Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1771: Heterogeneous (below)

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Xiao Naihe II was a human being. He has never seen alien life for so many years.

Although he had heard of the Holy Realm of the Six Realms for a long time, he knew that that war was the first war of all ages and also a plane war.

The existence of aliens Xiao Naihe listens too much.

Legend has it that the aliens are on the third plane, and civilization is about to disappear. Finally, they go south and attack their 3,300 world. They want to seize the first plane and take the entire plane as their own world.

Then the three thousand three hundred worlds, God Realm, Demon Realm, Demon Realm, Human Realm, and Witch Realm all united to deal with the alien world.

At that time, there was another name for the witchcraft world, called the underworld. But after the alien world came down, the first shot was to deal with the underworld.

"I have seen a picture in Lou Lanzi's memory of Jiuwu Youhuang before. Those pictures said that after the arrival of the alien, the first shot was directed at the Wu people."

Xiao Naihe didn't know how powerful the alien world was, but he knew that in that war, the alien life dealt with the first five races.

The Matriarch was destroyed, and the human, demon, and demon worlds were badly damaged. Although God Realm saved a lot of strength, it also lost a lot.

Since then, the Alien Avenue replaced Buddhism and became the source of the six generations of the new generation.

In that six-world holy war, too many people died. At least more than 50% or 60% of the masters died in that battle.

Once this alien life comes out, even those old monsters who have been practicing for more than 6,000 years, I am afraid that they will be frightened by the wind!

"Different life! It's no wonder that the two of you feel very different to me. Until now, among the masters I dealt with, no one has brought me this feeling. If you are alien life, you can explain it. Works. "

Xiao Naihe is now back to normal.

Although I was just a little surprised to know that these two people may be alien life, it is now recovered.

Since the Holy War in the Six Realms, the alien races, like the Wu clan, have disappeared.

But Xiao Naihe knew that maybe it was not the real disappearance.

Just like the Wu people, the legacy of the Wen people is the descendants of the Wu people, and the disciples in the entire Loulan Palace are actually practicing the Wu people's road, but they have been closed for more than 5,000 years, and no one knows it.

And since the Wu people still exist in a corner of the world, there may still be people from outside the world.

As soon as the entire civilization is attacked, it is naturally not simply destroyed.

For a time, Xiao Naiho had taken these into consideration, and his eyes flashed with light.

"Alien life ..."

The faces of Zhu Zi and Yang Peng were so ugly that they looked at each other, and they all saw a strong killing intent from each other's eyes.

At this time, these two people can't let Xiao Naihe leave here today, even if they are fighting for the house without Xiao Naihe, they must wipe out Xiao Naihe's spirit.

"Can't let him go, lock the finger to kill!"

"Lei Dun Chaos Diagram."

With a blast, Zhu Zi and Yang Peng suddenly shot at this time. The momentum of the two people was like a bulldozer, and they were all crushed down with a kind of destructive Gula.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

After the violent voice spread, Xiao Naihe caught sight of the two people already on the head and caught up. A picture was derived from the void, and after the picture was revealed, a burst of thunderstorm continuously emerged from it.

In the rumbling scene, I saw Zhu Zi holding a brush, and it disappeared on this picture. The thunderstorm that had stayed in the painting turned out to be real at this time. It came directly and crushed the void. airflow.

The entire void became extremely chaotic, and the terror of the airflow was extremely extreme.

"The Great God Wheel of the heavens, press it!"

Xiao Naihe's expression did not change. When the thunderstorm erupted, it almost surrounded Xiao Naihe's entire person. It seemed that he would devour Xiao Naihe's entire person into a thunderstorm and completely smash it.

But when his **** wheel was turning, he immediately pulled the thunderstorm in the void, as if it had turned into countless tributaries.

Between breaking, rolling up.

At the next moment, this huge **** wheel struck, and all the pictures that turned into thunderstorms in the original study room were completely broken.

"Zhu Zimo has to worry, I will come!"

Yang Peng caught up at this time, only to see him in one hand, exhibiting a weird Taoism, a burst of light burst between his brows and hearts, as if it were sparks produced by the impact of stars.


This spark enveloped Xiao Naihe's soul, and Xiao Naihe's people conquered it, and did not allow Xiao Naihe to do anything.

"The three ways are one, and the law is not scattered."

Between his speeches, Xiao Naiho's voice seemed to become extremely ghostly. His mind suddenly formed a sea of ​​light, which was crushed to the sky, blowing away the spark of Yang Peng.

