Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1826: Sensational continent

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Somehow, Xiao Naihe had a different kind of danger in his heart after listening.

Xiao Nai, since the avenue was completed, his own feelings are no longer under heaven.

Now when I heard Chen Beixuan's words, my heart suddenly developed a strong feeling.

"Four-way fusion, smash the vacuum."

Xiao Naihe did not have any hesitation. His figure was like lightning, even more terrifying than the speed of light.

At that moment, he directly broke the canopy of the ruins, punched out with one punch, smashed the whole canopy directly, and shuttled out.

Then, directly above the Jiehe.

"Heavenly Rubik's Cube."

Chen Beixuan's eyes showed a vortex form, as if the reincarnation was empty.

Then the recurrent vortex in the pupil circled, and after breaking the vacuum, the whole person seemed to expand.

It was just a breathing time, a huge coercion directly wrapped the space of five thousand miles.


With a bang, Xiao Naihe had jumped on the boundary river of two thousand miles, and was about to break the boundary of the boundary river.

However, at that time, he only felt that there was a terrifying power behind him, which made Xiao Naihe feel that he would be overturned.

"Six real bodies."

"Vajra is not bad."

"If you come to France."

"Humanitarian law."

"True Dragon Body."

Xiao Naihe's five-fold defense of Taoism condensed blessings, and summoned the ancient Thunder Pond in his body, which urged those auras absorbed in the ruins before, making Xiao Naihe present a kind of glazed light.

Xiao Naihe's physical strength at this time can even contend with the impact of stars in the original ruins.

When the huge explosion pressure came from under the Jiehe River, a huge mushroom cloud was formed within five thousand miles. It seemed that a huge planet hit the front, causing the entire Jiehe River to be overturned.

This force is even able to explode the mountains and the sea.

"Although Chen Beixuan has missed the peak period, it is far less than before, but after all, he is the first person of Heavenly Way, and his means can't be underestimated."

Xiao Naihe's eyes shone brightly.

A strong coercion immediately wrapped Xiao Naihe.

The rivers in the five thousand miles of the Boundary River formed a series of water dragons at this moment, which was directly involved in the void, surrounding Xiao Naihe, and to crush Xiao Naihe's entire person.

The power is so great that it cannot be described in words.

When Bei Nanyi exploded into a golden body, it was almost this kind of power.

Whirring whirring!

Thunder riot, Skyfire Avenue.

All of a sudden, the tens of thousands of square meters of space became extremely dim, as if to burst through the world.

Those cultivators on the Jinlin Continent felt the horrible coercion and crushed it.

"What a powerful force, what is this?"

A master who cultivated to the creator, at this time, moved all over, like a lightning, flying directly into the sky.

Not only him, but also many cultivators, whether they are innate fairy lands, or **** master realms, or even masters of the supreme realm, at this time these people's eyes are locked in the distant sky.

In the distance, a cloud of blood appeared in the clouds, and countless water dragons mixed together and rushed into the void-as if it were a big grinding disk of heaven and earth, to smash the entire Jinlin continent.

"A master is fighting, what is the character?"

"It's the creator, and the earth is so powerful."

"No, it's not the creator. It may be a real person in the Eightfold Realm. Thunderstorm power is contained in every move after the thunder and the nine disasters. You can see that in the clouds, there are 100,000 miles away from us. How powerful it is. "

"Huh, no real person of the eightfold, even a master who has thundered the Nine Tribulation. It can't be done in one breath. The luck of the entire Jinlin continent has changed dramatically. At least it needs the Ninefold Realm, one yuan, and even higher-level characters ... … "

I didn't know that person suddenly spoke.

The people who had been discussing were shocked in their hearts. When they looked far away, they could not help but produce a kind of terror.

"Otherwise ... let's look at it in the past. If it is really a master at this level, it is absolutely rare to see forever. Even if you look at it from a distance, it is extremely beneficial to us."

"Huh? That's the master of the Nineth Level Realm. When you fight, you can't get close to tens of thousands of square meters, otherwise you will be torn by the wind, you are going to die.

"Humph! Lao Tzu has already entered the Seventh Creator, and Lao Tzu can't believe that even the tens of thousands of miles, or even thousands of miles, can't go in, he must go and see."

Subsequently, the bald creator seemed to be a dark shadow, and shuttled out instantly.

As soon as he left, the self-reliant cultivators around him also followed.

Not only the Jinlin mainland, but the cultivators around the Jinlin mainland, as long as they reached the top five or six, they all rushed over.

The battle between Xiao Naihe and Chen Beixuan was not covered up. Unlike Xiao Naihe who had dealt with Long Aotian before, a ban was placed in the Long Family Courtyard, so it was not spread.

