Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1684: Compare

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"Daughter, I am doing it for our own good. If you are married to God of Martial Arts, then you will be able to win over to the mysterious God of Dan Ting when you reach King Huo Luo. When God of War becomes God, you will be promoted by contemporary God The big secret of Yuan will be of great benefit to you and me at that time! "

Nalan invincible looked at Nalan Rong who had no more expression, and there was a sigh in his voice.

Afterwards, only a glimmer of light appeared on Nalan's invincible body.

When these radiances floated on the body, it seemed to form stars. They wrapped Nalan Rong directly, and flew out instantly, disappeared.

Now, Xiao Naiho, who has stepped into the distance, still recalls the words he said to Naranrong not long ago!

"What does that woman's last words mean? As long as I say the same, she can leave Wushenyi?"

Xiao Naihe, a fierce man, although not very good at feelings, but at that moment, he felt the change in Nalanrong's look, and he also had some strange ideas in his heart.

He did feel that Na Lanrong's look had changed, but at that moment he was directly rejected by Xiao Naihe.

In any case, Xiao Nai could not agree with what Na Lanrong had in mind.

Even if this woman really wanted to help herself, Xiao Nai would not agree.

Because he vaguely felt that if he really agreed to Na Lanrong, there must be something troublesome.

So in the end Xiao Naihe still had no nonsense.

"Now I have crossed the sandbar, at least 19 continents away, then Liu Xiu said that before, let me come here to wait for him, and don't know where he is?"

Liu Xiu had already ordered Xiao Naihe before. On the day before attending the wedding of Wu Shenyi, he first met himself and discussed.

But now that Xiao Nai is here, he can't see Liu Xiu, and he has a little emotion in his heart.

When Xiao Naiho had some thoughts, suddenly there was a burst of aura in the entire void.

When these auras floated, they seemed to become a channel.

The brilliance that blooms in this channel is shaped like thunder and lightning, not just thunder and lightning, but also gusty wind and flames. Several different attributes appear at this time.

Everywhere ...

As if it were electro-optical swimming, Xiao Naihe suddenly saw the tunnel that appeared in front.

A slightly familiar smell came from this tunnel. Although Xiao Nai didn't know where this tunnel was going, he still focused on it at this time.


Although I do n’t know who made this tunnel, but being able to open such a tunnel in this space, Xiao Naihe knows that it is definitely not a normal character, at least it has reached a nine-level peak, or even a higher level .

However, Xiao Nai was not worried. If the owner who made this space tunnel had any thoughts about himself, it would certainly not be so troublesome, but instead came to a sense of consciousness and shot himself.

And Xiao Nai is not afraid of anything, but his body has stepped in, and the figure has entered into it.

Zizizizi ...

When Xiao Naihe walked, the whole passage was closed immediately, and the picture in front of Xiao Naihe was distorted. The whole person seemed to step into an endless void.

The figure moved, and did not know where he was going.

But Xiao Naihe could feel faintly that he would definitely go to a place he knew well.

At this moment, Xiao Naiho's eyes lit up, already stopped in front.

The person who appeared before him was none other than Liu Xiu and Long.

When he looked around, he was in this place, where he was actually in the demon world he had been in, and was also the place where he met with Tianyao.

"I'm sorry, brother, I originally wanted to pick you up, but because the senior said, I have to pick you up personally, and I didn't go out."

Liu Xiu suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, his eyes moved, and he looked forward, bowing his body with a little apology.

Now Xiao Nai is in Liu Xiu's mind as much as the status of the immortal elder in the mind of Wushen.

"It turned out that it was the person who specifically took me over."

Xiao Naihe suddenly recovered.

The predecessor Liu Xiu said, there must be only one person, that is, the sky demon was killed.

Tianyao 湒 湮 actually took over himself, what is the matter, even Xiao Nai now can not understand, a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes.

But in a moment, I saw a trace of black gas suddenly appear in front of my eyes. This black gas formed an independent small space, which would be wrapped around all around.

"this is……"

Liu Xiu looked surprised.

