Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1731: North evil

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Gu Biqi's words were not completely finished yet. The four people around him had already rushed out, like four poisonous snakes. The figure flashed, and the light suddenly flashed.

Almost in a breathing time, Xiao Naihe had already felt the four fragrant winds blowing, Xiao Naihe looked immovable, and a smile appeared on his face.

"The Great God Wheel."

Xiao Nai was not nervous at all. At this time, a huge magic wheel suddenly appeared on his body.

After the huge **** wheel turned, the airflow around all of them suddenly compressed together, just like a giant ball, and it suddenly rolled over.

In the blink of an eye, these four women had a feeling that the whole person was about to be ripped apart.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom! ! ! ! !

The sound of a strong explosion is now transmitted in the void.

And Xiao Naihe's eyes showed a colorful glaze.

When he saw the front, the huge divine wheel that Xiao Naihe had originally revealed had already turned around and merged into all the acupuncture points in Xiao Nai's body.

That kind of power, it seems that countless stars exploded at this time, making a loud noise.


After the volatility spread, the four women who were shot at Xiao Naihe were shocked three miles away.

"What? This man is so powerful."

At this point, Gu Biqi looked closely at Xiao Naihe, knowing that Xiao Naihe had reached such a level, and his eyes erupted in his eyes.

Afterwards, I only saw the brilliance that appeared in the void, and Xiao Naihe once again merged into a huge aperture.

After the aperture rose, it seemed to be a huge fireball, and it rushed into the front and hit it hard.

The next moment, I saw that this huge fireball had bombarded four women.

"Hurry up and go."

These four women have already arrived, and all their strength has risen at this time. A glimmer of light has emerged in the darkness. You can feel that Xiao Naihe's **** wheel has come to the front, and it has been crushed in a moment. At the next moment, it was as if a **** Buddha was resurrected at this time.

But in his eyes, there was a trace of light flowing like a star in the dark.

Just after the light in his eyes flickered, I saw Xiao Nai's five fingers, and a stream of light emerged from the top of his head, gathering into an aperture.

There are also ninety-nine apertures enclosed in this aperture, forming a hundred apertures.

"Infinite life, Infinite Buddha."

Xiao Naihe's two hands flicked, a wave of ripples spread, and he moved toward Xiao Naihe.

In the blink of an eye, these ripples came to the four women.

"Wind and snow magic, cut, stab, pull!"

The three creators were shaped like lightning and viper-like speed, and three different kinds of offensives struck Xiao Naihe at once.

When the aperture above Xiao Naihe's head was shrouded, all the stalls around were turned over.

A strong cold air hit, as if to freeze the entire town again.

The boss of the original stall, who had been hiding far away at this time, dared not come near any more.

The shot between the creators, even a little aftermath, can make him like a congenital fairyland fly to the sky.

"Is this the strength of the legendary creator? The Blizzard team in Loulan Palace is really too powerful."

The stall boss's eyes were full of horror, staring at a duel in front of him, his body shivering in the cold.

The original pedestrians on the street had also disappeared at this time. Xiao Naihe and these women once fought against each other. They all wanted to see the excitement, but when they saw that the situation was not good, they immediately left.

Fairies fight, mortals suffer.

A bunch of people knew the truth, and at this time, everyone didn't know where to go.

The women of these three creators are powerful, and a strong cold erupts around them. The temperature is pulled down by tens of degrees at once. Even if ordinary cultivators step in, they will be frozen and shattered in their fingers.

However, Xiao Nai remained unmoved in this harsh temperature, and the aperture above his head was still rising and falling.

Suddenly, I saw Xiao Nai pull it out hand in hand, and the huge aperture above the head was already shrouded in the bodies of the three women, turning all the coldness of these three women into nothingness, which was equivalent to breaking all their Taoism.

