Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1819: Four Realms

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In the Yantian Pavilion, the Night King who was standing in the courtyard at this time looked at the night sky with a hint of fine flash in his eyes.

At this time, the Night King seemed to be fused in this world, regardless of each other.

"Huh? The breath disappeared?"

The Night King suddenly shuddered, showing a shock in his eyes, his fingers spread out, and he was wondering what to do.

"Master's breath disappeared, how can I not feel the master's vitality?" Ye Wang said horrifiedly.

Xiao Naihe surpassed his own existence. The Night King thought that after being transformed by Xiao Naihe, another personality derived from him would be loyal to Xiao Naihe.

Night King is the most clear about Xiao Naihe's strength.

"No, the mark on my body is still there. Although it is weak, it has not really disappeared."

The Night King shook his head.

At this moment, a very fast footsteps came from outside the courtyard.

Originally the Night King raised his eyebrows tightly, but soon calmed down.

"Mr. Night King, his breath has broken ..."

Yun Weixue's face was slightly pale, and appeared in front of the Night King, his voice trembling even more.

She and Xiao Nai had a personal relationship with each other, and each of her own souls had the other's breath.

But now Yun Weixue can't feel the breath that Xiao Nai stayed in his body, which means that Xiao Nai may have fallen.

Thinking of this possibility, Yun Weixue will not be afraid. It was a feeling that the world had disappeared in front of her, and Yun Weixue had a terrifying thought for the first time.

"He hasn't died yet, rest assured, he may be in danger temporarily because of something, but absolutely not dead."

When the Night King shook his head, Xiao Nai and He Huahua once left a brand in the Night King's body. This brand did not disappear, which meant that Xiao Naihe was not dead.

"Really?" Yun Weixue's pale face slowly calmed down. Since even the Night King has said so, then Xiao Nai is really okay.

"Unfortunately, I am afraid that some people will not be able to sit still, and then Yantian Pavilion, I am afraid that there will be trouble." Ye Wang sighed slightly, turned back, and looked at the sky again.


In a mysterious environment, there are mountains, rivers and rivers.

Sitting under a waterfall, it was the figure of Wu Shenyi.

At this time, Wushen moved his heart, his body shook, his face suddenly showed a shock, and finally turned into the color of ecstasy.

Huo Luowang and Bei Songyang came out from outside at this time.

"Two gentlemen, do you feel it?"

"Feeling, Xiao Naihe's breath of life has indeed disappeared. It seems that he should have encountered some danger, and his body disappeared."

Huo Luo exhaled.

Wu Shen heard it one by one, and his face suddenly became extremely unbearable, exultingly said: "Ha ha ha ha, how long have I waited, Xiao Naihe finally died, and finally died. The demon in my body disappeared and broke me. . "

As soon as the words fell, Suddenly, Wu Shenyi was the imprisoned demon in his body. Because he lost to Xiao Naihe in the past, the magic barrier left behind disappeared at this time.

It's crackling.

At this time, Wushenyi finally stepped into the middle of the nineth layer, and the power was subtle, comparable to the latter period of the nineth layer.

When Xiao Nai died, Wu Shen broke through on the spot.

"Okay, it not only wiped out the demons, but also broke through. Wu Shenyi, it seems that you will soon enter the late nineth layer."

North Songyang nodded.

Wu Shen arched his hands one by one and smiled: "This is still thanks to that Xiao Nai died. If he doesn't die, how can I break the magic barrier in my heart and return to the mid-nineth layer to improve the speed?"

"This son Xiao Nai is a legend of the Son, who actually died? Who did it? With Xiao Naihe's strength, he is no longer under me. The people who can kill Xiao Naihe in the world are definitely not ordinary. The characters are hard to find among the four realms. "Huo Luo raised his eyebrows, and seemed to feel some deep consequences from them.

Instead, Wushen laughed: "No matter who killed Xiao Naihe, he helped us a lot. We ate a few losses in Xiao Naihe's hands, even if he died, the people around him were also there."

"You are ..."

At this time, Nalan was invincible, and suddenly asked behind him, he also had a grudge against Xiao Naihe. After hearing Wu Shenyi's words, he immediately felt what he felt.