"Isn't his Taoism broken by me before? How did it recover?"

Yang Peng's face changed greatly.

"I know, this is ... this is a kind of magical power in the Wuzu Avenue, a Taoist law of the Nine Witch Youhuang ... that person just conveyed Buddhism, humanity and demon Taoism in his body just now. There is also the road of the Wu people. He is not a son of the Three Cultivators, he is the Four Cultivators! "

Zhu Zi's voice became terribly horrified, and a horror was conveyed in his eyes.

"Yes, I am indeed Sixiu. You two alien life know a lot of things. It seems that I still don't see you kill first, and you will arrest your memory and talk about it."

Xiao Nai's thoughts changed his mind at this time.

Originally, Xiao Naihe really wanted to kill these two people, leaving a clue that caused Beimingxie and the two people to die together.

But now knowing that these two people are actually alien life, Xiao Nai instead wants to get some news from these two people.

"Promise against the current, great chaos in the heavens!"

When Xiao Nai's words fell, behind him suddenly appeared a huge chaotic phantom.

After opening his eyes, this chaotic phantom conveyed a kind of ghostly power breath.

Not only that, Chaos raised his head, grabbed into the void with one hand, and grabbed toward Yang Peng in front. The speed was so amazing that he could not describe it with words at all.

"Come here!"

As soon as Yang Peng saw this place, he was shocked, and there was a horror in his eyes. The force under his feet, the spiritual power of Shennian all merged into the sky, and then the oil on the soles of his feet, he must escape towards the back.

"Want to go?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, and now he is full of strength, deliberately consuming the spirits of the two of them. Now that these two people have little war intention, where can Xiao Nai let these two people escape.

Afterwards, this chaotic phantom grabbed Yang Peng in the palm of his hand, and he grabbed it.

"Ah ah ah……"

The screaming spread, and Xiao Naihe's eyebrows transmitted a golden light. After the golden light was revealed in the void, he actually grabbed the spirit of Yang Peng's body, and then gave it to Beimingxie's flesh. Separate.

"Go in."

Xiao Nai He threw Bei Mingxie's flesh into his space-time world.

The spirit of Yang Peng was already caught in the palm of Chaos by Xiao Naihe. At this time, Yang Peng could not escape.

"You go quickly, Zhu Zi, you must report today's events to the adult, and you will say that the people who inherited the Jiu Wu You Huang have already appeared in the Wuzu Avenue."

Yang Peng's voice was very harsh.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zi nodded, without any hesitation, only to see that he was wrapped in a black air, and suddenly, he had broken the barrier.

At this time, more than a dozen forbidden enchantments were directly smashed by Zhu Zi.

The whole person of Zhu Zi seemed to turn into a flame, rushed into Yunxia, ​​and fled.

"You don't want to go anymore. If I let you go, I can go home and grow sweet potatoes."

Xiao Naihe shook his head. During his speech, he saw that his chaos suddenly flew up into the void.

At the same time, a hundred apertures appeared on Xiao Naihe's head.

When these hundred apertures flew up and down, they showed a terrifying momentum.

The chaos behind Xiao Naihe was transformed at this time, and actually merged with another Buddha statue.

"Where is the Great Buddha again?"

Zhu Zi gave a shock to the whole person and did not dare to neglect. When the whole person rushed into the sky, Xiao Naihe was already flying up.

Not only that, when the hundred apertures behind Xiao Naihe were flying, they were already shrouded in the sky, and Zhu Zi's entire person was conquered, as if he wanted to crush Zhu Zi's whole person.

"Yang nine hundred and sixty, this is the most complete state of Buddhism and Taoism. I did not expect that you have already cultivated to this state. No, no, I am not your opponent. Unless the adult is there, I am sure It won't take you away. "

This voice was full of anxiety, and when Zhu Zi flew to the sky, Xiao Naihe didn't hesitate anymore, only to see that after the fusion of the big Buddha and Chaos behind Xiao Naihe, the momentum was so powerful that the erupted supernatural power was already crushed.

"You don't want to catch me, the personality is burning, bursting!"

Seeing that Xiao Naihe was already catching up, this Zhu Zi did not hesitate, but actually burned all of his divinity. At this time, this Zhu Zizhi's eh broke out a terrible coercion. .

Not only that, Zhu Zi ’s power was elevated to an extremely powerful state at this time, making the entire void full of divine power.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Suddenly, the Buddha statue behind Xiao Naihe was actually smashed by a collision.

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