Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1813: Strength

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People like Longjia and Qianjia are all looking forward, and everyone's eyes are on this battlefield.

The thick smoke spread out, as if the end had come, dimly, without light.

I do n’t know which child is running in both eyes, shining the fire in the middle, and illuminating the whole situation brightly.

"I don't know which one flew out. The collision between the ancestor and the Son just now was the same collision between the two worlds."

"Is it a collision between the two worlds, it is simply two stars striking each other, the power is terrifying."

"Ancestral ancestors are already at the peak of Jiuzhong. I didn't expect to have a decisive battle with this son. It seems that there is no distinction between them."

"Who said you will win?"

"Of course it is the ancestor. The ancestor has been a legend for thousands of years of monasticism. Although Xiao Shengzi is good, but the heritage is far inferior to that of the ancestor."

"That may not be the case. We have never seen the legend of the Three Cultivation Sons. Maybe Xiao Nai has any great moves?"

For a time, all the children of the Dragon family discussed each other.

Not just them, even Qianxueye, they stood on the opposite side at this time, all their attention was placed in the entire courtyard, and it seemed that everything in this courtyard should be seen clearly.

Xiao Naihe and Long Aotian were still in the thick fog. After the two forces collided, they did not disperse the thick fog for the first time.

Even Ye Nantian and others can clearly see in the yard, in that thick fog, there is a continuous collision of red and blue lightning, as if the power collapsed and torn the void.

But at this moment everyone held their breath and paid close attention to everything in the courtyard.

If Long Aotian wins, then all of the thousand families are finished.

If Xiao Nai won, everyone in the Dragon family don't want to leave today.

The battle between these two nine-fold legends has already determined the lives of everyone on the battlefield.

Together with Long Gongtian, he was very nervous at the moment, his face was twisted, his fist was clenched, and even his nails burst into the flesh and flesh.

Whirring whirring……

Suddenly, a clear breeze swept away, and all the dense fog in the field was blown away, and then a figure in the field was revealed.

After the figure was revealed, it seemed that everyone didn't breathe for a moment and locked it.

It was a very young figure, as if it were a demon in the sky. Between every move, all the power beyond heaven and earth was revealed.

"It's the ancestor, the ancestor won."

"Hahaha, our dragon family won."

"What is Xiao Shengzi, what is the three repairing sons, can't compare with the ancestors."

That was Long Aotian standing in the field. His strength was a little weak, and even his clothes were a bit ragged, but he still stood in it, like a Tianshan, standing in the sky, and the law would not invade!

And Qian Xueye's face was suddenly unsightly, and his eyes showed a desperate look, shook his head, and smirked.

"Forget it, our Qian family was originally like this fate. We did not expect that at the end of the day, our Qian family would still be inevitable to be destroyed."

The old woman closed her eyes and smirked.

"Unfortunately, the Holy Son has been exhausted. If the Son wants to leave, even the ancestor of the Dragon family can't stop it, but unfortunately he died in the hands of the Long family ancestor in order to avenge us."

In the face of death, Qian Xueye was surprisingly calm. As if she had expected it, she shook her head and said quietly: "Father and mother, the child will go to you immediately, but unfortunately the child cannot help you get revenge."

Thousands of guards all sighed softly, and the atmosphere of despair has spread among all the thousands of families.

The dragon family laughed even more. The wind and the earth were the same for a moment. Even the twisted face of Long Gongtian recovered, the murder in his eyes calmed down, and he looked closely at the thousands of people. Haha laughed: "You are cheap People, you think that Xiao Nai can help you, and you can get revenge. What a **** son, it is nothing more than a reputation for fishing. Today, all of you in the family do not want to escape. "

Lao Linzi nodded his head with a sigh of relief, and said with a cold sneer: "The dragon clan has unparalleled mana, and the world is invincible. Even the reincarnated Son of the Ancients is not the opponent of the ancestor. Once Xiao Naiho was killed, we can also attack Yantian Pavilion and take up all the details of Yan Tian Pavilion. "

"The ancestors have great powers and unlimited mana."

"The ancestors live forever!"

At this time, all the children of the entire Dragon family boiled, everyone sharpened, watching Qian Xueye and others.

Even if the entire Long Family Courtyard was overturned by Xiao Naihe and Long Aotian, they didn't care.

Facing the strong momentum of the Dragon Family, Qianjia and others were defeated one after another.

