this time, glowing with golden light and rushing directly into the sky.

"What? What's going on?"

Bei Songyang couldn't see it clearly, so he looked at the two pieces of Taoist as if the sky fire was coming, brushing it, it actually landed from above.

Not only that, it also let Xiao Naiho go, but also made Bei Songyang confused.

"Give me back."

Bei Songyang shouted and waved his hands, a red light appeared on his body, as if he was calling back the "Chain of Destiny" and "Chain of Destiny."

The two pieces of Dao waved in the air, and did not fly in front of Bei Songyang.

Seeing this, Xiao Nai suddenly moved in his heart, and an idea came out directly.

I saw that Xiao Nai and He Shi exhibited the ‘Promise Countercurrent’. Between this state, the magic power of witchcraft was operated, the five fingers were turned over, and they were caught in the void.


At this time, ‘Fate Locks’ and ‘Chains of Fate’ seemed to have taken a stimulant and flew towards Xiao Naihe.

"Sure enough! These two Taoist implements were actually summoned by the source of Wu Dao in my body, that is to say, these two Taoist implements were actually among the Wu people. Although North Songyang did not know where to learn from Come to the Wu clan, but compared with my source of Wu Dao, it is still far worse. Although there are many doubts, but these two Taoist tools, it seems that they should no longer be under the control of Bei Songyang. . "

Xiao Nai took a long breath and then said.

Looking at the current situation, Xiao Naihe also understood.

These two Taoist devices seem to have their own spirituality, and actually conveyed a kind of intimate thought to Xiao Naihe.

"Xiao Naihe, what the **** did you do, and actually robbed me of these two weapons?"

Bei Songyang could hardly believe that his original means were these two Taoist implements. At this time, Xiao Naihe snatched them one by one.

"There is no imprint of your consciousness on these two Tao implements, and the Tao implements will also know their masters. Those who are capable can get it. Even the Tao implements can't stand you, don't recognize you as the master, it seems that luck is not here Now. "

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, but instead came to fight against North Songyang.

Bei Songyang's complexion suddenly changed and became extremely ugly.

He did not expect that Xiao Nai really robbed him of these two Taoist weapons.

"Fate locks, chain of fate, listen to my orders and take this person."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly and waved a little, and suddenly a golden glow came out of the void.

At the moment these lights flickered, Beisongyang suddenly felt an extremely bad thought, and his body retreated slightly.

‘Destiny Lock’ and ‘Destiny Chain’ at this time, they suddenly flew out, and they hurried fiercely toward the front, and wrapped up against the North Songyang.


North Songyang Wanwan did not expect that his two pieces of Taoism would have such a day, against Ge.

"You can't go away!"

Not only that, Xiao Naiho also shot at this time, waved his palm, and grabbed the front, then came forward fiercely, and the one was directly printed on the top of Bei Songyang's head.

The two pieces of Taoism enveloped Beisongyang, as if to absorb a lot of spiritual power in Xiao Naihe's body in a flash.

Xiao Nai shook his whole body, his eyes suddenly showed a trace of horror.

"I finally understood why this North Songyang has refused to use these two Taoqi to deal with me. It turns out that there are powerful forces in these two Taoqi, but the power that needs to be consumed is too much. . One time is to absorb all of the spiritual energy in my body. If it is not my space-time world, the new spiritual energy will be automatically circulated every day.

These two pieces of Taoism absorbed more than half of the power from Xiao Naihe's body in an instant.

Almost a year of power in the space-time world.

If placed on Beisongyang's body, it is equivalent to cleanly consume the power accumulated by Beisongyang in one year.

If Beisongyang uses it a few times and controls the number of times, that is nothing.

If you use these two pieces of Taoist every day, I am afraid that North Songyang will have to eat it too.

After coming here, Xiao Naihe finally understood why, when he was on the central continent, Beisongyang did not use these two Taoist devices to deal with himself from the beginning.


Just as Xiao Nai and He Nian moved, the next moment, North Songyang was caught by this chain of fate and fate sky, and tens of millions of gods in his body were captured.

"Damn, damn. Xiao Naihe, I will never let you go."

At this time, Bei Songyang actually burned a trace of his own personality and worked desperately.

After seeing this, Xiao Nai thought aloud: "Not good."

