Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1761: Reincarnation? (on)

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Su Cai and Tang Yuanyi also followed Yun Weixue.

These three people are now in a lobby.

The entire lobby is surrounded by a very mysterious formation, even ordinary Ninth Realm masters are difficult to approach, let alone crack in.


Yun Weixue and Xiao Naihe themselves have a feeling that when Xiao Naihe came in, Yun Weixue could feel it early in the morning.

Not only Yun Weixue, but Tang Yuanyi and Su Cai felt it all at once.

Xiao Naihe's thoughts floated, and when he entered, he raised his head and saw that Tang Yuanyi in front had followed.

Then Yun Weixue pulled Xiao Naihe, slowly standing behind Xiao Naihe's body, his expression obedient.

"Elder Tang just seemed to feel strange thoughts about your two Taoist instruments. I don't know exactly how."

Yun Weixue's voice was forced into Xiao Naihe's mind. His action was to condense his own consciousness and form a sound wave, which was introduced into Xiao Naihe's mind.

Xiao Nai nodded.

These two Taoist devices are used as Jiuwu Youhuang's innate Taoist devices. There are not many people in the world who know, and those who know each are related to Jiuwu Youhuang.

Even the fate of Taoism that North Songyang showed for the first time, Xiao Nai did not know why.

"Xiao Shengzi, what happened?"

Tang Yuanyi is of course referring to Beimingxie.

"Let Beimingxie escape, but Zhao Feiling is already dead." Xiao Naihe concealed something about the separation of Beimingxie God's soul and flesh.

In fact, Beimingxie is not a real escape.

Not only Beimingxie, even the three women beside Beimingxie, under the blow of the Night King, all the magical powers of the three Jinlulu were abolished, and they will only be reduced to ordinary people in the future.

Although Xiao Naihe would never keep his hands on the enemy, the king who didn't spend the night seemed to have no interest in killing the three women who were far less than himself, only to abolish their magical powers.

In this case, Xiao Naihe was not interested in dealing with Jin Lulu and the three of them, but to let them die.

And Zhao Feiling was miserable, and the Night King's guts fell into it, and the flesh and soul were all smashed away, and it was no longer possible to resurrect.

"Bei Mingxie was escaped, what a pity ... wait, what are you saying? Zhao Feiling is dead?"

Tang Yuanyi had a pity, but after hearing Xiao Naihe's words at the next moment, his face suddenly changed greatly. When he looked at Xiao Naihe again, he couldn't help asking again.

Xiao Nai nodded.

To be precise, the person who killed Zhao Feiling was the Night King, and the avatar of the Night King had already disappeared, and naturally could no longer be revealed.

Tang Yuanyi's strange appearance, although Zhao Feiling is not as good as himself, but at any rate is also the peak of the Ninefold, and was actually killed by Xiao Nai.

However, thinking of how Xiao Nai displayed the magical power in the secret realm, Tang Yuanyi was relieved.

"With the power of the Holy Son, he killed Zhao Feiling ... Forget it, this palace did not expect that such a traitor would actually appear in the Loulan Palace, which really made the Son laugh."

Tang Yuanyi sighed gently, as if there were countless regrets in his tone.

When Su Cai looked at Xiao Naihe, his eyes were filled with a complex look.

Su Cai originally thought that this man was at his level at most.

But he did not expect to save the palace master, but also under the four joint forces of Zhao Feiling, Bei Mingxie, Yang Hanyue, and Ren Hongying, did such a feat.

In the end, even Zhao Feiling died in Xiao Naihe's hands.

"Master Tang, what do you do with the two elders?"

Tang Yuanyi was slightly surprised, and sighed again. After all, these two elders were the elders of the Loulan Palace after all. Although they betrayed the Loulan Palace and betrayed this palace, they still serve as elders. I intend to imprison the two of them in the Ice and Snow Palace for 30,000 years. "

Hearing this, Su Cai's complexion suddenly changed, especially when he heard the Ice and Snow Palace, the complexion on his complexion showed a deep fear.

Xiao Nai had a moment of curiosity about where this ice and snow palace was, and even Su Cai would show such a look.

"That's good, please ask the Tang Palace master to lead the way."

Xiao Naihe always wanted to take back his two pieces of Taoqi.

At this time Su Cai opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but it was still compared, and there was no opening, only to hear Su Cai sigh gently, and then entered the Ice Palace.

Tang Yuanyi waved his hand. Several people did not know when they had entered a place where the sky was blue.

It seemed that a whole new world was born in the whole void.

But in this place, looking across, the ground is covered with frost.

When the frost spread, a very mysterious and strange situation appeared around.

Not only that, on the top of the head, there is a mysterious aura constantly hovering.