"Xiao Naihe, it's a pity that your last moment was really powerful, merging several avenues together and unleashing the power beyond the limit. But I seem to feel that there are not only three kinds of different avenues , There is another kind of Daoli, of course, it is useless to say that now. "

Long Aotian laughed, his eyes showed a murderous opportunity.

"Listen to me, three days later, attack the Yantian Pavilion, I want to destroy the entire Yantian Pavilion, destroy him, and offend me Long Aotian, you must pay the price. Everyone in the Yantian Pavilion must die. . "

"Ancestor is invincible, Ancestor is invincible!"

Everyone yelled. The sound even spread out to the Long Family Courtyard, as if it had spread outside the world. Under the cries of these people, hundreds of thousands of miles seemed to shake the earth, showing how amazing this momentum was.

"Full Yan Tian Pavilion?"

At this time, in the prison. Because this prison is under the hands of Xiao Naihe and Long Aotian, the surrounding houses have been destroyed, but there is only a boxy space left.

While Xue Qingyin and Li Wenwen looked through the window, they could see every move outside.

Li Wenqian's face was a little pale, because he was injured by Long Gongtian's foot before.

"That was the breath of the Son just now. Isn't the Son coming." Xue Qingyin was slightly surprised.

"That's the ancestor of the Dragon family? Actually reached the peak of Jiuzhong, but listening to their tone, Shengzi seems to have been killed. What's the matter?" Li Wenwen couldn't help saying.

He is also a very clever figure, but just heard the cries of the Long family and others, and Long Aotian, immediately connected the causes and consequences, and came up with such a theory.

When Xue Qingyin heard it, his face was paler than Li's article, and he shook his head again and again, saying, "It is impossible, that person cannot die like this. He is Xiao Naihe. I am also the person I respect the most. How could he die? "

"I don't believe it either, but depending on the situation, it seems true ..."

Li Wen looked at Long Aotian tightly, and then looked around.

The children of the thousand families next door were locked in and they recognized Qian Xueye at a glance.

At this time Qian Xueye and his entourage were in decline, and they were already in a desperate situation.

Lee article smirked: "Is that the Son really dead? Impossible, but ... how can these people's expressions be explained?"

Xiao Nai He is the spiritual symbol of Yan Tian Pavilion. If Xiao Nai He fell down, then Yan Tian Ge was finished.

The huge Zongmen was afraid that it would be cut cleanly overnight. In that case, Li Zeng couldn't help but shudder at the thought.

He and Xue Qingyin both showed despair, but Xue Qingyin still had a bit of tenacity.


Long Aotian froze for a moment. He looked forward, as if he noticed a change in breath.

At this time, it seems that there is a stream of air flowing backwards in front, and this stream of air seems to merge into a huge sun and moon **.

** Turning, directly rolling away from the ground, as if countless swords rushed out of the ground.

At the next moment, that blood and blood merged into one piece, and the entire Longjia compound seemed to be fused in the world, and there was a feeling of being destroyed.

"what is this?"

Long Aotian's eyes moved, and suddenly, a very bad feeling surged into his heart.


When the thought flashed, Long Aotian seemed to be a lightning, and he moved to the back in the blink of an eye.

I saw a day and a month ** merged into the world, as if countless thunder riots, waving, majestic, rolling.

And at the next moment, that ** had already hit the sky, and dozens of children of the Dragon family could not dodge it. Under the huge ** bombardment, it instantly turned into powder, and even the cry was too late.

"Impossible? This is the power of demon Taoism and Buddhism Taoism. Isn't that kid still dead?"

Long Aotian's face changed a lot, and just now he broke out beyond the limit.

Actually, Xiao Naihe was not solved when he jumped out with a palm. How could this be possible?

Long Aotian wouldn't believe anything.

However, even if Long Aotian didn't believe it, a beam of light was shot from the land at this time. This beam of light rushed into the cloud, and a figure flew out of it.

Xiao Naihe!

Xiao Naihe's body was gleaming with golden light, combining the two powers of a demon and a buddha, one sun and one moon. In a blink of an eye, the two Faluns fuse together as if to summon everything in heaven and earth.


At that time, Long Aotian suddenly felt an extreme danger, hurriedly was the running power, and the whole body's mind was merged into a light to protect his physical body.

"Can you stop it?"

Xiao Nai said lightly that when he hit out, he slammed Long Aotian hard.

Long Aotian was like a broken kite, hitting the ground fiercely.

At this moment, not only the people of the Dragon family, but even thousands of others, are quietly speechless!

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