Suddenly, a huge idol emerged from Xiao Naihe. When this idol was revealed, it directly wrapped the world.

The burning divine power of Bei Songyang, like a ghost crying and howling, conveyed a terrifying feeling of horror.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The violent thunder riot, the meaning of the whole personality divided by Beisongyang, only one percent, but at this time it exploded and formed a huge mushroom cloud.

This mushroom cloud spread into the void, enveloping the whole world.

Finally, staying in a space of 300,000 miles, the entire sea water was instantly evaporated.

"The soul of the gods is immortal, and the diamond is not bad!"

Xiao Naihe summoned the "Chain of Destiny" and the "Chain of Destiny".

These two pieces of Daoqi suddenly flew to the front and merged with Xiao Naihe.

At the same time, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows appeared a red light.

His body, under the guardianship of these two Taoist implements, blocked the terrifying momentum of North Songyang.


I don't know how long after that, the huge heat generated in the void, and the incomparable water vapor, suddenly evaporate in the void.

With a look in his eyes, Xiao Naihe could no longer see Bei Songyang.

In this situation, Bei Songyang was forced to burn a little dignity by Xiao Naihe, and escaped to escape.

"If it weren't for the last time that" Chain of Destiny "and" Chain of Destiny "were against each other, I'm afraid it was impossible to scare away North Songyang."

Xiao Nai smiled slightly, but did not expect to come out of the Cloud God Kingdom once, and there was such a huge gain.

This time Xiao Naihe's biggest gain, the first is to get the scroll fragments of the "Tianlun Shenxiao Figure", the second is to get the "Fate Lock" and "Fate Chain", and the third is to get the tens of millions of North Songyang Mindfulness.

Not to mention that the tens of millions of Shennian captured by Xiao Naihe in North Songyang are disposable consumables. The half-step passive master's mind, even every one, has extremely terrifying power.

"This time I have gained so much, it is really beyond my imagination. After this defeat, Bei Songyang wanted to make a comeback, maybe it would take a very long time. And if he was dealt with by Huang Lin, he might support Ling Xiao. The act of becoming God may be slowed down. "

Xiao Nai thought about it for a while, and he no longer stayed, running magical power, his body was like a stream of light, and flew in an instant.

With his ability, flying from above the sea into the kingdom of the Izumo God is only a moment of incense sticks.

"Would you like to talk to the people of Ming Yuezong?"

Xiao Naihe stayed in mid-air, gazed at him, and looked inside Mingyuezong.

At this time, Mingyuezong, Bai Libing and his party had not returned.

"Huh? This force fluctuates?"

Afterwards, Xiao Naihe's consciousness was released and entered into the Mingyue Sect.

The situation in the entire Mingyue Sect was clearly seen by Xiao Naihe.

There are two figures, appearing faintly.

One of the elderly women looks like hibiscus, her eyebrows willow, and her eyes are more charming than peach blossoms, her skin is like snow.

The eyes that turn flexibly rotate happily, a bit naughty, a bit naughty, so beautiful in appearance, so beautiful that they don't eat fireworks on earth.

This man is the king of Izumo Divine Kingdom, the companion of Han Siyuan, and the queen of Izumo Divine Kingdom, Wang Junqi!

"Han Siyuan's companion appears here, then another woman is not just ..."

Xiao Nai He awakened, swept in the air, and there was another woman beside Wang Junqi.

The facial features are exquisite, like peach blossoms, and the beads are round and jade-run; wearing a long embroidered cardigan with a water-red group embroidery, the smooth green silk is pulled into a simple cloud-like bun, and a graceful white jade phoenix pattern is worn on the step .

The body is covered with red feather satin cicada wing yarn, the breeze is blowing, the light yarn is flying, and the whole person exudes a light aura.

This person is no one else. It is Han Siyuan's daughter. Like Yun Weixue, they are all rare Yin and Yang physiques in the world. Han Wantong!

"These two people actually appeared here, it seems that I still don't want to go down."

Xiao Naihe also knew that Han Wantong had a good impression of himself. He was not a wood, and he could not feel anything.

But he already has Yun Weixue, if he is entangled with Han Wantong again, it is not good.

Xiao Naihe is not very good at dealing with things like feelings.

Rather than staying here and entangled, it is better not to meet.

As soon as the thought moved, Xiao Naihe's figure suddenly dissipated.

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