"This is Buddhism, and you are a Buddhist monk. Since the decline of Buddhism and the withdrawal of the Six Realms, it has been replaced by a new generation of outside world. I have n’t seen Buddhism in a long time. Buddhism? "

The woman in the middle of the eighth level who was practicing before, while talking, looked carefully at Xiao Naihe.

The strength that Xiao Nai showed just now definitely made this woman feel an unusually strong.

This man is definitely not under the creator.

"I'll do it."

The woman took a step, turned her body full of blood, rose and boiled, and opened it with a palm, like a row of mountains and sea, the majestic palm wind swept through.

"If you come to a handprint, the sun will shine."

Xiao Nai He glanced lightly, stretched out his hand, and formed a huge light hand in the void, full of glory in the sky.

噔 噔 噔 噔 噔!

After the palm prints were shot, the surroundings fluctuated, and all the palms of the woman were collected.


The woman's face was horrified. Xiao Naihe's Buddha's seal had been shot tightly and fell in front of herself.

But at this time, the change was rampant, and Xiao Naihe was about to start. Suddenly, when he noticed a gust of wind coming from behind, Xiao Nai and his body suddenly released a burst of blue light, shaped like a strong diamond.

A palm print was suddenly printed on it, with immense power, and the acupuncture all over the body exploded at this time with extremely terrifying power.

Suddenly, when the gust of wind behind him swept over, he only saw Xiao Naiho's body retreat, and the lightning-like power exploded into a terrifying power.

And in the next moment, it was already in front of Gu Biqi.

"Want to play sneak attack?"

Even if Xiao Nai didn't watch it, she knew what was happening in the scene.

When Gu Biqi saw that the situation was not good, she immediately turned on the magical power and attacked Xiao Naihe.

The powerful force swept in front of Xiao Naihe, like a long river, surging out, the stars were shining, and the momentum reached a very terrible level.


Gu Biqi hasn't met Xiao Naihe yet. She knows that she has encountered a hard idea. She immediately backed away, grabbed a few women around her, and flew away.

But in front of Xiao Naihe, unless it is a character of the level of the night king, almost no one in the world can escape in his hands.

"Come down."

Xiao Nai said one sentence, the three words were like sky thunder, a rumbling piece, a bang, and suddenly the five women in the sky were shaken.

With Xiao Naihe's use of the power of Zhou Shen's acupoint, he thundered out the thunder.

At this moment, Xiao Naihe's voice spread as if thunder sound exploded, and the bodies of the women floating in the sky shook again, as if they were drunk.

Afterwards, I saw only one hundred apertures appearing above Xiao Naihe's head, which had already burst out with this thunder and came to the front.

But Gu Biqi only felt that his mind was blown up, his body was trembling, and the soul and the flesh almost had a pain to be separated.

"Hundreds of apertures. Isn't the Great Consummation among the Buddhist gates one to ninety-nine, ninety-nine heavy apertures?"

At this time, the woman at the front of the eightfold realm was tightly locked in the hundred-fold aperture above Xiao Naihe's head, and the shock was even more obvious in her eyes.

Gu Biqi's eyes showed an unprecedented level of caution, shook his head, and said coldly: "I have seen some secrets of Buddhism in the Ice Palace. The 99-fold aperture in the Buddhist gate is not really perfect , But a hundred apertures. It seems this legend is true. "

"One hundred apertures?"

"Yang Jiu Liu, Buddhism and Dao Dacheng, this is the true legend of Buddhism. I did not expect that this kind of legendary character would actually come to our Loulan mainland. What the **** is going on?"

At this time, Gubei Qi's expression became tense, and when he looked forward, Xiao Nai grabbed all the people in the void, all of a sudden.

The three creators, an eight-level realm and a ninth-level realm master, were captured by Xiao Naihe in the void like this, thunder riots, and all five people were shaken as if they were broken kites.


Subsequently, the hundred apertures above Xiao Naihe's head had already floated up, and completely arrested these people.

The three original creators were captured in Xiao Naihe's way, and all of them were in a coma.