"It is the five-element Black Arrow array of adults. It seems that he wants to communicate with Xiao Shengzi?"

When Mr. Long saw this black gas, he immediately regained his consciousness, and a trace of fineness and eccentricity appeared in his eyes.

When this black air formed an independent space, both Mr. Long and Liu Xiu were isolated, showing a figure in it.

This person is no one else, it is the celestial demon.

"Is the Dao Law actually improved?"

Xiao Nai He was slightly surprised.

This time, when he saw the war, he could feel that this man brought him a very powerful feeling.

The last episode of Oblivion also gave Xiao Naihe a very strong feeling, but the feeling was not so thorough.

But now Xiao Naihe can feel such a clear feeling, especially when Xiao Naihe's strength has become more and more powerful. There is only one possibility, that is, the strength of the extinction has increased.

A cultivator who has stepped into the ninth-level peak realm and wants to take a step closer to improve his strength is like a cultivator of the acquired spirit realm. It is as difficult to break the shackles and enter the creator.

Not to mention that the masters of the half-step passive state want to improve their strength.

"Xiao Naihe, you really have lived up to my expectations. Even you have far exceeded my expectations. Now you are full of blood and blood, the mind is already in the late stage of a dollar, if I am not wrong, you must have stepped It ’s time to reach the peak of the Nineth Layer. "

Looking at Xiao Naihe, it seems calm, and there is no curiosity. It seems that Xiao Naihe had such strength from the beginning.

"It is indeed a bit of a chance to enter the peak of the nineth layer."

"When I saw you, you were far from this state. I will help you in the dark in order to ensure your growth, but I didn't expect you to grow so fast, but I have already come here. This kind of situation almost caught up with me. The original adult, at your age, is far inferior to your current strength. "

The look of the sky demon was slightly moved.

Xiao Naihe knows who the adult said is, only his previous life Bei Nanyi.

Indeed, at this time in his previous life, Xiao Naihe was only just beginning to contact monasticism, not to mention the same as now, the nineth peak, the two passive gods, Sakyamuni!

It can be said that now Xiao Naihe, except for the realm of unity, no one in the world can threaten him.

"You seem to have fought against Huo Luo?"

"Mr. Yu You also know?"

"Oh, there are really not many things I don't know about this world."

Xiao Naihe nodded slightly when he heard this. Indeed, after all, Shiyao was the identity of a demon after all. The intelligence forces do not know how many times better than the Yantian Pavilion.

I'm afraid that I have been fighting with the Huo Luo King for a few days.

"Xiao Naihe, let's compete with each other."

At this time, Yu Nian said a word.

When Xiao Nai heard that, his face suddenly became weird, and when he looked at Emo, he seemed to be frightened by the expression Emo.

"Nothing, don't worry, I want to give it a try. How far are you now, so that I have a bottom in my heart."

"Okay, let's do it first!"

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

Between the words, the battle suddenly moved. His body was like a ghost. At that moment, he was directly crushed. The momentum was amazing. In the sky, all of them were waves of the mind.

However, at the moment when this force was suppressed, Xiao Naiho's body also sprang out directly at this time, and a huge **** wheel was suddenly born behind his back. The **** wheel turned and suddenly showed a ghostly power. .

"The Great God Wheel?"

Naturally, Xiao Nao also recognized Xiao Naihe's Taoist method. At first, he learned the skills of Beinanyi for a period of time, and he was still very familiar with Beinanyi's Taoism.

The breath of the **** wheel in the sky, when turning, squeezed all the airflow around, turning the entire world into a vacuum.

In this vacuum state, all existence is not under his control.

Xiao Nai's blood around him exploded at this time, shocking the black independent space.

Hurry, hurry!

A gust of wind blew up, and suddenly, all the spiritual powers of mind and thought formed a long river at this time.

This river surged to the front of the 湒 湮, wrapped the entire 湒 湮 inside, almost at that moment, the 湒 湮 body moved again, as if thunderbolt brushed out, and a flesh and blood all over the body The whizzing voice.

"Kunpeng Shenxiao!"