Nowadays, Chen Beixuan's terror has erupted between his every move, and his energy is like a meteor collision, which has caused huge changes in the heaven and earth atmospheric transport of the entire Jinlin continent.

At this time, Chen Beixuan couldn't really reveal the ability of Heavenly Dao because he took away Long Aotian's flesh, but borrowing his own power was still the ranks of the nineth peak, even stronger.

After this force exploded, the entire Jiehe River was mixed, and the steam formed by a powerful gas field was directly emitted, enveloping the space of 30,000 miles.

Those cultivators who came over did not enter the Creator, but stopped at 30,000 miles away, and dared not get closer.

And entered the Seventh Creator, but stayed on the edge of thousands of miles.

There is also a master of the nineth realm, which is already in the area of ​​five thousand miles.

Their masters at this level, able to withstand most of the air pressure, is actually a bold idea for artists.

"Jiuyang Dao Zun is also here."

"Senior Tian Song, it's been a long time."

"Hey, Zhang Yunlin, I heard that you stepped into the realm of three dollars three years ago. I thought it was just a rumor. I didn't expect it to be true.

"Qin Xuandao friends, each other."

These cultivators know each other, some are from the Jinlin continent, and some are from the world around the Jinlin continent.

But the only thing that is the same is that the people present are all in the realm of eightfold and ninefold. The most powerful one is the middle of the ninefold, which is Jiuyang Daozun.

This Jiuyang Dao Zun entered the Jiuzhong realm 1,800 years ago, and now it has reached the mid-ninth level of Jiuzhong.

Jiuyang Daozun seemed to be used to this kind of situation, his expression was indifferent, and he slowly said: "You don't need to pay much courtesy, we all come to see this decisive battle."

"Dao Zun, don't know what the realm is?"

"I haven't seen it hard to say right now, but if I didn't guess wrong, it might be like me, in the mid-ninefold. The mid-term power of one dollar is infinite, but it can break the shackles of the world. With this power, it is no surprise.

This sounds as if Jiuyang Daozun is boasting.

But other people sound like they do n’t have any special ideas, and they all feel very reasonable.

There are several worlds around this Jinlin continent, the most powerful is Jiuyang Daozun and other mid-nine years.

As for the late Jiuzhong, it hasn't appeared in more than a thousand years, let alone the peak of Jiuzhong.

Although Jiuyang Daozun was surprised by this battle scene, if the opponent and himself are both in the mid-nine-tier period, then there is no need to be too nervous, at most it is equal treatment.

While these people were blowing water, farting, and flattering each other, suddenly in the middle of Jiehe, a burst of green smoke was dispersed, and a figure appeared.

This person is none other than Chen Beixuan.

At this time, Chen Beixuan's strength was a bit vain. He even exhibited the mystery of Heavenly Dao, which was extremely detrimental to himself, and had degraded to the mid-nineth layer for a time.

"Sure enough, it is the mid-nineth layer. This person's breath is weak, but the strength can still be clearly felt in the mid-one yuan."

Jiuyang Daozun's eyes lit up.

"Dao Zun, the legends of the mid-ninth zhongzhong are all people with heads and faces, don't know who this person is?"

"I do n’t know, I must have come from another world, or a hidden master on the mainland. To know that in a continent, the master lies in the tiger and hides the dragon. I have heard that some ancient families have existed since the birth of the era of heaven and earth. , But has never been out of the customs, is this person also in the family of the ancient times? "

Jiuyang Daozun shook his head and did not know Chen Beixuan.

"But this person should fight with others, why can't they see others, what's going on ... or say ..."

"Yes, I'm afraid that person has lost, and dissipated in the world."

"Unfortunately, I also want to see how powerful the genius is against the senior."

"The dead genius is not a genius." Jiuyang Daozun smiled coldly, with a slight contempt in his tone.

Subsequently, Jiuyang Dao respected his clothes, arched his hands, and said to Chen Beixuan: "This Daoist, the old man is Jiuyang ..."

At this moment, the words of Jiuyang Daozun hadn't been finished yet, and Chen Beixuan's eyes glared out, as if a sharp blade stabbed him.

Jiuyang Daozun was glared, and there was a feeling of being exploded in his mind, which was extremely painful.


Suddenly, the air in the void converged to form a river, as if the fragments of gods and souls gathered together and refused into a body.

"What is this?"

Jiuyang Daozun was stunned by Chen Beixuan's King Kong, and he hadn't had time to retreat. Suddenly he saw a spirit soul condensed in the void.

However, Chen Beixuan looked closely at the soul body reunited in the void, and slowly spit out a few words: "The spirit is not scattered!"

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