There is an eight-level realm and a nine-level realm of Gu Biqi.

"Wait, don't try to kill them. If you do it, I'm afraid it will cause big trouble."

The girl from the Eightfold Realm screamed quickly.

Xiao Nai didn't pay any attention to it, and suddenly flew a little light into his eyebrows and entered the girl's mind. In an instant, the girl as a whole seemed to have fallen into the state of selflessness, nor I knew it was a coma.

"Do you want to kill us?"

Gu Biqi saw this, but instead of having any fear on her face, but a calm face, she looked at Xiao Naihe quietly.

At this time, I didn't know what the woman was thinking. Afterwards, I only saw the woman coming out, and the blood in her body suddenly rose to a very high level.

"Even if I burn the soul, I won't let you succeed."

Today Gubei Qi also knows Xiao Naihe's power, if he does not take a mortal determination to shoot Xiao Naihe, I'm afraid that Xiao Naihe will really kill everyone.

However, a smile appeared on Xiao Naiho's face, only to see the hundred apertures above his head gather at this time, and the light flowing in his eyes seemed to be like Shen Xiao.

Whirring whirring……

A cold wind rushed head-on, and then swept over Gu Biqi's head.

But Gubei Qi at this time, the strength of her whole body is even more excited to the limit, as if in her eyes, there is a flame burning continuously.

When looking forward, Xiao Nai and Li Li felt that the whole person seemed to have a kind of spirit to be burned.

Although he knew that this feeling was wrong, Xiao Naihe also knew that this woman must have used some means to deal with herself.

And seeing here, Xiao Naihe finally understood the woman's behavior.

"Do you want to burn your own personality to deal with me?"

A master at the beginning of the nineth layer of the Burning Deity, if you give the opponent enough time to burn all the deities, even the master of the middle and late stages of the nineth layer, you may be in danger.

But in front of Xiao Naihe's ninth peak, it was nothing.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's expression was calm and calm, even if Gu Biqi burned all of his own dignity, at most, Xiao Naihe's headache would not cause any harm to Xiao Naihe.

Of course, Xiao Naihe did not allow Gu Biqi to do such a crazy thing, which was too unworthy. Instead, he would establish an enemy, and it was still the horrible existence of Loulan Palace.

"Come back, now this‘ superior aura ’should come in handy.”

Subsequently, a glimmer of light appeared in Xiao Naihe's palm, just like colorful glaze, flying out of the void, and finally into the sky.

The vortex formed by the bursts of light shone down and covered Gu Biqi's body.

And after feeling the light shrouded in Gu Biqi, there was a kind of body that was almost completely suppressed, and even his own spiritual power, qi and blood could not work, as if he had changed from a super master to a Like an ordinary mortal.

"What? Why did you use this‘ superior aura ’?”

Gu Biqi now, when he looked at Xiao Naihe, his eyes were even more shocking. He tightly locked Xiao Naihe, and did not know what this woman was thinking now.

However, Xiao Naihe didn't care what the woman was thinking, only to see that Xiao Naihe shot instantly and had already rushed to the other side.

This aura was still obtained from Gu Biqi, although it was Xiao Naihe's first sight.

But with a glance, Xiao Naihe knew how to use it.

Today, Gubei Qi's whole body of thought seems to be enclosed and completely unable to operate his own power.

That is, Qihai and Jindan are all sealed, which is equivalent to the internal strength of a warrior. The true energy is sealed, and there is no flow of power in Dantian.

At this time, Gu Biqi no longer has the power of the Ninth Peak. At most, she has a stronger physical strength, but she was sealed by Qihai and Jindan, and she has no power to resist.

"I don't know who you are, but if you want to kill me, you still have to do something to me. I hope you let them go."

Gu Biqi's face was pale, looking at Xiao Naihe coldly.

Xiao Naihe's strength gave Gu Biqi a desperation, and he was not an opponent of the other party. I was afraid that such a person would be a first-class master even in the world outside Loulan.

