Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1662: Let you see (on)

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"Liu Xiu, your cultivation base has improved again, and your current Jing Yuan is extremely restrained."

"It's far worse than you, Brother Shi."

Liu Xiu looked at Xiao Naihe and sighed slightly.

When he first saw Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe's cultivation behavior was even worse than himself. In front of Xiao Naihe, he was able to maintain a certain sense of superiority.

But after each meeting, Xiao Naihe felt more horrified.

The last time I saw Xiao Naihe, Liu Xiu could feel an inexplicable terror in Xiao Naihe.

But this time when I saw Xiao Naihe, I didn't have that kind of atmosphere among the practitioners.

This is definitely not that Xiao Naihe's cultivation practice has disappeared, but that Xiao Naihe's realm has reached a mysterious realm.

"Brother Brother's current strength, I am afraid it is already unfathomable."

Liu Xiu's eyes lit up, and a flash of fine light flashed through him.

During the speech, Xiao Naihe only saw Mr. Long coming out and smiled slightly: "Brother Liu and Mr. Long came this time, it should be for the day when Wu Shenyi and Nalan Rong became married!"

"Brother news is so informed?"

Liu Xiu was stunned again. After seeing Mr. Long, he continued: "Brother, since you know it, I don't know how to deal with it."

Now Liu Xiu regards Xiao Naihe as his extremely important partner. Even if he gets any news, he will notify Xiao Naihe as soon as possible.

"Wu Shen didn't know if he invited Brother Liu to you?"

"Of course, this time because of the presence of God, it is said that God will also come when the time comes, so many people in the Danting will definitely pass. So this time, we still have to ask Brother Shi and Mr. Long to come together."

"Does Mr. Yuyou say anything?"

"Senior Yu is also indicating that it is best to go."

Xiao Naiho's fingers picked up, his expression was very indifferent, and a hint of fineness flashed in his eyes.

"I have known this person Naranrong. She is the invincible daughter of Naran in God Realm. This Naranrong had a close relationship with the son of King Huo Luo, but ..."

Mr. Long said for a moment, and then he turned his eyes and turned to Xiao Naihe's front, as if there was something in his words.

How can Xiao Nai see that Mr. Long must have investigated him, knowing that he must have killed the king of Huo Luo.

This Mr. Long is behind him. The strength behind him is definitely not simple. The news network does not know how much more powerful than Yantiange.

Finding here, Xiao Nai could have predicted how.

"Is King Huo Luo? I do have grievances with King Huo Luo. He and I are now endlessly dead. But even if King Huo Luo finds me now, I'm afraid it won't be cheap!"

After Xiao Naihe has absorbed the spirit of Jiuwu Youhuang, his strength has reached a very high level.

Not to mention the Huoluo King, even if the flower came, Xiao Naihe had enough strength to fight him.

But to put it this way, Mr. Long and Liu Xiu both looked very strange. If they didn't have enough knowledge about Xiao Naihe, I'm afraid they wouldn't believe Xiao Naihe's words.

"The king of Huo Luo had already stepped into the top of the ninth level of the supreme realm thousands of years ago. Now he put his eyes on Wushen and wanted to get the chance secret of Lord God."

"I know King Huo Luo, this person was very hopeful to realize the meaning of the unity of origins a long time ago."

When Mr. Long spoke, he turned his gaze slightly into the courtyard.

"King Huo Luo's strength is indeed great, but now don't focus on this man's body. Our current eyes are Wu Shenyi, Wu Shenyi, this time for a wedding banquet, we have to go there anyway. If you want to have a relationship with Wushenyi, introduce Huo Luo to Wushenyi, but I can also see that there are Pan Lingzi and immortal elders beside Wushenyi. These two people may not be convinced. "

Xiao Naihe analyzed it. If King Huo Luo was interested in Wu Shenyi at first, he must have set his sights on Wu Shenyi a long time ago.

But only contact Wushenyi until now, then there is only one possibility, because of fear of Pan Lingzi.

Although Pan Lingzi is still inferior to Huo Luo Wang in terms of strength, Pan Ling Zi's prestige in God Realm may even slightly obscure Huo Luo Wang's taste.

"Also, but this time Wushen Yi actually got married to Nalanrong at this time, which is interesting and really worth scrutinizing."

"Since the brothers already know, then we will not be bothered, and there is still something in the Dan Court, let me leave first."

Liu Xiu stood up, his hands slightly arched.

"Okay, please!"

