Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1657: Would you like to try it on

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At this time, Xiao Nai thought moved, and turned his magical powers. At this time, the acupuncture points in his whole body seemed to be looking after each other with the mysterious power in his body, showing that an extremely powerful magical thought waved out! Let Xiao Naihe have a feeling of being broken through!

That's right, just like his body was wanting to be broken by this force, Xiao Nai's acupuncture tricks on his body kept beating at this time, both his flesh and blood and his soul were glowing. This is a new force.

This kind of new power seems not to be possessed by Xiao Naihe itself. This fluctuation of the spiritual power of Xiao Nai made Xiao Naihe's own divine personality actually feel that he did not belong to him.

"Is this the result of the inability to absorb Jiuwu Youhuang?"

Xiao Naiho's face showed an unclear emotion.

In his impression, the divine personality of Jiuwu Youhuang should be the divine personality at the pinnacle level of the same origin as Taigusheng.

This kind of energy body, even after the integration of Xiao Naihe, even if it cannot be restored to the state of unity of the origin, that is, it is close to the level of unity of the origin.

However, Xiao Nai only felt that his whole body was full of mental power, surpassing the peak of the nineth layer, and tending to a half-step passive level, but it was still quite a bit different from what he had expected.

"I always feel that the divine personality of the Nine Witches I have absorbed seems to be missing something. Although the divine personality of my sanctification was not very smooth, at least I did not feel this way after refining. But now I have absorbed the divine personality of Jiuwu Youhuang, but I feel that there is something missing in my divine personality. This feeling makes me a little awkward! "

Xiao Naihe shook his head, this awkward feeling was getting stronger.

His eyes flashed constantly.

This kind of feeling is as if the spirit of Jiuwu Youhuang is incomplete and incomplete.

"Impossible, all the divinities in the whole underground palace are here. Is it possible that there is a divine personality about Jiuwu Youhuang among the secrets of Beisongyang before? But I didn't feel that there is a dignity about him. Wu Youhuang's divine breath, but now there is no other explanation besides this explanation. It seems that he can only find Beisongyang and find out about the existence of another part of Jiuwu Youhuang Divine in his opponent. "

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

He can feel that he has absorbed the divine nature of Jiuwu Youhuang, but it is still somewhat incomplete. After the existence of Jiuwu Youhuang, after absorbing and refining, even if he cannot push himself to the realm of unity in one fell swoop, at least It is also necessary to be close to the unity of the origin.

But Xiao Naihe's body and soul and body now do not feel the baptism of the meaning of unity of origin, which is abnormal.

It can only be said that the spirit of Jiuwu Youhuang is incomplete, and the rest is probably in North Songyang.

However, now that Xiao Naihe has merged the spirit of Jiuwu Youhuang, although the soul and flesh have not stepped into the half-step passive level.

However, his own strength is definitely the existence of North Songyang, and still does not rely on the two Daoist locks of Destiny and the Chain of Destiny.

"If I met Beisongyang this time, or if it was a flower, at least I would be able to compete with each other."

There was a smile on Xiao Naiho's face. His current strength was not much different from that of Hua Xiang.

Especially in Beisongyang, Xiao Nai could feel the current strength of this person and should not have fully recovered.

Even if Xiao Naiho is now shooting, Bei Songyang is definitely not an opponent.

After his thoughts moved, all of a sudden, only to see the entire underground palace kept falling down at this time, as if the underground palace began to collapse and the rocks shattered.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Violently, Xiao Naiho only felt that the ground under his feet had a feeling of being cracked.

"This palace has lost the support of Jiuwu Youhuang and has reached the point where it is dead."

Afterwards, Xiao Nai thought, the strength of the whole body kept converging into one, and he was restrained into his eyebrows. At this time, there was a layer of red light on his body, which wrapped his body, and then he moved forward Flew out.

"the host?"

The person who appeared in front of Xiao Naihe was the night king. Now the night king is still stabilizing the entire underground palace, but now the entire underground palace has been refined by Xiao Naihe, and the night king is useless to stabilize this useless body. Too.

"Master, the blood in you is restrained, is it ..."

"Do you want to see?"