Now Gubei does n’t want to escape. Anyway, he wants the man in front of him to let his companion go.

"I don't want to kill you, nor do I want to do anything to you. I came in this time just to investigate some things. The reason why I just shot was forced to help, I can't let you use this 'superior aura' Close all the Qihai and Jindan around me! "

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

"You are not the one above our Loulan mainland. Since you arrive at our Loulan mainland, you will naturally accept the management of our Loulan mainland. You are a strong word."

"You can do whatever you say? This time I can be considered a loss, but I still can't let you go, as long as you take me into Loulan Palace, it's easy to say anything."

"What the **** do you want? I won't take you to Loulan Palace."

The original Gu Biqi wanted to bring Xiao Naihe into Loulan Palace according to the order, but now that Xiao Naihe's strength is so powerful, I am afraid that she has reached the level of the Saint.

At this time, Gubei did not want Xiao Nai to go to Loulan Palace, otherwise it would be more dangerous.

"In this case, I can only use your own means to make you speak."

"what do you want to do?"

When Gu Biqi heard Xiao Naihe's words, he suddenly had a very unpleasant feeling, and was about to use the spiritual power to resist Xiao Naihe.

But suddenly I saw a trace of light appearing on my whole body. It was the aura that sealed the Qihai Jindan in his body.

And Xiao Nai stepped forward, only to see a faint glow in his eyebrows, and he rushed into Gubei Qi's mind.

"Soul Search Dafa!"

At this time, Xiao Naihe had already gathered all the memories in Gu Biqi's mind and searched for the news he wanted to know in the other party's mind.

A dumbfounded look appeared on Guppy's face. That was why Xiao Nai was searching the other party's memory, causing Guppy's entire soul to fall into a silent state.

Later, I did not know how Xiao Naihe's consciousness did in the other party's mind, and what memory he found.

Suddenly, I saw a white divine thought and suddenly got out of Gu Biqi's mind and entered the void.

And Xiao Naihe took this white divine thought directly into his own mind.

"It turns out so."

Xiao Nai closed his eyes. He got a lot of memory in Gu Biqi's mind, especially got some news about this aura.

This supreme aura was obtained by Gu Biqi from the virgin of Loulan Palace, and the virgin of Loulan Palace was obtained from the master of Loulan Palace.

Thinking of this, Xiao Naihe groaned at once, and did not know what Xiao Naihe was thinking, but he got a lot of news.

After all, Gubei Qi's status in Loulan Palace is not low, and he knows a lot.

Of course, I don't know what Xiao Nai wants to know. At least it is very useful to Xiao Naihe.

Just after Xiao Naihe condensed Gu Biqi's memory into a mind, and let Xiao Naihe completely refine it.

At this time, Gubei Qi had recovered, and the original state of ecstasy became very clear.

Now Gubei Qi has returned to her expression. After the glance in her eyes flashed, she suddenly saw Xiao Naihe, as if she had thought of something, and a panic appeared on her face.

"You got my memory?"

"I said, since you don't want to tell me, I can only do this method to extract your memory, and now I know everything you don't say."


Gu Biqi's face became extremely ugly, but looking at the four companions who had been comatose, there was a flash of light in his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "I can take you to Loulan Palace Now that I know my memory, I know that Loulan Palace can't go in casually. "

"Indeed, I did not expect that all of the Loulan Palace was actually a woman, which is really beyond my expectations. If a man like me enters the body, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of inconvenience."

Xiao Nai nodded.

"I have a way to take you in, but you have to promise me to release my companions."

"Yes, this time I came here, I wasn't here to deal with your Loulan Palace, but there are some things to find news in your Loulan Palace. I can put them away ... but there is no way you can get me Bring it into it? "

"It's very simple, you are now in the Nineth Realm, right? With your own skills, there must be some supernatural powers, you can show your own appearance, follow me, and then you can enter the Loulan Palace."