Liu Xiugui is a competitor to the Lord of the Court, and there must be many things in the Court of Court. Xiao Naihe knows that it cannot be kept.

"I almost forgot. This time, Qilian Songping Dafa King seems to have been in contact with me, as if he wanted to invest in the Danting God competitor like the immortal elders."

Liu Xiu said suddenly.

Xiao Nai He pondered for a while, and said, "This should be, Qi Lian Songping sees hope in you. After all, Wushen grew bigger and occupied so many advantages, and now you have risen and started. In the fight against him, Qi Lian Songping saw hope in you and would definitely be willing to put a little capital on you and start to pay attention to you. "

"That is, if Qilian Songping, the Dafa king, supports me, then the gap between me and Wushenyi can be ignored."

Liu Xiu laughed.

Now he is surrounded by experts such as Xiao Naihe and Shi Nao. If Qi Lian Songping is added, the possibility that he will become God in the future will also increase infinitely.

"It's goodbye."


After Liu Xiu and Mr. Long went out, they suddenly turned into a blue light, wanting to disappear in the void.

After a while, the two people here already appeared in the space of 30,000 miles away.

"Mr. Long, Brother Shi's current strength should be at the level of the Nineth Peak? I don't feel any flow of breath in him. What is going on?"

The person who spoke was Liu Xiu, and now Mr. Long was specially sent to follow Liu Xiu.

It can be said that Mr. Long is Liu Xiu's dog-headed military division.

No matter what you do n’t understand, Liu Xiu will ask Mr. Long the first time.

Mr. Long nodded, the divine light in his eyes flashed for a while, and he pondered for a while: "Xiao Naihe's current strength is very likely to have stepped into the realm of the Nineth Peak, his energy and blood are simply restrained. When I got into the bone marrow, I did n’t feel anything at all. The existence of this kind of breath was only seen in the adults who died in those days. "

"Really so powerful?" Liu Xiu shuddered, with an extremely shocked look in his eyes: "The last time I saw Brother Brothers, it was only a while before he entered the Ninefold Realm. I saw him for the first time. At that time, it was just a figure at the level of the creator, and now it is only more than a year. In less than two years, there is such a strength, which is not simple. "

"If there are any masters behind Xiao Naihe, like Master Yu, you can still understand. But if he is really only one person, it is not simple, it is too terrible. I am afraid that this person is more than The talents of adults are even more terrible! Even Beinanyi was just that. "

Liu Xiu nodded his head. This time in his discussions with Mr. Long, he estimated Xiao Naihe's strength. The more he thought about it, the more terrible he felt about Xiao Naihe's strength!

"Xiao Naihe is the legendary son of the Three Cultivators, and he certainly has a great opportunity. But what is this great opportunity, we certainly can't guess. What was the character of Taikoo Sheng at that time? From zero At the beginning, Xiao Naihe was almost indistinguishable from Taigusheng. If there was no chance secret behind him, I would not believe anything. "

"By the way, Mr. Long, I have heard about the extremely important relationship between Brother Shi and that of Beinanyi, in the end ..."

"It turns out that you don't know it yet. It's no wonder that not many people know about it. Xiao Nai's demon path is the legendary demon code, and what Beinanyi practiced was the demon code!"

Hearing this, Liu Xiu's eyes lit up, and he was taken aback: "I didn't expect Brother Shi to have such a background. If Brother Shi didn't get the big secret behind Lord Dan Ting, I was afraid to step into the Yuanyuanhe One's passive state is still very promising. "

"That's natural, but it's too early to say that we are still solving the issues before us. By the way, since Qi Lian Songping wants to have a relationship with you and invest in you, then we accept him, Let me talk to Master Yu, first. "

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Long and Liu Xiu went further and further.

Standing at a high mountain in Yantian Pavilion at this time, Xiao Naihe's eyes were looking towards the sky and locked tightly above the sky.

Then his eyes flowed with divine light, revealing a celestial star map.

"Wu Shenyi, Huo Luo King."

Xiao Nai shook his head and was about to speak again. Suddenly, his eyes moved and beckoned. In the void, a small **** wheel turned and flew out into the air.

When the **** wheel turned, only the immortal elder came out.

"Immortal Elder, did you know what Liu Xiu said just now?"

"heard it."

"Huo Luo Wang is actually mixed with Wu Shen Yi now, that's interesting, but I can think of Pan Lingzi must have any idea. You still go to Wu Shen Yi first, showing that he has a lot of opinions on Huo Luo Wang No matter what, you have to push King Huo Luo to my side. "

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