"Destroy Xiao Naihe's lineage and Yan Tiange. Xiao Naihe also has a beautiful girly companion next to me. I'm going to catch her, seal her strength, ruin it, and finally throw it into the prostitute village. , Destroy everything around Xiao Naihe. "

The fierce light erupted in Wushen's eyes.

Huo Luowang and Bei Songyang nodded.

There are too many people offended by Xiao Naihe. Which one of them did not have hatred for life and death?

"Okay, seven days later, we gathered the Yantian Pavilion and broke the Yantian Pavilion in revenge." Bei Songyang's face was slightly fierce. His hatred for Xiao Naihe should be the strongest one on the scene.

Wu Shen nodded: "It's better to tell the world that there is snow and talk to them at last. Although the two of them are not weathered now, they also hate Xiao Naihe very much and can borrow their power."

"Haha, after seven days, destroy Yanyan Pavilion." Huo Luowang turned to Lei Yin.

At this moment, the immortal elder who was standing behind, a flash of fine flash in his eyes, did not know what he was thinking.

Nalanrong behind him looked at everything in the field, sighed gently, and finally said nothing, disappeared among the crowd.


In the flow of the void, Tian Daotong opened his eyes, moved his beautiful eyes, and looked up: "Zu Long, Xiao Naihe's breath of life disappeared."

"Benlong also felt it. Hey, that kid is the legend of Sixiu, but he died. It's a pity. I thought he could help me in the future. It seems that this is not the case." Zulong sighed softly, but That's it, there is no sadness.


In the world of demon, Liu Xiu, who was beside him, shivered and looked, and seemed to say something to him.

"Unfortunately, there is never a shortage of geniuses in this world, but only surviving geniuses can be regarded as real geniuses. Then Yantiange can help as much as it can, if it can't help, it doesn't matter." A sentence.

Liu Xiu also nodded. He knew that when Xiao Nai died, Yantian Pavilion was targeted. Although he has some friendship with Xiao Nai, but it is impossible to waste all his strength because of a dead person;

At most, they can only help Yantiange a little bit, but it is impossible to use all their strength.


Just as everyone thought Xiao Nai was dead, everyone in the four realms thought he had fallen.

And Xiao Naihe now seems to have entered a mysterious state.

"Everything is impermanent, it is the law of birth and death. Life and death are gone, and death is joy."

"The most prosperous person is in Weiwei, and the Tibetan and Ming Yun are in transit, and the total six-fold is a mirror heart, and it comes to become an adult."

"Nirvana rebirth."

At this time, a golden rune suddenly appeared among the four master sutras.

This series of golden runes seemed to form their own life consciousness. When they flew out, they suddenly woven into a light net from the sky.

This light net is weaving, and actually blocks all the stars around.

For a while, Xiao Naiho only felt as if he had entered chaos and was in the original state of life.

And all this time seems to slowly become slow at this time, and finally stops.

Xiao Naihe's body was vague and flimsy.

But at this moment, the four master scriptures originally integrated into Xiao Naihe's body suddenly flew out an inscription.

This series of inscriptions emerged from the "Deities of the Heavens" chapter, and each word contains an ancient force of life.

When a paragraph of speech appeared in Xiao Naihe's mind, Xiao Naihe suddenly had a head roar. He originally thought that between his own life and death, he would have disappeared.

But the `` Demons of the Heavens '' quickly flew out and actually protected themselves.

"This is my demon origin."

Xiao Naiho's eyes lit up.

Since he practiced four major avenues and three origins, he has never taken the initiative to rescue one another in the face of danger.

Regardless of whether it ’s the ‘Yuchen Wushu’ or the ‘Rulai Handprint’, the power of these two sources has never taken the initiative to protect the Lord.

But at this time, the "Deities of the Heavens" are different. The scriptures flying out form ancient chaos and protect Xiao Naihe's body.

Let Xiao Naiho be protected from the stars at this time.

"The heavens are nirvana, this is the heavens nirvana!"

This is a feeling that blood is thicker than water.

Xiao Naihe practiced the demon codes of the heavens for three hundred years, bringing the power of this demon path from the previous life to this life.

It can be said that the "Dian Tian Yao Dian" is Xiao Naihe's closest friend.

It is beyond emotion, not in the control of human emotions.

This "Allianz demon code" seems to be combined with Xiao Naihe's body, and it can never be separated. That is the feeling that neither "Ruilai Handprint" and "Yuchen Wushu" can bring to oneself.