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and suddenly, his whole body of blood and blood seemed to be flying, and every point of the aura merged with this wave of blood and blood, and seemed to be a constant impact between each other.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Between violently, this qi and blood formed a long qi and blood dragon, and in Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, there was a little light, forming a wolf smoke and skyward.

On top of the golden sun, the sun continued to converge into a piece, as if the black clouds were condensing.

But at this time, in the entire space-time world, Swire Leichi, under the influence of Xiao Naihe's qi and blood power, countless thunder breaths seemed to gather together.

There is also the vitality of all living things, which is also integrated.

When these two forces converged, a huge oven was formed, as if all the existence in Zhou Tian was absorbed into the oven.

"Night King, you give it a try."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, his eyes moved, as if suggesting the Night King.

After watching it, Ye Wang was also a bit tempted. Although he was now under Xiao Naihe's personality, he was a monk himself. Seeing that Xiao Naihe is so powerful now, he also had the urge to try.

Seeing Xiao Naihe's suggestion now, the Night King couldn't bear it any more, but took a step toward the front. His momentum was soaring, and his whole body of blood seemed to be like Xiao Naihe, looking after each other.

"Then ... Master, I shot."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the blood of the Night King was gathered together. At this moment, I saw the Night King's fist tight.


After the fierce fist was revealed on the Night King, it burst out at once.


With a loud noise, I suddenly saw the fist of the Night King fuse with the blood around the body, and the long beacon formed directly bombarded Xiao Naihe's blood.

While Xiao Naihe's expression remained unchanged, at this time, his brows suddenly gathered a burst of light.

These rays of light all made a sizzling sound, as if the thunder and lightning burst.

Not only that, from behind Xiao Naihe, a huge **** wheel appeared. When this **** wheel turned up, it absorbed all the vitality and thunder breath around, forming a huge planet.

The planet and the Night King's **** continually collided, and the violent impact, as if Mars hit the earth, made a violent noise.

The Night King only felt that his own soul and body were at this time, and was directly shocked by this blood, and the whole person had a feeling of being separated by Xiao Naihe.

"so smart?"

There was a trace of shock in Ye Wang's eyes, but at the next moment, the shock in Ye Wang's eyes instead formed a strong disobedience, unwilling.

Even though the Night King is now under Xiao Naihe's men, he still has the desire to fight among monks.

When shocked by Xiao Naiho's blood, the Night King's offensive was launched again.

"The second punch is coming."

The Night King burst into a blast, and the power exploded from his fist was simply earth-shattering, and his violent punch continued to fall down, smashing on Xiao Naihe's blood,

Suddenly, the might erupted in the fist, directly wrapped the huge **** wheel Xiao Naihe.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Wow wow wow wow wow!

There was a sound, the **** wheel derived from Xiao Naihe had originally received the refinement of the Jiuwu Youhuang divine personality, and the power was terrifying to the extreme.

Even the Night King of the Ninth Peak Realm, when he first fought, he was almost separated from the soul and flesh by this huge divine wheel.

However, at this time, the Night King actually used his magical powers to smash Xiao Naihe's entire God Wheel, showing the absolute powerful means and power of the Night King itself.

"It is worthy of the master of the nineth peak, Night King, your martial art seems to be stronger now, but with this trick, I don't know if you can follow it?"

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and before talking, the God Wheel behind him shattered. The debris actually turned into a piece in the air.

Unexpectedly, the fragments of this **** wheel changed together and re-formed a huge **** wheel.

"What? Can it be recovered?"

The Night King was shocked by Xiao Naiho's method and almost couldn't tell. His eyes were dull, and he looked closely at the **** wheel behind Xiao Naihe.

Even the most powerful master in the world, it should be impossible to restore the broken Dao law, but Xiao Nai could actually break this conclusion at this time and restore the "Great God Wheel of the Heavens" again. Let the night king have a sense of earth-shaking.

Even the Night King will have such a feeling, to see how powerful Xiao Naihe is.

"My method was learned from the divine nature of refining Jiuwu Youhuang. In my Dao Law, there is actually a kind of immortal means, and the vajra is not bad. This Dao Law is similar. It ’s a means of immortality. "

Xiao Nai screamed, and at this time, the gods of the heavens rushed over and over!

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