A burst of light erupted in his eyes, and his hands waved violently, like a heavenly thunder, and suddenly layers of electro-optical swimming appeared on his body, covering it above.

And a huge Kunpeng appeared in the body of the war.

Spread wings and fly high, covering thousands of miles!

A divine star thunder immediately came down in this Kunpeng virtual image, and fell **** Xiao Naihe's head.

The "Goddess Wheel" that originally emerged also exploded into ashes in the Kunpeng Shenxiao.

"The strength of this war is much more exquisite than that of Beisongyang."

Xiao Nai shook his body, and a little caution appeared in his eyes.

Shao Yu is worthy of being a master of the half-step passive state, but in one move, he immediately took down the whole situation and prevailed.

Rao is a master like Xiao Naihe, who also suffered a small loss at this moment.

However, Xiao Nai is not an ordinary person. He turned around in an instant, and his blood was surging. A burst of golden light appeared in his body, his palms flicked, and there was a golden glow on the skin all over his body.

These glory forms a powerful Buddha statue while swimming.

The Buddha statue spread its arms as if it had the world in mind and looked after each other.

It was also at that time that I only saw the five fingers of the Buddha statue, rolling down.

"If you come to a handprint, wisdom, Vajra, and Dharma, the infinite life Buddha!"

Powerful handprints erupted from the Buddha statues, and the momentum like a row of mountains and seas rushed out directly, and the blood was like a god.

The shouting piece suddenly wrapped all the Kunpeng Shenxiao in the void, and when this handprint was pressed down, all the shouting pieces of Shenxiao burst into flames.

The thunder and light of Shenxiao turned into fragments, and the golden buddha twirled the body of the idol, which had already flew over and exploded directly towards the top.

"If you come to a handprint, your big day has been cultivated to such a point that you will shine and the diamond will not be bad. If you go further, you can directly step into the realm of unity of the origin."

The light flashed in Di Yan's eyes and strode out in an instant.

His figure was like a wind, and he moved faster when he spoke. Only when he saw two fingers, and stabbed in front of Xiao Naihe, he clicked on the huge Buddha statue.

When Xiao Nai saw it, he immediately turned into a supernatural power, and hundreds of apertures on his body turned into a huge lotus at this time.

The appearance of the Fa in the lotus became very ghostly, and the original two-pointed finger pointing out the Buddha statue suddenly turned into pieces of golden powder.


At this time, the entire Golden Buddha was actually pointed with two fingers, all smashed away.

"Picture the two fingers?"

Xiao Nai was a little stunned, because he recognized the method of Taoism, which he taught to him.

I didn't expect that Miyao has now been refined into such a quantity.

Xiao Naihe's expression remained unchanged, his blood surging, and he stepped on his feet, describing Qixing's change.

Like a cannonball, he ran into the front.

"Vajra is not bad!"

With Xiao Naihe, the flesh of the six real bodies, it was so hard to hit it.

Shi Nao did not expect that Xiao Nai He actually adopted such a method, and was caught off guard by Xiao Nai He, and his blood was a bit vain, and the star appeared in front of him!

"I didn't expect that your six real bodies would be so refined that they wouldn't fight anymore. Your current six real bodies wouldn't break even me."

湒 湮 beckoned, saying that he did not want to start.

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, and the two men succumbed, and the entire black space became stable at once, without the force of collision just now.

"It seems that you have no luck, and your talent is extremely good. No wonder you have practiced so fast after inheriting that man's mantle."

Di Yu sighed softly, his eyes suddenly became confused.

【Author's Digression】: The background of the author who read last night's tower is back! ! When the chapter was uploaded halfway, it showed 502. I knew that the situation was not good at the time. I waited a long time to get on the board. The chapters directly overlapped as soon as they opened. Because there was no editor on duty that night, I had to wait for it to recover in the morning. In order to worry that some readers subscribed to ‘Chapter 1684’, a message was intentionally sent in the comment area, but he did not expect to be pushed down by various advertisements. The magistrate who subscribes to this chapter can clear the cached chapter, and then click again to restore it, and there will be no extra beans. To apologize, there is one more chapter today! I'm so sorry.

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