There was a gleam of light in Gu Biqi's pupils. At this time, the woman must be thinking about something, but what she was thinking, Xiao Naihe seemed to expect something.

I saw a slight smile on Xiao Naihe's face, shook his head, and said in a very indifferent tone: "Yes, I did cultivate to the Ninefold Realm, and the magical power of one yuan does have a power. You can change your appearance, but how about that? There must be a lot of masters in Loulan Palace, especially the virgin you remember and the Loulan Palace Master, it seems very powerful, even if I am restrained If you change your appearance, you will inevitably be the first to be discovered by those two people. I will not reveal my identity until the real time. "

"So what do you want to do?"

"It's not difficult, I just need to borrow your body and put my soul into her body."

Hearing here, Gu Biqi's face suddenly became very ugly. He stared at Xiao Naihe and shouted coldly: "You want to take my companion."

"Of course not. I just want to temporarily borrow her body. I can close her soul and use it to enter into it. It is not to take away her body, so even if it is Jiuzhong The pinnacle of masters will not be aware of my existence. "

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and could not tolerate Gu Biqi's opposition now.

I saw Xiao Naihe's body suddenly turned into a streamer, and then entered the woman's eyebrows.

After the light was released, Gu Biqi could see the form of a meson in the light that Xiao Nai turned into, very small, and finally stepped into it.

Finally, Xiao Nai disappeared completely.

At this time, Gu Biqi's face was pale and white, and she looked closely at her companion. For a long time, she saw that the companion's eyes suddenly opened.

Originally, Gu Biqi had some thoughts, maybe Xiao Nai and Shen Shenhun escaped into their own companions to beat their bodies. Suddenly they encountered something unexpected and could not show up.

But a burst of light erupted in the eyes of her companion, as if it were formed in the void, flashing incomparably.

Suddenly Gubei knew that Xiao Naihe had successfully occupied the opponent's body.

Gubei could not help shaking his head, a sigh in his heart.

"You don't have to worry, I said that I will definitely not hurt you, and even if I borrow the owner of this body, I will not do anything to the other party."

"I hope you can do it."

At this time, Xiao Nai He opened his mouth, not what the woman originally said, but Xiao Naihe's own voice, and after hearing Xiao Naihe's words, this ancient Bi Qi's face also changed.

"Let's go."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Naihe's divine thought suddenly appeared.

Now that Xiao Nai borrows a woman's body, her own strength is certainly not able to be displayed perfectly, at most it can only display about 60%.

And now Gubei Qi's whole body power has been sealed up, it is impossible to run magic power by himself.

So Xiao Nai used her own strength to take Gu Biqi up.

Anyway, he already knew something from Gu Biqi's memory, and knew where the Binggong Loulan Palace is.

Suddenly, a glory appeared in the void, and Xiao Naihe had already risen at this time, the whole person seemed to be transformed into a stream of light, and in a blink of an eye, he had entered into the distance.

After a cold wind crossed Xiao Naihe's face, it was as cold as an ice sculpture. Xiao Naihe's spirit had a feeling of being frozen.

You can see how terrible the climate on this continent is. ;

But neither of them had any influence.

Gu Biqi has lived on this Loulan continent for many years. Although the power is now sealed, there is still some physical strength. This cold climate has not affected her much.

And Xiao Naihe's strength, running blood and blood, as if it were a big stove, even in the cold weather, for Xiao Naihe, nothing is useful.

"However, my body is too weak. The Eightfold Realm is still a bit inappropriate, and it is still a woman's body, which is too awkward."

Xiao Naihe shook his head. He covered his soul with this woman's body. There was an unspeakable awkwardness.

But also, Xiao Naihe ’s own body is a man ’s body, and now he ’s talking about his soul covering the woman ’s body, which is completely different gender, and there are many parts on this woman ’s body that make Xiao Naihe difficult to control, naturally it is difficult control.

