Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1666: See how easy it is for you

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"It seems that the plan should be successful. The Huo Luo King should be here now. I can just take you down. If even the Huo Luo King has gone away, then the three top nine masters are here. Bian, the next time even if you meet Hua Xiang or Jun Yongye, the two people will join together and they will run away. "

Xiao Naihe's own strength has reached a half-step passive level, plus Night King, Immortal Elder, Huo Luo King, even a master like Hua Xiang, if you are careless, you must be planted in Xiao Naihe's hand.

Of course, the premise is to be able to conquer King Huo Luo.

"Since King Huo Luo came to the door, I'm welcome."

This time Xiao Naihe didn't need to find the Night King anymore. With Xiao Naihe's current strength, it was more than enough to deal with a Huo Luo King.

When Xiao Naihe spoke, a glimmer of celestial star map flashed in his eyes. His figure had already flew out, and I did not know that it flew tens of thousands of miles away.

At this time, Huoluo had just flown to the position close to the boundary river above the wilderness continent and Wushuang continent.

"The two women just now, it seems that one of them is the girl named Wan Yuehua in Dan Ting. This woman has actually reached the Jiuzhong realm, and she seems to be a strong enemy of Wu Shenyi. If it were not for me now, I was in a hurry to deal with Xiao Naihe. Hit the woman hard and talk again. "

King Huo Luo flies while speaking.

"The old man, the Immortal Elder, dared to oppose me. If I were to get the secret of the promotion of the Lord of the Court in other days, I would realize the avenue and unite the origins. The first one to deal with was him."

Between his words, Huo Luo's eyes burst out with strong blood.

"Then Xiao Nai even stepped into the Ninefold Realm, so what? It's just a kid with a hairy head. I want to kill him, so easy!" Huo Luo Wang smiled coldly.

"Really? I want to see how easy it is for you?"

At this time, a playful voice came from the void, it was Xiao Naihe.


Hearing this laughter, Huo Luo Wanghun suddenly formed a fire jacket surrounded by flames. The whole person seemed to be a huge fireball, and there was a scorching breath.

Suddenly, a huge fire dragon appeared in the sky, surrounding the entire void.

"Xiao Naihe!"

Looking closely at Xiao Naihe's appearance, Huo Luo Wang's eyes suddenly opened, his eyes widened as if he were about to fall out.

Between the fierceness, Xiao Naiho felt that the flames were overwhelming and suddenly wrapped around him, with a feeling of being smashed and cleaned.

However, when this flame surrounded Xiao Naihe, he disappeared in a short while, and kept pouring into Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, as if he was swallowed by Xiao Naihe.

"King Huo Luo, since you sent to the door to find death, I couldn't help but fulfill you. When I was in the world of ancestors and gods, I remember very well what you did to me at that time."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

But when King Huo Luo heard it, he immediately snorted and stepped in the void, and suddenly the airflow of the whole void exploded, as if to make the whole space earthquake.

"Xiao Naihe, I don't know how you know that I am here, but the person who died was not me, but you."

"King Huo Luo, Huo Luo Wang, do you really think that the 3,300 world is your God Realm, you can do what you want? Since you have turned to Wu Shenyi, don't you listen to Wu Shenyi? Have you said anything about me? "

"What did Wushen say?"

Huo Luowang froze for a moment, could not help but pondered.

But at this moment, Xiao Naihe's figure moved, and the whole person seemed to be a flash of thunder, and the whole person burst out.

Behind him, hundreds of arrays suddenly appeared.

"The great array of the heavens."

Xiao Naihe's palms were shot at this moment of coldness, and a huge array of patterns emerged, and they were shot fiercely, and they were crushed down in one breath.

Huo Luo Wang did not think that Xiao Nai was so cunning to this point, his eyes moved, and did not retreat, but wrapped up in this fire coat, but greeted him instead.

Suddenly, I saw the Huo Luo King's palms shot out, fell down fiercely, and fell on the huge array of Xiao Naihe.

However, the originally condensed array of Xiao Naihe transformed in the void, and the original pattern of the array actually formed a state of torrent, which was constantly flowing.

Between the flashes of the streamer, I only saw these arrays transformed, and turned into a huge torrent.

It was as if the Shenhe River in the nine days had poured down, and the torrent was surging, rolling towards the Huo Luo King.