I don't know why, when Xiao Naihe saw this aura, she suddenly developed a very strange and familiar feeling in her heart.


At this moment, Xiao Naihe's attention was distracted at once, and a golden light surged ahead.

Xiao Naihe suddenly had two familiar feelings in his consciousness.

"Fate lock, fate chain!"

After the appearance of these two avenues, Xiao Naihe also saw Yang Hanyue and Ren Hongying.

The two women are now under the two avenues, and they can't move at all. They don't know what Tang Yuanyi has done. Xiao Naihe can't even feel the breath of thought from the two women.

"Palace ..."

Ren Hongying's tone was full of bitterness, as if to say something.

"Zhao Feiling is dead." Tang Yuanyi said the first time, when he heard this, Ren Hongying suddenly shook the whole person.

Not only Ren Hongying, but also Yang Hanyue's face changed slightly, and the whole person was shocked.

But in a flash, Yang Hanyue calmed down, closed his eyes, and said nothing.

Tang Yuanyi sighed softly: "Yang Hanyue, Ren Hongying, the three of us are the same after all, don't you have anything to say?"

Yang Hanyue shook his head and said in a very solemn tone: "Successful king defeated the enemy, since we gave you the master of the calculation, we are naturally ready."

"Why do you want to unite Beimingxie to deal with me, is it really so important for the palace master?"

Tang Yuanyi's voice suddenly rose sharply, and a burst of light erupted in his eyes.

As if it were a cold world, the temperature suddenly became extremely cold.

"To blame, you can only blame you as the owner of Loulan Palace. As long as you are one day, the three of us will never get Loulan Palace."

"Hahaha ..." Tang Yuanyi was very angry and smiled: "Do you think that even if you cooperate with Beimingxie, can you really get the position of the master of the Loulan Palace? You are probably a way of seeking skin with the tiger."

"What about then?"

Tang Yuanyi sneered: "So what?"

"Following Beimingxie, there may be a chance, but as long as you are in one day, then we really have no chance."

Tang Yuanyi froze a little, shook his head, and there was a trace of regret in his eyes.

"Is Zhao Feiling really dead? At that time, Zhao Feiling and Bei Mingxie left together. I remember that he chased that time."

Between the words, the light of Ren Hongying and Yang Hanyue was locked in the direction of Xiao Naihe.

Not only the two of them, even Tang Yuanyi and Su Cai put their eyes on Xiao Naihe. Even speaking, even Tang Yuanyi did not know how Zhao Feiling died in Xiao Naihe's hand.

Although Zhao Feiling betrayed their Loulan Palace, after all, they were the elders of Loulan Palace. The death in Xiao Naihe's hands did make Tang Yuanyi feel an emotion.

It's just that they didn't know that Zhao Feiling's death was in the hands of the Night King, and Xiao Naihe wouldn't break it.

"She is indeed dead, maybe you don't know, Beimingxie is also over." Xiao Naihe said blankly.

Yang Hanyue sighed softly: "Xiao Shengzi, not much should be the Four Cultivation Sons. I didn't expect that you actually practiced the same dust-proof witch book as the master, the source of witchcraft!"

"What? Sixiu ... Wu Dao."

Su Cai was shocked, and her eyes showed incredible.

Xiao Naihe is the three sons of Xiuxiu, she has known this for a long time, but for Xiao Naihe practiced Wuzu Avenue, and it is the same as Lou Lanzi's "Yu Chen Wu Lu".

Su Cai turned his attention to Yun Weixue and wanted to get confirmation from Yun Weixue.

But seeing Yun Weixue's face still has a slight smile.

"I don't want Xiao Nai to take care of anything in your Loulan Palace. I saved the Tang Palace Master because of the grievances between Beimingxie. As for the two of you, I am not interested."

After talking, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows suddenly appeared a golden light.

Afterwards, the "Fate Lock" and "Fate Chain" actually floated at this time, as if endowed with new life consciousness, and came out directly.

"These two artifacts ..." Tang Yuanyi had a complicated look, and did not know what the woman was thinking now.

A faint gleam appeared on her face, a faint trace of life.

Afterwards, Tang Yuanyi suddenly shouted, "Yang Hanyue and Ren Hongying, both of you will be exonerated from death. This palace will abide by the rules of the palace and will earn you two tens of thousands of years in the Ice Palace!"

"What? Ice and Snow Palace!"

In the eyes of Ren Hongying and Yang Hanyue, there was a trace of fear. Then, the halo that had originally emerged in the void actually surged at this time.

The airflow around was converging together. When a detached aura spread, Xiao Naihe had already recovered the two avenues.

But when he raised his head, the aura he saw at the beginning in the void constantly floated at this time.

A cold breath covered it all at once, but when Xiao Naihe really felt strange, this breath was really familiar.

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