Besides, the other party's physical body is only in the middle of the eighth layer. Compared with Xiao Naihe's original strength, it is still far worse.

That's why Xiao Naihe couldn't get used to it for a while.

The location of Loulan Palace is three million miles away from the two of them just now.

Almost to the central hinterland of Loulan mainland.

Xiao Naihe and Gu Biqi landed at this time, just like a breeze, and immediately swept away.

"I see from your memory that the goddess of Loulan Palace is now in this place, and it seems that someone is coming to see it, is this?"

Xiao Nai looked forward, and now a huge aura appeared in the front.

A huge ice palace appeared in front of Xiao Naiho at this time, and there were icicles in front of it, which seemed to rush into the sky, revealing an extremely powerful momentum.

When Xiao Naihe looked forward, he could immediately feel that in that palace, two very huge qi and blood rushed out of the middle hinterland and flew directly into the sky.

The power of those two qi and blood is at least in the Ninefold Realm, and it is much more powerful than Gu Biqi.

That should be the virgin of Loulan Palace, and the other master of blood seems to be the lover of Loulan Palace.

However, from the memory of Gu Biqi, it seems that the person the saint wanted to see was not very simple, but Gu Biqi also did not know very well, so Xiao Nai had some doubts in her mind.

Now Gubei Qi has been sealed because of the strength of his whole body, so he can't see the waves of qi and blood, and only Xiao Nai can feel it.

"I don't know who the saint wanted to see. I just knew that the man came from outside the Loulan mainland. It seemed that he was a powerful person in the top sect."

"A powerful person in the top sect?"

An extremely eccentric look appeared on Xiao Naihe's face.

Now in the world of 3,300, do you want to talk about Loulan Palace? After all, Loulan Palace has closed itself and has not been out for a long time, so many people still do not know the existence of Loulan Palace.

Then outside the 3,300 world, there can be called the existence of top sect, not many.

And Xiao Naihe is now in Yan Tian Pavilion, because Xiao Naihe's reputation is already there, there is a kind of level that has reached the top sect.

But to really talk about the top forces in the three-thousand-thousand-world world, there is only one, that is, Dan Ting, a behemoth.

"Did Danting fail?"

The thoughts in Xiao Naihe's mind quickly turned up. His eyes were already down, and he tightly locked the two blood in the ice palace.

Gubei Qi hadn't spoken yet, and suddenly saw only a few women across from him.

These women spread a strong smell, the aura is extremely powerful, but still not as good as Gu Biqi, but the direct strength from the creator to the mid-eighth layer.

"Outside, not to mention the 3,300 world, even in God Realm, the master of the creator level is rare, but now on this Loulan mainland, I heard the creator There are already several, and it seems that the heritage accumulated by the Loulan Palace for thousands of years is indeed very powerful. It is worthy of the same achievements as that of Dan Ting, who achieved the rank of the top sect in the 3,300 world, and even threatened To the existence of God Realm. "

Xiao Na couldn't help but sigh.

He and Gu Biqi slowly walked forward.

The original women who walked over just looked at Gu Biqi and Xiao Naihe, then nodded and said nothing, and let Xiao Naihe and the two enter the Ice Palace.

It seems that these people did not find that something was wrong with Xiao Naihe, but Xiao Naihe was not worried because his eyes were now on the front.

He restrained all his strength, even the master of the nineth peak, it was difficult to find some strange things in Xiao Naihe.

So not to mention the existence of these few less than Jiuzhong Realm. "But speaking of it, all the disciples in Loulan Palace seem to be women. What's the matter? I heard that Lou Lanzi, the founder who founded Loulan Palace, was a man himself. How did he die in Lou Lanzi? After that, will the Loulan Palace become what it is today? "

A thought flashed in Xiao Naihe's mind.

Then he and Gu Biqi have entered into an ice palace, and what appeared in front of Xiao Naihe is the picture extending in all directions.