In less than a moment, the flame breath shot by Huo Luowang's palms all surged up at once, and all of Xiao Naihe's torrent was extinguished.

At the moment when it was extinguished, Xiao Naiho's body moved again. This time, the acupuncture on his body constantly erupted into a strong essence, and his blood slammed into the void, forming a straight and unbroken wolf smoke, constantly pushing Moved into a line, directly stepped into the side of the Huo Luo King.

"Take me a punch and go to God."

Xiao Naihe's words are like pearls, and every word is direct, and an extremely terrifying power erupts. A rumbling piece seems to be coming out of countless thunder and lightning.

The King of Huo Luo was shocked, and Xiao Naihe's punch was already in front of him, and the flurry of things made the whole Huo Luo King to be smashed.

"How can this Xiao Nai be so aggressive?"

Huo Luo Wang did not expect that Xiao Naihe's current strength is so powerful.

In one punch, the Huo Luo King felt a kind of fierce and unapproachable taste.

At that moment, Xiao Naihe's body suddenly backed away.

At this time, Xiao Naihe was almost a thousand times stronger and 10,000 times stronger than when he faced him in the ancestral world.

That kind of pressure suddenly made the Huo Luo feel a kind of crushed by a huge mountain.

But at the moment when this kind of feeling came out, the Huoluo king shook his body, and discarded all the ideas he had produced.

"Skyfire Avenue!"

Huo Luowang strides in three steps and is also a punch. A cloud of fire spreads over this punch, covering it.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's body was also surrounded by the cloud of fire formed in his fist. The two punches collided in the void, and suddenly it seemed that Mars hit the earth, causing great coercion.

Suddenly, a violent vibration generated, making the whole world seem to have a twisted appearance at this time.

The fists of these two people seemed to have reached the other shore, and they could take care of countless stars.

"One more punch."

Huo Luowang frowned, his second punch came again.

The mountains in the distance seemed to shake together as if dancing.

Everywhere, it was the sound of breaking and breaking the airflow.

Extremely turbulent, extremely turbulent!

Indistinctly, Xiao Nai felt that the space of a hundred thousand miles around was constantly shaking.

Another punch, another punch.

Huo Luowang's fist resembles Foshan Yue, very heavy.

When falling down, almost the entire world can be knocked out.

As for Xiao Naihe on the other side, his expression remained unchanged, only to see his body move, and a huge **** wheel appeared behind him. When the whole **** wheel turned, he brought all the breath of King Huo Luo to his back. Among.

"King Huo Luo, I said, you are here to die, you must come to die. Do you really think I was the same as Xiao Nai in the world of ancestors? Why don't you think, why did Wushen come to me, Instead, let you come to me for revenge? "

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

"What do you mean?"

At this time, the Huo Luo King suddenly heard a meaning in Xiao Naihe's words.

"What do you mean? You don't need to talk to you, anyway, you can't go out today."

Between the words, Xiao Naihe's five fingers turned open, and the huge divine wheel formed behind it fell down violently. At the same time, the power of the divine thought on Xiao Naihe surged at this time, making the entire divine wheel in When they blasted down, they all brought out a burst of sound.

Whirring whirring……

"Promise countercurrent!"

The spiritual power of Xiao Nianhe's body at this time also surged to a point, and the whole person seemed to be surrounded by a armor of Shennian.

Suddenly, the whole void oscillated again.

"This is another trick!"

King Huo Luo was shocking.

The last time Xiao Nai played with him in the world of ancestral gods, he used this trick, almost letting himself suffer a big loss.

Now Xiao Naihe once again puts it into practice, the power is not reduced, but it is more and more horrible, extremely powerful.

That kind of power is simply to suppress the whole body of the King Huo Luo to the bottom and crush it.

"Xiao Naihe, I have been a monk for thousands of years, and when I achieved the ninth peak, you do n’t know that in that lot, if I do n’t let you see how powerful I am, you are really mad at me . "

Huo Luowang smiled coldly, even in the face of Xiao Naihe's momentum, there was no fear in his heart, only to see him with two palms and a shot, launched a glorious out, formed a spiritual space.

And the flames on him were all covered at this time.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Suddenly, the flame in this spiritual space formed a huge vortex, and suddenly it was shrouded towards Xiao Naihe!

And this flame is covering, Xiao Nai and He immediately feel an extremely dangerous.

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