"I didn't expect that at this time, I would cultivate the nirvana of the heavens, and the demon code would be successful, and I would return to the peak."

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

There are nine types of the heavens in the "Demons of the Heavens", including the Great Handprints of the Heavens, the Great Seals of the Heavens, the Great Array of the Heavens, the Great Ovens of the Heavens, the Great Wheel of the Heavens, the Great Torrent of the Heavens, the Great Chaos of the Heavens , The great creation of the heavens, the great nirvana of the heavens.

In the last life, after he was cultivated into the "Night of the Heavens", it was the unity of origins and the achievement of a passive existence.

Now that the "Emperor Nirvana" is restored, the demon ceremonies are truly complete.

Xiao Naihe, who had already become very weak, had almost 100 years to recover.

However, when the "Demons of the Heavens" is fully consummated, Nirvana is born again, just like a phoenix bathing in fire, and reborn.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's flesh and blood was recovered at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. The body was already empty of spiritual power, and at this time Nirvana was reborn and slowly recovered.

Xiao Naihe's body slowly recovered, and the golden lights overlapped.

From the acquired day to the innate fairyland, to the **** realm, and finally the void reunited, restored to the supreme realm.

The flesh and blood are derived from the unreal electric awn.

Then go to the avenue to the sky, to achieve epic achievements, to one flower and one thought, and then to the creation of the void.

Then there was a burst in the body, as if the chaos of heaven and earth were beginning to open, Xiao Nai He immediately entered the world and became the creator.

After Nirvana, it has not stopped completely. Xiao Naihe heard a loud noise in his body, as if the spring thunder had moved, the thunderstorm was heavy, and the thunderstorm had gone through nine disasters, recovering the eightfold realm.

Finally, at the end, the number of one yuan, everything started to be normal, Xiao Naihe finally returned to the ninth level.

At this time, Xiao Nai was naked, without a trace of clothing, and would not bring life or death.

This is Nirvana rebirth, naked rebirth.

Xiao Naihe had no complex emotions at this time.

He stood naked in the void like this, with a pure heart.

Close your palms tightly.

Xiao Naihe's original flesh, although very powerful, was infused because of the injection of many different forces and the cultivation of various immortals.

Although the intensity is extremely high, there are always disadvantages.

It was like fighting the star impact before. Although Xiao Naihe was extremely powerful at first, he resisted more than half of his strength.

But at the end he also showed that his physical weakness was too impure.

Now Xiao Naihe is equivalent to re-evolution of flesh and blood, rebirth, from the five-fold real body to the six-fold real body, the true heaven and the real body.

Now Xiao Naihe, although his physical strength is not as strong as before, but his physical attributes are more pure. After training, his physical strength is constant, and he can resist the impact of heaven and earth, surpassing the physical defense strength of the days of the monster.

"Unfortunately, after the completion of the enchantment of the heavens in those days, it was the existence of the unity of origins. Now it has been completed, even if the other avenues have not kept up, but at least you can enter the realm of half-step passiveness and become passive in one fell swoop. The first person below wasted an excellent opportunity to repair the damaged body. "

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

The power brought by Nirvana's rebirth could have pushed him into a half-step passive, but now it is used to repair the damaged flesh, and Xiao Na regrets it all.

"Come on."

Xiao Nai waved his hand, his mind moved, and suddenly there was a lot of clothes on his body.

At this time, Xiao Naihe looked far more dusty than before.

The former Xiao Naihe seemed overbearing and kingly neutral. Although he was restrained, he could clearly feel a transcendent breath of Xiao Naihe.

But now Xiao Naihe's physical rebirth is Nirvana. Instead, he is like a Confucian student, unfathomable. Even if he is a white inorganic, he can't really see through Xiao Naihe's background.

"Being able to rebirth from nirvana, from death to life, is also a blessing in misfortune."

The dead door where Xiao Nai originally walked in, from the two star impacts just now, is definitely a Taoist attack at the passive level.

But Xiao Nai actually resisted and even recovered again.

This is already Xiao Naihe's greatest luck, and where is there any regret?

"I don't know what happened to Long Aotian now? He is different from me. He must have chosen a student door. Perhaps that door is a lot of opportunities in the passive ruins."

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