The entire palace showed an extremely magnificent momentum, which is countless times more magnificent than the entire Yantian Pavilion.

"The momentum of Loulan Palace is not simple."

Xiao Nai thought about it, and at this moment, Gu Biqi shook her body, because at this time, two strong gusts of wind rushed from the front.

Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...

Between the wind, Xiao Naihe had already seen the two people who appeared in front of him.

These two men, one man and one woman, the women are extremely beautiful, but the whole body seems to be filled with white, making Xiao Nai not clearly see each other's appearance, but can feel the appearance of this woman The silhouette does have a unique taste.

The other person was actually a man. This man was also extremely handsome, but a flash of light broke out in his eyes, as if it were a martial god. The aura of his body was like a black iron, and it was extremely tough. .

"This woman should be the saint in Loulan Palace."

Xiao Nai thought secretly.

The Holy Lady of Loulan Palace has a very high status on the mainland of Loulan. It can be said that in addition to the owner of the Loulan Palace, this Saint is already the most influential person in the Loulan Palace.

But the other man, who did n’t know who he was, could see the spurs exploded in each other ’s eyes, as if it were a burning flame, almost swallowing everyone into it, and Xiao Nai was After seeing this person's eyes, there is a feeling that almost the whole person seems to be boiling,

"This person is not simple, it should be the one who Gu Biqi said before, from the 3,300 world, but this person's strength is definitely not under the Holy Lady of Loulan Palace, and vaguely, There is a feeling that I feel a little bit familiar. "

Xiao Na couldn't help but think about it.

But after his idea came out, he could not help but secretly suspicious.

He himself is not familiar with this person, or even who this person is.

But after seeing this person, even Xiao Nai felt a little familiar, which was very weird.

"Hahaha, worthy of being the sage of Loulan Palace. I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

When a little thought came to Xiao Naihe's mind, suddenly, the man in front of him suddenly spoke.

As soon as the man smiled, it seemed that the whole palace was shaking and there was a feeling of collapse.

One yuan, and it is the peak level.

Seeing here, Xiao Nai suddenly knew to what level this man was so powerful.

"This man is not simple."

Xiao Naihe shook his head and looked closely at the man and woman in front of him.

Just as his thoughts were flying, the virgin of Loulan Palace and this man were already hands-on.

As soon as the two men started, it was as if all the surrounding forces had exploded, and almost all of them broke apart.

And all the icicles in the palace also left at this time, as if the snow falling from the sky, they came to the front at once.

At the next moment, the man and the goddess collided in the void, like a fireball hitting an ice hockey, there was a feeling that ice and fire gathered together, and the fire and ice were two heavens.


Gu Biqi didn't know who this man really was, but it was already extremely simple to be able to compete with the saint in front of him at this level.

How powerful the saint is, Gu Biqi couldn't be more clear.

But it is terrible that someone who can compare with Gu Biqi can not occupy the disadvantages at all.

"Hahaha, it's not bad, I didn't expect the Holy Lady of Loulan Palace to be so good. In the 3,300 world, you can be the first person to compete with my Beimingxie to this point! "

The man who claimed to be Beimingxie suddenly smiled slightly, and when he closed his hands, it seemed that his whole body was all restrained and became extremely ingenious.

After hearing the man ’s words, Xiao Naihe ’s mind suddenly moved, and his thoughts ran quickly: “This man is called Beimingxie? What a familiar name? By the way, I know. Bian has heard that there are two disciples under Dan Ting Huanglin. One is Wushenyi, and the other is called Beimingxie! Is n’t that Beimingxie in front of him? "

If this man is the Beimingxie he had heard of before, then everything that Gu Biqi said just now can be explained.

Gu Biqi said that the person the Saint wanted to see came from outside the Loulan mainland and was also a master in the top sect.

This Danting is the top sect in the 3,300 world.

If Bei Mingxie is really the disciple of Huang Lin, then Gu Biqi is right.

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